
DC :Vampire Queen

Our MC wakes up in DC Universe, confused and annoyed And worried about his weird family and what he should Do in his new like in a world of heroes and villains because he can't think he will fit either of those so what will he Do now Check out how a terrifying new girl on the block of DC can Do Discord link: https://discord.gg/MBFcEVeS If you Dont know how to open it in app go to website

Otaku_Gamer_00007 · Anime & Comics
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Today's the Day 2

Central City, on July 4th at 11:03 CDT

witnessed a dramatic confrontation at a jewelry store. Ice covered the edges of a hole in the wall, hinting at the presence of Captain Cold. In the middle of the road, the Flash and Kid Flash surrounded the ice-themed villain, running circles around him with incredible speed. Captain Cold attempted to shoot them twice, but his aim was far from hitting either speedster. His third shot came closer, but instead of striking the Flash, it hit a nearby car, freezing it solid in a twisted semblance of a crash aftermath.

"Stealing ice? Really? Isn't that a big cliché even for Captain Cold?" the Flash quipped, his voice laced with humor as he continued to circle the villain.

"Come on!" Kid Flash called out, urgency coloring his tone. "We don't have time for this!" With that, he swiftly slid his red goggles over his malachite green eyes, breaking free from the circular motion and darting towards Captain Cold's exposed back. However, his words gave him away, alerting Captain Cold to his presence. The villain quickly turned, his cold gun aimed at the young speedster.

Kid Flash skillfully dodged, though some ice grazed his shoulder as he swiftly turned away from the stream of cold. Without missing a beat, he spun back around, snagging the Cold Gun from Captain Cold's grip. As he skidded to a stop at the T intersection, he knocked the ice off his shoulder, a confident and determined expression on his face.

Captain Cold growled, clenching his empty hand in frustration, but before he could make any further moves, the Flash delivered a powerful cross to his face. The impact sent Captain Cold flying five or six feet to the side, rendering him unconscious. "Calm down, Kid," the Flash remarked casually, as if it were just another day's work.

"Oh, please!" Kid Flash exclaimed, clearly annoyed. "You'll chat it up with the cops, with bystanders, with Cold even," he gestured towards the fallen villain to emphasize his point. "No. No way!" Stepping up to his mentor, despite the height difference, Kid Flash conveyed a sense of determination. The Flash seemed to take him seriously. "Today's the day!" Kid Flash's bright green eyes glowed with excitement and anticipation, reflecting his readiness to take on greater challenges.

In Washington D.C., on July 4th, at 14:00 EDT,

Batman Rose and Robin, Green Arrow and Speedy, Aquaman and Aqualad stood before the Hall of Justice. Batman turned to his sidekicks and said, "Today is the day."

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice," Green Arrow continued, "the headquarters of the Justice League," Aquaman finished.

"Oh, man!" Kid Flash's voice cried out, catching their attention and causing them to momentarily turn away from the Hall. Flash quickly skidded to a stop, followed closely by his sidekick. "I knew we'd be the last ones here," he griped, crossing his arms, which made Flash raise an eyebrow behind his cowl.

Hearing this rose said ."what's new you losers are always last"hearing her kid flash said."Hey it's not my fault babe its because of flash" Rose looked Back and ignore him

As they walked down the open area leading to the Hall, the crowd erupted with excitement. One spectator, who was particularly far away, loudly questioned, "Is that Batman?"

"I see Flash and Flash Jr.," another called out, a female voice.

"His name is Speedy. Duh," someone objected, clearly hearing her mistake in getting the sidekick's name wrong.

"No, Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick," a younger male corrected.

"Well, that makes no sense," a fourth spectator quipped, echoing the sentiment of 90% of the people.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow asked Speedy.

"Born that way," Speedy replied, stealing a quick glance back at his mentor, displaying an accurate understanding.

"I'm glad we're all here," Aqualad said, shifting the conversation towards the one younger girl and two younger boys and the one older than him.

"Have all five sidekicks ever been in the same place at the same time?" Kid Flash questioned, mostly looking towards Robin, as despite being the youngest, he would know.

"Don't call us sidekicks," Speedy commanded, practically growling the words. "Not after today."

Hearing this Rose said,"you are the sidekicks

I never was hump"But she was ignored

Kid Flash smiled. "Sorry," he apologized, appearing sincerely regretful. "It's my first time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed."

"You're overwhelmed; Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anybody ever just whelmed?" Robin asked as they walked through the doors. "Oh," he managed, staring up at the statues of the founding Justice League members. "Maybe that's why."

They arrived at a large door with "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" written on it. The door slid open, revealing Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado, a human-sized red robot. The two heroes stepped out of the hallway, entering the view of the cameras.

"Rose,Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash," Martian Manhunter listed their names in order, his voice calm, monotonic, and formal. "Welcome." He then turned around, leading them inside. Robin and Kid Flash exchanged a fist bump as they followed him. "You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked gallery, and, of course, our library." The door opened, revealing a massive library with a giant computer and an extensive collection of books.

Rose said,"Really Do they even have smut and other fun stuff in library"., Hearing her Kid flash looked at her weird and said,"No I Dont think so they keep the good stuff away from kids",Rose complained,"whats the Deal then having to read Books then.

Flash turned back to the five teens. "Make yourselves at home," he said with a grand gesture and a smile. Robin and Kid Flash enthusiastically jumped into their chairs, while Aqualad calmly took the one across from them and Rose sit on the table,Speedy, however, remained standing, looking directly at the mentors.

"We'll have a quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day," Batman said, turning to the teens. "We shouldn't be long." Then he turned towards another door, and a fisheye camera popped out.


Batman: 0-2

Aquaman: 0-6

Flash: 0-4

Green Arrow: 0-8

Martian Manhunter: 0-7

Red Tornado: 1-6

The door behind the camera illuminated before opening, displaying the words "JUSTICE LEAGUE MEMBERS ONLY."

"That's it?" Speedy demands, his anger and volume catching all of their attention instantly. "You promised a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass." He crosses his arms since his eyes can't show his emotions as he has lenses in his mask.

"It's a first step," Aquaman speaks up, though calmly. "You've been granted access few others get."

"Oh, really?" he questions, gesturing up to a group of people taking pictures on the other side of the (presumably) soundproof glass. "Who cares which side of the glass we're on?"

"Roy, you just need to be patient," Green Arrow tries, even using his sidekick's civilian name to attempt to get through to the teenager.

"What I need is respect," Roy growls before turning around to take a look at the other four protégés who are all still sitting down and not intervening in the conversation they were so obviously listening to. "They're treating us like kids," he tries to speak directly to them. "Worse—like sidekicks!" His anger is steadily growing, but that one word makes it nearly double. "We deserve better than this."