
chapter 13

Hello everyone, author here.

I wanted to apologize for uploading irregularly. I have an illness that most people in the world have, it's called life is kicking my ass. Mine got a little severe lately.

My problems have also effected my writing. I won't drop this book but there will be situations like this again so I apologize for them too.

Now here's a chapter:


Elias walked back to home. He had used his telekinesis to take the blood of his last enemy off of his body. The last fight was very simple but meeting the guardian of time wasn't. Elias for the first time allowing his emotions of sadness and anger be shown on his face. Even holding Sir whiskers didn't help with that.

All of his life, Elias was called weak. He proved time and time again that they were wrong. When he learned that he was a child of purgatory, he thought he would be a lot stronger and that would put a stop to people calling him weak. Then The guardian of time came and again called him the weakest of his kind. The thing that bothered him even worst was the fact that this guardian proved that he was a lot weaker.

Elias accepted to help the guardian but it was obvious both the guardian and Elias would betray the other when the moment was right. For now, both would work together.

Elias was close to home when he saw police cars and an ambulance driving toward where Charming's corps was. This was what pulled Elias out of his thought and forced him to move faster.

Elias reached home and felt everyone were gathered including Tim. He checked everyone's heartbeat and he felt no abnormality in their heartbeat so nothing bad had happened.

"Hello everyone." Elias said as he entered the living room.

"Hey Elias." Eleanor greeted. "How did your hunt go? Did you manage to find who was hunting you?"

"Wait, did you say hunt?" Elsa said with surprise. "What hunt? Why wasn't I invited?"

"Do you guys know a snow white?" Elias asked as he completely ignored Elsa.

"Snow white?" Elena asked. "You mean the princess that was poisoned by the apple? Yes I think all of us know of her."

"I think I killed her ex-husband." Elias said.

"What?" that was everyone's reaction.

"I told you he needs help." Tim said to Eleanor. "He shows clear signs of schizophrenia. He needs help."

"No, I actually did it." Elias said. "Prince charming was of a race called the fables. I actually don't know if they were created because of our stories or our stories were created from them but some fairytales are actually living creatures. Their stories are also very different."

"Are you sure you okay?" Eliot asked with concern.

"I am fine." Elias said.

"Elias, would you let me read your mind?" Eleanor asked. "I know weird things happen around you but that is a little hard to believe. It would be easier to prove you are right with me checking your mind and seeing if you have any mental damage."

"Sure." Elias said. "I will show you the memories I managed to rip off of the guy."

"Wait, are you a telepath too?" Elija asked.

"No," Elias answered. "My powers are connected to the dead. When I take memories I harm their souls and not only kill them, I heard that their souls would be sent to a horrible part of the purgatory."

"Interesting." Elija said with a smile on his face.

"Interesting?!" Tim said angrily. "He is talking about killing and damaging a soul or whatever that means. That isn't a good thing."

"How do you harm a soul?" Eliot asked completely ignoring Tim. "Aren't souls suppose to be immortal and indestructible?"

"Yes, they are." Elias explained. "You see souls are energy and the part of the soul that keeps the energy together is our consciousness. When the energy is ripped off of the consciousness, the consciousness is sent to the deepest part of purgatory to regain energy but the chance of returning from that is almost zero."

"Wait, so souls are energy." Elija said. "That explains a lot. I might be able to strengthen my soul now. I really want to go back to my lab but, I also want to know about that fable thing."

"We can talk about souls later." Eleanor said. "Elias please show me what you mean by these fairytale creatures."

Elias nodded and felt Eleanor's presence. Elias allowed her in and showed her what he got from prince charming. Elias could feel Eleanor's mind was trying to see if there was any form of mental issues or manipulation but she didn't find anything.

"Oh my god, he is right." Eleanor said as she left Elias's mind." The fables are real. The stories are also so much darker than I expected."

"So, he killed him?" Tim asked, he looked a little saddened.

"Yes he did." Eleanor answered. "They were banished to our world because prince charming fucked with cosmic entities."

"How did he fuck with a cosmic entity?" Eliot asked.

"He tried to do it in a literal way." Elias explained. "I didn't get much from his memories but he found a cosmic entity and tried to sleep with them. The entity was insulted as it saw him and his race lesser so it tried to punish him. Unfortunately the cosmic entity's power effected all of the fables and they were all banished to our world."

"Okay, what does that have to do with us?" Elsa asked.

"They might try to kill me." Elias said.

"Why would they kill you?" Elsa asked. "They were banished because this guy was horny and you killed him. They should give you a medal or something."

"Well, they don't know that." Elias said. "In their eyes I killed a guy that was an asshole but he was the son of a beloved king. Explaining things to them would also be useless, I don't think angry mobs would listen to the person they want to kill."

"Well, shit." Elsa said. "What now? Are we going to attack the fables or something."

"No." Elias said. "I still don't know if they would try to hunt me and if they do, they are very hard to kill and there are a lot of innocents that would be hurt if we start attacking them."

"So, what, we should let them hunt us down?!" Eliot said angrily.

"Not us, me." Elias said.

"Bullshit, we are all in this together." Elsa said.

"No you aren't." Elias said. "I made a deal with an angel of purgatory and that led me to kill a fable. That is my problem and I will deal with it."

"That is not how family works." Eleanor said. "Yes I we are a little angry that you did these things but we will still have your back."

"Okay, thank you." Elias said. "Now, can we first talk about batman. Did he call back?"

"Yes and we are meeting him tonight." Eleanor said.

"Okay, where?" Elias asked.

"I'm not telling you." Eleanor said.

"Why not?" Elias asked.

"Because you do weird shit." Eleanor said. "Every time something happens around you things are weird. When the time comes we will all go to the meeting together."

"Okay." Elias said and then pointed at Tim. "Hey can you erase his memories of me killing someone? I really don't want to meet batman when they know I just killed someone."

"Wait, what?!" Tim said.

"Sure. That would be easy." Eleanor said. Tim seemed to try to say something but he couldn't as Eleanor's powers pierced his mind and started to change things.

"Thank you." Elias said. "I'll go back to my room. Call me when you are ready to go."

Elias and Elija both left the room. Elias was going to go back to his room and read while Elija was going back to his lab.

Elias went to his room and started to study the magic book he had. Most of the spells there were necrotic and frost and they weren't that powerful. The book only took an hour to finish and another hour to practice the useful ones.

Elias then decided to do what he does best, think about his powers. He remembered in purgatory that he could change his body. He was a lot weaker in the living world but the power was with him and he should be able to do things. Another thing he remembered was when his mind traveled the purgatory and decided to do that again.

Elias sat down crossed legged and started to meditate. He shut down all of his senses and only focused on once sense and tried to send it to the purgatory. In this state, Elias couldn't feel the movement of the time so he didn't know how long did it take but he felt the purgatory.

Elias couldn't see or hear anything there but there was a feeling of wind on his body that was very similar to purgatory. He started to follow the wind and as he did, he could feel his body was slowly changing. And then he felt like he was slapped three times and then a pressure on his chest like someone was giving him a CPR.

Elias returned to his mind to see he was lying on the ground. All of his siblings and Tim were standing over him and they looked really concerned. Even Elija looked concerned and was giving him CPR.

"Who slapped me?" Elias suddenly asked and that made the others jump in fear.

"Oh my god you are alive." Elena said.

"Of course I am." Elias said. "Why wouldn't I be alive. I was just meditating."

"What kind of meditating was that?!" Eleanor shouted. "You didn't answer when we called you, you weren't breathing, you didn't have heartbeat. You were clinically dead."

"I did mention I can resurrect myself, right?" Elias said.

"Yes, but you also mentioned people can kill you for good." Eleanor kept shouting.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that is how I would react." Elias said. "I just wanted to visit purgatory again without dying. I heard that I can do that so I decided to try that."

"Call me the next time you want to do that." Elija said. "This kind of astral projection can be dangerous. We can learn how to detect dangers and pull you out if we need to."

"I have a better idea." Eleanor said still looking very angry. "Don't do it at all. This is obviously dangerous."

"But it can make me stronger." Elias said.

"There are other ways to get stronger." Eleanor said.

"I won't stop doing that." Elias said. "I can only promise to travel there when Elija is present."

"That is acceptable." Eleanor said, she didn't looked satisfied with the answer but she would drop it for now.

"Why are you guys here anyway?" Elias asked.

"I came to call you." Eliot answered. "I first came you to call you for dinner, you didn't answer so I thought you went to eat stone or something so I didn't think much of it but the second time when you didn't answer I got worried and entered to see you like this."

"So, you slapped me." Elias said.

"I thought you were dying." Eliot said.

"And you decided to slap me?" Elias said.

"Yes." Eliot said.

"Who slaps a dead person?!" Elias said.

"Okay, that's enough." Eleanor said. "Are you okay? Can you move or do anything?"

"Yeah, I'm great." Elias said. "It might sound weird but dying feels very refreshing."

"Okay, this is the weirdest family I have ever seen." Tim said.

"Please stop talking about death." Eleanor said.

"All right." Elias said.

"Now, about the meeting." Eleanor said. "We are going to meet Batman soon. If you feel like you don't want to come it will be fine. We just want to meet the batman and have a talk you don't need to be there."

"It's fine. I told you that I feel good." Elias said.

"Okay, we are going to leave you for now." Eleanor said. "You should get ready. Just don't bring that man weapons with yourself, we don't want to start any war."

"Okay." Elias said and the others left him.

Elias was a little confused. Time moved faster in purgatory but this time in the living world seemed to move faster. He must have done something wrong. Maybe getting help from Elija was a good idea.

Elias was provided with change of clothing and the few days he was here he bought some new clothing. Elias decided to change his clothes and wear a baggy green t-shirt and cargo pants like he always did. He really didn't car about how he looked just if he could fight in his clothing.

Elias decided not to scare anyone in the meeting with weapons. At first he didn't want to bring any weapon but then he remembered he had his magic bag. Aromor reached to the magic bag and took a dagger he then took the wonder woman's sword. He placed the sword on the ground and balanced the dagger on top of it. He then used energy manipulation to send stored energy inside of the dagger toward the sword, in a few moments the dagger seemed to absorb the sword. He now only had to use a little energy manipulation to take the sword out of his dagger.

Things had been so weird lately that he had completely forgot he had his magic shit. He himself didn't know what half of these things do and really didn't have time to test so he just took a couple rubies that had energy stored in them and pocketed them. He thought what would a ruby taste like but if he ate these they would just explode.

Now that he had all of his things he walked outside. They took Eleanor and Elija's car. Elias, Eleanor, Tim and Eliot drove in one car and the rest drove with Elija.

The group drove to an older area of the uptown. The buildings weren't as tall as the rest of the town and they mostly had gothic style buildings. The buildings were old but that didn't make them cheap in any way, if anything this style of building seemed to be a lot more expensive than other buildings.

The cars stopped near a tall building. Elias then felt a channeling of energy coming from Elija's car. Elija then walked out and seemed to cast the same spell on their car. Elias felt that this spell had the same effect as the ghost of the machine. He then casted a spell that Elias didn't know at all.

They walked closer to the building and checked for people around them. There were very few people around with the weird event in uptown so Eleanor, Elena and Eliot teleported everyone on top of the building including Sir whisker.

They were a little early so while waiting, Elias decided to see what a gargoyle is made of. He checked the gargoyles on the rooftop and one of the gargoyles looked out of place so Elias tried to the right thing and deface the one that didn't fit here.

He subtly cast the spell and started to get closer to the gargoyle. When he got closer, he realized this wasn't a statue, it was alive and for some reason Elias's senses couldn't pick that until he was closer. Elias decided to continue his plan and bite the gargoyle. When he bite the gargoyle, the gargoyle squeaked and it's body turned to a more living form and then flew away. The other weird thing was that when the gargoyle wasn't a statue Elias could completely feel that it was a living creature.

"What the fuck was that?!" Elsa said with a laugh.

"A gargoyle apparently." Elias answered.

"Would you stop doing weird shit?!" Eleanor said angrily.

"I agree I do weird shit." Elias said and then pointed at where the gargoyle was. "But I swear this wasn't me. I just felt something weird about this thing and decided to check it out. It turns out it was a living creature and probably a spy."

"So you tell me you weren't going to bite a statue?" Eleanor asked.

"I did want to see what they are made of." Elias said with a coy smile. "But it turned out to be a good thing. That gargoyle could have been a spy or something."

"Could you have found that out without eating a gargoyle?" Eleanor asked while keeping her expression completely neutral.

"Okay, I won't eat anything else for now." Elias said.

"Okay I take it back." Tim said. "You are a weird family but not the weirdest. But Elias is the weirdest guy I have ever met."

"Thank you." Elias said. Anytime he thanked someone he sounded weirdly genuine.

Elija and Eliot didn't say anything. They just went around and poked each of the gargoyle to see if they were alive or not. It seems like this was the only living one.

A few more minutes passed with Eleanor keeping an eye on Elias to make sure he wouldn't do anything weird again. This went on until they saw a bunch of grappling hooks that were cling to the edge of the building and people climbed the building.

Elias recognized batman, they already met. He also recognized his stalkers, they were now wearing hero costumes but the feeling was familiar. There was also a new person present there, a young girl in her late teens.

Nightwing wore a black and blue armor and only covered his eyes with a mask. Batwoman wore a suite that looked like batman but she had red paintings and wore a red wig. The blonde girl from before wore a purple and black suit with a hood and a full face mask. The new girl wore completely black suit with a mask just like Nightwing.

"Oh good you are here." Eleanor said.

"Are you all right?" batman said as he looked at Tim and ignored Eleanor.

"Yhea I'm fine." Tim answered. "They didn't hurt me in any way and were weirdly hospitable for kidnappers."

"Now, what do you want?" Batman said looking at Eleanor.

"I guess we all know about Elias." Eleanor pointed at Elias. "One of your friends killed him. It is a little weird when I say he was killed and he is standing there but that doesn't matter. We want to make sure things like that never happens again."

"I would like that too." Batman said. "Elias being killed wasn't something I wanted. To tell the truth even I was surprised with that action. So I am open to any suggestions you have."

"What I want is very simple." Eleanor said with a neutral voice. "I want you and justice league to keep away from us. If there is a need for us to work together to help people then you will contact me, not any of the others. And if you harm any of us in anyway, we will retaliate and it wouldn't be pretty."

"I understand." Batman said. "You said something about the possibility of getting help from you. can we talk about that."

"I'm guessing there is a big problem and you need help?" Eleanor said.

"Yes." Batman answered.

After that answer Eleanor contacted the others telepathically. She connected everyone's mind in one point and asked them all what would they think. Elija was curios, Elsa thought it would be fun, Eliot didn't mind and Elena wanted to check with the special forces first but she was generally okay with it. Elias also wanted to help if there was something, he was still asked twice more if he was sure and both times he said he was all right.

"Is everything all right?" Batman asked.

"Yes, we were talking telepathically." Eleanor said. "We first need to know what the problem is then we can give a finalized answer."

"People of the world are under some sort of a dangerous mental influence." Batman said.

"If you mean the rock eating thing, that was my fault." Elias said.

"I witnessed that." Nightwing said. "Why would you do that? Did you act like that because you had spotted us? Also how did you do that?"

"And what was that lizard thing?" Batwoman asked.

"No I didn't do it for you." Elias said and held sir whisker. "This is Sir whiskers, he is the weird lizard thing. And the reason I ate stones was because I learned that I could eat stones and I thought I would try it."

"Is he all right?" The purple suit girl asked Eleanor.

"He died once so, I don't know if he is all right." Eleanor answered.

"No, your action isn't connected to my request." Batman said. "It is good to know there isn't any chemical leak but this is completely connected and it is world wide. There have been reports of people killing close family members because they see them as monsters. There aren't that many reports of this situation but it is happening everywhere and it is growing."

"Can I read your mind?" Eleanor suddenly asked.

"What?" Batman was surprised.

"I want to read your mind." Eleanor said. "I promise I wouldn't check any other memories. I just want you to think about all of the information you got about this and I will look at it. This way I would learn if you are lying or not and learn everything we know about the situation."

"I don't feel comfortable with people in my mind." Batman said.

"I can allow you." Nightwing said immediately. "I know as much as batman knows. I have what you need."

"All right." Eleanor said. "Keep thinking about the situation and keep your mind open. This will feel a little weird."

The bat team seemed a little taken back by Nightwing's offer. Elias could feel that some of them were against this but didn't say anything. Elias also knew Batman wasn't lying as he was checking his heartbeat.

Eleanor and Nightwing stood there looking at each other for a moment. As an outside person, Elias thought telepathy looked very awkward. After a few moments Eleanor seemed to get out of Nightwing's head.

"All right, they are right." Eleanor said. "We are willing to help you but you should know we are a powerful group and will kill everyone of you and your loved ones if you try to hurt any of us."

"You have nothing to worry about." Batman said. "The situation with justice league is a little complicated right now but I will be able to set up a meeting with the others. I will contact you when that happens."

"Good, is there anything else?" Eleanor said.

"There is actually." Batman said. "Wonder woman, the person tat killed Elias is still with the justice league. I know you this might not be easy but she wants to meet you Elias."

"Absolutely not." Elanor said angrily. "She already killed him once, I'm not letting her do this again."

"Now calm down Eleanor." Elias said. "I don't have a problem with meeting her again. I just have one question before meeting her, does she have any more dead loved ones?"

"No." Batman answered.

"All right, I might be safe then." Elias said.

"I personally thing meeting her is a bad idea." Elsa said.

"Don't worry about her." Elias said. "The last time she killed me, she got me by surprise. Surprising me isn't easy and I promise you it wouldn't happen twice."

"My team will also make sure that wouldn't happen." Batman said. "I know you see us as a selfish group and I don't blame you after that first impression but I assure you, most of us want what is good for everyone."

"By the way, how is that girl?" Elias asked. "You know the girl that was resurrected. Her resurrection wasn't supposed to happen so I'm curios if she is all right."

"She is fine." Batman answered.

"Now if you don't have anything else, we should go." Eleanor said. "We are a busy family and need to attend to our other businesses."

"No that is all." Batman said and then pointed at Tim. "Thank you for not harming him."

"You're welcome and goodbye." Eleanor said and they started to teleport back down.

The group started to drive back home. In the way back home, Elena asked if Elias could come with him and meet the special forces again later and Elias said he was okay with it.

When they reached home, Elija grabbed Elias by the hand and led him to his lab. The lab was basically the basement but for some reason it looked bigger than the whole house. There were hundreds of books, herbs, magic items stored in this place. There were also medical equipment in this place and three magic circles.

"All right it is time." Elija said. "You wanted to go and see the purgatory again and I want to see the afterlife without dying. So lets send your mind there in the safest way we can."

"All right, I'm game."