
De Fallen: Revenge Obscured

He calls himself L. A mysterious character who is not your typical demon from hell, or at least that's how it appears. His sole objective is to seek revenge against his esteemed father who is highly regarded in the underworld. As for the reason behind his desire for revenge? Well that's for you to find out. However, it seems that his mission is more complicated than it initially appears. Hunting down his father involves confronting numerous formidable followers who remain fiercely loyal to him. Join him on his journey as he encounters numerous challenges and setbacks. However, even if he stumbles seven times, he will rise again on the eighth times over.

MajinRL · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Conclusion Of A Teacher And His Student

The battle was nearing its conclusion. Bael sensed his impending defeat, feeling as though the outcome had already been decided. However he was unwilling to accept defeat especially at the hands of one of his former students.

Bael gritted his teeth and firmly grasped the sword that was chained, stopping its motion as he neared L. He declared, "You are still too niave." Bael then skillfully aimed his large sword directly at L's forehead. He forcefully launched the sword swiftly moving towards his forehead like a high-speed jet.

L was caught off guard and had no time to react. He was struck with a deadly blow that hit him directly in the forehead, causing him to be thrown backwards several meters before crashing to the ground. It appeared that the battle had been decided, but with a single movement, everything changed. Bael extracted L's sword from his chest while expressing slight signs of pain, which would have been fatal to anyone else. Though it seemed that Bael possessed some sort of healing ability, as the wound left by the sword instantly healed as if it had never occurred.

The winds appeared to respond to Bael's triumph, blowing fluently through the desolate terrain that had been torn apart by their fierce battle. Looking down at L's motionless form, Bael commented, "Your one flaw is that you lack creativity..." Then his tone changed as if he was not pleased with the battle's result, commanding, "Now get up." He insisted, "A blow like that couldn't have killed you."

What is the possible meaning behind his words? The impact of that attack was incredibly powerful, capable of instantly causing death to any ordinary individual. L's chances of recovering from such a devastating hit appear to be impossible. However, the key distinction is that L is not like "any ordinary individual."

As if L's body was given life by God himself his eyes emerged from the depths and had been reanimated, he came back to life. Despite his defeat he seemed calm. Bael raised his hands towards L and commented, "You still have much to learn young master, so please just stop this foolishness." But much to Bael's disappointment, the words that were spoken did not align with his expectations. Despite L's loss he still harbored a burning desire for revenge. "Stop...? Do you truly believe you've won?" They locked eyes, resembling two destructive storms clashing.

L appeared to be fixated on neither returning nor acknowledging his supposed home. His determination could not be satisfied until he achieved his vengence. "Do you honestly think I will give up... As long as I still live on I will never stop."

Bael's face twisted with anger, his bones audibly grinding together as he clenched his teeth. "Quit spouting nonsense and pay attention to me!" However, conflicting thoughts planted seeds of uncertainty in Bael's mind. "No. I refuse to go back to that place, even if it means killing my own teacher. I will have my revenge." In that moment a surge of doubt overwhelmed Bael akin to a powerful and overwhelming tsunami. He found himself unsure of what to think or do. It became evident that L and 'that' place likely shared a complicated history.

Bael couldn't believe the words that were spoken by him. They hit him with such force, like a divine blade that pierced and sank into the soul of his supposedly undead body. The pain and confusion he experienced were unlike anything he had ever felt before. He was completely unaware that a demon could feel such emotions.

What could have happened in L's mysterious past that caused him to seek revenge to such a great extent? What experiences did he go through? He endures and carries so much pain that it appears to have completely destroyed any feelings of empathy he had towards his former teacher, or rather, his former friend.

Mocking Bael, L sarcastically said, "Take a look there." L slowly extended his arm, pointing towards someone behind Bael. Bael sensed that something was amiss, that something was not right. He cautiously glanced sideways to discover a blade pressed against his neck. Not just any blade but it was L's blade. As Bael observed the clean edge of the blade, fear gripped his throat as he couldn't believe that L was somehow standing behind him unharmed.

Bael expressed surprise as he muttered, "But I swear I-" He was certain that L was lying on the ground in front of him, so he looked back to where L's body should have been only to find a crater and his sword plunged into the ground. In a soft melodic voice L calmly stated, "The battle had already ended when you gazed into my eyes." Realizing the situation, Bael's shocked expression transformed into a sense of pride as he sighed, "Ah, I understand now... it appears you have mastered your father's technique quite effectively."

L responded sarcastically, saying, "Well I guess my secret is out now." Bael's face broke into a proud smirk as he continued, "Indeed, that technique holds immense power."

"Simply by looking into your demonic eyes, you have the power to alter the course of the battle through creating a type of illusion. However in actuality, it was more than just an illusion. I truly emerged victorious in that moment, it definitely happened. Yet through your technique you managed to manipulate the reality where I won and make it false, while simultaneously making this reality true. As two alternate versions of yourself cannot exist in the same reality simultaneously, the now 'false' version of yourself vanishes revealing the true one, thus creating the illusion that I was the one trapped in a false reality."

"A complicated technique that is triggered only when I had experienced the feeling of doubt just moments ago."

Even though it may seem complex, you can simplify this technique. When there is a certain situation or scenario, there exists one version of that reality. However, there is also an alternate reality where the scenario changes. The laws of the universe dictate that only one reality can exist at a time. L supposedly has the ability to select which reality he wants to exist, causing the other reality to vanish as if it never occurred. This is referred to as a false reality, and L can ensnare his opponents in this fabricated reality for extended durations.

In this intricate dance of illusion and truth, the false reality L created serves as a smokescreen, masking the fact that Bael was the one originally trapped in a fabricated existence. The brilliance of the technique lies in its ability to shift the focus away from him and onto his illusory presence.

It is as if he had woven a web of deceit so intricately designed that it effectively conceals the reality of Bael's entrapment.

Completely unfazed L comments, "... You appear to be quite knowledgeable about this.." and to his astonishment Bael responds, "Indeed I am very familiar with it. This is the second time I have witnessed it, the first being with your father." With his nonchalant demeanor L brushed it off as if he is not impressed, retracting his blade to end his teacher's life.

"Do you have any final words?" he inquired. "Just three things," Bael responded. He then proceeded to speak in a calmer yet sorrowful tone, like a father about to lose his child. "You were like a son to me... I only act in your best interest, but do you realize that if you choose this path you're certain to die?!" he warned while discreetly retrieving something from his cloak. "I'd rather die seeking revenge than surrender my will and dignity to return to that place... to go back to 'him'," L stated. He appeared to hold a deep animosity towards the unknown individual he referred to as 'him,' who has yet to be revealed.

"I see.." While diverting L's attention with the conversation Bael retrieved something from his pockets and slowly brought it out, remarking, "You have become strong, surpassing even my sword skills and your power is rapidly increasing. No matter what, you will continue down this foolish path of seeking revenge, won't you?" Once again disappointed by L's response he whispered, "Until my final breath." With a low and almost inaudible voice, Bael took the item from his pocket and concealed it in his clenched hand.

L's mind appeared to be tainted. He saw no value in ending his teacher's life if it was meant to be. Prepared to strike with his weapon, he coldly declared, "If this is that is all, then die." However just as he was about to deliver the fatal blow, Bael unveiled a mysterious mechanical device and swiftly activated it, attaching it to L's chest. Caught off guard, L's eyes widened as he started emitting a smoky aura resembling a bush of energy.

Bael yelled expressing his concern for his L's safety, "I refuse to witness you walking into your own death! Leave this underworld immediately and never return!" Realizing that some sort of teleportation device was at play L swiftly prepared his sword, attempting to at least strike his teacher before being transported away. "Arghh!" he cried out while swinging his blade. However just as it was about to make contact he vanished into thin air, leaving only traces of blue energy behind.

Bael quickly dropped to the ground, completely worn out and gasping heavily. "I've done it," he whispered through his labored breaths. "With the sealing device I forged just for this moment, he will never be able to come back to the underworld and seek his revenge. I couldn't bare witness seeing him like that." He pondered this with a hand clutching his chest, feeling the tremors coursing through his entire body from the intense battle.

"Now... I beg of you young master, for the sake of both you and me, abandon of your path for revenge."

Bael looked up at the fiery sky begging silently that his message had reached L, wherever he had vanished to. At last, he could find some peace of mind knowing that his student would be out of harm's way for atleast a little while.

:) Kinda unique revenge story so far??

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