
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · Urban
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58 Chs


Alina POV:

I have about an hour to get ready and just finished my shower, Jake and Mari made go for waxing, and let me just say I don't miss it, not one bit, but shaving only gets you so far. Needless to say I am smooth all over. Mari had offered to do my hair for tonight and so far it's looking amazing, she knows exactly what's she's doing, my hair is styled pin straight pulled up in the front and into a high sleek ponytail, kind of reminiscent of Ariana Grande. It looks good, well I assume my hair won't fall out from its do, due all the hairspray.

Jake is doing my make-up, he's gone a bit dramatic with a smoky eye lots of mascara to make my blue eyes pop. He blots my lips with a beautiful rose color matt lipstick. He is really talented, my nails are all painted black to match my smoky eye, a little rebel move for white I guess. "Thank you Jake and Mari, it looks so good."

"Well honey, you look absolutely stunning," Jake says and Mari comes at me with perfume spritzing me, dress in the other hand, standing in a white lace G-string and matching bra she comes at me with a smirk. I have only been comfortable in front of her and Jake in underwear, for only a little while.

"Let's get this on you," Mari says smiling so hard I'm sure her cheeks hurt. She takes the skin tight white dress and helps me slip into it, which is not a color I would have normally chosen, but it looks amazing. It's a figure hugging long bodycon dress in a slight mermaid shape at the bottom, with thin straps at the top, the dress shimmers as I walk, thank goodness it's stretch material or I wouldn't be able to breathe in this thing, let alone sit down. Mari zips me in at the back and Jake gets my shoes, some stunning white satin stiletto heels with an ankle strap. She hands me the matching purse and the look is complete, Jake has my white fur coat in hand smiling like a loon.

"You look beautiful!" Jake squeals along with Mari jumping up and down like high-school girls. I can't help but laugh at their overzealous reactions. I shake my head and look in the mirror, they have done an amazing job, I slip in diamond studs, and a tennis bracelet. I look like I'm going to the Grammy or Oscars, exactly seven on the dot my doorbell rings and my stomach has a million butterflies, my nervousness to look perfect for Romeo and his colleagues. Apparently fine dining and business meetings require perfection and looking like a model.

Mari leaves the bedroom along with Jake and goes to answer the door. "Hello, Mari, looking lovely as ever, and you must be Jake? You worked at my club si?" I stand in the doorway discreetly watching and Jake is at a loss for words shaking Romeo's hand, finally he finds his voice.

"Yes that's right, let me just say Mr De Luca, good looks and perfection really do run in the family," Jake says and I cringe. Jake! He will shoot you! I think idly, I notice a massive bunch of red roses, and it warms my heart.

Romeo gives him a beautiful smile and I think Jake will die on the spot. "Thank you Jake, my brother has good taste too," Romeo says and I stand with my mouth hanging open and giggle, Jake looks he just about died at the statement, he just nods. I walk out coat in hand, I need to save my friend, Mari is laughing softly at the whole exchange.

"Here she is," Mari announces.

"Amore, you look absolutely breath-taking, I'm a lucky man," Romeo says kissing my cheek and handing me the roses.

"Thank you, you look absolutely handsome tonight, the flowers are beautiful thank you," I say slightly blushing, he looks edible! Jake takes the flowers and puts them in a vase for me.

"Shall we?" Romeo asks, and I nod smiling and he slips my coat on.

"Si," I answer taking his arm, "Guys don't forget to lock up, if you're not staying," I shout back at them and Mari and Jake are standing like proud parents and it makes me giggle as they shout back that they will.

We make our way to the elevator, Romeo and I keep stealing glances on the way down. My heart is beating a mile a minute, he looks so handsome, the love in his eyes for me is unprecedented, it shines out of him and it makes me blush. Romeo takes my hand as we walk across the lobby to the underground parking, I notice three black SUV's and think that's where we are going but Romeo steers us away and to a Ferrari. I look at him in disbelief, "you're driving?" I ask giggling.

"Si bella, I am, I do have a license after all," Romeo says jokingly, I love it when he drives, he opens the door for me and helping me into the impossibly low car and straps me in. "Can't be too careful," he says placing a kiss on my lips, making my heart flatter. Romeo gets in on the drivers side and starts the car pulling away smoothly. You really do look beautiful baby," Romeo says holding my hand and kissing it, not letting my hand go.

"Thank you baby," I say squeezing his hand, about twenty five minutes later and some idle chatter and laughs we pull up to the restaurant, front entrance. I take a deep breath.

"Nervous?" Romeo asks with a smirk.

"Yes, I haven't been to a dinner like this before, a gala is one thing but these are powerful businessmen," I say taking another breath and Romeo squeezes my hand.

"No need you are perfect and probably better at business than all of them," Romeo says and gets out of the car getting my door and helping me out. Romeo puts one hand behind my back and throws his keys to someone to take care of his car. I notice there's a lot of security, guess because Romeo is here out in public. He opens the door for me and I hear soft music, it's definitely an Italian restaurant, I glance at the name in the lobby, 'Adrian's Italian Bistro', it's not big but looks so expensive and exclusive, dark wood, creams and gold chandeliers, black marble tiles. The hostess takes mine and Romeo's coats and a waiter escorts us inside the restaurant, I notice it's empty.

"Romeo? There's nobody here," I say slightly confused.

Romeo smiles, "bella, I reserved the whole restaurant, it was needed for privacy," Romeo says smoothly as we follow the waitress. She leads us up a flight of stairs draped in a cream carpet and when Romeo and I reach the top, there's one nice size square table, seating two, with lots of red roses and champagne on ice and the set up is amazing. I notice the view of the city and its stunning, twinkling lights everywhere. I look directly in front of our table is a small stage, set up with a live band and a singer. "Her name is Denise and she will sing for us tonight," Romeo says holding me from behind as I take in everything, tears threatening, "Do you like it?" Romeo asks and I turn around my hands on his shoulders and give him real slow passionate kiss and we pull away, "I guess that's a yes," Romeo chuckles.

"I love it! You tricked me though," I say laughing.

"Had too, I needed to give you one amazing date, I just wanted you to know how much I love you and ask you to be my girlfriend again, officially. What do you say?" Romeo asks.

"Of course yes! I can't imagine if this is how you ask me to be your girlfriend, then what will you do if you should propose," I say dryly.

"Well I have lots of tricks up my sleeve. Let's enjoy tonight, just have some dinner, dancing, drinking, eating and mostly enjoy each other, just be for one night," Romeo says and my heart hammers, this man is absolutely amazing. He takes my hand leading me to the table, and pulls out my chair, and I sit down, smiling ear to ear as Romeo takes his. The waiter smiling pours us champagne and excuses himself after he puts down some menus.

Romeo raises his glass, "to us, to a beautiful future and what I hope is many happy years together," we clink glasses and take a sip.

"Thank you for this it's lovely, I don't think anyone has ever done something so sweet and romantic for me ever," I say holding his hand across the table and he kisses it.

"Anything for you bella," he says sweetly. We go over the menus and choose Pancetta wrapped halloumi fries with a tomato relish and a tomato burrata salad. Once we order Romeo asks me to dance and I gladly accept. Denise sings 'A thousand years', and Romeo takes me in his arms and I wrap mine around his neck staring into his eyes smiling.

"This is one of my favorite songs," I say softly.

"I know, I thought that a few of your favorite's were in order," Romeo says and I can't help but give him a soft kiss. We sway to the music, and it feels amazing just to be in his arms, I sing along softly and Romeo seems to hold me tighter until the song ends. Our starters arrive right on time and it's just as good as I thought it would be. "I have a surprise for you bella," Romeo says and hands me a small flat square Cartier box and smiles.

I open it and it's a platinum necklace, with a diamond heart and infinity symbol. "It's absolutely beautiful," I say my breath hitching.

Romeo gets up and takes it out of the box and I lift my hair, Romeo places a kiss on the back of my neck as he runs his fingers up over my collar bones and clasps the necklace. I breathe a little heavier, and he places a kiss on my shoulder, his hands running down my arms. "It's beautiful Romeo, thank you, I love it," I thank him.

"It's my heart, and I will never stop loving you bella, it's infinite," Romeo whispers in my ear. I feel some tears run and I turn to give him a kiss and I rest my forehead against his, "I just want to make you happy, I never want you to think otherwise," Romeo says.

"I will never think that. I promise," I say giving him a quick kiss. We settle and Romeo tells me about Mancini and their plans for Francesca. I'm glad it's getting somewhere. The Mexican cartel is what I'm worried about. We order mains, I settle for a chicken Alfredo in white wine sauce and Romeo orders the same. We have a lot of wine and I am definitely feeling a buzz, and by the looks of it Romeo is not far off.

"Lina baby, how would you like to leave for Italy tomorrow?" Romeo asks and I sit stunned. "I thought we could use a trip, leave around eleven am," Romeo adds.

"Yes, I would absolutely love that. What about my studio though?" I say thinking out loud.

"Anna said will take care of it, I asked her and she agreed when she heard of the surprise," Romeo says with a smirk.

"Well then, I guess we are going to Italy!" I shriek and Romeo laughs a full on beautiful sound that makes my heart skip a beat, and gives me a mesmerising smile. "Let's dance," I say beaming.

We dance a few songs to the soothing voice of Denise. "Romeo this night had been perfect," I say beaming up at him, the view of the skyline to the right of us.

"Dessert bella?" Romeo asks, and in that moment, looking into his eyes, and I think I want to take the next step with him, I just hope I can pull it off and go through it.

"How about... We go back to your place and have dessert there?" I suggest and Romeo's hold tightens on me.

He looks onto my eyes, "we don't have to do this Lina," Romeo says both of us breathing a bit harder, and Romeo seems a bit worried.

"I'm sure... I want this, I want to at least try," I respond standing on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him with as much passion as I can muster.

We pull apart, "well then, I guess we are taking dessert to go," Romeo says and we laugh.

I hope this doesn't backfire on me, I love you Romeo with everything I am.