
DC: The Silent God

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil. A child born from a scheme. A life that isn't his own. A court without a judge. A world without order. Meet and follow Oionós as he bestows judgement upon those who cause pain to both he and those around him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Writing this for fun and practice whilst I focus on an original novel. It's the first fic I've written in a while that I actually enjoyed enough to post so, enjoy while it lasts. Don't read the auxiliary chapter if you don't want potential spoilers. General plot lines are already decided, just the path in how to get to them is a struggle. I'm unsure how many chapters I'll end up posting.

TreacherousVoid · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 15: Faith

Things will continue moving somewhat quickly from here on out. We getting through this together though. Will slow down a bit at chapter 19/20 to introduce the next plot line before the next time skips begin.

Lots of notes at the end of the next chapter will hopefully answer any questions or concerns.


(POV Nightwing) 

I was devastated, disappointed, and ashamed of myself. I'd seen Robin and Cass acting strange lately, but I just ignored it and pushed it to the back of my mind. After all, I had more important things to worry about. 


Needless to say, when we came across their mutilated bodies in an alley, an unwelcome yet equally unstoppable flood of emotions overtook me. First was disbelief, followed by worry, and finally rage. Who, what, when, why, and where. I needed answers and I needed them now. 


It took the combined kind words of Barbara and a headlock from Jason to keep me in check. How could this have happened on my watch? I thought I was different than Bruce, I thought I could be better, I thought I was better. But here I was making the same mistakes and experiencing the same loss...What a hypocrite I am. 


So here I was 'getting some fresh air' or so I'd told the others. Really, I was here to vent my frustrations toward myself, on the scum that prowled at night. My rampage continued for hours, I was merciless, whether against them or myself. Pushing my body beyond its limits as though searching for repentance through pain. 


Eventually, I could take no more and collapsed into a wasteland of writhing bodies. Panting loudly, I struggled to stand up and face the last few stragglers. Of course, they weren't about to give me the chance to do so. A beating ensued as goons 1 through 3 gathered up their courage and began pummeling my exhausted body. 


Like a puppet with its strings cut, I was sent reeling, falling onto my back and laying there with empty eyes. They were kids, my responsibility, and on my watch, they'd become cripples. Hell, they might not even live. 


Seeing the three assailants' figures loom over me with their hands held high, I was resigned to my fate. I deserved this. However, in a rather unforeseen turn of events, their weapons never descended upon me. Instead, they turned their attention to something elsewhere. 


Some shouting took place before they each charged ahead into the darkness. Silence permeated the surroundings, and moments later a single figure presented itself to me. A mask in the shape of an owl was the most obvious thing about him, which instantly put me on high alert. 


A member of the Court? Here? Why? Were they really still after me? My questions were put to a halt as he kneeled down before me. 

"Give these to bird boy and the bat, they'll be back in tip-top shape before you know it. There's only a single drop in each, so try not to lose them alright? I'd give you one too, but I'd prefer not to have to fight you as I am now." 


Without even giving me a chance to respond, he placed two small vials of green liquid in my hands and walked away. Meanwhile, I once more struggled to my feet and began processing his words. Why would a member of the Court be helping us? 


If my thoughts were correct, what he'd given us was something the Talons used. How'd he get his hands on it? Was he a Talon? He couldn't have been older than Robin, there's no way, right? I certainly had no fond memories of the Court or their Talons, and it was only thanks to Bruce that they didn't have their clutches on me. 


Looking at the vials I couldn't help but be conflicted. Should I really trust this stuff, could I afford not to? 



(POV Oionós) 

You must think I'm crazy. Well, you might be right. I'd thought this over thoroughly, there's no way to gain without sacrifice. I had to be willing to sacrifice if I wanted strength. I didn't want strength, I needed it. I was willing to do whatever I had to, regardless of the risks. 


Yes, that included dying. Over and over and over and over again. So that's what I did. I was trusting not only Bane's apparent desire for death, but his boredom, and his honor. I figured if I fought to the best of my ability and didn't disappoint him, he'd allow me to keep coming back to try again. 


At this point, it was glaringly obvious that I needed to stop worrying about the others in this city until I could take care of myself. The Court would fall under my thumb one way or another, it was just a matter of time. 


Thus, a tortuous cycle began. It began with me pumping myself full of volatile and addictive substances, before facing Bane and meeting my demise. Only to return a while later with newfound conviction looking to repeat the process over again. 


What started as a daily routine, became weekly, monthly, and finally semiannually. I had gone into this with trust in the Electrum, V had hyped up so much. 


After all, I'd seen its effects for myself and was constantly experiencing them. Coming back from the dead time and time again had left me not only shocked at its power but reliant on it more than ever. 


Nevertheless, I was disappointed. Other than a rather basic increase in strength, and durability, I had yet to sense any real or unique growth in my physical prowess. By the time three years had passed, I was disheartened. 


I felt I was running not only out of time but patience. Bane had seen all I had to offer for these past three years and had only grown more accustomed to fighting me. Our bouts had long since reached their peak, and I had yet to improve further. V had said the chances of me gaining anything special from the serum were low, but this was ridiculous. 


Three years of using my body as a lab rat, throwing myself into the clutches of death without care...for what? This feeling of ever-present doubt was suffocating me. Sitting on the edge of Gotham's Cathedral, I lost myself in the City's lights, the sounds of people going about their lives, and the scent of smog filling the air. 


Soon things seemed to distort, a world on fire soon entered my vision. Time seemed to tick by as I found myself entranced, dazedly staring into the flames. 


"Take a leap of faith." The world itself seemed to stop as a deep voice touched my ears. 


Hairs standing on end, I took to my feet and glanced about myself anxiously. What the hell was that and where did it come from? 

"Who are you? What do you want?" 


My questions fell on deaf ears as the voice appeared, once more seeming to warp reality itself. 

"Take a leap of faith." 


"What are you talking about?" Glancing downward at the streets of Gotham a hundred or more meters beneath me, I couldn't help but chuckle nervously. No way did the voice want me to jump? Down there? Right now? 


"Look, I don't know who or what you are, but respectfully, there's no way in hell I'm jumping off this damn buil-" My words were caught in my throat as the threat of death enveloped me. 


I could feel a pair of eyes locked onto my figure and with their gaze alone the blood within me began to boil. Literally. Once more, the mysterious voice repeated. 

"Take. A. Leap. Of. Faith." 


Why was this happening, why now? Did I even have a choice in the matter? Whatever/whoever this voice belonged to, was beyond my comprehension. I had the feeling that regardless of my wishes, I'd find myself plummeting to my death one way or another. 


I hadn't taken any Electrum recently, and if I fell from this height, I was sure to die and remain so. Unless V stumbled across my body and managed to patch me up before I was discovered by someone else, I was most certainly screwed. 


Now obviously, the thought of running away and ignoring this world-encompassing voice crossed my mind, however, the instant it did my blood began to boil once more. Thus, leaving me with no other option. 


Standing at the edge of the building, a nervous smile crept onto my face. Faith my ass, this was coercion. I was under duress! 

"Whoever you are, if I live through this, I will find you...and we will exchange some words." 


Having said my piece, an exhilarating free-fall ensued. Millisecond by millisecond I was closer and closer to a meeting I was rather averse to. Namely, my face and the pavement. My mind raced at a million miles a second, a leap of faith. Faith in what? What did normal people seek in times like these? 


They sought beings higher than themselves, wills and wishes of things outside of comprehension. Was I to pray to a god right now? What, was I supposed to declare my undying loyalty to the voice that pushed me into this corner? Or did he want me to believe in him, in his power, in his strength? This...this false god. 


No, I needed to have faith in myself. Fuck his power and fuck his strength. I refuse to believe that everything I've done thus far was for nothing. That my struggles, my trials, my tribulations were meaningless and that I haven't become something more. That I can't do more, that I can't be more. 


The word 'limits' has been ingrained into me for as long as I can remember, everyone likes to tell people what they can and can't do, how far they can and can't go, and what is and what isn't possible. 'You're a child' they said, 'You're a Talon' they said, 'You 'll become addicted' they said, 'You can't live without it' they said, 'You're our savior' they said, 'You can be a judge' they said. 


Labels, excuses, addictions, and weaknesses, all meant to limit me and my future. How could I help people who wouldn't even help themselves? Why should I? How could I be expected to sacrifice myself for the ungrateful? Why should I? I'd worked so hard to gain strength, and for what? To use it on another's behalf, with no benefit to myself? 


Whether it was the degenerate scum that littered the streets or their victims, they both should be kneeling at my feet. Heads bowed in reverence, bodies trembling in fear, hands spread with all they had to offer. I was everything they wished they were, and without me, their lives would remain the same. 


My Cou...Parliament, would inspire faith, and enact miracles for those who sacrificed in my name. For those who took to the streets, and rebelled. For those who stood on their own two feet, against all odds. For those willing to humble themselves. 


Screw being a child, screw being a Talon, screw being addicted, screw being a savior, screw being a judge, I'd become more. 


I'd become a god. 


NOTE: You might call this his second brush with REAL death after his first fight with Bane. And it kinda puts things into a different perspective for him. While originally, he'd acknowledged that he needed strength if he was to rid the world of filth. Now, it's more like, why the hell am I having to step up and do this for people who won't even stand up for themselves. 


Especially after being forced into this situation by a seemingly unstoppable invisible being.  


Doing this not only for the story but because I plan on going the God Route. So, he and the Parliament will become a borderline cult of sorts. MC will help any and all who submit themselves to his sovereignty. ie, why he's 'helping' Veronica. 


If/When people join his cult/religion, he's gonna use the electrum to keep them addicted and coming back for something that only he can supply.