
Dead End Feelings (BL)

Yun Lui's innocence was stolen from him the night he had planned to confess to his long time crush. What will Yun Lui do when he finds out that, that person was his crush's brother and that he was betrothed to his close cousin? Should he tell her? What answer should he give to his crush who is now seeking for his hand in marriage? The truth will destroy everyone. In a community where losing your virginity before marriage is a taboo, what can he do to save himself? And what should he do now that he finds himself pregnant and stranded in a place far away from home, with no memories of his past except for his name. ___________________________ In this unknown world, there are three sexes. They are Male, Female and May. A May Is a man with the soft features that is attributed to women and also has the ability to give birth. Plural is Mais. AN EXCERPT FROM THE STORY: "After all that has happened between us you think I still have a chance with him? And what would he say should he find out that not only have I lost my virginity to someone but I lost it to his own blood brother! You know how our custom is. Should I be found out that I am no longer a virgin while unmarried, I'd be shunned. Even my family will disown me. You know all that and still subjected me to this. I believe the first time was a drunken mistake but what about last night? Huh?", Yun Lui screamed at him while crying. ------------------------------ Join Yun Lui on his journey to see how he deals with the predicaments that he finds himself in. If you have any advice for Yun Lui, let us hear you in the comment sections. P. S Please do check out my other Book as well. - Transmigration: I am now a Dimwit (BL). Link: http://wbnv.in/a/59iAsFn Your comments and reviews matter a lot to me. I will be waiting for your opinions. If there's something that I am doing wrong here, let me know and I will correct them. Thanks. Have a great day.

Abbiex · LGBT+
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130 Chs

23. All in

He held one of his hands as he said, "Lulu, your father, I only wanted to know if there's a way that you want to go about the business before all of us too will add our ideas.

As someone yet to start your own business, I know how uncertain things might seem to you and you're right to worry about so many things. We are all here to support you with whatever you plan.

Lulu, I your father, I have only noticed that your business can also help with mine and I am only looking out for yours and mine.

My thought was to see how you want to do things, then we too will help you polish it while on the side, I will approach you as a business associate once your business gets a firm footing.

There's no small idea when it comes to business. That small idea of yours could become the anchor that holds it firmly together.

This business will become like a baby to you. And so we too will have to look at the picture you have for the business even if we have to change some things, they'll have to be in line with what you want.

You can take your time if you're not ready now. It's my mistake to have rushed this when you were only seeking for my opinions. Don't worry my dear. Take things at your own pace.", Papa Chi said as patted his head and back.

He stood up and went back to his seat. Yun Zhao wriggled out of Chi Lan's laps and immediately back to Papa Chi.

Sighed. "Mother, Father, everyone.", Yun Lui called and they all turned to look at him.

"So this is how I thought I should go about it. My thoughts have changed after listening to father just now but still let me you the first picture that I had in mind before.", he paused.

"I wanted to procure the raw materials from the local farmers and then supply them to the shops and other traders who are already dealing in the raw ones. My target was the shoppers at the central market of this capital city, Beiwang.

Now with what father just explained about him too wanying to be a business associate, I believe we can change it to targeting all of the capital town Beiwang and beyond.

So with that said, here comes my limitations. Like Mama Chi has stated earlier, I am no business expert nor do I have the resources to do everything on my own.

So now this is my new picture for the business, I want to propose a partnership between me and father. I have the know-how, you have the resources and the connections.

I propose a 30-70 deal. Mine is the 30% and you take the 70% of the profits since what I bring is the know-how. What do you say to that?"

"Lulu, calm down. Your father said take your time. Don't rush into these things even with family.", Mama Chi said.

"Yes Lui, don't rush yourself. It's not as simple as you take it to be.", Chi Muchen added.

The other three were thinking. The deal that Yun Lui just proposed was a fair and smart deal for both sides.

'Wasn't he the one who was so worried not so long ago? Didn't he say that he came up with this new idea just after his talk with father just now? If he was able to come up with this smart plan in this short period, why was he so worried earlier?', Chi Yuan thought.

'And he says he is no business expert!', Chi Lan said in his head.

'Ah, I knew it. I know he is smart. I wonder why he doubts himself so much. Such a smart idea. Even I couldn't have come up with a better one as a newbie on such short period of time. He'll do great. He just needs to trust himself well.', Papa Chi mused to himself as he smiled.

"Why are you three not saying anything?", Mama Chi asked drawing their attention.

"What Yun Lui proposes is a good idea. I don't have anything to add or take out. What do you think, father?", Chi Yuan asked his dad.

"Lulu, you see why I didn't know that I was rushing you?", he asked and all turned to look at him, confused.

"It's because I know it was within your capacity. You may not realise this but you really are smart. You would have made a great officer if not for the fact that mais were not allowed.

Can't you see that you were able to propose such a fair and smart deal in just minutes even when you felt pressured? This is why I need to continue to put pressure on parliament to all mais too to occupy important positions in state offices. If..."

"Papa Chi, please tell us what you think and stop all this your political talks.", Mama Chi cut him off.

Yun Lui who has already got his message from the many things that he was saying couldn't help but smiled. He was enjoying the compliments until Mama Chi cut him off. It seems he got her confused.

He smiled as he said, "Mother, Father says that the deal is fair and smart. The rest of what he said was him complimenting me."

Mama replied "Oh, okay. Honey, you could have just said so straight away."

He ignored his wife, "Thank you Lulu. You seem to be the only here who gets me"

"So father, how long do you need to give me a response as to whether or not you'll agree to it. You only stated that it was fair and smart but I didn't get your actual anwer please.", Yun Lui asked.

"I was about to get to that before I got cut off by your mother. My answer is yes. I'm all in. But with some changes. Don't worry it's nothing serious.", Papa Chi said.

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A big thank you to every reader and all voters. I really appreciate.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

Stay Blessed.

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