
Chapter 3 Khaji-Da

Bianca Reyes: "¡AVE María Purísima! Jaime What have you done!"

Bianca was yelling at Jaime and asking him when he gotten tattoo at, why is he lying... you know mom stuff haha. Then my dad walks in " Jaime what the hell is on your back!" Alejandro ran to his Jaime room and told his parents to please get out and put on a sob story how he thought that Jaime was dead and that he was so worried and to please allow him to spend time with his brother. They reluctantly let it go and left the room while slamming the door. Alejandro approached his brother Jaime and said "Cool Tattoo bro are you gonna give me one too? by the way, you owe me one because mom and dad were not going to let you off if that is a real one can I look at it?"

[host caution the scarab on his back might perceive you as a threat]

Alejandro: "System shop"

The system shop opened and had many things in there but one item stood out. The Reach technology glove cost 1,000 points This glove will merge with scarab host allows the scarab's host to have better harmony with the scarab technology without one overtaking the other, however, whenever there is an emergency the scarab will act in the best interest for the host. Alejandro purchased the glove and put his hands behind his back and pulling the Reach tech glove out of his storage and said "Jaime catch!" Jamie caught it and it merged with his hand and Khaji-Da started glowing and covering Jaime.

It manifested a mega man like cannon gun on Jaime's hand and pointed it at Aleandro while the barrel of the cannon started glowing and then it stopped. Jaime was able to have a better sense of control and harmony with khaji-Da information was swapped between them while Jamie was in his full blue beetle glory! The amour slowly receded into Jaime back while having a shocked look on his face.

Jaime: "can you tell me where you got that glove from Alejandro?"

Alejandro "where do you think pendejo? The flea market where I always get the good stuff I saw the color of the glove and it looked different than normal gloves so I brought it and then I saw the color of your whatever it is a tattoo and thought maybe they were connected. I had to take a chance but does this mean mi Hermano is a superhero what what!"

After Jaime and Alejandro continued talking for a while they finished and they made a promise to never tell mom and dad. If they got upset over a tattoo imagine what they would do if they figured out the tattoo was secretly a weapon or armor or whatever it was. Jaime would learn completely what it was that day and becomes friends with Kahji-Da.

Alejandro was in middle school dancing and feeling good about himself for succeeding in his first quest. [System will now commence upgrading for the duration of the upgrade you will not be able to use the system...20%....60% 80%...99%...100% Host can now use the system] Thinking how fast it was Alejandro used the system "Status"

Name: Alejandro Reyes

Race: Human

Level: 1

HP: 1.0

MP: unknown (sealed)

STR: 1.0

Agility: 1.0

Con: 1.0

Intel: (1.0) (∞ sealed)

Wis:(1.0) (∞ sealed)

Charisma: 1.0

Luck 0.5

Condition: healthy teenager

Powers: Enhanced Ability Learning, Absolute Intelligence, and Absolute Wisdom {sealed}, Gamers body (passive Max), Gamer Mind (passive Max)

Skills: Herbalist (Mastery Maxed), ASL (Mastery Maxed), Landscaping (Mastery intermediate), Martial arts (mastery beginner), Dishwashing (Mastery Maxed), Chore cleaner (Mastery Maxed), House fixer (mastery intermediate), Boxer (Mastery beginner), Soccer (Mastery Intermediate), Serious student (Mastery Maxed), Video Gamer (Mastery Maxed), Cook (Mastery intermediate), Flirt (Mastery beginner)

Quest: Go to Mars help the Martians and gain new powers. Rewards 3 thousand hero points.

Hero points:0

Alejandro was happy that he got a new quest but still shocked that he had to go to mars and he still had his ability sealed but at least his intelligence and wisdom was showing his current stats has. His level was still the same even though absolute wis and intel was sealed. What surprised him the most was his slow increase in stats he felt like he didn't do anything to gain any stats yet.

[host allowed himself to grow up and naturally obtained increase stats in all areas on his own. Now do not forget you still have a martian bio-ship I will help host control the ship and block any martian from reading your mind. After you gain the ability of a martian I will not block your mind or help you drive the ship the rest is your own. In the meantime, your parents will have a clone of you here at home so no one is suspicious of your leave not even khaji da and your brother will be able to find out. When you return to earth the clone will disperse and you will take the clone's place]

Hearing the news Alejandro was even more excited but curious he could not wait to gain more skills. After school was over he started walking home and realized that his mom and dad would be home soon after picking up Milagro today. Jamie school was going to be home before them so Alejandro hurried up to the back yard and then pulled out the manifested the bio-ship in front of him by summoning it out of storage. It was in a dormant state in the shape of an egg [System initializing a connection with Bio-ship] Beside Alejandro a clone that looks just like him with clothing and everything.

Alejandro clone: "well what are you waiting for get on the ship man, I got things covered here mom and dad wont notice a thing."

Alejandro taking his own clone's advice walked towards the ship as it changed shaped and opened up a hole and a ramp. He walked up the ramp and walked inside the ship changed closed the back and changed the interior to become a seat and that was all while the front contained the view as if there was a window but the ship was showing him the outside from its frontal view. It took off and continued to change shape while activating camouflage mode. The bioship went from an egg shape to actual ship shape. It was a swift journey between Earth and Mars despite the distance between the two planets being 139808518.253 miles apart on average. The ship arrived at mars so fast that it was like a blink of an eye.

[System activating mental block but will allow a single thought to slip through to you in order for you to learn the ability]

As soon as the bio-ship entered into Mars and land Green martins approached the Bio-ship and sent out a telepathic communication to whoever was inside. Alejandro heard a simple thought in his mind "Who?" After that his Ability kicked in [Host has obtained and mastered the ability Telepathy, Mind Control, Telekinesis.] After that Alejandro was in communication with the ship and asked for the ship to provide him bio-suit after inspecting what the ship could provide him. He found many other neat things the ship could provide as well. He informed a Green Martian to come in. While doing so he read the Green Martian mind in order to inspect what other abilities the green Martian possessed without the green Martian feeling like his mind was invaded before the green Martian even step foot into the ship.

[Host obtained and mastered shape-shifting, Density shifting, camouflage, Invisibility, Malleability, Healing]

Alejandro didn't have much time but with the bio-suit on he shape-shifted into a young adult Green Martian and He learned with such speed. If the Martians were to find out how fast he mastered their abilities with such god-like skill they would just simply fall over and worship him as either H'ronmeer or C'eridyall. Alejandro Walked his way out of his Bio-Ship and pretend to be a cop thanks to the system putting his verification into the ship and allowing the Martians to think that he was a law enforcement officer. The green Martian stood roughly the same height as Alejandro which was 6'7 "The white Martians are at it again with their violence disturbing our peace. Which sector have you been patrolling in space I saw from your ship memory that you were working with them alongside the Green Lantern."

Alejandro: "I was working in this sector 2814 then I got a message from the Corps that there is a problem on my own planet that needed my attention I completed the cultural exchange and discuss different law enforcement techniques that are similar and different with the lanterns "

Alejandro was only repeating what the system was telling him to say. He was taken to the scene of the crime where he saw 2 Corpse of Green Martians bodies who were splattered in their own home. He heard the psychic cries for pain and replaced the event He saw a White Martian break into the house but there was something wrong with this Martian He couldn't control his forms or his mind. Alejandro told the other Martian whose name was T'rallenn Z'kromm that he knew what to do now and where to look he did not need help but appreciated the gesture. Alejandro flew and took off in the air till he arrived where the rampaging white martian was and calmed it's mind.

White Martian: "how did you get me to calm down. You are here for what I did right?"

Alejandro simply replied: "I have a feeling you are a part of something bigger than all of this huh?"

Alejandro then used his telepathy to the extreme and looked into the white martian mind and saw that it was volunteered to be a super-soldier program surrounded by other white Martians to find a way to increase their capabilities to kill Green Martians by becoming stronger, faster, powerful but it didn't turn out as they expected. The scientist T'er Unkonn was experimenting on Had H'loc the white martian who Alejandro was reading. He could tell the scientist was using some unknown material that was not of mars but seemed like Apokolips tech. Alejandro felt annoyed and told Had H'loc that he will turn him in for his crimes. He showed T'rallenn where to pick up the white martian up at and gave him irrefutable psychic evidence. Had H'loc wanted for T'rallenn and apologized for his crimes because he did not like losing control of himself he just wanted to be stronger and make mars better without having Green Martians in it.

Alejandro Flew away as soon as T'rallenn arrived and tracked down T'er Unkonn he punched T'er hard and almost knocked him out. Then he uses his telepathy to stun T'er and asked him where he got the tech from T'er the scientist White Martian said he got it from a bounty hunter named Lobo in the black market who swore it would make his people stronger. Alejandro did a facepalm realizing that this mission was either due to Lobo being Lobo or someone paid him to do it in order to make it covert as possible and slowly take over mars and sector 2814 without the lanterns noticing it.

before he decided to fly away he took the Apokolips tech and stored it in his system without anyone noticing he then flew while maintaining telepathic contact with all of the inhabitants of mars since mars had the ability to communicate with each other almost as if they were one giant hive and boy did he inconspicuously learn a lot. He even learned how to create bio ships and suits and how to program as well as how to drive it. He got inside his ship and was given the go-ahead from Mars to take off. This time he wanted his flight to earth to be a little slow while he checked on his status and system.

[congratulation for host accomplishing the mission Host earned 3,000 hero points]

Alejandro: "System show me my status."

Well this was hard to finish I was busy all day. I hope I made the story enjoyable. Lets see what tomorrow brings us.

lobo86creators' thoughts