
DC Wars

There was a soul then it was torn apart in two. Does it even tear? The soul was again reformed as nothing has happened to it then another one comes out of existence. The soul was the same as the first with the same memories. It is even the same person that was before it was torn? ‘Yes it is’ Then it was sent to two Concepts, One is “The One Above All” and the second one is “Presence”. They are protectors of their own reality. They are the concepts born when their reality was forming. Some outer forces form their shape. That is what we want to believe but they were born when this universe was created ‘As the Guardian and Creator’. They created different realities some are often merged with each other to get different results. So when the souls were sent to these concepts, they were ordered to train them. Why do you ask? That was the only time could tell. A war is coming and it’s not just taking in one place like it used to NO it's going to drag every single universe there is. They were surprised how they could not know this outcome, they were the Guardian of their own universe they allowed concepts to be born there which were known as God among Men. Some people worship them but some killed them. They know everything that is happening in there. But they did not care for they cannot be distracted by trivial matters. The surprise was just momentarily before it disappears. Then the concepts start focusing on the task at hand. The soul’s bodies were formed, their eyes, their nose, their face also look identical. There is also soul chain that was connected to the both soul means they are connected but separate at the same time. The soul can also feel their connection, but they don’t know what it is until later. No one knows the souls are being prepared for one single reason and that is to win the unreasonable wining ‘War’. People will know them in time yes they will remember as ‘Heroes and Villains’ what is now is that they must be prepared. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You can like my other story Marvel Wars =-=-=-=-=-=-=-------=-=-=--=- I hope you guys really like my story see you very very soon

Everything_About · Anime & Comics
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Once there was nothing but anything.

Then comes the concept.

But the question remains what is the concept? Is it any other being that is born out of Human Fear and Curiosity? Which require certain 'Conditions' to sustain themselves or was it born out of Void which is the true Origin! Does a human with a feeble body and brainwashed personality (It means too many things but nothing at the same time. it is up to you what you think about this line) can ever observe the void. What does it even mean!

Now that you think about it does God is an imaginative being of Human concept! 'Question Question and Question does human is only capable of Question and Theories. But the question is does humans was created with Flesh and Soul or it was million-year Evolution of a single bacteria. But if we focus on the second part, which is just a theory "Sadly". It has not been proven(And yes it has not been proven you can search it on Google) and the likely hood of it is ever happening 'I do not think so'. But...

What do you think? When we made a 'Chair' how it was created? does it appear out of Nowhere or it is the work of your imagination! Then another question will be possed? How does imagination work? How do you know it was 'Chair' that is present in front of you it's most likely someone told you. If that's true then how does he know, did someone told him too or did someone work hard to make this? But who told them to make something like this. Humans require comfort that is the truth they made 'NO' it must go through specific modifications over the course of human history. That is what I believe.

Now this means that humans were created too cause things don't appear out of thin hair. Then another thing was introduced that is 'Atom' what is that? Does it something you can touch? If you say yes then how? Then you told me we are created by it and the things you see everywhere is also created by it. Then who created 'Atom'? and to top it all off the 'Atom' is moving in its pre determent time and Course. 'What how?' but if you take out and apply it to a bigger scale then you see everything is moving around you the Earth around the Sun And Sun around another Planet or Star. And then the 'Whole Milky Way Galaxy is moving around in Circle to what. (I have a theory that it is Black Hole and White Hole)(A.N We are moving at an average velocity of 828,000 km/hr) (A.N if you want to know what is a Black and White Hole then you can search it on Google). And the funny thing is, that it is not the only Galaxy that is out there, there are others too but do we even know them. What types of environment do they have? How Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Maths (If you want to know why I added 'Math' then you should know that not everything works with Physics and Biology) is different out there. And another thing is that, do we are the only intelligent species that live out there. How interesting it is to know them, but if someone does 'How Envious'.

It takes around 'Four Months if it is close to Earth or 12 Months If it is far away from the Earth to take a rocket to Mars with today technology' how long do you think it is going to take us to get there. Does light speed even work on this concept? Are they even beings like us 4 dimensional do they have bodies like us or completely different from us humans. If there are what do you think. You still believe in this human being Monkey Theory. (Cause I Don't)

Now another question how things are even Created does the universe is older than we think?

Do humans and dinosaurs are the only species that are created or another Man Made Up theory that is made ( In the past. You Know Humans were much taller than they tell us and that's why there were bigger animals too you can believe my words but I know you won't 'you brainwashed people') on what concept. Ok, I believe you then what 'Steve Hawkins' believe. He believed in the concept of what Evolution of Monkey then why he suddenly got paralyzed from neck to bottom. Does something happen here?

I think every concept of every atom is controlled. Then you ask me how? I will tell you did you ever see a baby form in their mother womb from one Sperm and Egg to a full-grown teen to kid to adult to old to death with a face which is slightly different or completely different from his parents. How is it even formed how does the atom know how to transform how it knows it needs to make bones which is sturdy and hard and Meat which is squishy and Soft?

{tell me people do you ever think about these things?} it's a question for readers.

Yes, I'm asking you the question. Tell me

What does it feel Like!

'Small' how small 'don't know for that, I do not have words.'

Don't worry you are not the only one ' I see so you feel it too'.



Cause what I told you is human understanding, not the Real thing.


are you scared?

'I am' don't worry everybody is scared of the unknown. 'Why' I do not possess these answers. 'How is that even possible' hmm, then let me tell you that there are seven more Planes like this which are expanding and destroyed spontaneously and these Planes are moving too to their determined time and Course. And I'm the being of this plane the lowest. 'then is it bad'

Hahahahahahahhaha No it is not, this only means you can never go up there 'WHY' you only go up there when you die. 'I see'

You know everything will be destroyed eventually 'What' it is not the first time it is happening and it will not be the last' Then can you tell me time when it is going to be destroyed'

I do not know and I will never know and most likely will die with these questions, for these are the works of a higher being who created this four-dimensional Plane and other planes that is all 'how what I can say. I just do not have the words' this is what we call human understanding.

Does it bother you to know that you nothing about you? 'Yes'

Don't worry you have your own story to write and I have mine. ( cause we are beings who have free will)

( A.N: Congratulations people you know my thinking process now)


(Now for the real story begins 'The Fan-Fick'

I hope you like it

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