
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · Urban
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58 Chs


Romeo POV:

I left Alina and all I want to do is turn back. I hear the bedroom door close as I leave to a guest room at the opposite end of the house, not before signalling my men to stand guard, I have to do my rounds before I go to bed and make sure everything is secure. I have my best men covering her room and mine, to ensure our safety and the babies. Walking around the house I make my way to the garden where all the guests have left and it's quiet except for the cleaning crew.

Removing my jacket and bowtie, I toss it on the patio furniture, I undo the top few buttons on my shirt, and look out taking a breath. Tomorrow I will be a husband - I walk out to the lake and see Leo sitting there on a bench overlooking the water, anyone that knows Leo, knows he's always a happy person, goofy and life of the party. Dario, is always serious, and me, I'm probably a mixture between the two of them, but Leo, he's always the light for us all.

Right now Leo looks anything but the happy cousin I know, he looks so troubled. "Non riesci a dormire cugino?" I ask Leo, and he jumps in fright almost shooting me, and I put my hands up.

(Can't sleep cousin?)

"Cazzo Romeo, ti ho quasi ucciso prima del tuo matrimonio! No, non riesco a dormire, cose per la testa." Leo says in shock.

(Fuck Romeo I almost killed you before your wedding! No I can't sleep, things on my mind.)

"Want to speak about it?" I ask him, knowing Leo can hide behind his happy facade at times, and I sit down beside him.

Leo sighs, "I can't really hide anything from you can I?" Leo says shaking his head, he never could since we were kids, I shake my head in return. "I overheard a conversation, Mari thought I wasn't in the bedroom. She's sick Romeo, she has cancer. She doesn't know that I know," Leo says and I can't believe what I'm hearing, I don't know what I would do if it were me.

Leo takes a sip of his whiskey, "fuck, are you sure? Maybe you heard wrong cousin," I say in hopes he could be wrong, he's loved Mari as long as I have Alina.

"I wish I were wrong, I saw her crying, I couldn't even comfort her, she hasn't said a word, probably because of the wedding," Leo says defeated and runs a hand down his face.

"Well, when she's ready she will share it with you, and when she does we will get her the best treatment. I promise you, you won't lose her," I say putting a hand on his shoulder.

I see silent tears run, it's unlike any of us to show so much emotion, but between us, we can be human. "Rome, I can't lose her, I finally found my match. She is everything to me, I love her more than life," Leo says and its like looking into a mirror with the love he has for her, I hate seeing him so broken.

"She will be fine. Mari is strong, and she has all of us, as do you," I say trying to encourage him. "Give her some time, she will come around and when she does we will all be there in support in any way either of you need," we both pull out a cigarette, probably not the best thing considering the topic, but it's a stressful situation.

"Why aren't you asleep? You are getting married tomorrow," Leo says realising that I'm supposed to be in bed.

"I can't, I think I'm just worried that tomorrow any amount of things could go wrong, and Toscano is rearing his ugly head again. I'm excited to be marrying the woman I love, but for the first time I'm actually nervous," I say throwing out all my worries and anxiety.

"Romeo, Dario, Luc and I have it all covered. Toscano is still in New York and Francois has his men here too, there's nothing to worry about. Security is as tight as it gets, and our men outnumber any that will even try to attack us," Leo says to put my mind at ease. "In a few hours you will be marrying Alina, just let go for one day and be somewhat normal. Trust us to take care of you and the family for one day, it's what we do," Leo chuckles, knowing I'm a control freak.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm going to bed. If you need anything Leo, please come to me," I say squeezing his shoulder.

"Thanks Rome, I will, I'm going to do my last check before I hit the sack," Leo says rising.

"Goodnight cousin," I say heading inside. I make my way to my temporary bedroom and the guards are all over nodding as I walk and enter my room. Vince and his men are securing myself and Alina, so I know I can sleep somewhat peacefully. I strip down and have a quick shower, slipping on some boxers I climb into bed. I decide to text Alina, even though she's probably asleep.


I can't wait to marry, you.

Have a good sleep, I love you

more than anything.

Tell the babies I love them too.


I don't expect a reply, and turn around to try and sleep, when my phone goes off.


It's a dream come true

knowing I'm going to be your

wife. I love you too,

and the babies say hi and

they love you.

Sweet dreams amore.


Now I can rest easy, I finally feel my eyes droop and I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

Alina POV:

Its seven in the morning and for once I'm actually awake before my alarm goes off, I'm actually getting married today, I stroke my little bump and smile, "it's going to be a good day little ones, be good for mommy," I whisper to them and giggle. Jake comes barrelling into my room nearly taking the door with him.

"Morning baby cakes! Let's get this day started!" He shouts in true Jake fashion, and I can't help but laugh, Mari follows looking rough, being pulled by Jake, still yawning.

"Morning guys, I'm awake," I say laughing, Mari crawls in beside me, and puts her head in my neck.

"Make him stop!" She says annoyed making Jake huff. Mari brushes my belly by accident and she stills, "Alina is that?" She runs her hand over my belly again, "what the actual fuck? Either you got really fat over night or you're...." Realisation hits.

"Will you two please tell me what the hell is going on?" Jake asks exasperated. I shake my head at Mari.

"Nothing Jake, I'm just tired and Alina has a pillow pretending it was Romeo, I swear this girl has it bad," Mari says covering quickly. I mouth and thank you.

"Well get up, get showered. We have breakfast, then we check the dresses and it gets steamed. The make-up artist and manicurist arrives at ten, the hair stylist too. So we have a small window to breathe and all that, we are having breakfast out on the balcony in a half hour. Chop, chop!" Jake rattles off.

I groan and so does Mari but we comply, and get showered, teeth brushed and shaved everywhere. I swear I never needed a wedding planner, Jake does more than she does. A half hour later I see the breakfast laid out on my balcony, and it's quite the spread, Mari and I join Jake and we have a small feast, I wanted to keep it just us three to get ready together, too many people and they would spot my bump, but also just wanted to spend time with the two of them.

I have some bacon, eggs, mushrooms, toast and some fresh fruit, with a cup of a tea. I swear I ate double the amount I normally do. "Hungry Alina?" Jake asks with a slightly disgusted look, "you know you have a dress to fit into," he says pulling up his nose and I laugh.

"I just don't want to faint at the altar Jake, no big deal," I say shrugging and Jake looks at me suspiciously.

"You know Alina, you have gained some weight, but then again you have been drinking, or so you want us to believe," Jake says narrowing his eyes at me.

"I don't know what you're implying Jake, Alina simply put on some weight, is that a crime? Maybe she just didn't want to forget the days leading up to her wedding and decided not to get smashed," Mari says throwing Jake off. I really feel bad, but he would let this slip, he forgets himself sometimes.

Jake huffs, narrowing his eyes at me, "bitch I'm going to have to take your dress out to hide that baby bump, congratulations by the way," Jake says getting up laughing.

"Jake you're delusional," I say in panic.

"Yeah and I'm not a queen," Jake says laughing. I still don't confirm it, hoping he will drop it, Romeo really wants it to be a surprise.

"Jake don't go spreading shit!" I call after him and Mari is sitting with her head in her hands.

"Sure Alina, it's your day, I'm just living it," Jake says sticking his tongue out at me, he really is living my wedding, I think idly. "Ok, now we need to start getting ready, I have a few things to check up on, your stylists are here. Be back in a hot minute," Jake says bouncing out of my room.

"Mari, are you feeling alright?" I ask her, she looks tired.

"Yes, I'm doing fine, a bit tired but I'm ok, don't worry about me today, this is your day. Let's start getting ready I'm so excited," Mari says jumping on the spot all giddy with happiness. The stylists have arrived, and we get started on nails and hair, this is going to take forever.

Someone comes to the door with a knock, and I have Vince open it as he's acting security along with Dominic and Tino. Vince brings me a gift, wrapped in pretty gold paper with a red ribbon on it. I take the card out from under the ribbon and read it. It's Romeo's near perfect script like hand writing, and it makes me smile.

"Happy wedding day bella, I thought you needed something special for this day. Maybe start your own tradition and pass it down. I love you more than anything in this world, see you at the alter.


"Open it!" Mari shouts and I laugh. You don't have to tell me twice.

I rip the wrapping paper and it's a black box with gold bold letters on it, Cartier Gold Collection. Wow, this is part of a collection only Royals basically have access too. I open the box and on a black silk pillow sits a platinum Diamond and Ruby necklace, its delicate, yet slightly bold with hundreds of small diamonds encrusting the beautiful red glistening Rubies. It has matching diamond and Ruby drop earrings and a tennis bracelet of rubies and diamonds. It looks like something out of the Royal vault of the queen of England or something. Its exquisite!

Jake walks in seeing the box on my lap and even the stylists are stumped. "Jesus, I think I'm with the wrong brother," James jokes and we all laugh. I shoot Romeo a text since we are not allowed to speak on the phone according to Jake, and yes we are humoring him.

I love it Romeo!

It's perfect!

Thank you!


I get an instant reply.

You're welcome my

soon to be wife.

I love spoiling you!

And I love you...


I can't believe I am so lucky to have this man. I sit and wait for all the pampering to be over, beauty takes time, I know this but I'm impatient, I want to see Romeo. My hair is done simply in long bold curls with the front clipped back, simple and elegant and a diamond band made of infinity symbols fitting in my hair. My make-up is done in bronzes and slightly dramatic lashes and mascara to bring out my eyes, it's making the blue pop, and a simple nude and slightly pink lip, my nails are a beautiful brilliant white. I'm ready, just time to slip on my dress.

Jake puts on his suit and Mari is in her beautiful gold dress, it looks amazing with her red hair, done in short cute curls and taken up on the side with a little diamond flower clip. She looks absolutely stunning. Mari helps me put my dress on, and it's becoming real now, my nerves are kicking in. I check myself in the floor length mirror and check my stomach, it still looks fine, not too noticeable if you don't know, Mari helps me step into my wedding heels and the look is coming together.

The photographer has not missed a beat, its crazy, now Jake is helping me with the jewellery and it looks stunning. The stylist that comes with the dress slips my veil in place and I'm ready, this is really happening. Oh my God this is really happening! They take some photographs that are artsy and make me pose in the massive bedroom everywhere.

I can't help but feel a slight pang in my chest, Gio won't see my wedding and he won't meet our babies. I know he's there looking down on us today, and I hope he's proud of me. "Alina you look like a goddess, babe, it's time, Dimitri will meet you down stairs," Jake says as he leaves the bedroom. Mari is smiling at me like a loon and keeps telling me how beautiful I look, I feel like fucking royalty right now. I pick up my flowers, a bouquet of white lilies, red tulips and white roses.

This is the last time I will be Alina Rachel Russo and I couldn't be happier.