
DC: The Silent God

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil. A child born from a scheme. A life that isn't his own. A court without a judge. A world without order. Meet and follow Oionós as he bestows judgement upon those who cause pain to both he and those around him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Writing this for fun and practice whilst I focus on an original novel. It's the first fic I've written in a while that I actually enjoyed enough to post so, enjoy while it lasts. Don't read the auxiliary chapter if you don't want potential spoilers. General plot lines are already decided, just the path in how to get to them is a struggle. I'm unsure how many chapters I'll end up posting.

TreacherousVoid · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 13: Mighty or Not

In about 6-7 more chapters we're out of Gotham and into the Arrowverse. Although still 4 years before cannon.

(POV Bane) 

Tsk, how the mighty have fallen. This is supposed to be the new generation? Recalling my bouts with the Bat, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. When would I feel a rush like that again? 


Hm? Glancing at an unfamiliar figure, I noticed a symbol I recognized. Hoh, is he from the Court? A child in training wheels perhaps? A prospective Talon? Now, there's someone who could give me a rush. I wonder if that old man Uriah has kicked the bucket yet. 


Smiling at the kid, I gave him a warm handshake to introduce myself. Let's just say his body didn't handle that well, after barely two or three shakes he'd become useless. Just then, like a man possessed the boy's limp body sprang to life. 


Without a care in the world, he twisted his arm to a grotesque degree, and in the same instant managed to slice through a couple of my fingers, freeing it from my grip. Watching him leap backward, I expected him to turn tail and run only to be met with a pair of maddened eyes. 


What proceeded to transpire was a most mind-boggling scenario, one after another the child kept pulling tricks from out of his ass. Each one brought me pause, giving him even more ground. I was unsure how much was just genuine skill, and how much was the work of the devil. 


Regardless, enduring his relentless assault and witnessing the conviction in his gaze, lit a fire within me for the briefest of moments. What initially started as the lighting of a match became a campfire, as with his final dish attempt, I found a rather naughty finger dangerously close to my head. 


Stopping him in his tracks, I couldn't help but commend his efforts. To be so ruthless at such an age, that geezer Uriah must still be alive. As the child's exhausted body went limp once more, I engaged in a bit of conversation to see what kind of person he was. 


If I could put it into words, he was amusing, to say the least. Unapologetically honest, realistic, and aware of his situation but still defiant. Though, not the arrogant and senseless kind of some people. 


His conviction was unwavering, instead of thinking about how he could die right now, he was thinking about how he could've killed me if given some more time. You've found yourself an interesting pupil, Uriah. Truly insane. 


Maybe the new generation isn't worthless after all. Deep in thought, I glanced at his fallen compatriots and offered the boy a way out, with some conditions applied. Seeing him try and fail to raise his hand for another handshake, I couldn't help but laugh uproariously. 


Without an ounce of strength left in him, 'Oionós' finally fell unconscious. Barking a few orders, I had some numbskulls drop them in an alley somewhere. Hopefully, the next time we met he wouldn't disappoint me. 


(POV Oionós) 

I awoke to the pitter-patter of rain, and the cool feel of water on the back of my neck. Blinking my eyes rapidly, the pain began to flood my body, nearly causing me to double over. Rather quickly I stripped my senses, helping to re-orient myself. 


Why was I in an alley? Glancing left and right, I found two familiar broken and bleeding bodies. I needed to get the fuck out of here, I needed to get back to V. With a grunt, I propped myself up on the wall and got to my feet. 


A soft groan caught my attention causing me to glance back at the duo's crumpled forms. Fuck. Could I really just leave them here? Did I really have a choice? Clicking my tongue, I ignored their plight and focused on my own limping carefully through the streets of Gotham. 



(POV Veronica Cale) 

Since the unfortunate accident with my eyes, my other senses had begun to sharpen. Oionós said it was only natural that in order to make up for the loss of one sense, the others were working overtime. 


According to him, it was a 'blessing in disguise', though I'm unsure who he was trying to convince. Me, or himself? I was well aware of how guilty and regretful he was over his actions that night, and while I didn't blame him, I also couldn't help but fear him. 


The reflection of his face within that blade was forever burned into my mind, ability to see be damned, I'd never forget that. It was ironic honestly, a monster of my own making, I'd been well aware of the fire that burned with him but had thought it wouldn't harm me. 


Hm? Propping myself up, I noticed a metallic scent begin to seep into my room. Blood. Just then hurried footsteps made their way down the corridor and burst through my door without pause. 

"Lady Cale, it's an emergency. The young Lord is grievously injured. We don't know what happened, he just showed up at the front gates and collapsed. There's blood everywhere, what do we do?" 


What? Leaping to my feet, I ushered the servants inside. As they filed in one by one, the smell of blood grew thicker. 

"Place him on the bed, and contact Uriah, tell him that Oionós needs the serum." 



(POV Uriah Boone) 

When I'd received the order to bring a dose of serum for Oionós, I wasn't sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't the horrific sight before me. A concerned Veronica was seated beside his still form, holding what could hardly be considered a hand anymore. 


"Uriah, how bad is it?" She turned to me, blindfold failing to mask her expression. 


Question marks appeared in my mind as I wondered just what had happened to her but pushing that aside for now, I focused on the kid. Walking up to them, I did a quick once over. 

"Well, first of all, one of his arms is basically a twizzler." 


Crouching down next to the boy, I slowly and carefully began removing his outfit along with the help of a few servants. Gasps and winces filled the air as they found themselves unable to bear the sight of his insides being...on the outside. 


Last but not least I removed his mask, only to display the worst of it. It seemed the capsule in his mouth had been broken, managing to save his life and barely healing the most mortal wounds. 


"As for the rest? It's probably best that you can't see right now. It seems that whatever happened, his face got shattered to the point that the capsule hidden in his tooth broke. That's the only thing that saved him. Otherwise, he'd be dead right now." I said through grit teeth. 


Holding a hand to her mouth, tears began to fall from behind her blindfold as Veronica recoiled backward. 

"How did this happen. Who could, who would, do such a thing? Will he be alright? We can't stand for this; this is an insult! A declaration of war!" 


While not on the verge of tears, nor as hysterical as Veronica, I was certainly upset. Not only did I like the kid, not only was he a prodigy, but like she'd said, whoever did this was incredibly ballsy. If news got out about this, the Court wouldn't be able to let it stand. Sebastian, cowardice as he was, flawed as he was, still wouldn't let the Court suffer such disgrace. 


"Calm down. He'll be fine, and then he can tell us the story himself." Opening a vial of green liquid, I poured it into his mouth. 


The reaction was immediate, Oionós's originally still body began convulsing violently as steam rose from it. Sickening cracks resounded as his bones snapped back into place, and his open wounds visibly began to close. 


Moments later and his body shot upright, with deep and heavy breaths, a pair of burning eyes locked onto each and everyone in the room. I motioned for everyone to be still, as I observed him, it was clear he was still a bit out of it. 


"We're not enemies Oionós. You're safe now. Relax." I stated, while carefully rising to my feet. 


Apparently, I wasn't careful enough, as the kid leaped from his position and attacked me. Easily dodging his haphazard attacks, I continued trying to calm him down. 

"Oionós, you need to listen to me. You're not thinking straight right now. Just chill out while the side effects wear off." 


Seeing as my only response was a continuous onslaught, I grabbed him and pinned him to the floor. Holding him down with one hand, I let myself get pelted repeatedly with flailing arms and legs hoping to tire him out. This continued for a few minutes before I grew rather impatient. 


With a frown, I drew my fist back and slammed it into the floor directly next to his head. A muffled explosion ensued as dust flew, marble shattered, and a gulp of saliva was heard. Removing my fist from the arm-deep hole I'd left in the floor; I saw a semblance of recognition in his gaze. 


"I trust you're back to your senses now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.