
DC: The Prince of the Underworld

A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Chapter 73

"And you, Kírix, what did you think of your first adventure with your teacher?"

Lois asked, and she turned her microphone toward him.

"It wasn't very pleasant, but I'm glad we somehow succeeded."

Dio replied in a very serious tone.

This is the second interview he participated in, and he still gets nervous about it. When he is nervous, his serious tone takes over.

"That was quite formal, but I think your fans will appreciate you being so mature."

Lois said.

"Fans? What? I have fans?"

Dio asked with confusion.

"A fan club too, what? You didn't know? You're a big sensation among teenagers, and it only grew when you entered the ranks of the most handsome teenage heroes."

Lois explained it and was clearly amused by it.

"There's a ranking?"

Dio asked with surprise.

'Looks like I need to stay more active on the internet.'

"Cat Grant is to blame if you want to find someone to blame. She started these contests."

She said, and the way she said Cat's name makes it clear she doesn't like her.

"The heroes always attract attention, Kírix, so it's not surprising that your looks win you some admirers. But please, don't be like the Flash."

Diana advised him.

"I know that heroes are always in the spotlight, but I didn't imagine I'd attract so much attention in such a short time."

Dio said.

"You and your friends debuted by saving one of the world's biggest cities, and then you were revealed to be a godlike being like Diana. You were noticed because of that, and how good you look..."

Lois said.


Dio corrected.

"Let's not get into the discussion of whether Greek gods really exist, please. I've had enough of that conversation with her."

Lois said this while looking at Diana.

Dio looked at Diana because he didn't understand what she was saying.

"A significant part of the world doesn't accept that the Greek gods are real. They think my origin is just a delusion or a backstory in which Wonder Woman is just a character."

"I'm one of those who think the ancient gods are nothing more than superpowered beings from another world who came to Earth."

Lois offered her opinion.

Well, Dio can't blame most people for not believing in gods; the DC world is pretty crazy, but the mystical side is often more mysterious and doesn't attract much attention.

"But maybe another perspective on this could change my mind. What do you think, Kírix? How about a personal interview?"

Lois asked while looking at him with expectant eyes.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lane, but at the moment, I can't accept. Maybe another day."

Dio declined the invitation.

She was about to say something else when Dio heard someone screaming furiously at the city's entrance.

"Hours, long hours trapped, tied to a jet with no water or food!"

The screams echoed from afar.

It was Etta Candy, Diana's best friend and the woman Dio had forgotten, in the middle of a plantation while tied to a chair.

"I have to go; my friends are waiting for me."

Dio said and did the smartest thing to do right now. He used the shadows to leave everyone behind, including the reporters, Lois, and Diana.

Dio jumped from one building to another until he reached the city center, where on a rooftop stood Robin, with his back to him and Aqualad at his side.

"Hey, guys."

Dio greeted them while standing beside them.

"How's the situation at A.R.G.U.S.?"

Robin asked as he surveyed the situation below.

"There are several casualties."

Dio replied in a serious tone.

"And the enemy's objective?"

Robin inquired again.

"It's still a mystery, but we'll have answers in a few hours."

"I'm sorry for your loss, my friend."

Aqualad comforted him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Did you find out anything?"

Dio asked Robin and wanted to change the subject.

"I saw the whole situation through the city's cameras, but those who fired at you used anti-spy technology, so the cameras didn't help at all. However, one of them left a capsule behind. I'll analyze it when I get to the Tower."

Robin replied.

"Hey, shouldn't the League be the one getting this?

Aqualad asked.

"I'll share the results with them. Or are you doubting my forensic skills?"

At the end of his sentence, Robin looked at Aqualad, and even the calm Aqualad was left speechless.

"I wouldn't be too hopeful about that. These guys are experts, and I doubt their ammunition is traceable.

Dio said.

"I'm not just looking for the origin of the bullets. I'm examining everything, even the traces of the environment it was exposed to before being loaded and fired. But you're right; there are very few groups with this level of preparation and skill, but it's worth trying."

Robin explained.

"Are you just going to chat up here?"

A voice behind them asked

Dio turned and saw Starfire floating with her arms crossed while looking at them.

"I was giving Robin an update."

Dio defended himself.

"I know, I'm still not happy about you going on an adventure alone, but we'll talk about it in tomorrow's training."

Starfire said that and then flew off to help people.

While everyone else helped, the three of them were left behind. Raven was even carrying some hurt people to the first aid tent.

"She's right; there's a lot of work to be done."

Robin said.

"Are you coming?"

Aqualad asked Dio.

"I think the people down there won't want to be helped by the one responsible for their injuries."

Dio replied.

"Kírix is right; he still needs to report the incident to the military."

Robin added.

"All right, see you later,"

Aqualad jumped from the first floor and landed safely, then walked calmly toward the medical tent.

"Oh, one more thing that deserves some attention."

Dio remembered.

"What is it?"

Robin asked.

"Wonder Woman told me that someone is undermining Steve's power, probably aiming for his position."

"And do you think this person might have something to do with this incident?"

Robin quickly understood.

"The role of the head of A.R.G.U.S. carries a lot of power and authority, so it makes sense if someone wanted it. That person might try something like this."

Dio gave his opinion.

"I'll work on that."

"Thank you, Robin."

"Don't thank me; it's my role as a leader."

Robin replied while pointing a black device skyward, and a cable shot from it while connecting to the building across the street.

"Go talk to the military quickly; it's a pain in the ass, but it has to be done."

Robin said before jumping from the building and swinging to another.

'I hate dealing with authorities.'

The military leader was easy to find; he was in the only tent set up in the middle of the makeshift camp, surrounded on all sides by armed soldiers.

"Save me from your nonsense!"

A voice from inside the tent shouted, which made all the guards outside tense.

Dio leaped and landed in front of them, and they pointed their weapons at him.

"I guess my teacher is inside."

Dio spoke calmly and avoided sudden movements. The guard in front of him lowered his weapon and nodded for him to enter.

Inside the tent, there was only a table with a map above it, and behind it was a middle-aged man with short white hair and wearing standard army clothing.

Diana stood in front of him with her arms crossed.

"Do you really expect me to believe that a meta-human took over an entire city just to capture you?"

Sam yelled again.

"Believe it or not, General, that's the truth."

Diana replied calmly.

"Who the hell are you?"

Sam shouted at Dio.

"His son, actually,"

Dio said it jokingly.

The vein on the general head began to pulse, and Dio realized it was a bad idea to joke right now.

"Kírix, this is General Sam Lane. You met his daughter today."

Diana introduced him and tried to defuse the situation.

'Great, I've met two members of the Lane family in one day.'

Unfortunately, her father is an idiot who is jealous of his daughter's affection and views about Superman.

"So, you're the boy we're keeping an eye on."

Sam said.

"It's good to know that the government spends its time watching its heroes instead of the villains."

Dio joked.

'It's not in my nature to start conflicts, but this guy has something about him that really irritates me.'

"Don't be an idiot; we watch everyone."

Sam replied while sitting in a simple iron chair and still looking at them.

"Kírix, could you confirm what I told the general?"

Diana asked.

So, Dio recounted what happened to them in the city, and Sam just listened until the end of the story.

Finally, he asked.

"Where's the device?"

'Crap, I knew I forgot something.'

"It stayed on the ground after it broke."

Dio replied.

"I flew over the site of our battle a bit earlier, and the device was taken. A way to protect those responsible."

Diana said.

"In any case, the report has been made, and now we need to go, General."

Diana continued, and without waiting for permission or caring about it, Diana grabbed Dio's arm, which dragged him out of the tent.

"What happened?"

Dio asked outside.

"Steve woke up."

Diana replied while still holding onto him, and they flew back to the A.R.G.U.S. headquarters.

After some time flying at high speed, they arrived at their destination.

This time, they didn't land on the top floor of the building; instead, Diana flew directly to one of the lower floors and entered through an already open window.

The inside of the room was quite small by the facility's standards—a small medical room where Steve was lying.

Next to the bed, there were monitoring devices for his heart rate and blood pressure, as well as an IV connected to his vein.

Steve wasn't alone in the room.

On the bed next to him, Zatanna was dressed like a stage magician with a top hat on. She had her hand on Steve's face, and he was asleep.

"It's been a while, Z."

Dio greeted Zatanna.

"You haven't learned to fly yet?"

Zatanna teased him.

"How is he?"

Diana asked while positioning herself on the other side of Steve's bed.

"Don't worry, Diana. I'm just doing a final check; he's fine."

Zatanna replied. She then snapped her fingers over Steve's face, and he opened his eyes.

"Hey, Angel,"

Steve was the first to speak and looked at Diana.

"Hello, Soldier."

Diana replied with a gentle smile.

"Well, my work here is done. I have to go now; I have a performance at nine."

Zatanna said this and looked at the wall clock in the room.

She turned and pointed to the door of the room.


With an explosion, a circular vortex of pure blue magical energy appeared in front of her.

"Don't be in a bad mood, my apprentice. It will be possible for you to open portals like this in the future."

Zatanna bid farewell with another teasing remark as she walked toward the vortex.

"Thank you, Zatanna,"

Diana said this before Zatanna stepped through the vortex and disappeared along with it.



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