
Chapter 2:Clown face

Young land college


Serena and Mandela entered the classroom five minutes before the teacher would be coming in. They sat down and Mandela was about to say something when the girls in the class started squealing. Serena and Mandela looked at the entrance of the class because that was were the noise was coming from. They saw three good looking guys at the entrance of the class. One of the guys winked.

The girls in the class were a bit dumbfounded because they didn't know who he winked at. The guy walked towards the middle seat in the class room which was were Serena was sitting. He walked up to Serena and said "You must be... Serena, right?"

Serena looked at her back, right side and left side trying to figure out if there was any other girl named Serena or if he was talking to someone else. Her actions made him chuckle"I'm talking to you. You are Serena, right?"

" Uhm yeah, I am. And you must be senior Zarin." Serena managed to talk. She was still a bit dumbfounded because senior Zarin was actually talking to her. Who was senior Zarin? He was the most handsome guy in the whole of young land college and also the most powerful.

Rumors had it that he might be the leader of the underworld, even though he was still a very young guy. Other people believed that he was the most powerful person in Long beach city but they were all just rumors. But that didn't chat the fact that he was a very powerful and influential guy which made people try to please him wherever he went. And today the all to great and perfect Zarin was actually taking the first step to talk to a girl which only meant one thing, he was interested in the girl. But that didn't go to well with his admirers. Especially a girl who was wearing a green wig on her head and her face was filled with a lot of makeup.

Zarin was about to reply when the green wigged girl appeared in front of him. ' Clown face ', that was what Serena thought of the moment she saw the wigged girl. The wigged girl gave Serena a hard glare before turning to face Zarin. She stood inches apart from Zarin " My cuchie poo, why are you talking to the lowlifes? I am here for you." The cheesy word the wigged girl said almost made Serena puked.

The guy just stared at her with an unfathomable look. She was a bit shorter than him, so he had to bend down to look at her, he gave her a disgusted look before raising his head at Serena"See you around, Serena" Then the guy left leaving Serena dumbfounded again.

Mandela squealed beside Serena "Oh my God!!! He looks like that guy likes you, rena." She turned to face Mandela when the teacher arrived. They all went back to their seats and class began.