
DC: The Wolf God's Legend

The story of Mylo and his story of self discovery to preservation of his family.

PlatWolf · Others
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22 Chs

Chapter 8 - Chaos Ensues

Now. Flight From Metropolis to London. First Class.

Mylo was resting his eyes as he was on the flight. He was flying inconspicuously on this one. Well as long as he could fly inconspicuously this time, which probably wouldn't last long.

His job this time was going to be a headache. It always was when he had to deal with magic and the supernatural crap, at least until he was used to it. It was ever since he was first forced to encounter it.

But that is a story for another time.

For now he had to focus on the myths surrounding Camelot. Project Cadmus has learned that there is a vault of artifacts hidden under London's Big Ben Clocktower. They needed someone to break in and out without being seen. So naturally they went straight to Waller's ghosts. Wrong!

They actually used a variant of Task Force X first but they destroyed half of London and 'decommissioned' the team. Now they needed someone better to sneak into the high tech MI5 facility.

Scarlett would have been the better choice for a discreet action. But they needed her investigative skills on the missing agents and her expertise on knowing the streets of Gotham and they wanted this done quickly.

Meanwhile, Mylo was one of the best stealth operators they had in employment. They knew he could get in and out without them even knowing he was there. But that didn't mean he wouldn't leave a calling card like he usually would.

He was already forming the plan for the heist in his head.


Now. Metropolis. Hall of Justice.

Batman was sitting at the computer typing vigorously. "Batman." Superman landed behind Batman, "I assume you were apprised of what happened?"

"Do you mean how you and Hawkgirl got captured, were freed, then you captured a group of Thanagarians? Yes, I know." Batman responded sarcastically.

"You forgot how Kara has amnesia and there is an extra Thanagarian on Earth that we don't know about and another missing from that group." Superman pointed out as he looked at what Batman was doing. "Or that someone unknown stole their ship and then tried to kill them? Who caught your attention so much that you are starting a League file on him?"

"Yes I knew about that. But Doctor Fate can restore Kara's memories if he removes the magic from her injury; it should fix itself in a day or two. As for the person that stole the ship, I have the Watchtower scanning for Thanagarian ships, but following Nth metal will be a dead end. The original Thanagarian invasion meant a lot of the Nth metal was left over. But the extra Thanagarian and the person that destroyed evidence of his existence will probably be in the same place." Batman explained.

"Um… in that case it sounds like you are all caught up. I heard your city almost got destroyed this time. Something about nuclear bombs?" Superman was expecting a response but not an analysis. Seems like Batman has already thought about it… as usual.

"Yes, but I didn't defuse them. Some of Waller's people were already looking for the bombs. They diffused and retrieved both of them." Batman then grunted in anger, "but in doing so they left a wake of bodies and one of them quite literally tortured Riddler for the information. But the strangest part is that he doesn't exist in any database. I even have his name and codename, but every time he pops up he disappears. I even started a file on him on the Batcomputer but it disappeared. Even Waller does not have the capacity to pull something like that off."

"You think something has changed?" Superman asked.

"More like it did change a while ago. But the changes were not noticed by us. It feels like we are pawns on the board of a game of chess. And this time I am not one of the players but rather just a pawn." Batman clarified.



Five Years Ago. Island in the Pacific Ocean. Secret League Base. Underground Freezer.

As the two corpses lied in cold storage a mix of chemicals came in through the air ducts. It was a combination of fumes, one was put out by an experiment Ra's was conducting a few rooms over. The other was from the Lazurus pit which strangely gave off a slight fume that would be toxic and flammable if it was built up and not vented.

Which is why he had it vented on fifteen minute intervals into the volcano above. What Ra's did not know was that the ventilation was built incorrectly. So while most of it vented to the volcano it first went through cold storage along with the chemical fumes.

Usually it did not affect anything because this cold storage unit was only used for dead bodies. But on this particular day a set of eyes descended on the island as they schemed and cast a spell in hopes of seeing a new entertaining story unfold.

This was one of the Lords of Chaos' doing. The composite of chemicals and Lazarus fumes gathered and pooled up in the room and when it was full the chaos magic ignited it in an accident that not even the Lord of Chaos realized would happen.

For all those inside the base the resulting explosion and ear splitting scream that sounded like the mix of a woman's and a bird's scream was what caught their attention. Not to mention the shaking of the entire island.

But for those outside it was something terrifying, they were still cleaning up the bodies from when Joker appeared on the island but there was already something new. A large fire bloomed from the volcano and formed in the shape of a Phoenix that quickly dispersed into smoke.

The first to arrive on the scene at the cold storage room was Ra's Al Ghul. The second was his daughter Talia Al Ghul, who for the first time in her life saw a look of shock on Ra's face. But she quickly understood why, when she looked in the room she was just as shocked.


Now. Gotham City. St. Sellas Graveyard.

"So what were they looking for out here?" They were coming up on their destination. A graveyard in Gotham that has been around since the city was first founded. It was home to a large number of graves, mausoleums, and catacombs. But this also meant it was a popular spot for hoodlums and miscreants to hang out at night.

"You mean the research team that was out here?" Scarlett had just finished reading the file when her second in command asked the question. "They put a bunch of sciency stuff on it but to sum it up they were following a legend of an ancient metahuman with super strength, speed, regeneration, and night vision. They wanted a genetic sample so they could create more supers or something. Anyways, we lost contact just before Hush attacked. They said and I quote, 'we found it, we will move in to retrieve the genetic sample.' A major red flag."

Charlie, her driver, chuckled at her remark, "I guess that means we will have our work cut out for us. Especially since this is our second mission."

"Your first mission was more of a milk run." Scarlett stepped out of the Humvee as it came to a stop. Why a humvee? Because it was Gotham. They were parked deep inside the graveyard behind an unmarked van.

The rest of her people stepped out of their humvees as they parked. Scarlett breathed in the Gotham air while her people equipped themselves with their equipment. "Still the same as you remember it boss?" One of her subordinates asked as he walked up.

"Definitely, the air is still stale and smells of decaying flesh, trash, and excrement. Just how I remember it. Remember to search the van, we need to know where they went." Scarlett smiled but then frowned as she saw a police car pulling up. "Scratch my previous orders and take the van to our local base. Start going through the data and information, by the time I am there, I want a rundown on what you gathered. Charlie, stay here."

When they noticed the police car they understood and started climbing back in the Humvees and one of them climbed into the van. Then Scarlett was approached by the police officers.

"Ma'am we need to know what's going on here." One of the police officers stated he had a hand resting on his holstered gun, clearly he was unsettled and nervous about Scarlett's weapons.

"That's classified. But I will talk to your boss. Tell the commissioner to get here. We will wait." Scarlett walked to her humvee and leaned against it.


Now. London. Raxxus' Hotel.

Mylo set his duffel bag on the bed. He then walked to the window and opened it. Looking out at the city he sighed. Tomorrow he picked up the gas he already had at the location of the lab. Then after that he will install it while undercover the next day. Then on the third day the heist will commence. How did the wannabe Suicide Squad screw up that badly.



Now. London. Big Ben. Sub Basement Level 10.

Inside a dark vault. Where shelves of books rested and artifacts sat in display cases. One of said books shook slightly then in the darkness a pair of eyes emerged. After looking around for a moment it looked upwards.

'Something is here. It is bathed in an abundance of chaos magic and wild energies. Even from here she can feel it. It seems oversaturated, it must be an object. Perhaps another magical artifact that these Collectors have found.' The figure thought.

Several other figures emerged. 'Oh great, the other demons noticed the presence as well. But why does it feel like the artifacts of order and neutrality are just as excited as the chaos artifacts.'


Now. Gotham City. St. Sellas Graveyard.

The sun was setting as an undercover police car pulled up behind the police car that arrived earlier. Stepping out of it was an orange haired man in a trench coat. He is the police commissioner of Gotham City, James Gordon. Stepping out of the passenger seat of the undercover police car was a hispanic black haired woman.

Scarlett moved away from her humvee towards the Commissioner and his partner. "You must be Commissioner Gordon, I expect my bosses have already informed you?" She stuck out her hand to shake.

Gordon frowned and shook her hand, "yes, but you may find Gotham hostile even if you came here armed and ready to find your people."

Scarlett laughed as she offered her hand to the other police officer, "I am well aware, I grew up here. You can call me Scarlett."

The woman gave a slight smile, "guess that means we won't have to talk about the costumed freaks in our city. I am Detective Montoya, for the time being it will be myself or Harvey Bullock who will walk around with you."

"Miss Scarlett, your bosses said to not inform Batman but-" Gordon started speaking.

"It doesn't matter, my bosses are paranoid. I could care less. Besides-" Scarlett stopped talking as she noticed something move quickly among the mausoleums. "Umm… I believe I am caught up on the strange freaks but…" Scarlett started walking towards the graveyard as the sun fully set and night set in.

Then a number of shadows started moving among the graves. Scarlett put her hand on her holster, "how many of those live among the graveyard?" Gordon and Montoya looked at each other in confusion.

"None of them why-" Montoya didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as seven people with hunched backs, claws for hands, red eyes, and sharp pointy teeth emerged from the shadows.

Gordon, Montoya, and Scarlett pulled out their handguns. "Nope, this is a new one." Gordon answered, "I assume you might know about what these are?"

"Maybe-" Scarlett was in the middle of answering when one of the figures suddenly shot forward at an incredible speed towards Montoya. Scarlett was the only one to react as she pushed off the ground and pushed Montoya out of the way.

Then Scarlett was launched into the humvee behind them at an incredible speed. Scarlett instinctively let go of her gun as she held the jaws of the creature away from her neck where it was trying to bite her.

"Holy Shit!" Charlie screamed as the Humvee skidded into the road and Scarlett while holding the creature back bounced away still holding it at bay.

Montoya quickly pulled herself up to dash to the car she came in. But as she ran towards it one of the creatures jumped ahead of her landing on the roof of the car and caving it in. "Damn! Gordon, these things are super powered!" Montoya pulled her gun out and started shooting at it. The bullets bounced off the skin of the creature.

Gordon started unloading his gun onto the creatures as he walked toward the humvee which Charlie, the driver, had started up. The creatures backed up as bullets bounced off them, seemingly scared of the sound more than anything. "I noticed, get in the humvee, hopefully it is armored enough!"

As they were moving into the humvee, Scarlett managed to throw the creature off of her. As she stood up she watched as Montoya jumped into the back seat of the humvee and then waved at Scarlett, "come on!"

Scarlett backed up and shook her head, "I am all good, you three get out of here!" She called back as she pulled out a pair of gloves and put them on. While a pair of the creatures walked towards her the humvee started racing off with a trio of the creatures chasing after it.

"Now then." Scarlett ran a gloved hand through her hair as she pulled her knife from her sheath with her other hand. "Let's see how durable you creatures truly are." Scarlett had a truly terrifying grin on her face that made the creatures momentarily stunned.

As she started parrying and punching the creatures as they attacked and swiped at her she thought about what these creatures are. 'They have super strength, super speed, metal-like skin, some look just like normal teens while three of them she noticed wore the research division uniform, they also had fangs, and only came out when the night arrived.'

Just as she figured out what they were, a figure in a black and purple suit with a yellow emblem on her chest kicked one of the creatures that was diving at her from the side. Another creature was kicked back as a teenager with a red, green, and black outfit flew into the scene.

"Hey umm… what are these?" Robin asked as he glanced at the nasty gash that had formed on Scarlett's arm.

Scarlett cracked her neck, "well if I am right-HA!" Scarlett punched one of the creatures as it leaped towards Robin. There was a loud cracking noise as her fist sent the creature flying into a tombstone destroying it in the process. "These are Vampires!"