
DC: The Prince of the Underworld

A man found himself in a parallel earth without a family to protect him was adopted by a criminal. He was force into a life of crime to survive in the world's most dangerous universe. ... You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon patreon.com/Abyssuit Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... Crdt: Tangrin (Gabriel Henrique)

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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183 Chs

Chapter 130

Dio was so tired from using his magic all the time that it was finally clear that he couldn't fly from where they were to the city center in a few minutes at normal speed.

So, a journey that should have taken him a few seconds took five minutes.

Dio felt embarrassed and asked Starfire and Kid Flash to go ahead.

"This is definitely the reason for Rama Kushna's warning!"

The battle in the middle of Gotham was easy to find.

There are many clues that help them find their way, like the smell of smoke and blood or the screams of fear and panic coming from the burning buildings that light up the night.

A godly warning.

"May God have mercy."

John prayed.

They passed by a building and gained a broader view of the city center.

On the streets below, a small army of vampires was orderly destroying everything in their path.

Cain was floating in the air and further ahead. He was emanating red energy, which was starting to look a bit like waves.

This time, the energy wasn't as dense as before, and it didn't isolate him within it.

The vampires are different.

Their eyes used to be red, but now they are bright green, and they have never been so in control when walking in formation.

"They are being controlled."

Dio concluded.

"Any sign of Mary being responsible for all this?"

John asked.

Dio looked around to search for Mary and his friends. He spotted some of them.

"No sign of her."

Dio responded and flew to the left.

He nearly lost control of his spell as he approached the roof of the building.

John and Dio tumble awkwardly on the rooftop.

"You need to work on your landings, lad."

John complained and exerted effort to get up.

"It wasn't his fault."

Raven defended him, with Zatanna by her side.

"What happened?"

Dio asked them, assuming they had more information.

"The first vampire; he's draining everything, including magic."

Zatanna replied.

"I'm also feeling a bit weak and similar to what happened in the house, but not this strong."

Boston added.

"The closer we get to him, the weaker we become. That's why we attacked from a distance, but that also didn't work. He devours even our long-range spells."

Zatanna continued.

"And things just keep getting better!"

Dio exclaimed.

The red energy hadn't touched them yet, but Dio could already feel some of its effects.

This was not good news.

"Where are the others? Where's that Constantine idiot?"

"He's down there to prepare for a full assault,"

Raven answered.

"Why did you insult him like that? It's not your style to do so."

Zatanna asked.

"Didn't that idiot tell you? We're in this situation because of him."

Dio quickly explained what happened to them.

"That son of a bitch!"

Zatanna swore loudly and surprised him.

It was the first time Dio had heard her curse.

Zatanna walked to the left side of the roof, looked down, and shouted again.

"I should have kicked him out of the group the moment I saw him, but no, I had to follow Batman's orders!"

Dio looked at Zatanna, and she had a small smile on the side of her mouth, discreet but easily recognizable with his enhanced vision.

Dio connected the dots.

'She still likes him.'

She still has feelings for him despite there being a million men and women in the world.

It seems that people really couldn't choose who they loved, and she ended up with one of the worst options.

"I'm going to turn that jerk into the dog he is!"

"And I'll help, but not right now."

Dio stopped her; this wasn't the time for that.

"Hey, looked!"

John pointed to the sky.

They see a woman flying towards Cain—Mary.

"So, the bitch joined him."

John remarked.

"Our problems just keep increasing."

It won't be easy dealing with Cain, and now they have Mary too.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing with my children!?"

Mary shouted at Cain.

"That's interesting."

Dio smiled.

"What's up?"

Zatanna asked; they couldn't hear them from so far away.

"It seems things aren't going as she thought."

Dio explained and focused on them again.

"I command, and only I, my children, who do you think you..!"

Mary got too close, and Cain grabbed her neck, which made her scream for breath.

"I am Cain, the root of everything you are, the destroyer of worlds, and you are of no use to me!"

Dio heard his voice for the first time—a voice that sounded exactly like Andrew's.

"Seems like good news,"

John remarked from his side probably due to his smile.

Mary was smart. When she realized she had lost control of her plan, she turned into a mist to flee from her creator.

"Mary has completely lost control of her children and is retreating now. We only have one problem to deal with."

Dio explained it to them.


Cain shouted loud enough to be heard throughout the entire city to spoil his happiness.

"It's our time; magic is flowing out of their hands and through me to all of you!"

The red energy sphere expanded with an explosion while covering the entire city center, including where they are.

"Now, we'll remove your weaknesses and begin our reign!"

There are no words to describe what I'm feeling right now; it's like this place has transformed into another just because of his power.

The crimson energy tinges everything red.

Dio felt heavy, weak, and drained.

Cain's red veins all over his body changed to golden, as did his eyes. The vampires below had eyes so brightly yellow that they resembled flames.

He was sucking all the magic from the atmosphere, sucking everything, and strengthening his vampires.

"Destroy all humans!"

That was his only order.

This part of the city hasn't been completely evacuated yet; there are many people below.

"Can you still possess a person?"

Dio asked Boston while thinking of something.

"No, I'm weakening while they're getting stronger."

Dio was hoping to use him for a surprise attack on Cain, but another idea came to mind.

"Can you try to find that idiot Mary?"

"Sure, but why?"

Boston asked with confusion.

"She knew exactly what would happen if Andrew died, but he didn't. She's not stupid enough to summon a biblical person without understanding how to control him, so she must know more about him and maybe a better way to beat him quickly."

Dio explained.

Constantine's and my original plan was to seal Cain again.

This task used to be very hard, but now that their magic is being drained, it's almost impossible.

It might work if they gather the other four mystics here.

However, it would be good to have an ace up their sleeves.

Dio also gave some tips on how to get Mary to join them to Boston, and he finally left to search for Mary.

"John, you stay here and inform us of the situation from above. Everyone else, let's fight!"

Dio ordered.

"Since when did you grow up enough to lead?"

Zatanna asked with pride in her eyes.

Dio didn't want to be the leader or lead, but this position kept falling to him.

"I'll stay up here, but I wish I had brought my backpack; a good rifle would be very useful."

John was stubborn about bringing it here, but after observing the situation, he understood that the best thing for him and them was to stay out of the fight.

John could also help Dio find his way around on the ground because there was so much noise and smell that Dio couldn't do it alone.

"Take this, then."

Zatanna conjured an old wooden rifle and handed it to John.

Where did she get that?

"Good rifle!"

John said this after checking the weapon.

"Let's go!"

With everyone ready, Dio shouted and jumped from the roof to the ground.


When he landed, he felt his legs ache.


Zatanna made a wand out of a forty-centimeter black tube with a white tip.

This was a very common trick that magicians and illusionists used on stage.

Dio recognized it very well; it was a wand she always used to give a special effect to her magic on stage.

However, the truth is that this wand is a magical tool her father also used.

It allows Zatanna to cast some spells without needing to speak, and it also reduces her magic consumption.

That's very good given their current enemy.

Cain leaped over a burning car with fiery eyes as Dio stood up.

Dio raised his shield to increase the strength Cain had received, and to his surprise, it was more than he had imagined.

When the vampire's body hits his shield, Dio was pushed back a few centimeters before staying still.

Dio pushed him back while slamming his back against the flaming car and quickly pierced his sword into his throat.

When another vampire appeared on Dio's left, the latter stepped back, and Zatanna shot him with a bright silver beam to end his life.

"How are you?"

Zatanna landed on the ground and asked.

Raven also appeared from a shadow on the building's wall.

"They're definitely stronger. It wouldn't be a big problem if that damn one wasn't draining us."

Dio replied.

The good news was that he only strengthened the vampires' strength, not their resistance.


A bullet went through the air and hit a vampire sitting on the pole across the street. John waved at them from the roof with a big smile.

"Let's move forward; the others are already fighting."

Raven said to them perhaps sensing their emotions.

From what Djo had been told, the rest of the group was on the street to their left.

The building separated them, but everyone is heading to the same place.

Dio took the lead once again.

Dio saw several dead bodies on the ground along the way.

Cain's vampires were killing their prey rather than feeding them.

This was a senseless genocide.



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