
DC: The Nomad

One minute he's falling to his death the next he waking up in the body of a person who recently died. He soon discovers he's traveled to the DC universe. Now with a new life and a special power that came with it his odyssey is just beginning. This is my first time writing a story so keep that in mind while reading. I'm open to any constructive criticism. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything DC related. All main characters are 18+

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Back at my apartment now 100,000 dollars richer. I immersed myself in my temporary victory, but I knew this was just the beginning of my odyssey.

With my rent taken care of I spent the next few days cleaning out various banks across the country I need more money for my next plan. Then it finally came time to cash in Catwoman's favor. First, she got me in touch with a man that goes by the name of Toyman. And second, she vouched for me with a guy named Wildcat. Although I immediately got in contact with Toyman to start making a custom suit I had to wait till I got another break from school to start seriously training with Wildcat so far, we only did some light sparring. The rest of my days off were spent traveling the world truly enjoying my newfound freedom.

With spring break coming to end I reluctantly had to go back to school for me it was the first time in years. Surprisingly my body's previous owner had a scholarship to Gotham Academy. From my memories, I recalled that were two students whose names I recognized immediately Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon. Surprisingly they were both the same age as me. We even shared a couple of classes together. I spent most of the staring out the window in a daze feeling envious of the clouds drifting in the sky.




I turned towards the voice and met eyes with a pretty redhead that looked slightly annoyed.

"My bad what's up Barbara"

"Haven't you been paying attention we got partnered up for a history project"

"Oh, I guess I lucked out" I joked, she rolled her eyes in response.

"You're not gonna make me do the whole thing are you?"

"Never I would never take advantage of someone like that," I said seriously.

"That's good… by the way you seem a bit different" She replied looking at me like I was strange person.

"It's probably because I cut back on the hours I'm working so I don't look like the walking dead."

"Yeah, I know you haven't even fallen asleep once today"

"I'm flattered you're paying so much attention to me"

"W-What I wasn't I'm just an observant person"

"I know I've noticed you observing Grayson quite a bit"

"Why did he come up let's just stick to the topic"

"Ok ok if we want to meet up outside, I suggest we either meet at the library or my place, your house is a no go it'd be way too stressful to work at the Commissioner's house"

"Well, the library is usually super crowded so I guess it's your place"

"Ohh I'm surprised you trust me enough to be alone at a boy's house"

"I trust that I'd choke you out if you tried anything funny"

"Haha I could see you doing that"

"So I'll come bye during the day on the weekend"

"Yeah just give me a heads up so I can make myself presentable"

With that said the bell rang signaling the end of the day.

Standing up to leave I gave a goodbye before disappearing into the crowd.

Walking to an alley and quickly teleporting I quickly finished whatever homework I had and spent the rest of the day touring scenic spots around the world that I hadn't had the chance to visit before finishing off the day trying to find which restaurant in Tokyo had the best ramen. The rest of the week was uneventful besides occasionally going to Wildcats gym, of course, I always went in a costume I couldn't risk Catwoman finding out my identity. When I wasn't going to the gym I was using to my newly acquired supercomputer to track any information on any meteorites or UFOs that entered Earth's atmosphere if it happened I wanted to be the first to know about it. I also started to put the word out to the homeless that I would pay for information the more value the information the bigger the pay.

It was now Saturday and I was resting peacefully I had just spent the previous day skiing in Colorado. When a soft buzzing woke me up looking at the caller ID it was Barbara. Holding the phone to my ear I answered

"Hey Barb" I answered sleepily

"Just letting you know that I'm on my way"

"Alright I'll be waiting"

Hanging up I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. Ate a quick breakfast and did a little cleaning. By the time I did all that Barb had arrived.

"Come in make yourself at home"


"Want something to drink?" I asked sitting two glasses and a pitcher of lemonade on the table next to various bowls of snacks

"Well your certainly thorough"

"I enjoy entertaining"

"I see"

"Ok so what's this project about?"

"You really weren't paying attention," Barbara said as she rolled her eyes.

"We have to give a presentation on an ancient civilization."

"Oh I hope it's Atlantis or maybe Themsycria"

"Nope Mesopotamia"

*sigh* "well that would have been too easy"

'Well maybe I'll learn something about Vandal Savage he might be involved somehow with him being over 50,000 years old'

Once we got down business we made significant progress in a harmonious atmosphere. I was surprised I thought Barbara would be hardass considering who her mentor was. But surprisingly we got along well.

"We ended up finishing the project in one sitting it took 6 hours but it wasn't as exhausting as it should have been"

"Yeah we make a good team"

"I actually agree you made this whole thing a lot less torturous"

"Haha well I'm glad I could help"

"Wanna have a drink for a job well done"

"I'm guessing you don't mean lemonade"

"Well, I do make a mean cocktail"

"I'm not even gonna ask where you learned that"

"Come on we earned it you gotta enjoy your youth while you can"

"I still have stuff to do tonight"

"Ok this last time I'll bring it up it's only 4 pm by the time night comes all the alcohol will have already metabolized" Barbara sighed and said "Is this the famous peer pressure?"

"Haha that depends is it working?"

"Hahhh fuck it one drink"

"Hahaha you're such a pushover"

"Fuck you"

"Haha I'm just messing with you I promise you won't regret it"

"I already am…"

"Alright let's move this party to the kitchen!"

Looking at Alex rummaging through the kitchen and pulling out ingredients he seems to be enjoying himself he was far cry from the boy that could barely stay awake and walked around like a zombie.

"Alright I've decided we're making pina coladas"

He then began skillfully combining coconut cream, pineapple juice, and white rum before blending it with ice and pouring it into two glasses, and garnishing it with a slice of pineapple, sliding one towards me while raising the other.


I picked up my drink and clinked with Alex's.


I took a sip and was surprised by how good it was, it didn't taste like alcohol at all.

"It tastes good!" I told him my honest opinion. I instantly regretted it seeing his smug smile.

"Told ya," he said before coming behind and pushing me towards the window.

"Come on let's go to the roof it has a great view" he said before grabbing a mobile speaker and heading up to the roof while I followed behind

Once we got to the roof he sat the speaker down and started to play music that I hadn't heard of before.

I listened to the song while sipping my drink and swaying back and forth.

As the song progressed Alex got increasingly into it and started dancing driving me to start to dance more.

Finally, he started to sing

"I don't mean to seem like I care about material things

like a social status

I just want four walls and adobe slabs for my girls

There isn't much that I feel I need

A solid soul and the blood I bleed

With a little girl, and by my spouse

I only want a proper house…"

I don't know why but I followed Alex's lead and immersed myself in the music.

Sitting on the edge of the roof while the song Bulletproof by La Roux played in the background, I looked at the city it was amazing sight looking from above you can't tell how dirty it truly is. Barbara has been fighting to save the city from itself and while I couldn't imagine myself doing the same, I could at least fight to protect the first friend I made since coming to this world. I looked over at Barbara who was softly singing the lyrics. I felt a sense of dramatic irony watching her smile contently because she most definitely was not bulletproof. I knew how just one bullet would ruin her life. I promised myself that I would never let that future come to pass even if I have to become a murderer to stop it.

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