
Back at the Camp

Upon hearing that they had a Geiger counter, Thea felt relieved and began focusing on discussing it with Felicity.

"Their principle likely involves weakening the body's self-defense mechanisms using nuclear radiation. Then, they introduce various animal DNAs for superficial enhancement. However, this enhancement places a significant burden on the host, and the resulting enhancement is limited." Thea explained, combining her thoughts with her experience fighting the rhinoceros-enhanced individual.

"So, as long as we eliminate the residual radiation on the body's surface, theoretically, the foreign animal DNA will be gradually eliminated by the body's immune system," Felicity mused, her chin resting on her hand.

However, it was easier said than done. Eliminating radiation contamination is not something that can be done overnight. Chernobyl, in 1986, still stands as a testament to this, with approximately 2,600 square kilometers of land contaminated and no one daring to approach.

While Arkham Asylum doesn't have a pollution problem, removing these trace elements is still a significant challenge. It's unclear whether they have a ready-made reactor or are using nuclear waste. Waste isn't much of a threat, but if they have a reactor with sufficient power, Thea would have to abandon her previous plan of bombing Arkham.

"Let's first go and measure the values. If the values aren't high, we can try traditional methods like rainfall combined with boron spray," Thea suggested. With limited reference data, she could only take one step at a time.

Thinking of rain, she turned to the other side, where her Gotham companions were half asleep. She asked, "Have you experienced rain in Gotham? Is it cloudy here all year round?"

To be honest, her previous talk about nuclear waste and radiation was a bit frightening. The members of the Bat-Family couldn't interject and could only listen silently. But now, when she brought up the topic of rain, which wasn't so profound that even a three-year-old would know about it, their expressions changed.

Barbara felt like Thea was looking down on Gotham. She said with a hint of annoyance, "Of course, it rains here, but it's not cloudy all year round."

Is that what you call "not cloudy all year round"? It's practically overcast all year! Anyway, Thea hadn't seen a sunny day since she arrived over a month ago. Living in a gloomy environment year after year could not only lead to physical illnesses but also foster many dark thoughts psychologically, eventually leading to action under certain circumstances.

Normal people are less likely to commit crimes in broad daylight compared to at night. Thea felt like she had found a part of Gotham's pathology. She also marveled at Superman's luck, landing at a farm in Kansas. If he had landed in Gotham, he might have been poor for life. Whether he'd ever see the sun was uncertain.

She vaguely remembered discussions online from her previous life about Gotham City's underground being sealed with demons. So, with the perpetual overcast skies, it was unclear whether it was true or not. But she still had some impression of Solomon Grundy, the super-strong zombie sleeping in Gotham River.

If she messed with the weather here, would it attract even stronger bosses? Last time, she'd merely suggested mobilizing the masses, but look how Gotham's criminals had organized. But was she afraid? Heh, Thea felt her blood boil with excitement, finding it quite thrilling.

There were no ambushes on the way back, and they returned to camp without incident. Everyone needed to change clothes, especially Thea, who had been splattered with blood during her confrontation with Azrael. She had been enduring it for a while.

After washing their faces and tidying up a bit, they gathered in the meeting room. After everyone had been seated for over ten minutes, Commissioner Gordon arrived.

He didn't have time to change clothes or wash his face. Upon returning to the camp, he hadn't rested for a moment, instead going around to assess the casualties before finally coming to the meeting room to seek Thea's advice.

"We lost 14 officers in the battle, and 41 were injured. Three veterans died and five were injured," Commissioner Gordon reported, feeling a bit distressed. Many of his subordinates had sacrificed themselves, most of them falling in the line of duty when the enhanced individuals charged out. On the other hand, the veterans were all experienced and had a sense that things were not looking good, so they kept themselves well hidden. The few injured ones were only lightly wounded.

Thea rubbed her temples. In this battle, they had lost one-tenth of their fighting force. The achievements gained couldn't be said to be insignificant; at least they had gained insight into the enemy's strengths and weaknesses. It could be said that they had achieved their expected goals. However, the enhanced individuals could be continuously produced, and sooner or later, their side would suffer a devastating blow.

Just as she was thinking of how to delicately encourage Commissioner Gordon to continue recruiting, the door of the meeting room was pushed open from the outside, and a handsome middle-aged man leaned on a cane, slowly walking in.

"Bruce!" Selina saw the newcomer and was extremely excited. She didn't care that she was on the other side of the table; she vaulted over the long table and rushed to the side of the middle-aged man and caressed his face, tears streaming uncontrollably.

"Is it really you, Bruce?" Selina looked at her lover in front of her, almost thinking she was seeing an illusion.

Bruce Wayne's voice was still as courteous as ever as he embraced his lover's waist. "Yes, Selina, I'm back."

Just as the two were about to engage in further long-awaited reunion actions, such as hugging or kissing, a mood-killing remark from the side interrupted their reunion.

"Kitten, I've brought your man back to you, but what about the money we agreed on?" A graceful, long-haired woman stepped out from behind Bruce Wayne.

Seeing this scene, Thea cringed inwardly. This party pooper had disrupted their heartfelt reunion. She was none other than Thea's teacher or sparring partner during this period, the big sister, Lady Shiva.

Ignoring the surprised gazes of the people around her, Shiva even reached out a hand to Selina. The message was clear: pay up; she was busy.

"Shiva, we've talked about this many times. I'll pay, but please let Selina go," Bruce Wayne, still respectful to his savior, said.

"No way. Her request must be paid for by her. Besides, your company is almost bankrupt now. Can you still come up with the money? I don't want your old mansion." Shiva completely ignored his gaze, her eyes fixed on Selina.

Selina felt incredibly awkward. Initially, she had sought Shiva's help out of desperation, willing to try anything to save Bruce. At the time, she feared Bruce might not return alive, given the severity of his injuries and his abduction. So she had promised a large sum of money. Now that Bruce was rescued without missing any limbs, it would be too embarrassing not to pay up.

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