
DC :Vampire Queen

Our MC wakes up in DC Universe, confused and annoyed And worried about his weird family and what he should Do in his new like in a world of heroes and villains because he can't think he will fit either of those so what will he Do now Check out how a terrifying new girl on the block of DC can Do Discord link: https://discord.gg/MBFcEVeS If you Dont know how to open it in app go to website

Otaku_Gamer_00007 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

A lil misadventure

After her adventurous night and small failure, she felt a little sad, but she still believed she could control herself in the future. She thought it was totally fine since it was her first night out anyway.

Feeling extra sleepy after her misadventures, she slept longer today, almost 2 hours more than usual. Upon waking up, she discovered a little blood on her clothes. She decided to hide them and got ready for school. Wondering what could happen today, she opened her phone to check the news.

As she scrolled through the news, she realized there were even more crimes than she could have imagined happening in just one night. Nobody seemed to care that one person was missing or anything. It was just a small statistic that nobody paid attention to. After all, in Gotham, many people die in a single day, and nobody cares.

Trying to clear her mind from the events of the previous night, she put on her school uniform and prepared for another day at school. She hoped that being in a familiar environment would lift her spirits and provide some comfort.

Upon arriving at school, she quietly made her way to her class and started doodling in her textbook, as she did every day. The classes went by until it was time for the lunch break.

Heading to her usual table, she joined her friends Kathy and Missy. They were engrossed in a conversation about superheroes and their secret identities. Missy believed that Batman was actually Bruce Wayne.

Disagreeing, Katie argued that Bruce Wayne was nothing more than a rich playboy who wasted his money and had parties. Julie, joining the conversation, smiled at her friends and casually replied, "I don't think he can ever be Batman. Batman is like a god. I don't even think he's human."

Kathy, looking at Julie, exclaimed, "Julie, do you have a crush on Batman or something?"

Missy chimed in, "Speaking of crushes, Julie, have you ever had a crush on somebody?"

Julie was taken aback by the question. She had never thought she would have to answer such personal questions. However, she looked at her friend and glanced sideways, saying, "No, I don't think I've ever had a crush on anybody."

Missy smirked and looked at Julie. She wasn't satisfied with that answer. She said, "Your parents are Catholic, right? So you're not allowed to have a crush or something?"

Juli responded, "I don't think it's about that. I just never found it interesting. Maybe I'm just not into boys that much."

Upon hearing Juli's answer, Missy looked at her with a knowing smirk and asked, "So, do you even do it?"

Confused, Julie asked, "Do what? I don't get it." This led Missy to exclaim, "Do you masturbate or not?"

Kathy intervened, telling Missy to lower her voice, but Missy ignored her and expressed her frustration, saying, "It's so frustrating. This girl doesn't even do anything. It feels like I'm a slut in comparison."

Julie was taken aback. Even though she had recently switched bodies, she was curious but had never explored this aspect because she felt uncomfortable doing it in a female body. It felt strange to her.

Julie whispered to Missy, "I don't think I know how to do it."

Missy looked at Julie, smirking, and teasingly grabbed her hand. In a flirtatious manner, she asked, "Do you want me to show you the ropes or something?"

Julie blushed and shuddered a little. As a teenage boy, she wasn't that experienced with women, and Missy didn't look bad at all. She found herself flustered by the proposition.

Missy laughed after seeing Julie's reaction. Once she had finished laughing, she looked at Julie, still embarrassed, and said, "You know what? I'll come to your home and show you the ropes. Are you up for the offer?"

Juli looked at Missy and noticed a mischievous glint in her eyes. She couldn't resist the temptation and agreed. Meanwhile, Kathy exclaimed to Julie that it was a bad idea and she shouldn't do it because Missy was a "slut" and would corrupt her.

However, Missy didn't pay attention to Kathy's comment. She held Juli's hand and said, "Okay, I'll meet you at your home today. Let's say at six o'clock in the evening."

Hearing their conversation, Kathy looked at both of them and declared, "Hey, I'm inviting myself in. I'm coming too."

Missy looked at Kathy and retorted, "Look who's the bitch now!" Kathy became angry and said, "You slut, don't talk back to me like that."

Julie watched her friends bickering and name-calling. She found them both adorable and couldn't help but smile. Their playful banter and camaraderie made her happier in her life.

After finishing their day filled with bickering, name-calling, and fun, Julie completed her school and thought to herself that maybe today wouldn't be the same. She went home and called her mom to let her know that her friends were coming over in the evening. Her mom gave her permission but reminded her not to stay up too late.

Excited about her friends coming over, Julie decided to go out and buy some snacks and juice. In a good mood, she happily walked along the streets in the middle of the day, around 4 p.m.

However, her good mood was short-lived. As she passed by another alley, she heard a scream. This time, she didn't even have her mask on, but she felt an instinctual need to check it out. Quickly, she pulled out her handkerchief and wrapped it around her head, disguising her identity, and entered the alley to see what was happening.

To her surprise, she found a small girl, around the age of 10 or 12, about to be punched by a fat old man. Acting swiftly with her super speed, she stopped the punch before it could land and knocked the man out, saving the girl. It all happened in less than a minute. After making sure the girl was safe, Juli left the scene, leaving the unconscious man behind. Little girl couldn't help but wonder what had happened, but juli had to return to the store to buy her snacks. Her mood wasn't the best, but she hoped it would improve.

Upon arriving home, Julie relaxed and spent some time browsing the internet, watching funny videos and anything related to superheroes. As it approached the time for her friends to arrive, it was almost 6:15. Just on time, Katie and Missy arrived together.

Both Katie and Missy greeted Julie's mother, saying, "Hello, Miss Adams! How have you been?" They asked at the same time. Julie's mom smiled and replied, "I'm doing well, dear. You should go upstairs. I think Juli is waiting for you."