
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · Urban
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58 Chs


After last night, I can't help but start to feel a bit more excited about tonight. Its time to get up and tell Marissa, maybe she can help me find a dress. Its about ten in the morning and I see Mari in the kitchen she's making coffee and cereal, when she sees me she makes some for me too. "Morning Mari, I kind of need to speak to you about something," I say rather nervously.

Mari looks at me and can't understand my nervousness. "Well spit it out, you look like someone is about to die or something."

I take a deep breath and whisper very quickly, "I have a date with Romeo De Luca tonight."

"I'm sorry? You spoke so fast I almost thought you said you have a date with Romeo De Luca." Mari says shrugging sipping her coffee.

I square my shoulders and answer. "That's because I do." She spits her coffee out and is in total shock, coughing.

"You have a date with the Mafia King?" She asks in disbelief still coughing. I nod. "Well, you know what you are getting into right? Rumor has it, Romeo De Luca does not date, he's a womaniser, but if he's wanting to take you on a date then I guess you must be different, I mean he has been hanging around you a lot."

"I know it's not ideal, I also know its not worst thing I can do, but I can't help but want to see what this is with him. I haven't dated in so long, it's been years, am I making a terrible mistake?" I ask Mari.

"Honey, I can't tell you if you are making a mistake or not, but you know what and who he is. I just want you to be safe, but I guess a date won't hurt right? I mean have you seen the man?" Mari says giggling.

"Could you help me find dress?" I ask her hopeful.

"Of course," she says smiling, let's hit the mall, "we need a dress and new shoes, with a clutch." Mari says excited. And this is why I love her, she's a mother hen, naughty, supportive, funny and just the best person you can ever know.

We made our way to some high end stores, if I want to feel good, I need the good stuff. I end up with a beautiful red bodycon dress from Gucci, that ends just before the knee, with thin straps, it really shows off all my assets, seriously body hugging but classy. I decide on a matching black five inch stiletto, and a black satin clutch, I have a black classy coat so that will be my outfit. Mari has enjoyed making me try on at least thirty outfits before we settled with this one, red kind of looks good on me. We stop for a short lunch and I get a call from Valencia saying I have the night off, must be Romeo. I have not heard from him today and decide to text him when I get home. Marissa and I had our nails done, I opted for a beautiful nude colour, it goes perfectly with what I'm wearing. We finally make our way home and it's just after five and I take a shower, shave and do all the necessary.

I sit in my towel and I start to feel nervous and text Romeo.

Hi Romeo,

are we still on for tonight?

- Lina

I wait for a reply and sure enough it comes swiftly.

Lina Bella,

Of course we are on for

tonight. Reservation is at

7:30pm, will pick you up

at 7pm - Romeo

I can't help but smile, he really has thought this out, I'm so excited. I don't have much time, I dry my hair and do some long loose curls. I put on some bronze make up, nothing too out there, with some mascara and liner. I opt for a nude matt lip with a touch of gloss over it. I have to say, I think I look classy enough. I slip on some black barely there Victoria's Secret lace panties and a matching lace strapless bra. Marissa helps me into the dress and I slip on my shoes. I turn looking into my floor length mirror and hear Marissa, "You look so hot, if I were a guy I would fuck your brains out tonight." We both burst into fits of giggles as I spray on some CK Beauty perfume, we hear a knock at the door, it's him.

I walk out to get the door, I admit I am so nervous. I open the door and standing there in all his magnificent glory is Romeo with the hugest bouquet of red roses I have ever seen. He's dressed in a black Armani suit, black shirt and black tie. His hair immaculately done, and I can smell his expensive cologne. He looks absolutely handsome. "Good evening Romeo."

Romeo POV:

I knock on the door and I have to admit I actually feel nervous. I don't date, but yet here I am, with the hugest bouquet of red roses I could find. I knock on the door and I see Lina, she looks breathtakingly beautiful, I actually just stand there like a creep staring at her flawless beauty, taking in her beautiful body in that tight red dress. Fuck, I'm done for.

"Good evening Romeo," she says with her plump kissable lips.

"Good evening Alina, you look absolutely breathtakingly beautiful," I flash her a smile and lean in giving her a kiss on each cheek. She invites me in, and I hand her the roses and on cue I see her blush.

"Thank you Romeo, you look very handsome too, and thank you for the roses, they are so beautiful." She says shyly, and goes to grab a vase to put them in some water. "How about we head out? We don't want to be late," she says with a huge smile and I spot her coat and help her put it on, sliding my hands down her tiny waist and I hear her let out a small breath and it hitches and I can't help but smirk.

"Let's go Bella," I say leading her out and she locks up.

"Are we alone tonight?" Alina asks not spotting Leo or Dario.

"Well yes and no, we will not be disturbed, I have some men at a distance," I answer truthfully, after all I do need protection, but I don't say any more to her and lead her to my matt black Lamborghini.

"Wow beautiful car," she says in amazement.

"I thought it would be fun for the night." I answer shrugging and open the door helping her in and I see her dress rise a bit and I can't help but check out her legs. Ok so I might have had a small ulterior motive using this low car. I shut the door once she's in and move to the drivers side. The engine roars to life, and we buckle up.

"So where are going?" Alina asks with smile, and I start driving.

"Well I thought we could go to a very exclusive restaurant, classy but quiet enough to relax, it's called For'Davs Italian, it belongs to very good friends of mine, Raine Forbes and Lynn Davis, they are cousins and opened this place a good couple of years ago. It's become a favourite amongst people who feel they need to not be bothered." I say shrugging, hear her hum in agreement. "How about some music?" I ask her smiling.

"Sure," she answers fidgeting with her hands, clearly nervous. I switch the music on and it's Adam Lambert 'Welcome To The Show'. Her head whips to me, "you like Adam?" she says almost laughing.

"Yes I do, what did you expect? Italian Opera? Adam has an amazing voice," I counter laughing.

"Well yeah, you are Italian". She says shrugging and we both land up laughing and singing to the song. A few songs later we pull up to the restaurant. One of my men walks over and takes my car, can't trust the valet, I do have enemies.

We walk through the lobby of a hotel and down through a well hidden entrance, they know me and the door opens. "Welcome to For'Davs Mr De Luca, may I take your coats and show you to your table?" The blonde hostess asks, and I nod.

Alina POV:

We walk across the lobby of the hotel and down some steps and a well hidden door opens and we are greeted by a blonde hostess whom clearly has eyes for Romeo. We check our coats and she shows us to our table. The restaurant is absolutely beautiful, the decor is rich oaks, reds and gold, with crisp white tables scattered and some dark red booths along the back wall. There are heavy gold crystal chandeliers hanging and it has an expensive yet comfortable feel. I look around and see many business men and very well dressed women. I spot a stage and it seems they have singers that take the stage throughout the night. We get to our booth in the far corner with a view of the whole restaurant but its quite private. I honestly love it. "Romeo this place is amazing," I say looking around smiling.

"Yes it's quite something. I thought you might like it," he says smoothly.

The blonde still hovering says, "Mr De Luca, your waiter will be with you shortly, and as requested, it will be a male." He nods and she walks off shooting me daggers, yep I should be six feet under right now. Romeo moves closer to me in the booth, and puts his hand on mine, he's caught me nervously fidgeting on my lap, he says nothing but I do feel the electricity shooting up my arm.

A tall young Italian looking man arrives at our table. "Mr De Luca, I am Antonio and I will be your waiter this evening." He nods and doesn't say anything, the waiter looks at me and smiles, and I feel Romeo's grip tighten on my hand slightly when I smile back. Antonio continues, "what can I get you to drink sir?" he asks putting down the menu's.

"A bottle of your finest red wine." Is all Romeo says. Antonio nods and walks away, Romeo looks like he is mentally killing him. I need to change this mood.

"So Romeo, I see they have people to sing? It's been a long time since I have been at a place like this." I say trying to turn his mood around. Just then Antonio arrives and opens the wine bottle and pours the wine and scurries away.

"Really? It's quite unique, I prefer this kind of solitude. The singers are amazing, they do a variety of songs." He says and his good mood is back and I sip the wine and I hum, I can seriously appreciate a good Bordeaux, its been so long my old friend. Romeo smirks as he watches me, and I pick up my menu, and there are no prices, which equals extremely expensive. I bite my lip as I look over the menu, and I feel Romeo staring at me, he closes his eyes and gives his head a little shake.

Antonio the waiter comes along, "what would you like?" He asks almost scared.

"I will have the Chicken parmesan linguine." Romeo says coldly staring at him. "Alina?" Romeo says gesturing for me to order.

"That sounds amazing, I think I will have the same." I say smiling at Romeo and Antonio excuses himself.

"So Alina, can you tell me about yourself?" Romeo asks, I mentally cringe.

"What would you like to know?" I ask.

"Tell me how you grew up, family, anything really." Romeo says smiling.

I don't know why, but I feel safe with Romeo and I open up just a little bit. "Well I grew up in Chicago, I had a pretty normal childhood, typical Italian family, a happy one, I have two older brothers and I went to private schools, so it was a strict upbringing to some degree. I am not very close to my mother and father, I used to be close to my father, I guess you could say I was his principessa. My brothers are fiercely protective of me. So I was quite sheltered for most of my life." I say trying to make it sound less exciting. Our food arrives and we start to eat.

"Sounds like you miss them," Romeo says more as a fact.

"I do, but you know not all families stay happy." I say shrugging.

"So what caused you to change your name and run away?" Romeo asks, I knew he was working up to this. I put my fork down and look him dead in the eyes, I shake my head. "You can trust me bella, I can protect you." I sigh and start eating again, contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth.

"Maybe another time, tell me about you, who is Romeo De Luca," I ask changing the subject.

"Well, I come from a very large Italian family myself, my parents live in Italy with my little sister Isabella and my brother Luciano is here with me in New York. I took over the family businesses, my brother helps with a few of them, Dario and Leo are my cousins. I own hotels, casinos, clubs, and a few other businesses". Romeo says nonchalantly.

We finish eating and sip on our wine and Romeo moves closer to me, takes my hand and gives it a small kiss. He looks intensely into my eyes and places his hand on my knee as we hear the singer belt out a beautiful love song. I feel my breath hitch at the contact and I suddenly feel his lips on mine and he squeezes my knee gently. He pulls away from the sweet kiss and I blush, I didn't expect that, but I do know I want more. I lean in and kiss him back, thankfully no one can really see us in this dark corner, I place my hand on his thigh and gently stroke it, I feel his hand go into my hair gripping my neck as he deepens the passionate kiss. I brush his manhood and I can feel him get excited and his grip tightens on my neck. He pulls away. "Dessert?" Romeo asks with naughty glint in his eye, I raise my eyebrow and answer. "Definitely."