
DC: The Paradox

Rose Mackenzie was just a little girl that dreamed of being a hero like wonder woman until she awakened her metagene and nobody saved her.

Panda_sword_Master · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: The Kidnappings

- Sirens on the road to Star City -

"Hey Selena."

"Yes Harley?" Catwoman, Selena Kyle, was driving the RV while Harley was in the passenger seat with her feet on the dashboard. Ivy was in the back growing sleeping gas plants that'll keep Rose and her pets sleeping while also giving her nutritional shots and nutrients while sleeping so she can still live.

"Why are we doing this?" Selena almost did a double take as if Harley didn't hear Gaia and what they'll get if they take care of Rose and what the world will get if they fail.

Harley saw this and "Hey, I know why where doing this, but I want to know why, why us? We aren't the best role models if you know what I mean."

"I think," Selena is thinking about this for a second. "I think that Gaia knew that we are not evil and we're one of the most well know and that we can help her. We may also be the best mother figures for her and she need help."

"Why does she need help?"

"Really, your ally that?"


"She killed Joker, Scarecrow, Jokers Goons, and I think either killed or crippled Bane. And if that's not enough, look at her body scars and malnutrition. That should say that she's not having a good go of it. We might have to get her a therapist as well."

"Oh shit your right. We gonna kidnap more people?"

"No, Gaia made a plan for us and we're going to try and follow it. She said if we follow it we'll get her help and support later on." Selena put her hands on the radio and turned it on. It was playing and Harley was about to talk. "Just shut up and listen to the music with me."

"Fine. You happy with me shouting my trap." Harley shut up but then Ivy came out of the door to the bedroom with a pink gas that came out of the room. She shut the door quickly so barely any came out. "IVY, how's it going?"

"Good, I gave her some shots but she need more food, she's so skinny. I am also keeping her sleeping. Did you see her body, her while body not including her head has scars. Like if I had to guess at least 70% was just scars."


"Ya but at least she's in our care now. We can help her but we'll probblay need a pycaitrist, Harley." Ivy was hugging herself when she said she in our care and hasn't stopped hugging herself."

"Hey bae?"

"Ya Harley?"

"Why you doing that? Do you want my Higgs?"

"No I'm good for now but we can do it tonight." Ivy though for a second about the child in the back before answering. "I don't know why but in her presence I feel better, like a miniature sun is before me. That I think is how we get Caitlin and Killer Frost on her side or at least to help her until she wakes up."

"Ya we'll need something extra for her." Selena just spoke up and Ivy and Harley were looking at her. "What I can speak to!" Harley and Ivy just kept staring. "Shut up!" And so they drove to Star city in search of new identities.

- Timeskip -

We just arrived in Star City and we're heading toward the Queen Group building for a well known hacker turn regular employee who on her free time helps Green Arrow and Black Canary.

We were out side of it and Ivy and Harley went out to kidnap Felicity while I, Selena was watching over the RV and Rose.

They both came in carrying a body that seems to be passed out. They made me get up and out Felicity right where I was sitting and then sitting to either sides of her while they made me start to drive to Central City.

Ivy healed Felicity and went into the back saying that she going to check on Rose but I knew she was going to check and then cuddle her next to her even though she's in a cocoon. Now we're on the road and I have to drive again. At least we stopped and got some food on our way this time. We even stopped at a small town Walmart and got supplies for the RV and some snacks.

On the road, we're about halfway to central city right after we got food. Harley just ate and I have some potato chips I'm eating, salt and vinegar. Harley was sleeping with her head on the Felicitys head that's on her shoulder when Felicity woke up.

She open her eyes and looked around. I could already smell that she was awake but Harley didn't know yet. She was looking around and notice that it was Harley Quinn that she's using as a shoulder pillow and that Harley was using her as a head pillow.

She looked and smelled like she was freaking out. Good thing I noticed her. "Harley WAKE UP." Harley jumped up and Felicity fell on the ground groaning in pain.


"I'm up! Ohh, Felicity your awake too?" Harley pulled Felicity up on onto the sofa they were sitting on.

"Y-yeah." Felicity looks afraid.

I say, "relax, we won't hurt you if you do what we want." I look in my back mirror into Felicity's face. Their is no real purpose of the back mirror, other than to look at people while you drive in this RV.

"What is it that you want me to do?"

"We want cha to make us some new identities while taking away our criminal record and some other stuff. If you get it done before we kidnap Frosty, we'll let you go in central city. Got it."


"Good, work on this. Also Kitty, did I forget anything?"

"Yes. I have a list here. Ah here it is.

1: Get our Criminal records expunged

2: get new identies but basically the same for the 3 of us. (Dr Pamala Isly, Dr Harleen Quinzel, Selena Kyle) exact same name and everything just separate files.

3: get a new identies for Rose. (Rose Mackenzie). Make her Canadian with Ivy and Gaia as her adopted mothers.

4: set us up a new company (4Sirens) and have the Sirens as a subsidiary of the 4 Sirens.

5: Have the ownership split 4 ways but with Rose getting 51% of it.

6: hack into most of the criminal empires and have half of all their money deposited and used as company funds.

7: get us some key properties or set up something when they come up for the key properties.

That's it for now but we know where to find you. So be prepared for another visit or we'll hire you for our company, deal?"

"Depend on how your company does for me to work there ok? The rest is actually pretty easy I just need a computer and preferably at least 5 GHz."

(AN: I know this is a lot but for this I imagine it as both in DC and Marvel, they have a lot of future or at least a lot better technology.)

"Fffffuck. Alright we're making a few stops but what can you do with just a old 2 GHz computer for now. Do what you can with that. Harley, show her."

Harley dug around in the one of the under compartment of the couch and handing it over to Felicity. Soon I heard and "ehhh!" And a "what I'm just watching?" I can imagine the Harley scooted right up to Felicity to watch as she was doing computer stuff.

Soon I heard lots of typing, looks like she's finally getting to work.

- Timeskip -

Another day of driving and sleeping later, we arrived in central city. Felicity got most of what we wanted done but she needed the better computer to hack and get us the money we wanted.

We arrived and immediately she hacked and had one of the computer places have a good parts and everything for pickup. She also had a slow hack and just got enough money from unprotected sources of criminals for everything. She basically got everything for her dream computer along with backups and shit. We went and picked it up along with a WiFi witless for our camper with everything to hide so that we won't be found out.

She got everything and Harley was with her the whole way so we moved locations closer a bit out of town. Then she got to work with Harley 'helping' her.

Ivy made her presence know a bit but basically just stayed with Rose. We needed a photo of her sole of her characteristics for her ID and Ivy gave them away and even make an exact plant replica of her face with everything. I didn't know that she could do that and she told me that her plant powers seem to be growing while with Rose.

When Felicity got the computer done and set up with everything and we connected it to the RV and to the WiFi. She made everything untraceable and unnoticeable unless your watching it 24/7 and even then it'll be a tiny glitch. Harley with Ivy put a bag over Felicity's head and then kidnapped Caitlin aka Killer Frost. They left Felicity were they kidnapped Caitlin.

We're on the road again.

This time we're going to Canada. Right up to near the Arctic Circle we're apparently has a cabin up their for us with everything you'll need along with stuff to make a school up there. Rose will have what she needs to make the school physically while the others will have to make it a real life school.

(AN: it's going to be like Xaviers School for the gifted but an all girls school and only for those with meta powers and/or discriminated and hated for their powers.)

Caitlin woke up and killer Frost took over right when we were about to the border of Canada in Minnesota. We had to stop and fight her but when Ivy opened the door to fight with us she stopped and asked what was in the their. Then we told her all about Rose and she decided to help but also Caitlin not just Killer Frost.

She said that Rose needed some more of specific nutrients but we will be able to get them easily in Canada. We'll have to steal them but it should be fine. When we got over the border Ivy had to release some of her pheromones on the border guard that got us to get over. Now that we're over though, Pamela's and Rose's ID says that she is Canadian while mine and Harley's is American. We hid Killer Frost in the bedroom with Rose.

We had to drive for another 36 hours with going slow and covering our tracks with Killer Frost's ice and Ivy's trees so that the road doesn't look like a road but just forest. We finally got to the Cabin with tons of resources. We moved everything into the cabin and got it set up with the computer and Wifi setup in the cabin along with everything.

We even have a small greenhouse in the back with a small aquaponics system. Its like a luxury cabin with 6 bedrooms, all king size bed with an attached full bathroom (bath, shower, toilet, and sink) and TV. The kitchen is massive and fully stocked, both fridge and freezer and pantry with a electric burner. It also has a tiny solar farm with panels on the roof and several big batteries that are full that should stay like that. It even has an outside jacuzzi and patio. It also has a bar stocked with alcohol connected to the Living Room with a massive TV and fire place.

Then about 50 meters to the west of the Cabin is a little frozen lake. About 100 meter to the north is the storage area for all of the materials for when Rose wakes up.

Just 1 year.