
Story III / Part XX: Before The Red Dawn (VIII) / Strategy Meeting (I)

Inside the [White Falcon] Party's meeting room, Haru, Zack, Kenzia, and Vice Leader of [Easghervel] Party's, Hope were discussing about the information that they obtained from Robert. First, they discussed about the mysterious "huge skeleton ghost" that Robert encountered a few moments ago but they didn't have a single clue about this monster species and strangely, Haru didn't say anything during the discussion.

Then, they discussed about the joint force that they must sent to subjugate this huge ghost and they agreed that they will bring 300 people and 200 people as backup team, with total around 500 people. It's huge for a joint force but considering this ghost has five HP Bars with millions of health points on each of them, this force is still lacking of firepower.

Normally, it should be around 1.200 people or more in order to able to fight equally with the enemy of that caliber. Lastly, they discussed about the time of departure and they quickly agreed it would be the day after tomorrow. But this decision is still not final because they need to discuss this again with Naval, Nan and Viorelle tomorrow. They also agreed to make a joint force to find Guild Master's whereabouts.

After the discussion ended, Zack begins to talk about Robert who managed to cut a half of the ghost's first HP Bar. He doubts Robert's statement since nobody in the world able to deal over around 500.000 damages in single strike, even with his or her strongest [OS] [Original Skill] or [OM] [Original Magic]. An exception if they have passed Lv. 999 cap and have a lot of divine blessings.

I heard only few people in Northlandia Kingdom has passed Lv. 999 cap and obtained special ability called [Limit Break] and the people who rumored to have that are Rulers of Elven, Dwarven, Fairy, and Demi-Human Kingdoms. Another one obviously, The Demon Gods, Demon Lords, Fallen Angel Lords, Fallen Demon Lords or any influential people in the world, such as Prophets, Saints, Saintess, Heroes, Apostles or Messengers. Shortly, any races' Lords must have level that has passed Lv. 999 cap. They also rumored to possess the strongest gears and [ ————— Class] called [Universalist].

Well, what Zack said is true. We don't know how strong Robert is. Even I, as Robert's older brother still don't know everything about him, maybe just a small part of him. Meanwhile, Robert, even though he is my foster little brother that has been living under same roof with me for long time, is still a mysterious person to me.

Both of Rebecca and him hide their past deep inside the shadows in their heart and they always refuse to talk about it whenever I ask them about it. Moreover, it feels like that they are keeping their distance between him and my family. Nevertheless, whatever how deep or dark their past is…they are still my father and mother's beloved children and my precious siblings. I don't have any rights to pry any further.

"So, you don't know how strong your little bro is, Ishizaki-dono?"

"No, Kenzia-dono. But I trust him that he won't stab me from my back."

Kenzia shakes her head, "No, no…I wasn't talking about betrayal or whatsoever, Ishizaki-dono…but if your little bro is strong as Races' Lords, and we can cover that lack of 500 until 700 people's firepower."

"Haha…You are blabbering, Ishizaki-dono. It seems that you are quite tired than we thought. Let's end this meeting today. I'm also tired from walking all day. Oh, Hope-dono, don't forget to pass this to Naval-dono." Zack stood and bowed his head in the forum then disappear, followed by Kenzia and Hope.

(Well, Zack is right…why I said that? It's like I'm not trusting Robert at all)

I keep thinking that while rubbing my head and walking out from the meeting room. I headed to hot spring to refresh my body and mind after a long day. Guess, the hot spring is the perfect choice for me right now.

(Ah…it's good…) I closed my eyes.

I can't help but feel relaxed when dipping my body in the hot spring and soaked my body until my mouth. Thankfully, Khazim and Arnold didn't remove the crystals around the cave's ceiling and floor. They are shining brightly glimmering beautifully like the stars on Wina. Most likely, these beautiful crystals absorb light from outside to illuminate the cave. It was so relaxing that I didn't realized, I have spent 20 minerval inside the hot spring. I need to get out right now otherwise my head will feel dizzy from hot steam.

After dipping in the hot spring, I walk leisurely to the kitchen. Well, let's eat something light to feel my stomach before sleep. I hope there is something left for me.


At the morning, around 5 A.M.E, I'm doing my usual activity preparing the breakfast with the girls. Normally, the girls would be the one who cooks, but because I have something important on my inventory, I think it's better to cook it sooner rather than later. I'm doing this after short trek with Jack and Rubert to south part of the forest.

We found nothing unusual in both part of the forests except Hill Giants and Forest Trolls that roam leisurely inside the north forest. During our scouting, I picked many rare herbs that grow inside the secluded spots in the forest such as [Magnolium] and [Gerien], which is famous for curing fatal intoxication. We also hunted a few deers and boars for extra food supplies. Well, it was just for anticipation if we are running out of food supplies, even though I doubt that since I brought ration that can feed a battalion for two movanth.

While I'm making the breakfast, Jack and Rubert were still talking about last night, when Robert showed the loots that he got from the dungeon. He brought a lot of demonic weapons, armors, accessories, and magic books with him, until Khazim uttered Robert was robbing items in the dungeon rather than looted them.

Well, he is technically correct, but since the dungeon that Robert visited doesn't always has an owner called [DM] [Dungeon Master], it means he isn't robbing anything from there. Moreover, Robert also doesn't have any intention to share his loots with us. It's okay for me since there is a rule among adventurers that said, "The items that someone found inside the dungeon or specific places belong to the one who spotted them." Since Robert found them when he was exploring the dungeon alone, so all items belong to him.

"Leader…you are so bold…last night…fueeee…."

I heard Tamara was sleep talking while placing her head on the dining table. I bet she is dreaming about last night. I made a blunder when I punished Robert for his action that is neglecting my order not to wander around by himself. I bet, after the girls wake up, they will be talking about it all day. Look at their excited face last night.

"…so, with that, you won't punish me, right?" I heard the girls are whispering something to each other.

"No. You must pay with your body…"

After I said that, I felt the girls stared at me with blushed expression and the boys stared at me with disgusted expression. Except Tim who doesn't understand what's going on. Robert suddenly takes off his cloth and armor. The girls are going crazy and their eyes were sparkling…wait…

"Eh wait, wait, wait why the hell are you taking off your clothes, Robert?!"

"…You said you want me to pay with my body…" He said that with (fake) innocent sweet maiden face and voice.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Hearing that, my comrades around me can't help but laugh hard at me.

I bet the girls will be talking about it again after they awaken. I can't do anything but regretting what I said everything I remember about that. Gosh, I need to be more careful when talking or making action in the future.

"Leader…ooyyy…leader…? Are you still sleepy?"

"Ah, eh…no Rubert. I just lost in my thought, sorry."

"Leaving that aside leader, why are we the ones who are cooking right now?" asked Jack.

"We need to prepare strategy in disguise of cooking."

"…Is this discussion really important until you can't discuss it with other team members?" asked Rubert.

"Indeed. Did you remember what Tim, Erick and Ello do in strategy meeting?"

A memory flashed inside Haru's mind. He remembered when 32 people including him were discussing something inside a cramped room. But, from those people, there were three people who weren't listening at all. One is Ello, who was sleeping like a princess. Two other people are Tim and Erick who were busy creating something but when Erick was looking for a fire lit, Tim ignited the flask without Erick's permission and a big explosion occurred, destroying the room and the papers for strategy guides in the process.

(Oh yeah) They nodded strongly.

"…Is…breakfast…ready…? Yawn…"

"Hey, do not sleep here."

"It can't be helped, Jack…I'm still sleepy from last night patrol…but you forced me to wake up, ngghh…" She lifted her head and finally paid an attention, a bit.

"So, let's get started." I picked a few ingredients from my inventory.

"First, heat up the pan and pour the oil. Then, take some bacons from your inventory along with some bread."

"Pick another pan and toast the breads till it is lightly brownish. Then, when the oil heated up, add two eggs and fry the bacons. Don't forget to pour a little bit of salt and pepper on it."

"Now, wait a few minerval and take fresh vegetables, jams, fruits, milk and cheese from your inventory. Cut the vegetables into bite-size, add olive oil on top of it, and mix it. After the bacons and eggs are fried well enough, serve them on a plate and repeat the same process if you want to make another."

"After that, cut the fruits as you like and…Oh! Don't forget to put the cheese on top of the breads, wait until it melts. You can add the jam first before the cheese if you like. Next is making fruit juice, pick the fruit you like, crush it with magic or blender, mix it with water, and add sugar as you like. If you want to, you can combine it with milk to make it like a "Smoothie Drink" that is popular in Human countries, and done."

Tamara lifted her head, "Waaahaaaa…it smells sweeettt…."

"Umm…Leader, where is the strategy meeting?"

"Eh, oh…I forgot…ahaha…" I rubbed my head in embarrassment.

"Moreover Leader, don't panic, but please look behind you…" Jack pointed out his finger to the door.

I turned my head to look and the girls are drooling while looking at the bacons that I just made, and they make a ruckus in front of the kitchen. Shortly after that, the boys came in from their room with sleepy eyes but their eyes are opened widely after looking at the served bacons on the table. They quickly ran to the breakfast while the girls are still talking that I am perfect as husband material or thin book material…eh wait, what's this suspicious "thin book" that Yuna and Luna said earlier?!

But whatever it is, the boy's effort to steal the start and devour all the breakfast first became useless after the girls realized it and they quickly jumped at them to beat them down. The ruckus was so big that it wrecks the entire kitchen but thanks to Yavia and Zikiya's quick action who stopped the ruckus by binding everyone with chains, so the damage didn't become worse than it already is.

"Everyone, fighting over foods that have been prepared wholeheartedly by someone who cares about you and your well-being isn't a wise action. Moreover, you also damage the entire kitchen that had created beautifully by Arnold-san and his squads, even barbarians have a limit when they are raiding something, you know?"

"Y-yes, Sister Zikiya…" The girls and boys lowered their head in regret.


"GYYYAAAAAAAAAA….!" The girls are screaming loudly.

"NOT THIS AGAIN!!!" Toval tried to run but Zikiya grabs him and she dragged him back to the kitchen.

(…Oh shit, run)

Rania, the Dwarves, Arnold, Erick, Robert, Jack, Rubert and I quickly run out from the kitchen. I also grabbed and dragged Ayumi when I saw her walking toward the kitchen with sleepy face.


"By the way, what must we do Ishizaki-dono?" Zack asked me while reading something.

Zack, Kenzia, Viorelle, Nanderioelle, and Naval came at the appointed time, right at 9 A.M.E. They brought their Vice Leader along with them. Today we will discuss about joint force and rescue force. It begins from the size of [Boss Room]. According to Robert, the boss room has 100 Me x 100 Me length and width.

The dungeon is connected to nearby hill, and inside the dungeon, there are ten floors that are built vertically upward. First floor is used as the main battleground, and the rest is used as [Safe Zone]. Each of the floors has many rooms inside and we can use them as much as we like.

Since Robert had exterminated all small fries inside, we don't need to worry about ambush and also since the dungeon doesn't has [Core] and [Dungeon Master], we don't need to worry about monster that spawns out of nowhere. It can be said that this dungeon is only an ancient ruin that is used as "dungeon" for the quest that we took from Rilea.

Next, is the plan and strategy. Since the boss room itself is already too big for a normal "boss room", we don't need to worry of "dodge" limitation or we could simply use the big rocks that scattered all over the dungeon floor as decoy or protection. But because our enemy here is something like a "Soul Eater" with huge ethereal body, we predicted that we can't recklessly dodge or hide behind the rocks since there is a high chance that monster will use something called "ethereal attacks" that damage our soul and mana directly.

We need to prepare a lot of Mages from the [Fifth Rank Specialization Classes] in order to stall the battle for long time, along with [Knights], [Defenders], [Paladins], [Guardians] and [Champions] for their [Taunt] and [Aggro Exchange] Skills.

I suggested [Teleportation Battle] Tactic since [Teleportation] Spell or Skill doesn't need casting and cooldown time as long as you have enough mana. With that tactic, I believe we could save more time and HP Potions for the Vanguards. But this tactic has a great demerit, called [EMCR] [Excessive Mana Consumption Rate] and because that, we need a lot of [Mana Recovery] Potions in order to quickly restore Mage's mana after sixteen or eighteen times of using any kind of [Teleportation] Spell, but it's all depends on the spell or skill's rank. The Mages only need to teleport the Warriors to specific spots around the ghost. They don't need to teleport Rogues since they have their own [Teleportation] Skills.

"I agree with this tactic, if we use normal stalling tactic, the Vanguards won't last long. But what if the teleportation spell missed? Eh, wait…I mean what if the Mages missed when they are landing a person to specific spot?"

"Hmm… what if we use [Puppeteer] Class's Skill [Doll Maker] and [Artisan Fingers] to fix their landing position? We also can use Arachne's [RS] [Racial Skill] too, such as [Web Manipulation] or [Web Control]. Is this method acceptable, Kenzia-dono?"

"It makes sense. But we only have three Arachnes here and they are on bad terms to each other…"

"We can leave this matter for later. Now, how about we discuss the rescue, guard and assault team?"

As Naval said, we moved to next topic about "Scout, Guard, and Assault Team". We can see, not all of our party members, except my party have passed Lv. 300. There are a lot of them who have below Lv. 200 or 100 and they still haven't reached [Mastery Rank] on their skills and abilities. They also still haven't ranked up their class into [ ————— Class], so we can't rely on them too much on battle.

[Assault Team] will challenge the Boss; [Scout Team] will find Guild Master and [Guard Team] will be guarding the base as well as sending provisions or requested items for [Assault Team] and [Scout Team]. We agreed to use [EXP Share] Bracelet to share our EXP to other party members as well, so [Scout Team] and [Guard Team] can get the EXP too and they can share their EXP to us if they defeated a monster. We agreed to leave the people who are still under-leveled and sick as [Guard Team]'s members.

As for me, I only left people who are unsuited for this combat but suited for [Base Guards]. I also asked Jack to divide the Archers as [Scout Party]'s members. Next, I only took people who can do high magic damage such as [Magic Archers], [Arcane Archers], [Magicbladers], [Battlepriests], etc., so they can deal damage to the Boss.

We took a short break after this discussion. Other party's leader contacted squad leaders to prepare their men. After that, we continue to discuss the most complex matters, [Strategy] and [Division of The Assault Team].