
DC: The Prince of the Underworld

A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Chapter 98

Dio looked at his palms and saw the raw wounds carved into his skin.

Dio had forgotten about them.

"It was the price I paid to perform a spell. Don't worry about it; it will disappear after a few weeks."

Dio reassured him.

It takes a long time for these kinds of wounds, which require some ritual to heal.

A few years ago, he used a curse to scare off the three rapists, but the wound only disappeared after a month.

That didn't bother Dio because they would never go away if he were a normal person.

"Shall we?"

Dio asked while getting up and leaving the map on the floor.

Robin doesn't know much about magic, but his words reassured him, and he didn't ask any more questions about it.

"Can I carry you if you want?"

Dio asked with a smile.

A person of his pride wouldn't like being carried.

Robin got mad and went to the edge of the building. He pulled out his hook from his belt and shot it up to the roof.

"Follow me."

Robin said this before jumping off the roof and swinging in the air.

Dio can fly and be next to him, but Robin is moving much more slowly than Dio, so he chooses to jump from roof to roof while following him closely.

"What is Wonder City like?"

Dio asked as we approached the location.

"There isn't much information about it or what happened to it except for legends; many of the records were erased or lost. All I know is that it's the size of a small city."

Before asking another question, Dio looked to his left and heard something.

"Go ahead, Robin. I'll have to deal with something first."

Without waiting for a response, Dio jumped into the gap between the two buildings.

When Dio fell into the middle of the alley between the buildings, he ran at high speed while weaving through the dark alleys.

In a distant alley, behind a large metal dumpster, a man was pushing a woman against the wall.

"No, please, stop!"

The woman screamed as she tried to push the man away.

"Shut up, bitch!"

The man shouted in response, then stepped back a bit and slapped her across the face.


The woman screamed again.

He tried to raise his hand once more to hit her, but Dio grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Who the fuck are you, kid?"

The man asked.

Now that Dio has him in his arms, he looks more closely at the skinny man in the blue Gotham police uniform.

"Apparently, Gotham's police are still rotten on the inside."

Dio told him he was not happy.

"I don't know who you are, but let me go now!"

The man shouted while trying to pull his arm from his grip, but he couldn't even move his arm.

"Get out of here."

Dio said as calmly as he could to the woman, who sat on the ground with her clothes all messed up and torn.

Dio can tell she's a prostitute from her clothes while her makeup is smudged with tears, and her face doesn't look good at all.

"Thank you!"

She shouted while getting up and running through the alley with just one leap.

"Come back here!"

The man drew his gun with his free hand and aimed it at the woman's back.

This prostitute represents a much bigger threat to the cop than Dio.

It's much more likely that this prostitute will escape and file a complaint right away, which could cause the police officer trouble.

Dio didn't think it would help much because the Gotham police aren't very good at handling their own business, and the word of a prostitute won't help the case.

Before the man could try to draw his gun, Dio twisted his wrist, which caused him to wince in pain and drop the weapon.

Dio pulled him to the left and left him facing the same spot where the woman was.

"Do you know what you're doing, kid, assaulting a law enforcement officer?"

The man threatened him, but Dio could feel his fear.

"An idiot like you thinks he's the law; this city is surely doomed."

Dio retorted.

The man tried to reach for his baton at his waist, but Dio was not in the mood to continue this, so he hit the center of his chest with his open palm.

The man lifts off the ground a few inches while slamming his body against the wall and then slowly slides down it.

"What a mess!"

Dio remarked.

This is not an easy situation.

"I agree."

Robin said this while perched on the roof of the building where the officer was.

It would be easier if he were just a rapist, but this man is a police officer and has enough resources to find the prostitute.

Dio was sure that she would not tell the police anything.

"Shouldn't you go ahead?"

Dio asked.

"My city."

Robin simply replied.

"Any suggestions?"

Dio inquired while looking at him.

"I recorded everything and sent it to a friend in the police; don't worry."

Robin assured him.

"Thanks, Robin."

Dio expressed his gratitude.

They didn't run into any more serious problems along the way; they only saw minor crimes that weren't too bad compared to their current problem.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the city that Robin knew.

It was located just below an old abandoned building that now only houses drug users and homeless people, who use it to cover themselves from the cold.

The high number of homeless people in Gotham who don't have a place to stay warm is a big problem.

As they entered, the people in the place didn't even care about their presence.

They went to a room where Robin lifted a dirty old rug and revealed an iron sewer cover.

The ground had been dug around the cover to allow others to enter.

"During the Long Halloween, Two-Face and the other villains used to hide in tunnels like these."

Robin explained and opened the cover.

He didn't go down the stairs but jumped directly and followed.

The sewer was like any he had seen before—dark, dirty, and smelly.

But this one was much wider.

There was also no stream in the middle where water flowed; the tunnel was dry.

"The entrance is a few meters away."

Robin said, taking a small flashlight from his belt and turning it on.

"You know, I can see in the dark."

"So what?"

Robin asked.

"I could walk in front."

Dio suggested.

"My city."

Robin responded again.

"I grew up here too."

Dio didn't have much effect.

They turned left and faced a long, double-iron gate, rusty and closed.

"The entrance,"

Robin pointed this out.

As they approached it, and when Robin put the flashlight in his mouth to grab the padlock with both hands, Dio heard a slight movement above them.

Without much thought, Dio grabbed the back of Robin's clothing around his neck and jumped backward while taking him with him.

At the right moment, Dio saw four shurikens fall from the ceiling and hit the floor made of clay bricks.

Suddenly, two men wearing tight red suits that cover their whole bodies except for their eyes come tumbling down from the ceiling.

The way they drew two katanas from the sheaths on their backs as they fell from the ceiling shows that they had both trained.

"The League of Shadows!"

Robin said, with a hint of fear in his voice.

'Assassins, this time I'm fighting against assassins.'

And not just any ninja, but the deadliest ones in the world.

"What are you doing here?"

Robin asked.

"Of course, they came for Batman."

Dio responded to his enemies.

"We have to move faster; it's more serious than I thought."

Dio nodded to him and then moved at super speed to quickly deal with the two ninjas.

Dio landed a powerful punch to the face of the first, which made him hit his back against the iron gate.

The other tried to strike his neck with the katana; Dio took a step back, and it narrowly missed his neck.

Robin threw two batarangs; one hit the wrist, and the other hit the side of the ninja's head.

When Robin's two feet hit him in the face, he dropped his weapon and held his head in agony.

The problem is that many others are ahead, and maybe even their master.



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