
Dean barrier

"Beep !!, beep," the alarm clock that looks like a naked girl rang across the room.

Dean woke up to the alarming alarm, he was swearing that it was the third time this morning that he was awakened by the stupid alarm.

He looked at the clock to see that it was 6:40 minutes, which means that if he woke up now he could reach his place of work at the right time, but his brain inactivity due to sleep made him think dulled.

'Why don't I simply go back to sleep? It is difficult to dispense with this feeling. '

He looked at the watch with a dull look for a few seconds before suddenly jumping out of bed.

"Damn, I'll be late in this situation !!"

He quickly began getting dressed quickly before washing his face and teeth, and then he went out to work on his suit.

If someone saw him in his outfit he would have thought he was a high-ranking person in the community, perhaps a director of a company or project but he is in fact just an average employee of an online shipping company that works like Amazon and Opie.

The matter is that the top management of his company was a strict in the formal suit of employees.

Dean entered through the company gates after putting his car in the car park in front of the company, fortunately, he was not late.

Soon he took the elevator to the second floor, as the building consisted of only 5 floors.

Soon he started working on his desktop computer, he did not have to do anything difficult or complicated, the matter was simple, all he had to do was set the date of delivery of goods to only one category, and despite his ease and simplicity it only comes in huge quantities.

Dean was not tall, but it was long enough to see the CEO of the company over the wall of his small office space.

Think "this bitch"

Dean did not like his boss, as he was coming arrogant and arrogant and she thought that people were ready to lick her shoes because of her high position in the company and because of how rich she is.

There was a rumor circulating among the employees of the company that the CEO was sleeping with the 60-year-old owner of the company, which is why he rose rapidly among the ranks in a few years.

Although this rumor has not been confirmed, it has stopped completely after the CEO caught some people speaking badly about her and expelled her.

Dean focused on her body and shape, she was a proud and haughty woman in her third decade, wearing a black formal suit with a white shirt and a tight black skirt, had a beautiful face and blond hair, damn, she was a sexy bitch !!!

Thinking about her a little, she suddenly remembered that he had dreams several times as he had sex with her.

Suddenly, his office phone rang, interrupting his line of thought. He was a little upset, but he answered the phone anyway, "Hello!"

A middle-aged man's voice appeared on the other side of the phone, and this was a voice that Dean was well-aware of, it was only his current manager, "Oh mr. Barrier, you have to work for several more hours today, in the evening before you leave, go to my office."

The debt of this pig cursed the pig forever in his mind but the words he thought could not get out of his mouth, instead he said in a natural tone free of feelings and full of false enthusiasm, "Of course, Mr. Jackson, just send me the documents for the overtime in my personal account And I will do what I am capable of. "

"Good, do the hard work, Dean," said Mr. Jackson on the other side of the phone line.

Time passed quickly as Dean was busy overtime, his manager cursed his mind again, after finishing his last job, he was about to leave when he recalled that the fucker Jackson asked him to go to his office before he left.

He knocked on the door twice before authorizing him to enter. Dean said, "Oh ... did you want me for something?"

"Of course, I asked you to come after all," Jackson said. He opened a drawer from his office and removed a closed envelope with my name written on it, I took it from his hand and opened it slowly and carried the paper in my hand.

The resignation document was "What is this?" I asked strangely.

"It is your resignation document, all you have to do is sign, I will be frank with you, I know someone who needs this job so I decided to replace you with it," he said coldly and still maintained that smile that made a feeling of anger formed within dean.

Dean shouted to Jackson, "You can't do that! I've been working in this company for 6 years !!"

Of course I can! Now sign your resignation document, or you will be called in! Jackson said with a smile, don't leave his face.

Dean looked at his manager, who is now the most officially hated person, who did not want to be fired even because in that case the company would have to pay material compensation.

Thinking about the selfish reasons and the childish motives of his manager, he hit the debt of the office and shouted, "All I have done for you since I know you is to do whatever you want without any question, O pig, thankful !!"

In Dean's last words, Jackson was so angry that Dean dared not respect him in his office, quickly summoned security by quickly calling and quickly arrived and dragged Dean who was still cursing Jackson.

Jackson said, "This is the end! You're fired, don't forget to clean your desk from your garbage!"

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Later Dean was driving his car back home and thinking that it wouldn't be easy to find another job.

He was arguing on the phone with his mother when he caught a bright light shining from Yamina and the sound of brakes. The next thing he remembers is black.