
DC :Vampire Queen

Our MC wakes up in DC Universe, confused and annoyed And worried about his weird family and what he should Do in his new like in a world of heroes and villains because he can't think he will fit either of those so what will he Do now Check out how a terrifying new girl on the block of DC can Do Discord link: https://discord.gg/MBFcEVeS If you Dont know how to open it in app go to website

Otaku_Gamer_00007 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Justice, ....Ha ya

Kid Flash scoffs. "When we're ready?" he questions, looking between the three beside him. "How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like..." He becomes very animated, stepping forward and throwing his hands up, before turning around and glaring up at Aqualad. "Like sidekicks!" He growls out the term that they are typically referred to as.

"My mentor, my king, I thought he trusted me," Aqualad says sadly.

"Trust?" Kid Flash questions sarcastically. "They don't even trust us with the basics!" He points out the obvious. "They've got a secret HQ in space!"

"What else aren't they telling us?" Aqualad questions, voicing what they're all thinking.

Robin sighs. "I have a better question: Why didn't we leave with Speedy?" Kid Flash crosses his arms and looks down, annoyed, while Aqualad looks down sadly.rose said," because he is a kid and stupid why should I follow him anyways".

After hearing their ramblings for a while

Rose spoke,"So What is Project Cadmus?"

"Don't know," Robin admits, then grins or smirks. "But I can find out." He walks over to the computer, instantly typing out codes and searching for information.

The computer buzzes. "Access Denied," the automated voice states.

Robin laughs. "Wanna bet?" He hits a few more buttons before he starts searching through the file codes at near lightspeed.

"Whoa," Kid Flash murmurs in surprise. "How are you doing that?"

Robin smiles as he hits two more keys. "Same system as the Batcave." With that, he presses one last key. "rose think he is being cheeky again.

"Access Granted," the voice states, revealing a two-story complex and all the data surrounding it.

"Alright, Project Cadmus," he states simply. "Genetics lab here in DC." Then he frowns. "That's all there is, but if Batman's suspicious..." He glances at Rose. "Maybe we should investigate." Then he turns to Kid Flash.

"Solve their case before they do," Aqualad gives a small smile. "It would be poetic justice."

"Ya more like sneak around like rats and get in trouble, and ask for forgiveness ."Rose gave her two cent."

"Hey," Robin manages through his chuckle. "They're all about justice."

Aqualad sighs. "But they said 'stay put'."

"For the blotting out the sun mission, not this," Robin says, smiling and putting his hands on his hips."Ya really smart Bird-Brain,"Rose rolled her eyes.

"Wait," the speedster starts, grabbing the younger's shoulder and turning him towards him. "Are you going to Cadmus?" He uses his finger pointing skills to emphasize. "Because if you're going, I'm going!" Both boys turn to Aqualad, with Robin utterly beaming and Kid Flash with a dash of hope.

"Just like that?" Aqualad asks. "We're a team on a mission?","More like rebellion ,"Rose said.

Both their smiles die down, but Robin gains a smirk. "We didn't come for a play-date." Aqualad joins him with a look of pure determination.and Rose thought oh man Hope that idiot half-super-luther kid won't kill anyone well I will be fine it will be super fun tho finally some shit to punch around and mybe I will get some krypto blood if I am lucky.