
DC: The Prince of the Underworld

A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Chapter 144

After Dio's peaceful session with Black Canary, he went his way to the nearest diner and ate a lot of junk food before heading back home.

Dio wanted to check on the laboratory, but someone interrupted his plans.

He heard a muffled cry of help quickly coming from his right.

He put back on his armor while flying in that direction, which led him to a less crowded area of the city.

Dio flew ahead, where he saw a road with traffic, but not too serious. This was bad for him and it meant the vehicle could speed up.

He focused on the sounds of each car separately. He heard radios and conversations until a gray van came.

"Put that b*tch to sleep already!"

The person who was driving said.

In the back, Dio could only hear the sounds of movement and struggle.

Dio could simply stop them with his body, but that might hurt the hostage. Also, Dio could scare the driver and cause a car accident if he teleported inside.

Then he kept watching from above and waited for the opportunity.

Dio didn't have to wait long.

A few seconds later, the van turned left and headed into a narrow street. So, they had to slow down, and that's when Dio decided to move.


After landing on the roof, Dio had to move quickly while thrusting his fingers through the van's metal roof like butter and gripping it tightly.

Dio pulled it open and jumped inside.

"What the fuck is this?"

A person shouted while holding the hostage.

The driver turned to see what happened and lost control in fear.

Dio hit the kidnapper behind him with the back of his hand before the driver crashed.

He then grabbed the hostage, a teenager whose hands were tied behind his back with a hood over his head.

Then, Dio teleported outside.


The van crashed into a pole at the same moment they appeared a bit further down the street.

A teenager who looked a bit younger than Dio was wearing a black jacket and jeans while starting to move in fear as he noticed the sudden change in the surroundings.

"Calm down, calm down; I'll untie you."

Dio said, and he removed the hood covering his face first.

Then he went to his back and tore the tape binding his hands.

"Who are you!? Please don't hurt me!"

He pleaded and asked.

"I just saved you; you can call me Kírix."

Dio said it as calmly as he could.

He hadn't looked at him before, but now Dio could tell that he knew him from the look of expression in his eyes.

"Are you a hero?"

"I try to be. Why don't you sit over there while I deal with the runaway?"

Dio asked and pointed to the sidewalk.

The runaway was the guy kicking the driver's door, which got quite dented after the crash.


He managed to open the door with another kick and then fell to the ground, a bit dizzy from the impact.

Like the other kidnapper, this one was also wearing a black mask and loose clothes with a coat over them.



Dio held the saved kidnapper's arm.

The sight of Dio made him panic, and he had to hold him back from running.

"It's going to be okay; my friend will take care of him."

Dio reassured the boy.

The second kidnapper got up as soon as Dio spoke, and two arrows went through him and hit both shoulders pinning him to the van.


Speedy was accurate and hit the clothes instead of the flesh, so the man didn't scream.

He would be shocked if he tried to remove the arrows.

"Your super hearing is quite annoying."

Speedy greeted him while jumping from a roof to his left and landing near the boy.

"Good to see you too."

Roy switched from a red outfit with a yellow hat and gloves to a red body-hugging armor with a hood and a black mask that barely covered his eyes.

It's not really armor for a warrior, but more like strong protective gear.

Roy was the one who changed the most physically and became taller with real muscles. He got his hair cut in a military style to look mature.

He also changed his name to Red Arrow. It might be a try to step out of his mentor's shadow or to be taken more seriously.

The team didn't call him that often. It's not their intention, but old habits are hard to stop.

"How are you, Speedy?"

Dio asked.

"It's Red Arrow!"

Red Arrow corrected him and gave him a cold look.


"He was the sixth just this week; these idiots are getting bolder."

Red Arrow said it angrily while standing beside Dio.

They both wait for the police.

They gave their statements about what happened and then followed the police to the teenager's house since he was a minor.

After everything was over, the two of them headed back to the scene of the kidnapping and the accident to try to find any clues the police might have missed.

Now, they're on some rooftop with no luck while looking at the view of busy roads and towering buildings.

"Do you have any idea why or who is kidnapping young children?"

Dio asked him after being informed that kidnappings like this were becoming more and more common in this area.

"Green Arrow thinks a chemical company is behind it all. An evil pervert is kidnapping poor teenagers from poor areas to conduct some kind of experiment."

"The usual heinous crap,"

Dio sighed.


It's not the first time they've dealt with something like this.

"Do you guys need help? These bastards must be dealt with quickly to avoid getting more victims."

"No, Green Arrow has already found the location where they're being kept, but we're waiting for the next shipment to arrive. Then we'll attack. And no, you can't help with the assault; this isn't your territory."

The person who doesn't like other heroes acting in his territory isn't Green Arrow but Red Arrow.

"Your city."

Dio assured him that he wouldn't help in this case.

"And another thing, what are you doing in my city?"

Dio's relationship with Roy had become easier after all this time. They're not close friends, but they are friends.

It took Dio a while to get used to his way of speaking and his tone.

"I came to see Canary. There is no need to hide that from you."

"Ah, hate therapy."

Roy was the only one on the team who was still resisting the therapy sessions. According to him, he doesn't talk much, but he still comes.

"Well, I gotta go. Have a good night."

Dio said as he started to fly away.

"Remember to stay away from my city, Kírix, only on meeting days, and remember that!"

Dio ignored the tsundere and began his trip home.



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