
Scrapped 2.2: Memories Arise

"Clara, you can't touch that neckless." Her father said, moving the neckless away from her.

"Why?" She asked, her gaze turning to her brother, "I saw Calvin touch it."

She pointed to him, and he shrugged.

"Well, girls can't touch it. It'll become tainted." Her father patted her back, moving her out of the room, "This is a very special neckless, and only boys are allowed to have it. You see, this was blessed and can ward off evil spirits Clara, that's why it's so special."

"But you're giving it to Calvin? He doesn't want it."

"Well, Calvin deserves it."

'But I'm better than Calvin...' She thought as she walked to her room, pushing open the door and sitting on the bed, 'Clavin just sits on his games all day and I help fix the cars. Why does he always get the stuff I want?'

"Daddy...Why does it always have to be him? Why can't it be me?"

Clara gazed down at the neckless in her hands. The gold chain around it reminded her of her past memories. The jewels that hung from it shined as she caressed the gold chain, but soon stuffed it in her pocket.

"..." She looked up. Around her, she could hear the whispers of the employees as they roamed around.

"Is he back?"

"He's back..."

"Clara's back?"

"Yeah, wasn't he out on vacation?"

"I wish he would still be on vacation...I hate him..."

"Get back to work guys!"

They nodded and looked away, but Clara could still feel their gaze as she moved passed them.

She walked faster to the CEO's office.

She bore a black blazer and slacks, while her short hair was pulled back to reveal her sharp eyes. She looked clean, but her face held a bit of arrogance and childishness.

"Oh, Clara!" The person in front of the office exclaimed as they noticed her, "You're back?"

"Hurry up, kid." She said, her voice harsh and angry as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh...Yes!" He hurriedly tapped onto his headset, informing the person inside of her arrival. She tapped her foot aggressively, her eyes darting toward the scared people around her.

"Move." She commanded as she pushed open the door. The secretary protest fell on deaf ears as she walked into the office.

"The plan is still a go, if you don't complete it by tomorrow, well, you'll-"


"Who-" The voice stopped, and Clara opened the door. Her orange eyes gazed at the middle-aged man behind the desk. He wore a black suit and combed back his black hair. His face was that of a supermodel.

No one would think this man would run an illegal artifact smuggling business, but Clara knew. She had to know, she was in charge of it. She was the one watching and ordering the people around.

"It's Clara." She watched the man hung up the phone and turn to her. He smiled but that innocent-like smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Oh Clara, You're back earlier than expected." The man in the room said, "What brings you around here?"

"I need to start the expedition team and need the files on the new members and level 3 dungen, Ice Berge," She sighed, "I also need to you to deal with the brat's family, he keeps trying to get me killed."

The CEO's eyes twitched and he sighed.

"Sure, but I need you to complete something for me..." He pulled out a stack and papers, and Clara's brows lifted. It was another artificat she needed to smugle.

"What sort of job do you want me to do now?" She huffed, smirking as she snagged the papers from him, "Oh...You want me to get you that ring?"

It was the A grade ring that the protagonist would get during his run in with CLARA. The ring itself was a powerful fire ring that would allow the user to have an inhuman ability to resist fire, it would later be poussed by one of his harem members. It would seem like during the process of smuggling the ring for the CEO he would lose it to the protaginest.

Well, it seemed like she wouldn't be getting that brat off her back. But she only nodded her head and smirekd with confidence. Even if she lost it, he wouldn't be able to do anything to her, he was unawakened.

The watch vibrated as she walked out of the office. Her eyes locked with another extra.

"What are you looking at?" The extra jumped, running away as papers flew from his hands, "Huh..."

She frowned. Clara walked to her office, the gazes of the bypassers heavy as she moved.

"He's so arrogant..."

"I saw him at the club yesterday, he was with another girl..."

"Augh...Disgusting...Why were you at the club? Aren't you married...?"

She shook her head. Her watch buzzed again and she sighed.

'What's the problem?' She tapped her watch once she entered her room. Locking her door and throwing the files onto her desk.

[Update: CLARA needs to get the expedition approved before he leaves the office.]

She sighed and sat at her desk. Looking down at the paperwork she had just gotten. It was now time for the boring part.

She began by sorting out the amount of people who were going on the expedition, calculating the needed resources and matirals, and accounting the exspensese needed to complete the exspidition.

Sometimes she wanted to call someone in to help shoulder the burden, but she frowned.

She can do it alone.

She leaned back in her chair once she was finished and looked at her watch. It was 12:35. She had time to survey around and get the opinion of the financial department.

She stood up, streaching and walking out of her office.

She walked around the office area, watching as the staff worked. Flagging over the represetive, she handed her files and reports over, motioning for him to get it approved by the rest of the mangers.

"Get it done by today, I want the rankers to begin expedition tomorrow. Once you get it approved, place it on my desk." The manger nodded, "If you need to make revisions, run it by the other kid. You know who I'm talking about."

The manger smiled, turning around and begining to make his rounds around the office. Nodding her head in satisfaction, she began making her way towards the training area, surveying the new recruits.

The area was an open arena, each and every company that does operations with awakeners had one. The place she stood was 2 floors above the ground floor of the arena, blocked off with bullet proof glass.

The arena itself was nothing special, just a flat ground filled with equipment and workout gear. In the next area there would be enclosed area where people could fight holigramic beast, but she had no interest in it.

'I remember there seemed to be a person in these new batch of people who will leak company secrets to the protagnist and the protaginest would bring down this company...' She gazed around, watching the recruits train in medical training, 'I'm guessing it's the one with red hair...'

She watched him study the area, his eyes latching onto everything, making a metal note of each and every corner. He looked internal to the plot, mostlikly a comic releaf character.

"Clara, what are you doing here?" It was one of the mangers, his name was...What was his name? She couldn't remember. She would surly remember a blond-haired, greened eyed man. He looked like her first crush, but that didn't matter now.

They both stood in an empty lunch room, watching the people learn to do CPR.

"Ah...I'm here to watch the new recruits. I'm getting another expedition approved, once it's done we're going to need some members to began getting ready."

Her eyes lingered on the red-haired boy, and he looked up. His red eyes stared at her, and he smiled.

"Have you taken a liking to that boy?" The trainer said, bringing his head forward.

"No." She scoffed, turning around. She felt weird, normally she would lashout at the kid, but this kid felt different, he felt weridly faimilar.

"Yeah, you did." He smiled, his green eyes squinting in laugher, "You normally don't take interest in the new members."

"Ha, none of them seem strong." To that, the trainer laughed.

"Probably stronger than you...!" He smiled, his face beaming.

"You want to go kid?" She coldly saiggd, but her face had a slight smile she didn't even know she had.

"Ha, no sir."

"Come on, all bark and no bite." She smiled more, her eyes closed as she leaned against the window, "You don't seem afraid of me."

"Com'on Clara! You didn't forget me did you?" Clara's brows furrowed, "No...You did!?"

"Remind me who you are." She looked up, turning her head towards him. Her eyes softened as she looked into his green eyes.

"Cryus...You're friend?" His face turned into a one of sadness, "I can't believe you forgot me!"

"Cryus..." She muttered, her burry head began spinning. She never would have forgotten his name, right? Why did she forget? No...She knew that name? She knew him? Did she?


[Penalty: CLARA doesn't care about anyone. He dosen't have friends. Two rounds of shock and level 9 headakes will be induced.]

Her watch rang, and her heart started to hurt. She grabbed her head, turning away from Cryus and groaning. A shock ran through her body. Her legs jolting and making her lose her balnce.


"Clara! Are you okay?" He said, running towards her and hovering over her. His face turned into one of worry as he called for an on-site medic, "Clara! Look at me!"

She didn't want to. If she did, she was afraid she would burst into tears. She already felt her eyes become wet and her face turning hot. Her face distorted into pain, but she didn't make a sound.

"Clara! Don't worry someone's coming!" Her knee buckled down, and she held her chest. Another round of shock. However, she bit her lip in arrogance. She wouldn't scream. Not infrount of another person, "Clara...What's going on?"

Cryus whispered, but Clara, her head burning with pain, couldn't understand what he was saying. Her world was black and eachtime her squinted her eyes opened, it would be blurry.

"I'm here!" A man busted through the door, coming in with a team of specialist. In what? She didn't remember there being a man with blue hair and blue eyes working in the medical department. Why...Why did it seem like she was missing something, "Clara...You need to lay down."

The man said, trying to push her to the gound. But she slapped his hands off. Her face turning into one of pain.

"Get away from me."

"Clara..." The man's face was one of worry. She felt like she knew him, but didn't. Deja vu. What was she forgetting?

"GET AWAY FROM ME." She commanded, but they didn't leave. They pushed her weak body down. She tried to stand up, but the pain was too much.

She felt weird.

She felt like something was holding her head and squishing it.

She felt like her body was being held down to the ground, no matter how much she tried to get up, she couldn't.

And it was all dark.

All of these plot points I want to keep, however, I didn't like how it was portrayed here.

ScribblesScriptscreators' thoughts