
DC: The Paradox

Rose Mackenzie was just a little girl that dreamed of being a hero like wonder woman until she awakened her metagene and nobody saved her.

Panda_sword_Master · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: Barging in on the Sirens

2 hours later I'm going through the streets trying to find the Sirens. It's pretty late, around 10 at night and with Gotham how it is it's dark with barely any lighting. I finally see the light of the Sirens but it's through a very dark ally and I can tell that their are several people laying in wait for anyone and everyone.

You know what, you know what, FUCK IT. IM JUST GOING TO GO RIGHT FUCKING THROUGH IT. Fuck it. Poop. So that's what I'm doing when 2 big ass men block my path. And I can feel four more on my sides and 2 towards my back.

I get my scalpel ready just in case when head guy starts speaking, "hey little lady, whatch doing?"

"Non ya"

"What," he was looking around while the thugs all around me were shuffling. "Non ya what?"

"Non ya goddam business bitch." He looked at me angrily.

"Looks like this little bitch has some spirit. What happenes when we break it." He was saying and looking at me when he spoke to the thugs around me. "The Triads will pay good money for this one, even more if she pure."

Maze starts moving but I get out the pistol I stole from the cop. The men start laughing because it looks to big for me which it is. Then I pull the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

Eight shots, eight headshots. All of them are dead bleeding in the alley when I put the safety on the gun and then back into the belt of my jeans. I stepped over the bodies and accidentally in one of the puddles of blood.

The Sirens had music going on but it wasn't leaking into outside. I only heard it when I was right out front and a certain Harley Quinn stepped out with a bat and a gun at her side. The cameras out front trained on me and her.

"Whatcha doing here little girl?" Their was still some dried and drying blood on my shoulder with some fresh blood on my shoes.

"I'm here to see Ivy. I need help."

"She's not available right now kid, go somewhere else."

"That's not an option right now, sorry. If she sees me then she'll know what this is about." I tended up my body ready to get past her with my hand in hoodie to immobilize her if needed.

She tensed up ready to fight when the door open again, music spilled out and what looks like 3 drunk office workers came out while stumbling. Harley seeing them thing in her about to fight, start stomping her foot and went to hit them in the ball with her bat. I followed her except I went in. She may or may not have noticed because she was to busy beating up the office workers.

When I finally got in, their was a woman singing on the stage with a pianist playing piano. I went to the bar where their was an middle age blonde guy working at the bar. He had a goatee and looked like he worked out. He saw me and asked, "What you doing here little girl? What can I get you?"

"What do you have? I really haven't had much experience with any drinks." I looked at him. He looked like I have seen him before but I can't remember what it is.

Then the singer came up behind and sat at the bar next to me while saying, "Ollie, get her a Lemonade and a virgin Pina Colada for us to share." I didn't even know that she stopped singing and I was looking at her and she was looking at me. Specifically the currently clotted and dried blood on my shoulder. She seemed familiar to but I cant just put my finger on it.

The bartender puts them both down in front of me and I started drinking the lemonade first, through a straw. I chugged it and even tried drink more even though none was left. While I was doing this, the two were looking at me strangely.

"What?" I said after moving onto the Pina Colada.

"It's like you've never anything to drink?" The singer said to me.

I was just about to start on the Pina Colada when I heard that. "For the past few years? Years, I don't know. For the past few years I've only had dirty and stale water to drink, and even less food even though I was growing." I started drink the Colada but slower and continued, "I just got done shot that are supposed to help but I have to meet someone first."

Then I started chugging the Pina Colada through the thick straw when me head started hurting. The singer was trying to move closer to me. "Ahhh!" I accidentally tipped over the frozen Pina Colada. And the singer tried to get closest to me when I pulled out my scalped and put it against her throat. "What did you do to me?" I said looking at the bartender.

The singer is the one who spoke saying, "it's just called brain freeze." The bartender was about to get me when I put the scalpel closer to the singers throat that a little blood was drawn. She wasn't paralyzed as I ran out of the plant juice and didn't dip the scalpel in more or grew more.

The bartender saw this and stopped when door got kicked in and Harley cam flying in beaten up followed by the Joker with his gun out, 2 of his goons, 2-Face, Bane, and Scarecrow.

I pulled back my scalpel and the other two got ready to fight, don't ask me how I can tell. I got ready and pulled out my gun but immediately put it into my hoodie pocket. I looked toward Harley and she has a gunshot to her abdomen and it seems like Bane has beaten her but for him lightly. He is also buffed up.

I see Harley in the state she is in and Joker coming towards her like he going to end her. I don't know what came over me but I just snapped. I ran at them at almost super speed, shooting both of jokers goons in the head, cutting Scarecrow's femoral artery while also jumping up at Bane and cutting his venom supply while also moving to slit his throat. While I was up at Banes head, he was grabbing me but before he could throw me I shot both of Jokers knees. He grabbed me and threw be at the bar while I broke some glass bottles. This all happened within around 15 seconds.

Before most anyone could react, Joker fell down screaming, both of his goons are dead, Scarecrow is bleeding out, and Banes on the ground from Venom withdrawals. And to top it all off, the bar with lots of drinks in fallen down with what looks like a broken girl in more way than one, groaning but getting up. She still somehow was her gun in her hand.

I got up and moved to Joker. He was screaming at me calling me a bitch and stuff while also was moving towards his gun. Luckly i was faster and kicked his gun away. I looked at him and grabbed his hair and asked him a very simple question, "1 or 1000?"

He started laughing, "WHAT?"


He started laughing hysterically now, "one." *Bang!* Somehow I saw his soul or something like that leaving his body and burned it, don't ask how I'm still discovering my powers. Then some green toxin like stuff comes off him and I start burning that as well along with his body. Everyone is looking at me as I move to Harley when Poison Ivy and Cat-woman burst in the room with plants and claws and one gun. Poison Ivy tells everyone to carry on while they move closer to me.

Finally I get to meet the Sirens.