
Those who move in the darkness II

Luffy and Nami decided to go back to the ship because Nami said that the sky and the town were gloomy. The wind was blowing hard, and the pressure was dropping. Nami guessed a typhoon might pass through that night, and as its fitting name, City of Water was vulnerable to any natural disasters on the seas.

It wasn't easy to even go back to their ship though. Everyone was after them, but they somehow managed to stay hidden, until they came across Zoro, who's followed by an angry crowd. Reunited with a weird situation, all three of them were running from the angry mob as they were all screaming furiously at them, brandishing long saws and other weapons...

Soon after, Luffy found a side street and get in that way, which Zoro went running right past them despite what Luffy said, and Nami followed right in that place. Luffy had to stretch out his arm and grab him so that they wouldn't lose him again like early on the day, as he also practically strangling him along the way.

After finding a bridge, with Nami suggesting, Luffy stretched out underneath it, gripping the sides with his hands and toes as Zoro and Nami sat on his stomach.

So, at the moment, they were listening to the angry crowds yelling about where they were gone. All three of them silently listened to the crowd talk between them about what they should do before they all decided that they must be hiding in one of the buildings or even on the roofs. They listened to them resolve to divide off into groups to go and look around.

''Is it... safe now...?'' Luffy croaked out, looking like he was in pain from holding on

''Not yet,'' Zoro whispered back with a serious tone as they all waited, wanting to be sure that everyone was gone before they come out. None of them actually wanted to run anymore.

They listened as they heard the footsteps, and slowly all their voices die down, and soon the only voice was the sound of the river below them.

Zoro and Nami sighed in relief as Luffy was literally shaking and sweating, clearly pushing himself to hold on. Just then, Chopper's face leaned over the edge and spotted them.

Luffy's eyes bulged out with shock at seeing him, and with a scream, he let go, causing all three of them to fell right into the river.

After another weird reunion, Zoro hauled Luffy out, and they all went to some rooftop to talk since that was the only place they could talk without chasing after.

All of them were gathered around each other and sat on the floor,

While Luffy was asking how Chopper found them and Chopper was answering with their smell,

''It's clear now,'' Zoro spoke as he made sure that they weren't followed now.

''Clear?!!'' Nami snapped at him with this, glaring at him fiercely, ''This is all your fault!! You were being chased by so many of them, and then you got us spotted too!!!''

''I couldn't help it!!'' Zoro also snapped at her before he calmly went on, ''There's just so many... It's impossible to stay out of sight...''

Luffy, who's listening to them in silence, suddenly turned to Chopper, ''Ah! Where is Sanji?'' getting Chopper's attention.

Chopper, for his part, seemed upset as he looked down, ''Well, he's...'' he quietly answered before he decided to tell them everything from the beginning.

Chopper told them that they went to the ship to warn Luna and Usopp about something called Aqua Laguna, but they couldn't find them there. They found a note though, saying that Luna and Usopp took money to somewhere safe and go to search for Robin. Soon after they came back to the city, they came across Robin, and he told them everything they talked with her.

They all stared at Chopper with dumbstruck expressions at what they heard, except for Zoro, who had an unreadable expression.

''IS THAT FOR REAL?!'' Luffy suddenly shouted out as he instantly got over his shock, looking furious, ''THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE! DID ROBIN REALLY SAID THAT?!''

Chopper nodded at this, looking ready to cry as Nami was looking too confused at what's going on.

''Is it really that surprising?'' Zoro coolly asked, getting their attention as they looked at him as if asking what is he talking about, ''They offered a deal to Luna, who they wanted to kill. What makes us think that they didn't do the same with Robin.''

''That doesn't make any sense!'' Nami suddenly talked with a frown, ''After everything they had caused to Robin all these years, she wouldn't left the crew to work with them!''

''There is still a lot of things we don't know about Robin,'' Zoro grimly stated. Robin's home was destroyed, and they wanted her because she could read Poneglyhps, but Robin was also a woman who survived for two decades on her own as she even worked with one of the Seven Warlords. ''We don't know what they may offer or not.'' Zoro was also didn't believe Robin would work with them just like that, but everyone had a weakness or something they wanted.

''It still doesn't make any sense,'' Nami insisted, ''Those guys from the shipyard said that Robin was with a large, masked man. I bet he's one of those Cipher Pol guys we saw that night when we found Luna!'' For the life of her, Nami couldn't understand why the government would want to kill the mayor. All she could think about it, for now, was because they want a crime to blame them. ''What if they're doing all of it to make us busy so that they can take Robin easily?''

Chopper also looked like he noticed something with this, ''Yeah, Sanji also asked something like that! They might have forced Robin!'' he then looked down, ''Though she said she's not forced to do anything...'' as he didn't even consider the fact that Robin would lie to them, even in a situation like this.

''That might not be true'' Nami said with a frown, ''Weapons are not something they wanted to be a public, right?'' Nami asked, getting their attention before she went on, ''What if they want a public excuse to catch Robin and get rid of us so that hiding everything would be an easy thing. It wouldn't be something they didn't have done before.'' as she thought about Robin's home.

''Why is Robin working with them then? You're the ones said that she has indeed seen with those assassins.'' Zoro asked as this didn't make any sense. Robin was supposed to be taken, but she was looking like she was working with them and practically told Chopper and Sanji she is leaving the crew.

''I told you! She could be forced!'' Nami insisted as Chopper also agreed with her

''Robin is someone who the government tried and failed to capture for twenty years.'' Zoro talked in a serious tone, ''I don't think they can easily forced her to something against her own will.'' causing Nami to frown as he turned to Chopper now, ''Besides, you also said that she said the situation will only get worse and we won't see her again after today, correct?''

''Yeah,'' Chopper nodded, not liking to remember

Zoro scowled a little as he looked thoughtful, trying to look at this from all sides. ''She said we won't ever meet after today... It sounds like she's announcing that she's going to do something to make things worse for us.''

The others looked at him. As Nami and Chopper looked shocked and horrified at his words, Luffy silently listened with a blank expression as Zoro went on,

''The attempt on the mayor's life has already caused this much of an uproar... if someone wants to make matters worse, there is only one way...''

''... This time, the successful assassination of the mayor.'' Nami completed for him as she looked grave and thoughtful

Zoro nodded before he continued, ''That's the natural thing for us to think. But now that we know she's framing us for the crime, this could be viewed as a trap to lead us to the crime scene...'' Zoro then frowned as he thought of everything, ''There are also those guys... We don't really know what they are trying to do except our guessings. The only thing we certainly know that they tried to kill Luna but left without success and took Robin to use her for the weapons... Now the mayor. Everyone is already after us, if we're found at the scene of a crime, then we'll automatically be framed. Luna is also open wide right now. They can use this chaos to go after her again... This all thing can be some big trap.''

''Wait a minute!!'' Nami suddenly cut him off, ''You sound like you're already thinking of Robin as an enemy, and like she working with them even if it's means Luna's death!!! Robin might also say all of these things to warn us!!'' looking actually angry as she glared at Zoro. She couldn't believe he was saying those words.

''I'm just talking about the possibilities.'' Zoro went on with a frown. He also had a hard time to think Robin would do that kind of thing after everything he knew, but he had to think about every possibility because they really didn't know everything.

''We should be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Whether to believe or not, if I get locked into a single line of thinking, it'll only slow me down.'' Zoro then flicked his sword out just so that they could see a little bit of the blade,

''If Robin somehow really forced to do this all and she is still our friend, I will be cutting those government bastards beside her.'' A deep frown made on his face before he went on, ''But, if she really accepted something from them, and working with them, I have to be ready to fight.'' Zoro re-sheathed the blade as if he's done. ''If something's gonna happens, it's gonna be tonight.'' he said as he turned to Luffy now, ''Do we go to the crime scene?''

''We go.'' Luffy didn't even think about it as he looked ahead with a serious expression.

''I don't mind if we go...'' Nami talked as she turned to Luffy, ''But we have to be prepared. We might come across these guys, and there were a lot of them. Not to mention they were strong enough to win against Luna,'' in her eyes, Luna was one of the strongest of the crew, and finding her in a condition like that was still a shock to Nami. ''We also don't know how they really look... What's even our goal with going there?''

''To catch Robin.'' Luffy said without hesitation, lowering his head so they couldn't see his eyes as they looked at him, ''Otherwise, we'll never know what's really going on.'' He put a hand on his hat as he slowly stood up

''Yeah...'' Zoro seemed to be agreed with Luffy, ''Just thinking about it like this is a waste of time.'' he then looked troubled a little, ''But let alone we don't know how those guys are looking, as I said, Robin is someone who's able to run from the government for twenty years...''

''Yes, but this the only way for us to find out the truth.'' Nami also agreed with Luffy,

''Alright!! I will try my best too!!'' Chopper declared with determination, sounding like he's ready for a fight

''What about Luna and Usopp?'' Nami asked as she remembered them. Sanji said he had a plan according to Chopper, but what were those two were doing... She also wondered what they had done with the money and the gold...

''Well, the note was saying they went after Robin, right?'' Zoro asked as he looked at Chopper

''Yeah!'' Chopper confirmed with a sharp nod,

''Luna's face is also on the papers... I'm sure she knows what's going on until now.'' Nami said with a thoughtful look as she thought that they would chase after her too like Luffy and Zoro. ''If she saw the papers, they might also come to look for Iceburg to find out what's going on...''

''We will be all meeting there then.'' Luffy said as all of their eyes fixed into the distance, to where Galley-La's headquarters were, ''Let's go.''


Like defying all of their crewmates thoughts, Luna and Usopp were in the Middle Town, in front of a bar named 'Blueno's Bar'

Usopp thought that they were going to the Blue Station, but Luna told him the train would be moving at 11 pm and they would be going close to that hour. Furthermore, Blue Station would be too crowded right now because a lot of people were getting off of the island due to Aqua Laguna. Usopp wanted to go back to Merry, but their ship was far away. If they would go back to the peninsula Merry docked, they could miss the train. They also didn't know where the rest of the crew was and searching for them while everyone was after them was a waste of time. Then Luna came up with the idea of a bar, saying that her whiskey finished, and so, they ended up coming to a bar close to the station.

Unknown to Usopp, Luna also wanted to keep an eye on Blueno so that she would know the time to move.

However, before they could get in the bar, they come across an angry Franky, who's getting out of the bar while yelling he's feeling cramped there, and it's time for him to go berserk again as two identical women were following behind him.

Luna immediately recognized him. 'Franky?!' as she was looking at his speedo's from the very beginning, 'What is he doing here?' her eyes finally traveled his face.

They all stared at each other in silence before Franky's eyes widen with realization as he saw Usopp's nose, ''You!! You're that weakling long nose from that Straw Hat's crew!'' as he pointed out a finger at Usopp,

Usopp's eyes also widened from the moment he saw him, and hearing his voice just confirmed who he was, ''Gyaaa!! You're Franky!'' Usopp also pointed out a finger at him before he gasped in shock ''You're wrong! I'm not him!'' as he remembered he was wearing a mask and a cloak.

''What?! I already know it's you!'' Franky shouted out in rage, ''Who the hell are you trying to fool?!''

''I said I'm not!'' Usopp yelled back at him, totally sure he could deceive him with his disguise

''Then who are you?'' Franky asked with a calm yet dangerous tone

''I-... I'm...'' Usopp stuttered for a moment before he suddenly struck a dramatic pose, ''I'M SOGEKING!!''

Luna's jaw fell on the ground with shock, 'WHAT?!' this was the last thing she was waiting to hear since she was actually sure there wouldn't be a 'Sogeking' since there was no fight between Usopp and Luffy. 'I knew that mask was familiar!'

Luna wasn't the only one who's jaw on the ground. Franky, Kiwi, and Mozu's jaws were also on the ground because of the blatant lie.

'He is definitely that guy came to our house yesterday...' Kiwi thought with shock as she looked at the posing Usopp

'He's definitely that long-nosed guy...' Mozu also thought the same with her sister

Franky looked at him in silence before he collected his jaw and yelled out, ''I told you who the hell are you even trying to fool?!!!'' hovering his abnormally large arms in the air as he took a step towards Usopp,

''Gyaaaaaa!!!'' Usopp screamed out with his arms also in the air before he was suddenly got hid Luna's back

Franky's attention slide to Luna with this, ''Who the hell are you, little sis?! Are you also one of them?!'' he asked as he cracked his neck, clearly trying to intimidate Luna, ''I suggest you get out of the way, little sis... It's good timing... I was looking for something, and look! You came right in front of me!'' a dangerous smile creeped out on his face.

Though Luna's face was covered with sunglasses and a mask as the cap was also shadowing her face, she just blankly looked at Franky as she was thinking what to say. She didn't want to fight with Franky or cause trouble with him since there were already a lot of things going on, and he was one of their future crewmates.

So, in the end, Luna suddenly struck a dramatic pose, similar to Usopp.

She turned her back a little and showing the yellow dragon with her thumb, ''I'm the leader of the Golden Dragon Gang, Luo!'' Luna declared before she frowned and harshly added, ''Have a problem with my friend?''

As Usopp was proudly nodding at Luna's pose, Franky looked at the small girl with a weird expression before he yelled out, ''What's wrong with you two weirdos?!''

''Who are you calling a weirdo?! Look at yourself first!!'' Luna immediately yelled back out of habit as she had done with Zoro whenever he called Luna a weirdo.

Usopp gasped at her, ''What are you doing?! You will make him angry!'' as he silently screamed out from Luna's back,

''Ah,'' Luna also gasped at Usopp's words, ''Habit...?'' as she sheepishly scratched the back of her head

Franky looked at them before he also suddenly struck his own pose, ''This outcome is supeeer~!!'' getting Luna and Usopp's attention as they looked at his arms went over his head at lock together wrist-to-wrist. The two separate star tattoos push together to make one star, ''If I get you two...'' he looked at them as he fixed his sunglasses up with a smirk on his face, ''Straw-hat will surely come to save you, right? We can supeer~ continue our fight!!!''

''What?! Wait!!!'' Usopp shouted out with shock, ''Are you saying you're gonna kidnap us?!'' utterly ignoring everything else

''I don't know...'' Luna murmured after Usopp, ''Why would he tell us?'' getting Usopp's attention, ''I mean, if he didn't tell us maybe he could get us off guard, but now it's impossible...'' she had no intention to let Franky destroy her plans as she really wanted some drink

''Of course, I'm going to kidnap you!!'' Franky confirmed, completely crushing Luna's speculations before he gazed far away and calmly talked, ''Our match has been interrupted... You completely destroyed my home... Franky house, and beat up most of my men...'' and then suddenly, he began to yell with bloodied eyes, ''How dare you to do such a thing!! You assholes!!'' as the two sisters came to hold him on while yelling at him to calm down,

''It wasn't us!!!'' Luna and Usopp shouted out with shark teeth, though they knew it was Luffy and others...

''What's wrong with him...?'' Usopp asked with a shock as he watched Franky calming down now

''Maybe we should just ignore him...'' Luna was speaking before Franky suddenly came and put a hand on Luna's shoulder,

''Alright, little sis!'' he said with a huge smile, ''Don't afraid! I'll just supeer~ take you and nothing else!''

'Technically, he is still not in the crew... And stole our money... There is also Usopp...' Luna reflected as she stared up at Franky, who's pretty big compared to her, and clenched her hand into a fist

''Umm... Lun-...Luo... what are you-...'' Usopp was sweating as he was gazing at Luna's fist, but before he could even finish his sentence

''You damn speedo!'' Luna held up her fist before she threw a punch right into Franky's face, ''I just want to go and drink some alcohol!! Why are you interrupting us!?!''

''Huh? A little girl's puncmft'' Franky was cockily saying just before the punch hit his face as he forced to back away a little, and his face turned over to another side with the force of the punch.

''Ouch!!'' Luna held her hand as she got free from Franky grip, ''Hurts!!''

Getting over his shock, ''Why did you even hit him with your injured hand?!!'' Usopp yelled out as he pulled Luna back to his side for not wanting Franky to catch her off guard

''I forgot...'' Luna said as she had some tears in her eyes, ''Besides, he is harder than I thought...''

Usopp seemed to notice something with this, ''Yeah, now that I think about it... He stopped my attack as if nothing, and it seemed like it hit a metal wall...''

''Auw!!'' Franky suddenly came back to the world and looked at them with a big smile as he heard their talk, ''That was a supeeer~! Punch for a little girl like you...'' He then looked at them with a menacing glint in his eyes, ''However, unfortunately for you, it doesn't work on me...'' He put a hand to his ear as if he was trying to hear something more clearly ''Are you asking why?'' and then, striking his dramatic pose, ''Because... I'm a supeer~~ Cyborg!!''

Luna and Usopp stared at his declaration with blank expressions at first as he was posing.

''A cyborg...?'' Usopp asked in bewilderment as Luna was staring still blank since she already knew this, nonetheless, she was still impressed as to how her punch had a little effect on him. Even though she was injured, she still punched him with her sea stone skeleton bracelet.

''That's right! I'm the one who made this all remodeling!!'' Franky replied with a proud expression as if showing off to the children ''Now, while I'm at it... I'll tell you more thing! My stomach is sensitive to cold. Why do you think?''

''How should I know?'' Usopp questioned in surprise, can't follow the change of the conversation's flow anymore

''Is this a riddle?'' Luna also questioned in wonder

Franky laughed at them before he suddenly opened the area where his intestines should be, ''Because I tuck a cola-chilling fridge in there!''

''Wow!!! That's so cool!!'' Luna clapped as she suddenly sparkled, looking amused

''Wow!!! That's the best on a hot day!!'' Usopp also clapped beside Luna, looking amused too

''Can you a put a whiskey there?!'' Luna asked in excitement, resembling a child who met with Santa

''The answer to that would be a supeeerr~!!'' Franky spoke with a big smile as he closed his fridge while Luna was shinning more than ever, ''No!!''

''No?!'' Luna and Usopp comically fell over before Luna instantly came back, ''Why not?!'' looking like she couldn't accept no as an answer

''Because cola is my fuel! I can't let myself fuel with something else or my functions would be useless~!!'' He answered as he made a cool expression

''Didn't he just tell us something about his weakness right now?'' Usopp asked himself, blinking with a dumbfound expression

''Then do it to me!!!'' Luna, not even hearing Usopp, suddenly shouted out as she pointed out her stomach, ''Do a refrigerator on my stomach that can store whiskey!!''

''Oh!'' Franky seemed amused, ''You're a brave little sis! Then-...''

Before Franky continued, however, Usopp interrupted, ''Wait a minute, Luna-... No, Luo!!!'' as he fixed the slip of tongue even if it was too late, Usopp crossed his arms in front of him, as if saying no, ''Building up a refrigerator in your body is a life-changing decision!! You can't decide this kind of thing out of nowhere! You would be practically turning into a cyborg too!!!'' Usopp tried to reason her, ''Besides, out of anyone... You can't let an enemy build a refrigerator in your body!!!!!'' pointing out Franky with an accusing finger.

As soon as Usopp said those words, everyone, even Usopp himself, gasped in shock as they all remembered what they were doing just before.

''That's right!'' Franky abruptly shouted out, ''I'm going to kidnap you!!'' as he suddenly held up his right arm and removed his skin, revealing his stell limb as he looked ready to deliver a punch

Usopp also held up his slingshot, looking ready to shot at him, ''Wait a minute!'' Luna suddenly shouted out as she was also looking like she took a karate position, ''I don't want to fight you! You're a cool cyborg, and I liked you! Why do you even have to kidnap us?!''

''You liked him?!'' Usopp asked in shock as his head snapped at her. Sure, a Cyborg was cool, but...

''Eh?'' Franky also put his guard downed before he blushed and sheepishly scratched the back of his head, ''You liked me?! I mean, of course, I'm cool!!'' as he began to laugh,

Usopp sweatdropped at him before he gasped as he made a face like he remembered something, ''Wait a minute!'' getting their attention, ''What did you do with our money?! Where is our two hundred million?!''

''Oh, that?'' Franky changed his mode in an instant as he made a cool expression, fixing his sunglasses before he suddenly made another dramatic pose, ''I spent all of it!!''

''You hooligan bastard!!!'' Usopp suddenly jumped forward, only to stopped by Luna,

''Wait, Usopp!!!'' Luna stopped him as she was suddenly in front of him and trying to hold him, ''There is nothing we can do if he spent it! We have to save our energy for the war!!!'' sending shivers to Usopp with what she said,

''War...'' he murmured as he looked calmed down before he made a terrified expression and yelled out, ''Don't put it like that! You're only making me nervous!!''

''Then...'' Luna looked like she was thinking about what to say for a moment before she suddenly put her hands on his shoulders in a calm manner. ''Save your energy to operation saving Ro,'' causing Usopp to relax and looked determined before she also added, ''From the hands of the world.''

''I said stop it!'' Usopp yelled out as Franky, and two square-haired sisters were looking at them weirdly since they were left out now

''Why are you even angry?'' Franky suddenly asked, looking chill before he switched an angry in a matter of second, ''You guys also destroyed my house, which I'm still angry at you for that assholes!!'' and then, he seemed relaxed again, ''So we can call it even.''

''No way!!'' Usopp yelled out furiously, ''That money was for our ship! I won't forgive you!!''

''Why not?!'' Franky asked with interest before he began to shook his hand, ''Ah, not that I'm asking forgiveness, but I heard there were four more cases. Can't you repair your ship with it?'' he wondered what was wrong with their ship. It shouldn't cause that much money, no matter what the problem was.

Luna and Usopp sighed at this, suddenly looking down.

''Oh... Our ship is...'' Usopp breathed with a dark cloud hovering over his head, ''Merry is...''

''... Can't be repaired.'' Luna completed for him as she also had a bitter aura around her

''You two look supeer~ dark!'' Franky stated something obvious, ''So, the problem is the keel?'' getting their attention as they slowly and shortly nodded their head, ''How about this?'' Franky spoke as he seemed like he suddenly came up with an excellent idea, ''You guys look like you love your ship... I'm ship-dismantler! Let me kidnap you two, and I will carefully scrap your ship!'' as he thumbs-up at them with a wink

Usopp and Luna's jaws fell on the ground with this ''WHAT?!'' both of them were staring at him as if they couldn't believe what he said,

''Are you out of your mind?!! I reject both!!'' Luna shouted at him as she couldn't believe the unreasonable deal offer

''That's right!! We will never let her scrapped, you monster!!'' Usopp also yelled at him in outrage

Franky seemed taken back from their reaction, ''What the hell?! If a ship can't sail, scrapping her is the right choice!!'' as he also looked fierce now,

''She's not just a ship! She's a Klabautermann!'' Luna stated as Usopp also nodded at her,

''That's right! I don't care if you believe it or not, but she has a soul! We can't let her scrapped!'' Usopp yelled out after Luna as both of them were pointing out a finger at him with furious expressions, even though their faces were hidden under their disguise.

Franky, on the other hand, looked shocked, ''Klabautermann?'' it was the first time he has heard about it directly, and he didn't think they were lying from how passionate they were looking. However, before Franky could ask more about it, the door of the bar suddenly burst opened, revealing an old, drunk woman.

''Nagagagaga!! What's this all screamings? I thought you already left Franky!''

All of them were now silent as they looked at the old woman. Just the moment Franky was about to bark at the woman, Luna and Usopp pointed out their finger at her now,

''You're that old lady from the light tower!'' Usopp claimed as he looked surprised

''You're old lady Kokoro!!'' Luna also claimed at the same time with Usopp

''Oh..?!'' Kokoro finally seemed to notice Luna and Usopp. ''Oh my... Aren't you pirates who are looking for a shipwright for your ship?'' causing Usopp's jaw to fell as he was questioning how did she even recognize them, especially while she was looking drunk... again.

Franky also looked confused as he was questioning how they know each other while Luna was beyond happy, ''What a good coincidence! Hey, old lady Kokoro!! Didn't you say that you would buy as a drink?!''

''Oh, You remember?!'' Kokoro asked, but she didn't look surprised as she had a big smile, ''Nagagagaga!! Well, this might be a fateful encounter!! Alright! Get in!''

''Woah!! This is absolutely a lucky day!'' Luna said with a laugh, ''Maybe something truly bad will happen in the end! Wahahaha!!''

''Stop saying that!!'' Usopp shouted after Luna as she began to walk towards the bar, ''You will jinx us!!''

''Ah!'' just then, a little girl came out of the bar, causing Luna to ignore Usopp, ''Pirate big sister!'' Chimney waved her hand at Luna with a big smile,

''How they even recognized us?!'' Usopp was in shock as Luna was questioning why Chimney was in a bar, but she let go when she heard she was drinking juice. Seeing that they were getting inside, Usopp gasped with realization, ''Don't leave me again!!'' as he ran after them.

Franky blankly stared at the door as they were already inside now.


Franky roared out as he burst inside the bar once again with his two sister following behind him.


Franky's plan on kidnapping Luna and Usopp have forgotten long ago as they were all sitting around a table, drinking and crying.

'' ~~Uya, Uyau, Au...'' Franky had overflowing tears as he was sniffling while trying to wipe his tears, ''What a story!!''

''Ennn!!'' Mozu agreed with his big brother as she was sobbing,

''She is such a brave ship!!'' Kiwi also said as she was crying her eyes out,

''Merry-chan!!'' Chimney also cried along with Kokoro,

''Such a moving story! You kids came a long way!'' As she gulped down her bottle of rum with tears in her eyes

''Yeah,'' Usopp was also crying along with them, ''That's why we won't scrap her!'' as he glared at Franky,

''Auw! Don't worry bro!'' Franky said as he cried more, ''After hearing such a story... I wholeheartedly agree to your's way!'' implying their decision on how to say goodbye to Merry.

After Franky followed them inside, he asked about Klabautermann at some point, and Usopp decided to talk about it from the beginning when they first met with Merry in his hometown at East Blue. He exaggerated the story at some points though...

As if he was carrying in him all the time, Usopp seemed relieved after telling Merry's story, especially on the part when they first saw her on the sky island. Franky also cried more when he heard that how they got the gold, but he had no regrets to stole it because he spent it for his dream, which only made Usopp angrier as he didn't care about their thief's dream at that moment and Luna had to hold him back again.

''He is crying so from the heart...'' Luna talked as he stared at Franky, ''I wonder if I can learn a couple of things from him...?'' as her tears were just silently flowing down on her cheeks

''You will only get weirder...'' Usopp replied between his tears,

''Hey! What are you talking about!'' Franky suddenly asked loudly, ''Idiot!! I'm not crying, idiot!!'' denying his weeping by hiding his face, ''Although, I'm supeeer~ touched by your story!! I'm not crying! No one is!!'' as her sisters also joined him and tried to hide their tears,

''There is no need to deny! Nagagaga!!'' Kokoro said with a laugh as she still had tears

''Grandma, you look scary!'' Chiney stated as she looked at Kokoro's smile and tears mixed expression causing Kokoro to yell at her to shut up before she took a gulp from her bottle while Chimney also began to laugh,

''But...'' Kokoro suddenly spoke, getting their attention, ''Is it okay? The Aqua Laguna is coming... it's a high tide... Is Merry-chan will be fine?''

''Well, since she's docked at the Rocky Cape, she should be fine...'' Usopp said with an unsure tone, ''I wanted to go and check up on her, but... we have some problems and didn't have time go there and come back...''

''Right...'' Luna agreed with Usopp, also looking upset, ''We have another friend to save!'' as she seemed fired up now

''Ah!!'' Franky gasped amidst his tears, ''So you can't go to her because of a friend to save?!'' pulling out a guitar, ''I have to sing of this cruel, tragic feeling... 'For a friend'...'' as he sobbed and played with his guitar for a moment while Kiwi and Mozu was cheering on him,

''He is so good to express his feelings... So heartily!'' Luna stated as she stared at Franky in awe

''That's not what you should be focusing on!'' Usopp snapped at her before he also turned Franky and yelled at him to stop too. He was doing this song thing whenever he touched by something throughout the story.

''Then...'' Franky suddenly talked as he somehow had a proud expression, ''I'll take care of it!'' causing Luna and Usopp to looked at him with confusion as he went on, ''I'm supeeer~ touched, and I liked the two of you! For now, I will delay my match against the straw hat! This suuper big brother~ will take the little Merry somewhere safe for now!!''

''Woah!! Really?!!'' Usopp looked shocked before he made a big smile and cheered on him as Franky was doing some dance with his hands on his waist and shaking his hips

''Woah! Even with his weird dance, he looks dependable...'' Luna said as she was still staring at Franky in awed mode while Chimney and the sisters were saying that Franky was cool.

''Oh!'' Franky suddenly stopped his dance, ''I just got a supeer~~ idea!!'' causing all of them to look at him with curiosity now, ''Since I gave up on kidnapping you, I will tell Straw Hat I kidnapped his ship! He would come, right?!''

Luna and Usopp looked at Franky with blank expressions before both of them simultaneously yelled out with shark teeth, ''What's wrong with you?! We told you we have things to do!!''

''You got it wrong!!'' Franky defended himself, ''I can wait until you guys are done with whatever you're doing!'' as he really didn't understand what they meant about saving a friend. He only knew that they hunted by everyone because of Iceburg's assassination attempt, but he was sure they weren't the culprits until now. ''Just tell him that I kidnapped the Merry!'' as he did his pose, ''Auw! Then we can finally finish our fight!''

As Luna and Usopp stared at him in silence with sweatdrops, ''He really wants to fight with Luffy...'' Usopp muttered beside Luna,

''Yeah...'' Luna talked in a low tone as she agreed with him, ''Oh, well... Let's just pretend like we didn't hear of him. He'll take care of Merry in the end.'' she said with a shrug as she knew they wouldn't fight, or even if they fought, it wouldn't be a serious one.

Usopp seemed like he was debating for a moment before he nodded his head, ''Right... I'm sure Luffy can take care of himself!''

''Right?!'' Luna agreed with what he said as both of them began to laugh at each other,

''They're somehow emitting an ominous aura...'' Franky murmured as Kokoro laughed since even though Luna and Usopp talked silently, she was able to hear of them

Soon after, Franky left as he informed them that he would be going to the old street of Water Seven and took the Merry to the bridge in front of the North Eastern Garbage Processing Plant. Apparently, there was a warehouse under the bridge, Franky's secret base. Franky had a pleasant expression when he was leaving as he thought that he could still get to Luffy since he learned that he cared about Merry too.

The ones who left behind inside the bar, on the other hand, were now literally loafing.

Usopp was painting Luna's flaming dragon on her new black hip flask along with GDL letters, getting in a painter mode as if they were not going to fight with the world government agents just a little later.

Luna was comfortably sitting as she stretched her legs on the table and crossed them. She also took Usopp's mask as she became sure that no one knew Usopp's face and was drawing some doodles in her style. Chimney also joined her and drawing some doodles like Luna on Luna's bandages while Gonbe, the cat but rabbit, was on top of Luna's head and watching them paint as if that was the most important thing at the moment.

Kokoro was sitting and gulping down bottles of rums non-stop as she was talking with Luna and Usopp about random things. As if Aqua Laguna, which was engulfing the lower part of the city with an enormous wave, causing a tremendous flood, was not just about to come.

As they spent hours like that, Blueno, a tall man with big lips, a black beard, and black hair in which his hairstyle was resembling the horns of a bull, finally came to tell them the bar was going to closed because Aqua Laguna was closer as he was observing them until now, giving the signal to Luna as she was waiting for this moment.

'So, he's saying their plan is about to start...' Luna thought as they all got up,

Usopp was happy the drinks were paid for by Kokoro since he was actually afraid that Nami might have killed them for spending too much money they took from the case before they left the hotel.

Saying goodbyes to Kokoro and Chimney, who decided to sit on the roof of the bar, Luna and Usopp gazed over the city,

''Woah... the island is really sinking...'' Usopp breathed in surprise as he saw some sidewalks were already underwater as the sky was dark.

''Yeah...'' Luna also observed around the city as she thought that this city could turn into Atlantis if this would go on... ''And it's fastly increasing.''

''Let's hurry up!'' Usopp said, dragging Luna along

So, as the darkness finally fell upon the City of Water, and it slowly began to sink, the two disguised mummies finally rushed towards the Blue Station, where the Sea Train was waiting.


Zoro and Nami were running through a large hallway in a hurry.

Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Chopper were waiting up in a tree for the right time as the headquarters were heavily guarded by the Galley-La workers. Soon after they were waiting, a big explosion voice heard through, and a chaos envelope all around the area and Luffy disappeared in that chaos, shocking the three of them.

Assuming that Luffy's recklessness might be useful to them as everyone would be following him, they began to charge at the building to find Robin. However, when they jumped over the fence, Luffy was nowhere to found as the heavy-armed shipwrights were waiting for them, ready to fight as they were shocked.

They were complaining about Luffy as they were running from the shipwrights. For a while later, Zoro, having enough of running, decided to get rid of all of them while using the back of his blades to hit them. He still caused a lot of damage to the shipwrights though.

After Zoro lost his way a few times and corrected by Nami and Chopper and they running through the hallway inside the building,

''There!!'' Nami suddenly pointed out a big, two-winged door just across them as there were a lot of people lying unconscious on the floors, ''That door in front of us has to be it!!''

''There is a lot of people lying in front of it!'' Chopper said in shock as he wondered if they were dead already and wondered if the assassins were the ones who did this.

''Now!! Go straight!!'' Nami shouted out at Zoro as she pointed out the door, ''We'll crash through the door!!''

''Don't order me around!!'' Zoro yelled back at her before he unsheathed his two swords and looked at the door with a dangerous glint in his eyes.


After the explosion, Luffy, who couldn't wait anymore, rocketed himself towards the building, only to ended up got stuck between buildings due to his poor aiming skills. Struggling there for a while, he was able to pull himself out before he rocketed himself once again, ending up crashing right through the wall of the headquarters' building's third floor as he got stuck halfway in the wall.

What he found there were two masked men, who are stunned by his sudden appearance. One of them was wearing a skull mask, as the other was wearing a bull mask. Moreover, the person who's lying on the floor in a wounded state and bleeding a lot was Paulie.

While Luffy was questioning what happened to Paulie and asking if he was okay while ignoring the fact that he stuck into the wall, Luffy finally realized the two masked men and instantly come to a conclusion about them being the ones who tried to kill Luna and took Robin as he began to yell at them.

While Luffy was trying to get out of the wall, the one with the skull mask kicked the wall with glint like blades, much like flaying slashes made by his kick as Luffy finally pulled himself out of the hole and avoided the attack at the last second. However, with the sudden and fast attack from the bull masked man that was behind Luffy, he restained to the floor with several curled spikes.

In a matter of seconds, Luffy has trapped before he could even understand what happened as the skull masked man did the same with Paulie while they were talking about they had no time to deal with them.

Left behind just like that, Luffy and Paulie began to talk as they were lying limb on the floor. While Paulie was saying sorry as he thought they were the culprits, Luffy was talking about he won't forgive them because they tried to kill one of his crewmembers while taken away the other.

Getting fired up more as he listened to Paulie's screams about he won't let Iceburg, a man he saw as a master and admired, to get killed by people he doesn't even know, Luffy tried to pull himself out of the spikes.

Struggling for a while, being a rubber man, he was able to get free and helped Paulie before they both run off the room to find the mask people and Iceburg before they do anything to him.

''Hey! Straw Hat!'' Paulie yelled at Luffy, who charged right through the wrong wall and got inside some room with a battle yell, ''Moron!! It's not this room!!'' pointing to the room beside them, ''It's the one next door!!''

''It's the next one?'' Luffy asked as he stared towards the wall before he went charging there, ready to burst through the wall as Paulie was right behind him this time.


Inside the room, the Straw Hats were trying to reach were the masked people who were roaming around the headquarters.

After they learned the ones in the hands of Paulie was fake, everyone gathered inside the room that was Robin, Iceburg, and a bear masked man in.

Iceburg, who's already injured, also got shot from his shoulder by the bear masked man once again as he was sitting on the floor.

''Go home!'' Iceburg talked between his hard breaths with his croaked voice, ''I have nothing to give you!''

''That's the problem...'' The one with a bull mask talked as the pigeon, Hattori, came flying before he settled down on the shoulder of the bull masked man, confusing Iceburg for a moment, ''What shall we discuss first...'' as his hands moved to his mask and pulled it out, ''... with you?''

''Wha-...!!!'' Iceburg couldn't talk at the sigh in front of him. There, the man under the bull mask was none other than one of his trusted workers. ''Lucci?!!''

''I'm disappointed in you.'' Lucci talked while he was wearing his black top hat with a sepia band as she was wearing a two-piece black suit.

''It's all your fault...'' The one with the skull mask talked this time as he also put off his mask,

Iceburg only got shaken more as his eyes enlarged, ''Kaku!!''

''This is what you get for not handing it over, while the government was still requesting it of you nicely.'' Kaku talked as he glared down at Iceburg, looking nothing from that polite man now

''We really wished to make this town a memory...'' the one with a musketeer mask also revealed herself, ''...Without having to harm you.'' as he adjusted her glasses

''...Kalifa!'' Iceburg talked in shock as he couldn't believe what he was seeing

''You have your master's resolve.'' Finally, the large man with a bear mask revealed himself too,

''Blueno..!!'' Iceburg panted as he stared up at them all with a complete shock before he breathed out, ''You were all... with the government...''

''That's right.'' Lucci confirmed him as if he was talking about an everyday matter, ''Concealing ourselves was easy as pie... But, I'm so amazed by the depth of your forethought. I'm totally speechless.'' as he didn't actually seem amazed while glaring down at Iceburg with dark eyes, ''The blueprints for the ancient weapon 'Pluton' Please tell us its whereabouts.'' he requested with a calm but cold and menacing aura around him, ''Before there are any more victims.''

As Iceburg was still looking at them with an unbelieving expression in his was and was panting, Lucci calmly went on, saying that they were concealing themselves for five years. And as if he was trying to make Iceburg relieved, he said that they had done their jobs properly. Furthermore, as much as Lucci could understand his discouragement, the time had given them for this case has approached its limit as he also revealed that they were the agents of Cipher Pol unit 9. The one that shouldn't exist because of the privilege they had in the name of 'justice' To kill any citizen who doesn't cooperate with them. Their existence couldn't be known to the world.

As Lucci spoke, no matter what he said, he looked utterly cold and dark.

Iceburg also came to himself as Lucci talked, looking cold and angry as he was still having a hard time to breath with his blood-soaked shirt.

Lucci told Iceburg that the government has changed their opinions, and rather than fear the resurrection of the weapons, they decided to awaken it and put an end to the age of pirates, made them become the power of justice.

However, Iceburg denied handing over the blueprints of the weapon as he believed the world would fight over it and greatly suffer from it while he was saying he knew the nature of humans. The moment Iceburg finished his talk, Lucci kicked him on the face with a high speed, causing him the fell flat on the floor before Lucci ordered Kaku to check his pulse.

As Kaku was checking Iceburg's pulse so that they would know if their theory was correct from his blood pressure, Lucci began to talk about the fake blueprints that Iceburg tried to deceive them.

''Here is the problem; You presumed that the criminals were government officials and showed the fake, but if it were only the work of people who hold a grudge against you, and had come to kill you off, the real blueprint would lose its proprietor, and no one would remain to pass it down.'' Lucci talked in a calm manner, speaking every speculation they had,

''You're not so foolish as to have not thought of that. You knew that, and you still didn't try to hand it over to anyone. Unless... you've already entrusted it to someone. Or at least, you no longer have it. It's possible to still think that. Of course... There's no proof. Even in the range of our five years of investigation, we know nothing from your actions. This person that you'd entrust with the blueprint must have a certain amount of skill.''

As Lucci talked, Iceburg grit his teeth and began to sweat while he was still getting a hard time controlling his breaths. He tried to take his arm back, but the grip Kaku had on his wrist was firm for him to get away from him.

''Let's continue with my theory. The fun part is here,'' Lucci went on as he pulled out the fake blueprints, ''Just now, the blueprints we have... If you look at them carefully, the designers' signatures are on there.'' getting Iceburg's full attention now as he opened up the rolled-up papers and began to read, ''Tom, Iceburg, Cutty Flam, and finally, the company name; Tom's Workers.''

It would be a scrap for anyone who tried to steal the blueprints just recently, yet, they were living on this island for five years, and they knew this name.

Lucci then began to talk about the legendary shipwright Tom and his company Tom's Workers that had many mysteries. They were supposedly on that island, but there were no registrations, and according to the government, Tom had two disciples that one had been confirmed dead in an accident eight years ago.

But that was only supposedly,

''I remember this name, Cutty Flam.'' Lucci calmly declared as he slowly began to took a couple of steps, ''This was four years ago. A man entered through the gates of Galley-La Company and came to see you.'' causing Iceburg's heartbeat to increase, ''He named himself only once.''

''I remember as well,'' Kalifa confirmed as she was also looking calm and cold as Kaku also verified he heard it too.

''Which means, Tom's other disciple, Cutty Flam, is still alive... Still in this city...'' Lucci went on as Kaku tighten his grip on Iceburg's wrist since he shakily tried to pull his arm. Iceburg had fear in his eyes as Lucci said the name. ''Under the name of Franky.''

''There is no mistaking it...'' Kaku talked as Iceburg was still lying on the floor, ''Who'd have thought there was such a relationship between you two.''

''Franky was a man who didn't have an origin, however hard we tried to find out, we didn't think much of him aside from him being a dismantler and a hoodlum.'' Lucci smoothly talked before he began to talk about it would make sense to entrust the blueprints to his only fellow disciple aside from anyone and told him that the pulse in his veins already confirmed everything. ''It's not your fault being unable to hide your emotions on a night where so much happened. It's proof that you're a warm-blooded human.''

''Thank you for all that you've done for me before this.'' Kaku talked with a stoic expression, ''You've done all you can.''

''Then you are going to search for Cutty Flam now?''

Everyone turned to the melodic voice as they heard the question.

A girl with white armor was calmly sitting on one of the window stills. Her white cape along with her free hair, under the helmet that was covering half of her head, waving with the harsh wind blowing behind her.

''Knight-san?!'' Kaku asked in a surprised tone, ''Since when you were there?''

''She was there from the beginning. Didn't you notice?'' Lucci calmly stated as he gazed at Kaku before he turned towards the girl, ''Knight, why are you here? This is our mission.''

Up until now, Knight was silently listening to everything as she just sat there, and only Lucci and Robin noticed her.

''I have nothing to do.'' Knight responded with a small smile and a soft shrug, ''Besides, our missions have some connections.'' as much as she couldn't act for her mission, the girl didn't want to miss Luna, and she believed she would come for Nico Robin.

Kalifa adjusted her glasses silently and averted her gaze, ''Let's hurry up and find Franky.'' as she was also didn't notice the girl, ''We lost enough time, and we don't know where he is.''

''I might know where he is,'' Blueno spoke after Kalifa as he remembered the talk inside his bar, ''If he is still there...''

''Then while you are busy, I will be escorting her,'' Knight said as her light amber-colored gaze drifted on Robin.

''Wait, bastards..!!!'' Iceburg suddenly yelled out of breath as he got over his surprise from the other person he didn't recognize,

Just a second after Iceburg yelled out, one of the walls began to crack as the door cut off with two slashes,

Through the wall bursting through, ''Where is Robin?!!!'' Luffy furiously screamed out

''Luffy?!'' Robin spun around and stared at him in shock

Through the door slashed, ''Luffy!!'' Zoro also called out Luffy's name in shock.

As the entire room seemed to shake with the impact of the two monstrous entrance,

''A hindrance.'' Lucci darkly murmured as he gazed at Luffy

''Robin!!'' Luffy called out as soon as he spotted her in the room, ''I finally found you!!''

Robin didn't say anything as she coldly glared at Luffy with a slight hint of anger in her eyes,

Zoro, on the other hand, ''Hey, Luffy!!'' yelled at Luffy as he was still angry about his sudden disappearance, ''Where've you been all this time!?!!''

Chopper, opposite to Zoro, seemed relieved but also close to crying ''Robin!!! I'm so glad to see you again!!''

Meanwhile, Nami's attention was on the situation inside the room, ''Wha...?! What's going on here?!''

''Ah, jeez...'' Lucci indifferently let a sigh, like he really didn't want to deal with this all

Iceburg groaned softly from the floor before he slowly raised his head up to look at them, ''Paulie...'' he weakly croaked out, ''Straw Hat...''

However, Paulie was stunned at the sight in front of him. ''Iceburg-san... What...?'' He whispered as his eyes were bloodied and so wide that it looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. ''What in the world is going on?!!'' as he hardly breathed,

''...Paulie, why didn't you... run away?!'' Iceburg hissed out, trying to hold back the intense pain he felt,

Paulie didn't hear of him as his eyes traveled on the people inside the room and the masks on the floor, ''What... is this?!! It's like...'' he choked out as he didn't seem to be able to have his thoughts completely together, ''Why are you guys dressed like the criminals who're after Iceburg-san's life?!!!'' he yelled out as if he couldn't accept what he was seeing right that moment, ''Hey!! Kalifa! Blueno! Kaku! Lucci! Enough with the jokes!!''

No one did say anything to him as they just stared at him with emotionless expressions before Luffy also seemed like he finally recognized them, ''Oh, yeah!! Those are the shipwrights you were with earlier! It's the pigeon guy! Right?!'' he turned to look at Paulie for confirmation as Paulie was still in shock.

''Hey, I recognize the square nose,'' Zoro said as he looked at him with narrowed eyes, ''He came to Merry yesterday.''

Luffy then seemed to realize another thing as he turned back to the shipwrights, ''But why are they here?! I thought we would be finding Piper Col guys!!!''

''It's Cipher Pol!!'' Nami suddenly shouted at him as she corrected him before she turned towards them with a frowned expression, ''So, they were inside all this time.''

''He meant CP9?'' Iceburg groaned as he coughed while Lucci was now talking with Paulie,

''Paulie... We're actually government intelligence operatives.'' Lucci bluntly said with an emotionless expression. ''You'll forgive me if I apologize, right? We're companions. We built ships day in and day out. If it's too sudden for you to believe, would you like me to step on Iceburg's face?''

Paulie's eyes widen in rage, ''Shut up!!'' his hands curled into tight fists, clenching so much that veins popped out, ''This is too much!! The voice I heard earlier of the bull mask matched yours... Dammit... Bastards...'' he looked up furiously, ''You can speak properly!!! You made fools out of all of us!!!''

As Iceburg shouted at Paulie to stop it, Paulie ran forward at Lucci. He pulled another set of ropes from his sleeves, but these had several knives attacked every few feet along with it. Like a whip, he charged at Lucci and swung it out. However, before the attack could hit, Lucci disappeared, and in an instant, he was just in front of Paulie.

''Finger Pistol!'' With his single index finger, he was able to pierce right through Paulie's chest like a dagger. ''You still don't get it, Paulie?'' Lucci neutrally asked as Paulie stumbled back with a hole in his chest, dropping the rope in his hand.

As Paulie was trying to stay on his feet, ''Hey, Rope guy!!'' Luffy called out in worry,

''Why...'' Paulie muttered before he finally fell to his knees, ''You guys...'' he growled before his knees crumbled

''Don't bother resisting.'' Lucci said darkly as the pigeon fluttered into the room and landed on his master's shoulders, ''We've mastered skills that soar far above those humans. We've spent countless hours training in a martial art that makes the body equal to a weapon.'' He held up his hand as the blood of Paulie could be seen on his single finger. ''Six Powers. The strength of one who has mastered it is equal to a hundred men.''

Paulie was breathing hard, trying to hold back the pain, but still, he was trying to force himself up. ''Why would you...'' he croaked out,

''Doesn't matter.'' Lucci indifferently spoke as he grabbed Paulie's shoulder and held him there, ''Your life will expire either way... Though we were friends...'' There was no emotion in his tone as he held up his hand and prepared for the finishing attack

''Lucci!!! You bastard!!'' Iceburg yelled out in panic, but just then, Luffy stepped in,

''Stop it!!'' Luffy screamed out as he stretched his foot to kick Lucci.

At the attack, Lucci completely forgot about Paulie, and he used the hand he held up to attack Paulie to stop Luffy's foot from hitting his face. Not caring about the fact that he had blocked, Luffy snapped forwards and began to go at him with Gatling Gun.

''Iron Body!'' Lucci muttered in almost a hissing sound and didn't move an inch as Luffy began to hit him as hard and as fast as he could.

Noticing Lucci didn't even flinch, Luffy stopped in mid-attack as some steam was emanating from Lucci's body after all of those attacks.

''This is annoying.'' Lucci glared at him in deep aggravation, ''Shave!'' and just like that, he vanished again, surprising Luffy before Lucci suddenly appeared just right in front of him in a matter of seconds and tried to use a Finger Pistol right at Luffy's neck.

Having rubbery skin prevented him from being spiked through, but the impact of the attack was still so great that Luffy sent flying back and crashed into a wall before he slid to the floor.

''Luffy!!'' Zoro yelled out in worry as Luffy lay on his back, grasping his neck as he coughed and gasped for air. ''Those moves looks so much like Six Powers.'' Zoro frowned as his hands moved to hold his katana's hilts.

''If you'd had a normal neck, you'd now have a hole in it,'' Lucci calmly stated, ''and would've died instantly, rubberman.''

Luffy quickly recovered and stretched out his arm to grab Paulie by the collar of his shirt and pulled him away from CP9.

Lucci didn't even move to stop him as he merely watched what Luffy was doing. ''What are you doing, Straw Hat?'' he asked, and for the first time, there was slightly curiosity in his tone,

''You're planning to kill him!'' Luffy angrily yelled out, stating the obvious fact, ''Weren't you shipwright friends just yesterday?!''

As Lucci was calmly saying, ''Until a moment ago, yes... But it's different now.''

''It doesn't matter!'' Luffy snapped back and got to his feet, ''I promised this guy that we'd beat the crap out of the guys who tried to kill Ice-pops!!''

Both Iceburg and Paulie stared at him with this, looking surprised as others glared at him, ''Why do you side with Paulie?'' Kaku asked as the rest also wondered the answer,

''Because I got business with you too!!'' Luffy stated angrily, ''You guys tried to kill Luna and take away Robin!!''

''You seem to misunderstand something.'' Lucci calmly spoke at Luffy's claims, causing Luffy to frown as he didn't understand what he was stating as Lucci went on, ''We, the Cipher Pol 9, are not the ones who had ordered to kill De Luna. We have no information on that matter. So, if it's revenge what you are seeking, you're angry at the wrong person.''

''What are you talking about?!'' Luffy asked with a frown, ''You were there last night!'' as much as he didn't look at the people around Luna at that time, he knew there were a bunch of masked people there, just like these guys.

''That's right!'' Nami also spoke as she didn't understand what he was saying, ''Weren't you, Cipher Pol, there last night?!''

''As we said, it wasn't CP9,'' Kaku talked as he gazed at them, looking nothing like the polite man they had met yesterday, ''The one ordered to kill De Luna was Cipher Pol Aigis Zero.''

'CP-0?' Robin's eyes momently enlarged before she looked calm and cold once again as her eyes slid to the girl in white armor, who's still sitting and calmly watching everything.

''As much as we're under the same organization, we are different units.'' Kaku calmly went on as he bluntly explained, ''They work directly as enforcers for the World Nobles. If she's ordered to kill by them, that means-...''

''That is enough.'' Kaku's words cut off by the young girl's melodic voice that sounded calm, getting their attention as the Straw Hats has just realized the girl, ''If you are not going to kill them, you should not give any further information.''

''World Nobles?'' Nami asked with a frown as her voice sounded like a whisper. They still didn't know who exactly were they as they didn't ask about them after seeing Luna's reaction to Aokiji. They thought if Luna wanted to, she would tell them.

Before anyone can say anything,

''And as for Nico Robin,'' Lucci talked once again as he had an emotionless expression, ''We didn't take her away. She's here on her own will.''

''What are you talking about?!'' Luffy looked angry, but he didn't seem like he was asking anything as he turned to Robin and stared at her directly in the eye and demanded, ''Hey, Robin!! What are you doing with these guys?!''

''Yeah!! They are government agents!!'' Nami yelled out as she looked at Robin with confusion, ''Why?!''

Robin stared at each one of them in silence for a moment. Years of keeping a mask on her face, Robin was able to look at each one of them as if they were enemies or strangers that weren't even worth her time, ''You people don't seem to listen very well.'' as Robin finally talked, there was slight anger in her voice. ''I told the cook and doctor goodbye. Didn't they tell you?'' as she didn't even call their names now.

''I did!!'' Chopper cried out at once at Robin's question. ''But, I don't get it either!! Why, Robin?!!''

After another brief of silence later, ''To make my wish come true.'' Robin confessed, ''A wish that can't happen so long as we're together.'' as the Straw Hats stared at her in shock at what she was saying, Robin finished speaking, ''To accomplish my wish, I will sacrifice anything.''

Robin knew if they knew what she was doing, they wouldn't let her. She trusted Luna wouldn't say anything to them, and she chose to believe she wouldn't do anything because she knew the reason and could understand. Though she wasn't sure what Luna and Usopp were doing, Robin was relieved Luna wasn't there, and she felt happy for her decision the moment she heard the words of CP-0.

Robin believed that this truly saved them as it was the only thing she could do for them. Just the idea of seeing Buster Call on the people she cared about again... Robin really didn't think of any other way to get out of this, and she didn't want them to face this because of her. But, above all... Robin didn't want them to face this because of the mere thought of that one day, they too...

''So... That's why you're able to frame your crewmates as assassins and work with the people who tried to kill your friend without hesitating?'' Zoro asked sharply, ''What's this wish of yours?''

''I don't have to tell you,'' hiding all of her thoughts, Robin answered back sharply and coldly

''Don't try to understand her...! She's-...'' Iceburg croaked from the floor he was lying before he began to yell as much as he could, ''Are you crazy, Nico Robin?!! Do you understand what you're trying to do!!''

''You no longer have the right to say anything.'' Robin said as she angrily glared down at him, ''Keep your mouth shut!'' as several hands appeared on Iceburg's body. A loud cracking voice could be heard as she twisted him before she coldly declared, ''I will not let anyone interfere!''

As Iceburg was moaning in pain, Paulie screamed out in panic and fear, ''Iceburg-san!!!''

''Robin!!'' Luffy yelled out at her with a mix of fury and shock, ''What are you doing!! Are you serious?!!''

''What's wrong with you, Robin?!!'' Chopper screamed out like he was having a bad dream as tears began to form in the corners of his eyes, ''You're our friend, right?!! Please, come back!!!''

Lucci slowly stepped in front of Robin as they couldn't see her now, ''I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to stop you right now.'' not looking really sorry at all, ''We have to find a pretty important person after this, so we're in a hurry. We have no more business in this mansion, and we don't have business with you lot either.''

Lucci then turned Kalifa to ask how much time they had left before she let him know that they had about two minutes before they had to leave. ''This is sudden, but in two minutes, this mansion will be engulfed in flames.'' Lucci casually informed them as everyone looked at him in surprise,

''What?!'' Luffy yelled at him with widened eyes as he still had anger,

''Fire is a very convenient way of destroying evidence.'' Lucci casually went on, ''If you do not wish to burn to death, I suggest you evacuate quickly. That is... If you can.''

At Lucci's words, Kalifa, Kaku, and Blueno went forward and stood in front of Lucci and Robin as the Knight softly hopped off from where she was sitting and took a couple of steps towards them,

''It looks like they mean to eliminate us.'' Zoro said as he began to unsheathe his swords while the rest of them were looking like they guarded up, ready to fight, ''Robin seems to want to stay on the other side... Luffy, are you okay with Robin leaving the crew and going with them?''

Nami and Chopper glanced at Luffy with this as if afraid of what he might say next, but they didn't need to, ''Hell no!!!'' Luffy declared loudly

''So noisy,'' Lucci let an indifferent sigh, ''The flames will rise from numbers of rooms on the first floor soon. But the culprits were pirates... These things happen.''

''You bastards!!'' Paulie growled as he stared at Lucci

Nami glared at them all before she yelled, ''You use masks of other people to get away with whatever you like.'' before she held up her Clima-Tact with an angry expression, ''Talk about rude!''

''They're already tainted masks.'' Blueno casually talked with his deep voice, ''I see no problems with that.''

Iceburg was still struggling on the floor for breath, and the clock on the wall was showing that there was only one minute left...

''Well,'' the melodic voice of Knight heard as she was beside Robin now, ''I think we will take our leave now.''

While Robin was pulling the hood up over her head after these words, ''Yes, we will be meeting there after we took that.'' Lucci casually said,

Seeing this, ''Wait!!'' Luffy shouted out at once, ''Robin!! I won't accept it! You're still one of us!!''

That's why she had to do this. Robin has already convinced herself that this was the only way for them to survive, and that's why Robin turned her back at Luffy,


As Nami and Chopper were calling out her name, ''Don't let her go...'' Iceburg weakly spoke with whatever strength he had left, ''Don't let Nico Robin.''

He didn't have to say anything though, as Luffy ran towards her, ''Where are you going now!! We just found you!!''

However, Luffy's running cut in midway as suddenly dozens of swords appeared, floating in the air and aiming at Straw Hats, ''Wha-...?!'' Luffy swiftly stopped himself as he pulled back a little, a line of blood was dripping from the thin cut on his cheek,

''Before we take our leave,'' Knight talked with a cold tone as everyone stayed still since even though the swords were aimed at Straw Hats, they were floating everywhere inside of the room,

''What?!'' Nami gazed around in shock along with Chopper and Paulie while Zoro was looking at the swords with narrowed eyes as his hands were tightly gripping his swords...

''I thought she would be already here... Since you are the captain, do you perhaps know where she is?'' Knight went on and noticing Luffy's confused expression, she added, ''I mean Luna.''

''I don't know,'' Luffy responded without even thinking as he also thought that Luna would be there along with Usopp, ''Who are you?!'' he looked angry now as he was stopped while wiping the blood on his cheek,

Knight ignored his question as she turned her head away with thoughtful glints in her eyes,

''She is obviously that Goddess of War!!'' Nami yelled at Luffy, answering his question. She didn't recognize her at the beginning since she was looking different from the last night, but Nami remembered what Luna said about her, and if these floating swords were not divine control over weapons, Nami didn't know what it could be,

''So, she is the one? That CP-0?'' Nami asked herself, looking like trying not to move as she was glancing at the swords with a fear-filled gaze. Luna said that this girl was here to kill her and these guys from CP9 just said it was CP-0 who ordered to kill Luna, which meant that this girl was from CP-0, and they were all looking like they were working together.

''What?!'' Chopper asked in shock as he heard of Nami, ''So, she is the one who tried to kill Luna?!'' as he was trying to stay away from the sword that was just in front of his face,

''Don't tell me she ran and disappeared again...'' Knight murmured to herself. She couldn't take the risk to lose her. Just earlier today, Luna has killed her seven useless men, and the other three that were still remaining were watching the rest of the crew, and Luna never appeared with them.

''Wha..?'' Luffy asked with surprise as he heard what the girl was murmuring to herself while he was also trying to find a way to get off of the swords encircling around him, but Knight kept ignoring him,

''No... She would have done that in Alabasta...'' as much as Knight could wait for anything from Luna, she didn't believe she would run after all this time.

'Where is Robin?!'

Luna's threatening voice and face flashed for a moment before she turned to look at Robin, ''Let's go, Nico Robin.'' she held down her hand, causing all of the swords to disappeared before she moved towards the window that she was sitting on just earlier. She was sure Luna would appear at some point.

''What?! Wait!!'' Luffy looked baffled, but he was quick to come back as he saw Robin was following the girl, ''Robin!!'' as he started to run towards her again, but he stopped once again as Blueno suddenly appeared right in front of him, getting frustrated, Luffy tried to kick him,

''Iron Body!'' Blueno murmured with his deep voice before Luffy's kick landed on him, and Luffy felt like he was hitting at the wall once again,

With no shred of humbleness, ''Our bodies are trained to the point of mimicking an iron shell. We can heighten our resistance.'' Blueno casually spoke as Luffy got more frustrated and began to try and punch him with Gatling Gun, however, Blueno began to sway around, reminding Luffy of Enel, and Luna from their training, different but similar.

As Blueno was swaying back and forth at a rapid speed as if he were made of paper and avoiding Luffy's punches, Luffy suddenly stopped himself as he noticed that Robin was almost at the window, ''Robin, wait!!!'' as he tried to go after her, but no matter what he did, Blueno was always one step ahead of him,

Luffy stretched out his arm to hit him, Blueno suddenly disappeared before he appeared behind Luffy, and when Luffy tried to hit him again, Blueano jumped up into the air and was actually walking in the air,

''He is walking in the air!!!'' Chopper gasped in shock, though he heard of this from Luna, it was the first time he really saw it.

While Blueno had Luffy distracted, Kalifa and Kaku dashed forward as they were ready to attack, and at the same time, both of them threw kicks towards Luffy's abdomen as the shadow of a blade coming from their feet could be seen.

Luffy froze in the air for just a brief moment, ''That's...!!'' Zoro's eyes widened before he yelled at Nami and Chopper to get down.

Nami and Chopper were confused, but they still did what they told, and just they got down and covered themselves, a huge slash went over them, and Luffy sent blasting from the room as the wall left with deep slices.

''Luffy!!!'' Chopper screamed out in fear,

''They really send flying slashes just with their kicks!!'' Nami cried out as she stared at the damage. Hearing and seeing were entirely different

''We call it Tempest Kick.'' Kalia casually stated, ''If you have the speed to create a 'Sickle Wind' then it's possible.''

Meanwhile, Zoro, who lost his temper, went running at Kaku, as he blocked Zoro's two swords with two carving tools he pulled out.

''We met on the ship, Roronoa.'' Kaku recognized him as he casually stated,

''You're not a shipwright! So your inspection at the time...'' Zoro trialed off as their weapons were still connected and pushing each other,

''Unfortunately for you... I was serious when I appraised it.'' Kaku answered as he understood what Zoro was asking, and that was enough for Zoro as he broke the connection before they began to get in a fight so hard that only flashes of light could be seen,

Luffy suddenly leaped back from where he fell as a trail of blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Robin, who's just in front of the window, waiting for her turn as the Knight was about to jump off, ''Don't go, Robin!! I'm not done talking to you!!'' Luffy frantically screamed

''No, I'm done.'' Robin said as she coldly turned to them for the last time, ''We will never meet again.''

As Nami called her name in desperation, Zoro, who couldn't take it anymore, cut through Kaku's two carving tools right in half, ''Luffy!! Hurry up and catch Robin!!''

Luffy went running straight for Robin after this as Kaku spoke to Zoro ''Roronoa,'' while he was standing on his one hand, ''You have got guts to look away.'' and with that, he used the Finger Pistol before Zoro could even have the chance to dodge, creating three deep holes in his chest.

As Zoro coughed blood and fell on his knees, Robin climbed up onto the windowsill, ready to go and follow the girl as her cloak was blowing wildly in the wind. Luffy was almost there before Lucci stepped in and grabbed him by his face, holding him back.

Luffy's voice muffled as his face trapped in his grasp while he was struggling to get out as even his feet were no longer on the ground, trying to punch him but failing,

''Go, Nico Robin.'' Lucci firmly ordered

Robin's step halted for just a brief of a moment before she shut her eyes, and without a second thought, she stepped outside, falling straight down and out of sight.

Chopper screamed out Robin's name, but it was too late as she wasn't there anymore.

Nami looked at Luffy, who got caught so easily before Lucci tossed him to the ground, crashing into the wall as Zoro lay on the floor, bleeding as he was trying to get up. Nami called out their names as she stared at them with shocked eyes, ''I knew they would be strong, but..'' seeing both of them like this just seemed impossible to her,

Paulie wasn't also so different from Nami, ''Who the hell are you?'' as he seemed to he can't believe what he was seeing,

''Our surroundings have changed.'' Lucci darkly answered as he looked at them all like they were not even significant, ''We, CP9, have been prepared to give our lives for the government. We've trained our bodies to great extremes since we were young. Thus, we've gained the superhuman strength, Six Powers. I think it has finally sunk into your hearts.'' As he especially glanced at Paulie for a moment, ''Us, four are assigned by the government to extreme missions. And, you lowly pirates can see the huge difference in our combat power.''

Luffy and Zoro glared at him as blood was dripping from the sides of their mouths while panting for breath, Lucci darkly added, ''This incident is of the utmost secrecy. It's not something you can touch.

Just then, the clock on the wall struck ten as Kalifa immediately informed Lucci that it was the time for the fire to start and they should hurry,

''But such a pity.'' Lucci talked as he didn't seem concerned before he turned to the Straw Hats, ''I think... I'll show you something interesting.''

And then, Lucci began to transform. His eyes began to glow an eerie green, his shoulders were bursting out as he grew taller, fur spread all over his body as his arms grew large and muscular with claws at the end of each finger. His fur was golden yellow, and black spots were covering his body. His hair turned wild and ran down his back as a sinister grin spread over his lips, and eyes filled with malice.

Paulie cried out in shock at seeing Lucci as everyone was looking at him in shock as Lucci truly looked terrifying while towering all of them with his half leopard form, and as smoke began to fill the room, he only looked much more terrifying.

''Lucci...!!!'' Paulie gasped in horror, looking close to freak out, ''What the heck are you...?!!''

''Gyaaaa!! Gyaaaa!!'' Chopper screamed out with tears in his eyes as he was literally panicking now,

''It seems the fire has begun to spread.'' Lucci talked calmly, a slight purring in his voice as he glanced at the smoke filling the room,

''A devil fruit..?!!'' Nami cried out, shocked to see that the man who's already powerful also had devil fruit powers,

''Which fruit is it?!!'' Luffy also asked with shock from where he is sitting,

''Cat Cat Fruit, Model; Leopard,'' Lucci answered with his deep purring voice,

''A leopard man, eh...?!'' Zoro looked unnerved as he glared up at Lucci

''He's huge!!!'' Luffy exclaimed in shock,

''This is bad!!!'' Chopper yelled out, panting and sweating, looking terrified as he stared at Lucci in horror, ''A carnivorous Zoan is a lot more violent!!''

''Logia, Zoan, Paramecia... There are many unique abilities... But for Zoan, it's a special quality to strengthen ourselves physically.'' Lucci explained as he kept darkly glared down at them, ''Our powers increase the more we train. Zoan is the strongest kind in close combat.''

''What the hell... is this...!!'' Paulie hissed as he forced himself to get back up, causing Iceburg to gave him an angry but concerned look,

Just then, noticing the faint shoutings and screams that were just below them and coming close, Kalifa turned to Lucci and warned him about the other shipwright were coming up, causing Lucci to let out a single kick at the wall.

As the wall cut through, the mansion shook with the monstrous power displayed as the building completely began to collapse around them, including the roof over their heads breaking in.

Zoro shouted out at Nami and Chopper, who's close to the collapsing parts, causing them to run towards him, however, as they were running from the collapsing parts of the building, a large chunk of the ceiling gave out, and Nami was just right underneath.

''Nami!!!'' Chopper came charging out of nowhere as he saw it, and in a matter of seconds, he rammed her right out of the way as the ceiling fell on top of him.

Nami fell as she slid on the floor before she turned towards Chopper in terror, ''Chopper!!!'' in horror, Nami tried to go there to find Chopper and save him under the huge chunk of wall.

Crashing continued around them, more rubble was continuing to fall as Paulie ran around the debris to where Iceburg was lying. And ignoring Iceburg's words that were telling him to let him go, Paulie wrapped an arm around his shoulders to help him up.

''I'm getting you out of here!'' Paulie talked, and it was a statement, a promise as he kept ignore Iceburg's stubborn words about he can't because of his wounds. But the thing he should be worrying about was not his wounds,

''Give up, Paulie.'' Kalifa coldly talked as she and others blocked them.

Kaku, Kalifa, Blueno, and especially Lucci were standing right in their way as the two of them looked so small in front of them.

''I thought...'' Paulie's eyes were hidden for a moment, breathing hard and shaking before he lifted his head and looked right into their eyes with tears welling up, ''I really thought that we were friends!!!''

''Only you thought that.'' Lucci cold said as he held up his massive arm, his sharp nails glinted, ready to strike down, but just at that moment, Luffy's fist came flying out of nowhere and slugged Lucci right in the face.

''Pigeon jerk!!!'' Luffy furiously screamed as he was ready for another attack,

''Straw Hat!!!'' Paulie yelled as he saw him there, but before anyone had time for anything,

Lucci held up a single finger, sharp nail glittered, and Luffy's eyes got widen as he saw the attack, however, before he had any time to move, farter than blinking, Lucci's finger pierced through Luffy chest.

Luffy's face held shock as blood was flowing, and for what felt like forever, Lucci finally let Luffy go as Luffy tried to stay on his feet, pressing onto the hole in his guy as blood was flowing,

''Luffy!!!'' Zoro shouted out in horror, going for his swords as Nami screamed in terror,

Luffy let out a choking sound, barely able to stand as Lucci held up the blood-stained finger and licked the blood, and before Zoro could rush there, Lucci grabbed Luffy by his head and lifted him off the floor,

''I'll send you,'' Lucci slowly said as he revved up Luffy, ''Off this island!!'' and with great power, he tossed Luffy, sending him crashing through the wall as Luffy went sending flying away,

Nami screamed out his name in terror as Zoro launch at him with fury. Despite Lucci was facing his back at Zoro, Zoro's sword blocked by Lucci's arm as he used Iron Body, and turned his back with such speed, Zoro couldn't even dodge as he also sent flying, just like Luffy.

Lucci next turned towards the terrified Nami, ''You too,'' as he walked towards Nami,

Nami shook with fear before everything went blank with sharp pain.