
DcMcu: kaiju system

A fan of monster movies Max is reborn with the a system that allows him the powers of many of fictions greatest monsters and creatures and far more surprises. But what's happenes when a monster trys to be a hero in a world of many wonders and darknesses

wiz161 · Sci-fi
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110 Chs

Chapter 45 A Fantastic Reunion

(A/N I love doing these fantastic puns and yes this was intended wasn't it fantastic...😁)

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I sat in my house looking over all the notes and the findings of Monarch while on skull Island following their journey through the island and all of its creatures with some I recognized from Monster Hunter I found a picture of a rathalos in the sky and a picture odogaron dragging a giant ox's body and others I'm sure are I've never heard of before.

After a few minutes of skimming through the notes, I decided it was probably time to head to the Baxter building so I collect everything and place it back in the bag, and stored it all in my inventory. But before I do I equipped my new [duel disk] to my arm which seemed to merge with my armor causing the white metal to turn black after a bit of testing he could activate it by simply thinking and ejected the deck as well with just a thought, pulling out the deck I checked what archetype I was dealing with.

"Lightsworn heard of it but never played it looks interesting though" the deck had 60 cards with 5 cards in the extra deck, most of the cards were monsters with a variation of the same effect with sending cards from the deck to the graveyard, wanting to test the duel disk before I left I drew a card.

<Monster- Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter>

<Atribute- Light>

<Level -2>



Attack- 200

Defense- 100


Flip: Apply these effects (simultaneously)

•You can destroy 1 card on the field.

•Send the top 3 cards of your deck to the graveyard.

On the card was a pure white dog with armor on its legs and back wearing a shining headpiece crouched with its growling. After a second I placed the card on the duel disk which glowed when the card touched down and in a flash of light Ryko appeared in front of me and sat down waiting while looking up at me.

"This has to be the coolest thing ever," I said leaning down and petting Ryko whose tail betrayed its true feelings as it stayed a statue even as I pet it and also shows that he wasn't a hard light construct but a real creature.

"you're such a good boy lend me your strength when the time comes ok" he barks in response and I de-summoned him placing the card back in the deck which shuffles automatically.

"Ok time to go and Artenyx this time stay," I say looking at the giant caterpillar that had a carrot in its mouth "don't give me that look stay until I get back alright?" she nodes her before returning to her food and I teleport to the top of the Baxter building were I dropped off the fantastic four the first time as I appear I see the beginning of some type of project. Under it, I saw Johnny Storm working under it with Ben Grimm holding the machine up for him, but before I could introduce myself multiple turrets popped up and multiple red dots shined onto me.

[Alert Alert Intruder Detected Alert Alert]

Johnny and Ben stopped what they were doing and prepared for battle and began to look around only for them to see me so I waved at them "hey guys long time no see" they both relaxed upon seeing me.

Ben: "Computer deactivate alarm code alpha 3" a second later all the turrets deactivated and went back into their hiding spots "sorry about that new project means more security I'm sure you understand," he said tubing the back of his head but I waved off his concerns as I shock johnny hand.

"Not a problem, so I'm guessing this project is for the recent Titans activities" I did wonder what reed would come up with but ben shook his head.

Johnny: "Nah nothing like that this is our new ride since we kind of left our old one stuck in a tree in Lumeria," he said whipping some grim off his hands with a towel.

Ben: "But since you're here I'm guessing you want to talk to stretch about the new Titan" I nodded my head.

"I did but that's not all I have new information that could be of great importance so I want to exchange information and make an actual plan that could help with the Titans" this news seemed to improve their moods.

Johnny: "Well it's about time come on we'll show you to reeds lab" so I followed be home the two as we entered an elevator and headed down after a minute the doors opened to a what I can only describe as the Jetson living room with accommodations that made my house look like a cheap motel.

"Wow you guys don't must have some awesome parties here," I said looking around I marveled at all the tech from the kitchen to the living room all of it was high-tech and super clean and I saw why as small cat-sized robots moved around the room cleaning all the surfaces.

Johnny: "I wish but Susan and Reed won't allow it unless it's for promoting the business but yeah this place is pretty cool" *splash* looking over I saw that they had an indoor pool with a glass bottom but that wasn't what I was looking at the most.

Susan: "Nightfury it's good to see you again have you come to see Reed?" Susan storm stood out of the pool wearing a blue bikini with a four-shaped hole.

[concentrate you've been asked a question and your here for a reason]

I nodded my head more to Tron than to Susan's question as I didn't trust myself to talk and not sound like an idiot and I couldn't help but stare as she got out of the water and made her way over to us 'Reed you lucky mother fucker' I shouted over and over in my mind.

Susan: "Ok I'll meet you guys there I'm going to dry off," she said walking past us into what I assume was a changing room.

After a few minutes of walking and casual chit chat, we arrived at some reinforced doors been placed his hand on a panel that I didn't even notice as it just looked like a piece of the wall after a second the door split open once, twice three times passing through the door inside the room papers, tools, and mechanical bits were all over the floor with no real rime or reason reason 'well from what I can tell' the laboratory itself was quite big at least taking up another story of the building with many screens and monitor showing well information is the best way to describe it, in the middle of all this chaos was Reed Richards sitting at a desk all his focus on a microscope.

Ben: "Oh boy looks like it happened again" looking over I saw both Johnny and Ben had a look between them, but before I could ask what the doors behind us opened and Susan was standing at their wedding her fantastic four uniform. Johnny and Ben cringed at seeing it was Susan at the door and as her eyes looked at the mess of the laboratory I swear I saw a fire in her eyes.

Susan: "Johnny and Ben take Nightfury to the living room and relax while I get reed ready" not a moment later I was almost being dragged out of the lab. as we left and Susan went in I couldn't help but feel a little bad for Reed well for now.