

Byeong Ho picked up his phone to call his mom, this time with hope that she will pick up.

It rang for sometime but there was no answer, Byeong Ho's hands were already shaking. Once again, he dialed the number but there was still no answer.

Da Eun could feel what he was going through, she was also scared that something would have happened to Byeong Ho's mom since she hasn't answered.

This time, Byeong Ho was almost tearing up, with full optimism, he dialed the number again and this time, the call was answered after a few rings.

Byeong Ho immediately said. "Mom mom, are you there."

"I'm here my dear, I'm alright." Byeong Ho's mom said from the other line.

"Oh thank God." Byeong Ho said with a heavy sigh. "Mom the last time we spoke, who opened the door."

"Don't worry my dear, it wasn't the zombies, it was the rescue team, they came to rescue us. We actually thought it was the zombies and we were already panicking until we saw their torchlight and they asked us not to worry that they were here to rescue us." Byeong Ho's mom said.

"Oh..okay then where are you now?" Byeong Ho asked still with worry.

"We are with the military or I'll rather say we are at the rescue house, don't worry I'm alright. Are you still at the karaoke building?"

"Yes, we are still at rooftop, thinking of a way to get out of here."

Before Byeong Ho could say another word, Geu Roo took the phone from him and said. "Ma please ask the rescue team to come rescue us please, we have no idea on how to get out of here, we are kind of stuck here, please ask them to come rescue us."

Byeong Ho's mom sighed from the other line. "Immediately I got here, i asked them to send the rescue team to you guys but when I was asked the exact karaoke building, I had no answer to give them and since then, they didn't bother to answer me."

"Tell them it is Kono Coin Karaoke, yes that's where we are." Geu Roo hurriedly said.

"Okay I have heard you, I'll do that right away....Sir sir!!.... I'll be back, let me get their attention. Bye." She said and hung up.

Geu Roo gave the phone back to Byeong Ho with a sigh. "At least we still have a little hope."

"Thank God you took the phone from him cos I know Byeong Ho wouldn't have the thought of asking her to beg the rescue team to come get us." Ji Hye said.

"You won't blame him, who wouldn't forget about rescuing themselves when it comes to the safety of their loved ones." Eun Jeong said.