
DC: The Silent God

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil. A child born from a scheme. A life that isn't his own. A court without a judge. A world without order. Meet and follow Oionós as he bestows judgement upon those who cause pain to both he and those around him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Writing this for fun and practice whilst I focus on an original novel. It's the first fic I've written in a while that I actually enjoyed enough to post so, enjoy while it lasts. Don't read the auxiliary chapter if you don't want potential spoilers. General plot lines are already decided, just the path in how to get to them is a struggle. I'm unsure how many chapters I'll end up posting.

TreacherousVoid · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Evil II

Have only written up to chapter 16, however, the chapter is like 3.5k words long so I figured it's cool to post this shit.

(POV Oionós) 

Time and experience, are two things that couldn't be rushed and I desperately needed. The Court possesses five Talons, each more deadly than the last. I'd need to wait and grow a bit further before I could enter a direct confrontation with them with confidence. 


Explaining this to V had been rather simple, and she'd wholeheartedly supported my thought process. Speaking of which, Veronica, the supportive sister she was, at my request had procured me a disguise of sorts I could use during my nightly excursions. A servant came in and placed two chests before me. 


Opening the larger one, I revealed what lay within, namely a full-body suit, hood included. Solid black in color, with silver trimming, and the symbol of the Court on its chest. To say it fits like a glove would be an understatement. According to her, it was designed for my use specifically and would grow as I did. Closing the lid, I turned my attention to the remaining surprise. 


Within the smaller chest lay a set of matching gauntlets and... well, talons. One for each finger in fact. Despite their less-than-practical appearance, they were quite comfortable, and when I clenched my fist, the blades/points themselves seemed to fold into my hand perfectly. 


Supposedly it was made with something she'd called 'Depleted Promethium', a rather rare and difficult metal to acquire. When mixed with titanium and vanadium it created a nearly indestructible material. 


Without further ado, I donned my suit mentally preparing myself for what I was to do. V had appealed to the Grandmaster, informing him that despite being recognized as a 'Talon' I was still but a child. I lacked experience and needed time to grow into a true asset for the Court. 


As a result, I would spend time polishing myself on the stones that were the various criminals in Gotham. While initially opposed to the idea, her promise that'd stay out of the public eye, along with a sizeable donation, placated the old oaf. 


A few days had passed and the rage that gripped me had long since passed. I was honestly embarrassed about my... outburst, and though I didn't necessarily regret it, seeing Veronicas' blindfolded face caused a pit in my stomach. 


Hearing a set of footsteps behind me, I once again came face-to-face with the cause of my internal conflict. Veronica had changed since that day, becoming demure, and subservient beyond belief. To say she was afraid of me would be an understatement. I couldn't help but sigh, I didn't like being feared, but if it got the job done, so be it. 


"Oionós, I forgot to bring you the last piece. I've been assured it's as you requested, though I'm unsure as to why." Extending her hands, Veronica gingerly handed me a silver mask in the shape of an owl's face, with two pairs of eye sockets. 


Looking at the four empty eye holes, a familiar fiery scene flashed across my mind. 

"It just felt right." 



(POV Robin) 

"Ugh, why am I stuck babysitting the homicidal freak? Hey! You had better stay outta my way tonight. And be sure to follow my lead!" I snapped in irritation at Cassandra. 


"Do you have to be such a douche? And who exactly is babysitting who? Only one of us here is on probation due to their 'bad attitude' and 'problems with authority'." She sarcastically remarked. 


I felt the veins in my forehead threatening to explode, as I fought the urge to fight her right here. I wasn't on probation, and I didn't have a bad attitude or problems with authority! Dick was just being...a dick. It's not my fault he and Barb keep treating me like a child. 

"Shut up and follow me." Ignoring her comment, I clenched my fists and took off running, leaping from building to building. 


Cassandra, with apparent and annoying levels of ease caught up to me. 

"Where are we going?" 


Sending a glare her way, I rolled my eyes. 

"If you must know, I happened to get my hands on some info about a potentially 'high profile' meeting. I don't know the specifics, but I want to check it out." 


"The hell you mean, you 'don't know the specifics'." Grabbing my shoulder, she halted our advancement. 


Snatching my arm from her grasp, I exasperatedly explained what I knew. 

"Tch, let go of me. And just what I said. The document didn't have much information, it seemed like it was based on a hunch and little word of mouth. Jason didn't know who was going to be there or what the meeting was about, so he threw it out." 


"Ha, so not only did you steal one of Jason's files, but you also want to investigate something even he chose to ignore. This is exactly the kind of stuff that gets you in trouble, the reason no one trusts you." Cassandra sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose. 


With a scowl, I marched up to her and jammed my finger into her chest. 

"Oh? Who exactly is untrustworthy here? Only one of us is a killer! Don't think I buy your 'reformed' act for one second. Now, if you're done trying to take the 'high road', why don't you fall in line." 


As though sensing the tense atmosphere, dark clouds rolled in, and rain began to pour as we remained in a stalemate. Gazing into her mask's colorless eye sockets, I felt a small bead of sweat form at my brow. W-wait...there's no way she was considerin- 


"Fine, let's go. Whatever happens, it's on you." Cassandra said through grit teeth, interrupting my foreboding thoughts. 




It didn't take long for us to arrive at the supposed meeting spot. One of Gotham's bridges had recently been closed for 'construction' providing a rather large and otherwise empty space for criminal use. The lack of cover was certainly not ideal, and we struggled to mask our approach. Opting to use the various abandoned construction equipment to our advantage. 


The further we crept down the bridge, the darker it got. What few streetlights remained on the street were either broken or flickered on and off sporadically. While foreboding, it also provided us with not only natural cover but helped us spot something in the distance. 


A group of vehicles were at the center of the bridge with their headlights on, illuminating the figures of at least a dozen men. From the looks of things, two factions were in the process of discussing and completing a deal. 


"I count a dozen goons and two lieutenants. Banes and Scarecrows it seems. I didn't know they were on good terms." Cassandra whispered. 


Humming in agreement, we continued to observe their interactions before noticing Scarecrows goons' hand over canisters filled with a dark green liquid. What the hell was that? Not wanting to wait and find out, I sprang into action, catching Cassandra by surprise. 



(POV Black Bat) 

Really? Watching Robin spring into action without so much as a second glance, I hurried to catch up. My sole focus having been on both him and that strange liquid the goons had been given, I was unable to react to the burst of gas that began filling the surroundings. 


Fuck! It was too late. Robin and I barged directly through a large cloud of fear toxin and were now face-to-face with a dozen of Gotham's most criminally insane. The two lieutenants were quick to react, shouting orders and charging toward us. 


I kept my breathing to a minimum hoping to stall the fear toxin for as long as I could, we could still make it out of this if we stuck together. Glancing at Robin, I saw him looking to-and-fro with frantic eyes. When he looked at me, he instantly recoiled, taking a swing at me before leaping backward. 


Narrowly dodging his attack, I couldn't help but curse my luck. Not only did I have to deal with the gas, the goons, whatever it is they were trying to transport, but I also had to find a way to save this spoiled brat. Could I? Focusing on controlling my breathing and trying to keep my nerves under wraps, I switched my attention to the charging goons. 


Ducking under a wild swing, I grabbed my assailant's arm before tugging him over my shoulder and slamming him into the ground. The resulting impact had no doubt rattled his bones and sent him into a deep slumber. Turning my attention to the rest, my eyes suddenly went wide as I watched one of the lieutenants pull out an assault rifle. 


Spinning on my heel, I dove for Robin and hit the deck. Wind and rain picked up as bullets filled the surroundings and I winced as one managed to nick me in the side. A frightened Robin struggled in my grasp, dishing out wild swings and attempting to stab me with his blades. 


At this point, he was a bigger threat to me than anyone else. Pushing him away, I attempted to stand back up only to be held down from multiple sides. Try as I might, the fear gas was starting to get to me, and I was losing what little rationale I had. Lifting my head I spotted Robin in a similar situation, as Scarecrow and Banes goons turned to their lieutenants for instruction. 


With a nod of their heads, we were tied up and placed on our knees before the group. A whispered discussion ensued as they considered their options before ultimately deciding to bring one of us back to their respective bosses. 


Furthermore, Scarecrow had found a way to combine his fear gas and Bane's venom. What kind of unholy child they had created, I didn't want to know, nor did I want it on the streets of Gotham. 


"We'll take the girl. Think the boss would mind if we delivered her a bit...damaged?" One of them chuckled, as he waltzed up behind me, and pressed my face onto the pavement. 


Struggling under his grasp, I tried to find a way out. Something, there's gotta be something. Was there nothing I could do? I would rather die than become their prisoner. Glancing around for anything, anyone, I heard a voice. 

"Well, what have we here?" 


Time seemed to freeze as everyone stopped speaking, eyeing their surroundings carefully and confused. A flash of lightning seemed to blind us momentarily, and when things returned to normal, I heard the voice again...beside me. 

"I had thought maybe you were just drug dealers, but it seems like I've got it all wrong. You're definitely as disgusting and deplorable as V said." 


I couldn't tell you how he'd appeared, but right next to me clear as day was a young man in black armor, a hood, and a mask with four burning eyes that seemed to emit a haze. Instantly all eyes locked onto him, as the goons leaped into action. With the gas finally settling in, the last thing I saw was his figure morph into that of a black shadow with four glowing eyes. 


Another blinding flash of lightning struck, however, this time my vision didn't return. In fact, I was not only blinded but deafened by what I assumed was booming thunder. Other than the continuous droplets of rain and wind battering my face, and an occasional splash of...something, I couldn't tell what was happening. 


I was unsure how much time had passed while I was in this state, but the next thing I knew I heard that voice once more. 

"Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil." 


A few seconds later, my vision returned and what lay before me was utter carnage. Bullets littered the ground, and bullet holes filled the cars that surrounded us. Thankfully neither I nor Robin appeared injured. Which was more than I could say for Scarecrows and Banes thugs. 


Bodies were sprawled everywhere, leaning against their vehicles, hanging from the bridge's railings, crumpled on the floor, and one directly in front of me. Glancing at the one placed before my feet, I found it was the one who had made a certain 'threatening' remark. 


A horrific sight would be an understatement, with eyes gouged out, a missing tongue, and profusely bleeding ears. I noticed similar wounds on a couple other bodies, had he done this to each of them? Whether or not he or any of these people were still alive was up for debate, though they may as well not be. 


NOTE: Well aware of how ridiculous these last two chapters have been. Thats kinda the point. He's an unhinged child with a warped view of the world/what good and bad are, and the devil on his shoulder makes things worse. 


Kids are fickle and change their minds about people and things every 10 minutes. Don't worry, we'll be out of the edge lord shit soon enough. Just bear with me here. 


He will still be killing those he deems wastes of space, though.