
DC: The Wildcat

A man who will have to punch and kick his way through the DC universe with no powers. Seems like a pretty cool idea. It isn't.

CruzControl67 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Bear and the Cat Part 1

Eddie. POV.

"You shouldn't have done that." It was Black Canary. The team had been at the base for an hour and left. I was in the gym using the punching bag.

"Done what?" I didn't turn to look at her, but kept using the punching bag.

"You threatened a teammate." I kneed and kicked the punching bag, causing it to fly across the room. There was a hole in it, and sand was flowing out.

"They're idiots." I turned to look at her and found her frowning at me with her hands on her hips.

"The league wants to suspend you"

"I protected the civilian. I held the team accountable. I did my job." I walked over to the dumbbells and picked up the 150's and started curling them.

"No one is questioning that. It's how you did it, that's a problem." I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Once the assassin was down you proceeded to continue to beat on them until Kaldur pulled you off. Then after an argument with the team about how the assassin broke in, you threatened Wally. The assassin then escaped."

"The assassin escaped because Kaldur didn't bind her. He was just standing there." I threw the dumbbells to the ground. "It doesn't matter how I get the job done, as long as I get it done."

"That's a dangerous way of thinking."

"I'm sure all your league friends would agree with you. But us normal people don't have powers to rely on."

"Batman doesn't have powers."

"Batman is Batman."

"Oliver doesn't have powers."

"Oliver has $7 billion. If I had that money, I'd be a hero for shits and giggles." We stared at each other refusing to budge from our points. "Where's the team now?" She pursed her lips.

"Protecting the charge. We thought it best to leave you here, until the league made their decision. You crossed a line, Eddie."

"Why aren't you their then?"

"As your mentor I would be giving a biased vote."

"I won't stay here and let the B squad fuck things up, the doctor's life is at risk." Her arms dropped when I said this, and her face shifted. If she tried to stop me, I didn't know if I could take her if she used her banshee screams.

"League's orders."

"For people who claim to be heroes. Holding me here against my will, is a far cry from that." I shifted into my boxing stance and she bent her knees a little bit. For a moment I thought we were going to fight. Then she blew out a long breath and shook her head.

"I agree."


"Prove them you deserve to be on the team." She moved slightly out of the way of the door. With a small smirk. "I know better than to try to stop the Wildcat. Even if I can stop you. It would only do more harm then good. Hurry up." I stood there shocked. I blinked a couple times then nodded slowly. I dropped my stance and ran to pick up my mask. I put it on and ran past Dinah. "Take the bike!" I heard her yell as I sprinted down the hall. That's an amazing idea.

Bear. POV.

"So, what is mission?" I asked the tiny lady with the strange mask.

"We have to kill and or stop Dr. Serling from developing a counter measure to the Fog." She growled out at me. A man dressed as a spider was just staring out into the distance unfazed and a man with a great hook attached to his arm was frowning at him.

"If that is all. Why call me? I thought the League was good fighters." Her head shifted to look at me.

"Listen you big hairy idiot. Your job is to handle their fighter. That's all you need to worry about, I'll handle the doctor. Understood?"

"Da." I growled at her, and she didn't back down. I held the glare for 30 seconds before laughing in her face. "You are brave little kitty. If you were not in League I would smoosh you like grape."

"We're here." I heard the hooked man say gruffly and I could see the Black Spider nod in confirmation guiding the boat to a pier.

"I will find this man and beat him." I clinched my fists and started pounding my chest to get the blood pumping. "Victory. No defeat."

"Whatever." The little cat women said harshly and turned around to face the pier. "You both know your missions?" She looked towards the other two and they both nodded deftly. "Fantastic".

Megan. POV.

"I still don't understand why we left Wildcat back at the base." I sent a mental message to the rest of the team still typing away at the computer. The plan was for me to be the distraction, so the assassins could attack me while the real Dr. Serling finished her plan.

"I agree" Artemis responded. "He did handle the assassin last time"

"No big deal. If I was there, I could have totally handled it. No problem" Wally, said and I saw him smiling with his arms crossed. Not a worry was in his head. I could tell.

"It was the league's decision to leave him out of the mission." Kaldur stoically responded. I sighed.

"That's because Baywatch here snitched." Artemis shot at Wally.

"Hey! If he threatened to break your arm, you'd run to Green Arrow!"

"I wouldn't. I would have handled it like a big girl instead of running off to the League."

"Can we focus on the mission?" I said out loud to the both of them. They both looked at me and then glared at each other. "We still have someone who needs us."

"Megan is right." Kaldur agreed with me. I smiled outwardly and kept typing on the computer.

"Fine" Artemis and Wally responded at the same time and moved to be on opposite sides of the room.


Cheshire. POV.

I was sneaking around the trees. I caught the footsteps of the Atlantean. "let's test that resistance." I snuck further on him, and saw him sneaking around a street. I threw five of my shurikens at him and he fell down on his knee. "Not high enough." Black Spider came in and swung him against the car with his webs. Bear just looked at the fallen form and laughed pointing at him.

"This is the one who beat you? He does not look like much."

"It wasn't him. The other must be with the target." I flicked on thermal vison. I looked at the footsteps coming from a building. "They must be in there." I heard the Atlantean groan. I turned to look at him and saw him waking up. "Interesting." Bear punched him in his chin causing him to slump down further. "Come on." I turned and followed the footsteps with the group following behind me.

There was a roar of an engine behind us. We all looked behind us to see a motorcycle flying down the street. It had a giant cat head on the front of it.

"That's him!" I yelled and saw Bear smile.

"Give me a good fight!" He charged the motorcycle. He was a fucking idiot.

"Leave him. We have a mission to do." I told the others and they nodded. We ran off to the building leaving Bear to handle the biggest threat so far.

Eddie. POV.

That was a very large man running towards me. I frowned and gritted my teeth as he came closer and I rammed the engine. Was that a smile?

He pulled his fist back and shot it out, grabbing me off the bike leaving me in the air in his grip. He was holding me up by my throat with one arm and had a huge smile on his face.

"You are dressed like cat too! HA!" What the fuck?

I gripped his thumb and pulled it back snapping it. He let me go, frowned and held his thumb. I dropped to the floor in a low crouch and sent two hooks with my right arm to his side, and he didn't even seem phased.

"You are strong. The Bear is stronger!" He swung his massive hand at me and I narrowly ducked under it. But was met with a knee straight to the face. I heard a crack and felt blood flowing from my nose. My head shot back, and I felt him grab my shoulders and swung me down to the floor around his body.

I landed on my back with a groan. I shook my head and saw him walking slowly towards me.

"Get up, little kitty." He swung his arm down to grab my collar and I wrapped my legs around his arm holding him in an arm bar. His eyes widened. I pulled tighter and his head went farther from me, and I could see the veins forming on his head as he struggled. I was grunting and trying my damnest to ignore the blood flowing out of my nose. It was starting to dampen the mask. "You are starting to annoy me." He was crouched down but he still had his other arm free. He used that arm to hammer away at my leg. After three hits and when he was going for his next one. I used my left arm to propel me to perform a round kick to his face sending him to his back with the force. I followed through with the kick and landed on my feet. (Not to flex I can do this in real life and that's how I got the idea) I limped when I landed. I think he bruised a bone.

"Stay down big man." I tried to take a page out of Dinah's book. Holier than thou and all that shit.

"Ha! HA! HA! HA!" His chest was pumping up and down as he laughed. He leaned up and smiled at me. His mouth was completely bloody and had a few teeth missing. "That is the hardest anyone has ever hit me! Stop now?" He stood up and just rolled his shoulders. "The Bear does not surrender!"

"Whatever." He charged at me with a wide stance looking to grab me. I bent my knees and pulled back my right hand slightly. He swung wide with his right arm and I leaned back still pulling my right arm back. Then he pulled back his elbow to drive it into me. I just ducked and he tried to pull the knee trick again. As his left foot got off the ground, I punched out with my right hand and met the left side of his left knee. If you don't know knees aren't supposed to go right to left. What followed was a pop and I felt my wrist dislocate and his knee shifted. I rolled forward to go underneath him as he fell on his knee. I ended up standing behind him nursing my wrist. "What the fuck are you made out of you!" I growled at him and turned to look at him. He just looked shocked that I broke his knee with a punch.

"You broke my knee." He whispered and I couldn't even tell if he was in pain. He just spoke in a monotone.

"I snapped my wrist in the process you Russian shit." He tried standing up, I could see a faint look of anger on his face. "No the fuck you don't." I launched myself forward wrapping my right arm around his neck and holding it with my left putting him in a choke hold. He was close to standing up but fell back down as he couldn't put weight on his knee, and he was losing oxygen. "Go to sleep, ugly." He was gripping my forearm weaker as time went on. "Just a few more seconds you giant shit." He was scratching and reaching for the back of my head. He got a good shot at my eye which caused me to hiss but not lose grip. "How much air do you have!" He lurched and went limp. I pulled back limping. His body fell down forward with his face on the concrete. I put my hands on my hips and bent down huffing and swallowing air.

"He had his uses." I heard a voice say behind me and I tried turning around to find a sai in my gut. It was the mask girl, but she didn't have her mask on. "Paybacks a bitch. Isn't it?" She let go of the blade and I fell down on my knees gripping the handle. "Jellyfish toxin. Highly poisonous." I gritted my teeth at her. "Oh don't look so upset. You hopefully won't die. I've grown rather fond of watching you fight."

"Fuck you." I spat out, she gripped my chin and bent down to look at me.

"Only if you ask nicely." She smiled. I grabbed her arm and she looked surprised for a second until I lost grip and fell on my side. My eyes were starting to close. "You're lasting longer then…"

I was out before she could finish the sentence.

Author's note.

I'm not trying to make the fights flashy. Just kinda real. Like he's just a dude.