
De Rerum Natura

"Everything in the world exists in order to end up as a book, and the universe is a library". August is now a soldier in an ancient world, he has to figure out how to live or how not to die, again.

DaoistShylock · Fantasy
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10 Chs

After death

—Well that was fun, not too shabby for the introduction, don't you think so?— Says someone in the middle of the darkness that doesn't let me see anything.

—Wait, who are you? Where am I?— I ask the voice.

—You were calling me Thoth, some people used to call me Hermes but whatever. You, little Bird, are on my domain right now, do you like the place?— He says while taking off a cloth that was covering a small bird cage, the cage in which I'm.

I try to cover my eyes from all the sudden light and I notice that now I have feathers and a peck. —So this is my next reincarnation, I'm going to be a literal bird now?— I say, somehow shocked and resigned.

—Aw, don't be sad, here— Says Thoth opening the small door of the cage —Try to fly, just jump and move your wings—

—But I'm going to keep this form all the time? — I ask.

—Nah, this is just a joke. I do it for dramatic purposes, but do a lap it's fun—

—Well, why not, I have already died twice— I do as he says and jump off the cage, shake my wings and in a moment I'm flying around the room. After a few laps I rest on the floor.

—You were right, that was fun—. I say.

—I'm always right little bird, now, take a seat— He said and instantly I'm in my human form sitting in front of a large black man on a golden throne.

—I thought you had a bird head— I say

—I used to wear that look in the past, but it got old, also the furries of the new millenium made all that stuff cringey— Says Thoth, slouching on the throne with his legs crossed, his appearance like a more muscular version of Michael Jordan in his 30's. —But I keep these skirts, hand embroidery and egyptian cotton, this is timeless stuff like a greek toga. —He says— Anyway I'm sure you have questions so shot—

—Why did you choose me?— I ask.

—You died with the book and I liked you so I gift you a chance to live again, well... it's no totally a gift—

—What do you mean?—

—Well, Birdie, you went to a new world and in that new world I hope you do some things for me. The most important one it's to keep me entertained, do you understand?—

—Ok. But what is it for me in that? What happens if I don't want to do it or if I fail? —

—Ha, if been alive it's not enough for you I can give you some abilities, some information, things that make your life easier in exchange for a few tasks. But don't expect too much OP stuff makes things boring. And that doesn't convince you and you don't want to play for me I guess you die—.

—So it's you or dead?—

—Don't be ungrateful birdie. Most people don't have the choice, you know, of living again. I mean, everybody has the choice of dying, unless you are in a coma or something. But you have died already, twice, and I am giving you a chance. If you want to be dead for real just say the words it's not a big deal for me.—

—What happens if I die for real?—

—For most people, existence it's unavoidable, souls are eternals to say something and they keep reincarnating and stuff like that. But if you want I can grant you real death, no existence, a soul destroyed. What do you say?— Says Thoth smiling, his eyes turning dark for a second.

—I think I'm going with life in this one— I say.

—Good choice, I'm gonna send you to the night before you die, ready?—

—Wait, what about my status window? I'm not to weak?—

—Yes, but hang in there, opportunities to be stronger are coming. Just be smart and make things interesting—


—Ok, ok, I´m gonna give you a mission. If you do well, I grant you a talent, skill or something. Agree?—


—Ok. What I want this time is a ship— says Thoth grinning.

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