

The world is dead , we are alive maybe ..... We are living but dead walking corpses created by greed , perfected by experience they say the world is dead , it nature's way of balancing it out we are the new era and we kill without a second thought

Ohiare_004 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Xavier's pov

I stalked my prey through , hiding in bushes carefully, not making any sound , it was an elk too oblivious to the fact it was going to die soon or it just couldn't see me. I watched it .

It had been three years since ' the syntax  facility ' , the scientists finally created the virus . They were thrilled with their success and I was disposed of , they only didn't know I would come back . Once all test subjects were thought to be eliminated , the virus was sold to the highest bidder . Shit happened and it spread through vaccines , spreading through countries , at first it was just a simple cough and then seizures which led to death. People thought it was just a little thing , until the dead started to rise , attacking anything in their path . A rabies like disease .

Slowly the world crumbled and here I am stalking an elk. You wonder why I'm not fighting the dead , but fortunately , unfortunately me being the host to the virus made me something else . One of the dead but living , my sanity was still intact , there are a few like me , with advanced abilities . Sharper eye sight , stronger sense of smell , faster , more lethal , more vicious . A few of the those who had these either kept to the little sanity they had or went rogue , the bloodlust overpowering their senses.

In time after meeting people in a few communities setup or those on their own . People like me were given ranks , the regular zombies at the bottom of the list , known for their dumbness, they have no sense of humanity left , then comes the loners , not strong but unpredictable , the next were the Bolts's  known for their speed . The top two , the humans also called the killing machines . The hounds who had the best sense of smell ,then came the nightmare zombies , known for chaos and dominance , they had speed , inhuman strength , although their sense of smell was no match for the hounds , their eye sight was the best , all zombies are easily identify with glowing red eyes , i don't belong to any of those ranks , me being the original host to the virus made me more superior , I am faster, stronger , smarter than any other zombie , sane or not. My hearing and sense of smell is nothing to be competed with and some added perks is that I'm a master at blending in , that's why this elk didn't notice that was directly in front of it . Not that it mattered , I never had a scent to begin with.

It didn't matter where the wind was coming from , it could never catch my scent , deciding that the waiting was over I let out a growl , the elk jerked backwards , startled . It tried to run but i had delivered a blow to it's neck , crushing it's windpipe . It died on impact.

Satisfied with my kill I positioned my self in front of it's neck , raising my hand to shave a portion of hair from it's neck . My finger nails turning into claws . My canines protruded , becoming prominent I watched onto it's neck sucking the sweet taste of it's blood .

We sane zombies needed animal blood to control our bloodlust . A bite to a human and other zombies turn rogue , for some odd reason human blood turned them rogue , feral. I've had my fair share of human blood , it's as sweet as it comes , I never turned rogue , I was just too different.

Done with my morning snack , I hoisted the body on my shoulders and set out for my cabin . Zombies were territorial , marking a place with out scent and calling out . This kept others out , except for the normal zombies and humans .

The hike to my cabin was short and uneventful , I wasn't tired from carrying the dead elk nor did I break a sweat , I was practically dead , my body always cool to the touch. The cabin wasn't big , with two bedrooms , two toilets , a kitchen and a living area . It was manageable . I found it when I was on the run and now it was home, dropping the elk on a table outside to be skinned later , I went inside .

It was getting to noon by the time I was done with the elk , I needed a change of clothes . Walking in and heading to the  bedroom and quickly changing into  army pants and a sweatshirt . Outside was peaceful as ever but I had to make my call . It scared off any Intruders on my territory , clearing my throat I let out a roar , it was loud enough to cover my territory , echoing through the trees. Silence replied , just how I like it . Heading back inside was when I heard it , a shrill scream echoing back , another was on my land . I let another roar out to scare the zombie , rogue or not and the same scream replied , this more sinister . It was insulting .

My eyes intensifying to a glowing  blue , my finger nails changing to claws extracting blood in the process , my canines getting longer , like this hunting was easier. With a growl I set out in direction of the scream .


She didn't notice venturing into another's territory , she was weak , her senses dulled , too frail to move she leaned on a tree nearby. It had been three months since ' protocol x ' , a virus that brought the dead back to life . Being exiled from a community in fear that she would turn , to be practical she died on that day instead of turning into a normal zombie , she woke as a hound , being with a few people on the way she heard stories about the ranks . She never stayed long with humans , she couldn't control herself around them and the bloodlust made it impossible to stay with them . In her three months of being a zombie , she had met all the ranks both rogue and sane , all except the nightmare and from what she heard she didn't want to. They shared one rule ' don't cross my territory ' .

She was jolted out of her thoughts when she heard the roar , it reeked of power and dominance , she had never heard it before . Hounds usually made loud screams and she replied with hers , it was weak but her body was acting on instinct , besides she didn't know all the rules. The roar came again , louder and she replied with hers , weaker.

She thought about how she was going to survive , she was weak and that zombie would kill her at first sight.

She heard a growl , the zombie was here , all colour drained from her face, how did it get here so fast . Even with her full speed , this was on a whole top level . Looking up she noticed him , glowing blue eyes , sharp claws not to speak of the set of teeth he had . She managed to let out a little growl , it was weak had no threat backing it , for some odd reason he maintained his distance , the black dots clouding her vision she noticed , his eyes were glowing blue , zombies never have blue eyes and he was clean.


I could smell the zombie , I was already close , crouching low I moved forward , dodging through the bushes , stepping on twigs and sticks but I didn't make a sound . Then I saw her , I could feel the weakness coming off her , she hadn't noticed me in the bushes . I stalked towards her , still crouching , she still didn't notice me . I let out a growl , I could smell the blood drain from her face , hear her heartbeat triple it's movement. She looked up , her eyes switching between a dull red and a light brown . A hound , she was tired not a threat , then she fell losing all consciousness .

Debating for a while , I decided to help her it was human, what was left of my humanity. Carrying her bridal style was easy , I turned around heading back to my cabin.

I finally reached , kicking the door open  I walked into the spare room , placing her on the bed . For her to lose consciousness , it meant she hadn't fed or she didn't know how to . I walked out , heading towards the skinned elk , I had to drain it of the blood left in it and cook it . I set to work .