
DC: The Keeper of Chronos named...

{Author: Pisatel_Darius} Translation by Vandalizer_z Reincarnated with a Player System, possessing a unique starting ability - Time Manipulation. However, even with this seemingly overpowered ability, the DC universe will still present the hero with challenging trials.

Vandalizer · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2: Escape

3 months later.

I silently stared at the ceiling of my cell with empty eyes. These... sadists put me in some kind of chamber every day and attempted to extract a part of the Chronos clock from me using those very tentacles and implant it into the subject. Not only did it yield no results, but the whole process was accompanied by excruciating pain. However, the system did bring me some notifications.

Acquired Skills:

"Pain Threshold" Level 6 (to next level 34%)

With a 60% chance, you can completely ignore your injuries and continue to fight. Fatal injuries are the only exceptions for obvious reasons.

Thanks to prolonged physical abuse, you have unlocked the "Buff" for yourself!

"Masochist" Level 2 (to next level 10%)

You don't fear pain. You derive pleasure from it.

- Resistance to physical attacks +10%

- Resistance to mental attacks +5%

Oh, what a marvelous "Buff"! I never thought that shock therapy would suddenly make me burst into foolish and abnormal laughter. Apparently, the last time I slightly lost my mind, and the higher-ups got worried about my... let's say... "Functionality."

Thanks to your endurance and iron will, you have earned 76 points of Stamina.

Now I've found a way to become... "Resilient." Excellent. Well, after probably hundreds of attempts, they finally gave up. I think.

Over these three months, I managed to level up by five levels. I raised my hand-to-hand and firearms skills to the seventh level and was able to enhance my attributes. Why did I level up so little during such an extended period? It was all because the usual training, exercises, and assignments became inefficient. I needed a significant amount of "Experience," which in RPG games is earned by killing various "Mobs," "Bosses," and completing normal quests, not the kind of fetch-and-carry tasks we had here.

The primary attributes stopped increasing after reaching the 60+ mark. It seems that was the ordinary limit for the development of my physical body in this world's rules. The system was hinting that further advancement would require a different method, and there wouldn't be any freebies. So, now I focused on at least reaching a level 60 in physical fitness, endurance, and strength. It's a pity I can't openly test my full potential. During training, I always tried to hold back and not reveal my true abilities.

My firearms, cold, and hand-to-hand combat skills reached the seventh level and steadily improved without any issues. Well, from the start, I understood that increasing these skills required regular "Experience." The more I practiced, the higher my skills became.

I don't plan on staying here for long. It's time to get out of here. Over these three months, I managed to come up with an escape plan, though it had its drawbacks.


First of all, the main issue was our "collars." Yes, not only I had this particularly pleasant accessory, and if I or any of the prisoners did something wrong, immediate shock therapy awaited all of us. Through my brief conversations with the local inmates, I was able to identify a kind of... "leader" among them, someone who would agree to help with the escape if needed. The room controlling our collars was directly monitored by the control system on the third floor, and the only way to reach it was through the elevator. There were no stairs between the levels, and in case of an escape, they could easily take control of the elevator. At least that's what Carl Stone, the leader of our underground resistance, explained to me. He witnessed how a small group of prisoners attempted to escape, one of them sacrificed themselves in the command center, locking the doors and staying inside, but it wasn't enough - the elevator was opened right on the second level, a level full of guards.

We need to act quickly and in sync. After I disable the collars and unlock the cells, the inmates will start a riot and attack. There's not much security on the first level, and most of the staff is on the second level. After that, I'll call the elevator and distract the guards, taking control of the second floor and the elevator control panel. With weapons from the guards and control of the second level secured, the only thing left will be to break through to the exit on the third level. What's the most obvious drawback of this plan?

I'm not very confident that the prisoners can overpower, even if only to a minor extent, a group of five Nazis with just their fists.

—"No sacrifices can be avoided. Don't worry; I'll make sure there are no doubts," Stone once told me, and that gave me confidence.

Alright, it's time to cast aside these foolish doubts and get ready. The next time the Director calls me to his office, I'll start acting. I'll stop time, sabotage the equipment, head to the second level, and take control of the elevator control room, and then... we'll see how the situation unfolds.

As I expected, I didn't have to wait long for my boss's call. He always liked to personally summon me and point out my place, so I was already dressed in the standard Nazi parade uniform (kindly provided by the guards) as I headed to the elevator with my escorts. As soon as I crossed the door to his office, an electric current enveloped my body.

—"You're quite an interesting specimen, 88th. Have you ever wondered why we tried to implant our gift into someone else? Hmmm? No?" When the current stopped immobilizing me, my escorts immediately attached my body to a special chair and secured me in steel handcuffs.

—"Did you think I was so foolish not to notice you whispering with other inmates about an escape? You were giving them hope and faith in something better, and most importantly, you genuinely believed that Carl Stone was truly the leader of these foolish and ignorant rats, whom he wholeheartedly wished to 'save,' didn't you? You were right about one thing; he did want to 'save'... but only himself. Once you got into such... 'close relations' with him, he asked a guard for a personal meeting with me and requested that I release him in exchange for some very... interesting information. You probably have a guess about what exactly, right? No matter how poorly you may think of me, I am a man of my word. I indeed released him to his long-awaited 'freedom,'" he turned a laptop towards me, on the screen of which was an image of Stone, stupidly smiling. Uncertainly glancing at the soldiers and then, as if fearing they might change their minds at any moment, he slowly began to walk towards the high gates of the military base. The massive gates were slowly opening, and he continued to advance, still not believing his eyes.

"You scum! Bastard! Stone, you fool! I'll dig you up from under the ground! I'll rip out your guts and make you eat them!"

So many emotions welled up within me: anger, hatred, fury at him and at myself. Yes, I hated myself for trusting someone so easily. I believed in that deceitful friendly smile and his disgusting sympathetic speeches about how organizations like this one should be destroyed. Tears filled my eyes, and my face twisted into a wicked grin.

On the monitor, interesting events were unfolding: after Carl Stone left the gates, he caught a heavy bullet in the back of his head, and his body fell flat on the ground. Watching this scene, I felt an abnormal sense of moral satisfaction, as if a cockroach had been crushed in an instant.

—"I promised him freedom, not life," he said indifferently. "I can't stand traitors, after all. And as for you... I was extremely disappointed in you, '88th.' I always hoped that maybe someday you would abandon this idea and come to my side. It turned out that as a result of unsuccessful attempts to extract the Chronos Clock from you, the scientific department concluded that it's impossible, and your death will finally destroy it. So I had no choice. Our scientific department has created a device that can completely erase a person's identity and turn them into a clean, blank slate. Only pure experience, skills... instincts will remain. Believe me, I will be able to 'fix' you in record time," he took something resembling a head mask, more like a gas mask, into his hands.


I was torn by foolish and abnormal laughter. Even with my ability to stop time, I wasn't sure I could break free from these restraints in time. Breaking the collar, let alone escaping from here, seemed impossible. It was an unequivocal defeat, so I could only find one way to get out of this situation.

—"Go to hell, 'Mein Führer'!"

I mentally commanded the activation of the "Reset," but was unpleasantly surprised by the refusal, as there was a barrier in this "location" that prevented me from using this ability. So, if I couldn't activate it in the usual way, there was only one "unconventional" way to trigger it.

I had to kill myself. I don't know if it will work or not, but death is better than losing your identity and becoming a brainless dummy in the hands of this lunatic.

I bit my tongue with all my might, which caused profuse bleeding.

Critical Hit! You're bleeding out!

Mentally I give the command to the system to disable the weak regeneration abilities from the increase in physique and slowly and painfully looked at how quickly my HP was flowing away.


I choke, choke and feel the vile salty taste of blood, but to see my "boss" simultaneously freaking out and panicking... It was still a pleasant sight.


He grabs me by the chest of my uniform and shouts something at me in German on the edge, but I didn't care anymore.

1/500... 0/500

Consciousness was shrouded in darkness.

"You have died. Ability Time: Reset Activated!"

Amidst the pitch-black darkness, a familiar rectangular interface window appeared, and then I felt like I was being abruptly pulled somewhere, until...

I jolted upright in bed, gasping for air, my hand clutching my rapidly pounding heart. A thought flashed through my mind that it was just some nightmarish and unpleasant dream. But was it a dream...? Nervously swallowing saliva, I checked my ability status, and after scanning the full list, I discovered that the Reset ability was missing.

— "It wasn't a dream..." — my palms clenched into fists, and my teeth ground together with a harsh gnash. A "snake-like smile" crept onto my face, and the system, like Captain Obvious, notified me that I had applied the "mask." One mistake almost cost me my life. I won't trust anyone anymore. Neither "heroes" nor "villains." This incident convinced me that everyone should extract the maximum benefit from a person. I won't be hypocritical anymore and admit to myself that I initially had no desire to escape with all these pieces of meat that couldn't even defend themselves. Now, all that will matter to me is "Victory." Victory at any cost. But for what? For the pleasure of this "Game." Laughing at those who try to find meaning in their lives through Money, Power, Protecting the Weak, Justice. Because none of that matters in the end; what matters is who wins! That's the essence of every "Character in the Game." It's time to take a deep breath and exhale. I can't let these emotions take control of me. Not now.

What do we ultimately have?

I did use the "inventory" in rare cases. The space-time pocket could almost instantly take various items. Food was easily managed. In the cafeteria, when everyone was busy eating, I sometimes discreetly "disappeared" food under the table. Food usually healed a small number of HP and restored some SP. The inventory cannot take items that cannot become "Mine." Everything that falls under the category of human use, like Food, Clothing, Accessories, Weapons, and so on. The system gave me a clear and simple hint that if I wanted to carry larger objects into my own space, I had to at least possess the "Basics of Space Manipulation." In other words... "Magic," which is unavailable to me. Let's say I borrowed about twelve apples, a few bags of milk, and a couple of glasses of water. Not much, right? Well... the disappearance of a plate of porridge from my hands would be immediately suspected. Also, with the help of the inventory, I cannot just snatch the enemies' weapons into my space like some "uber-mage" because it's "their" weapon. That is, as long as the owner of that weapon is alive, I do not have the right to take it according to the system's rules. I wonder, what if I buy a patent for it? I seem to be complaining a lot about not having magical potential. Anyway, it doesn't matter!

Although the collar problem remained, I no longer had the right to doubt. I would take the risk to get rid of it, and then simply leave these wretched walls, not forgetting to take everyone who stands in my way to the other side.

The same day.

9:00 AM.

"Get dressed. The Führer is waiting for you," one of my two escorts hissed at me with a hint of German accent, tossing my uniform onto the bed.

Everything according to plan... well, the uniform would still be better than this disgusting gray T-shirt and pants. A white shirt, a dark jacket, matching trousers, and tall black boots. I tightened my belt firmly, adjusted my black gloves, and straightened my cap with a swastika emblem.

A crooked smile appeared on my face.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course!" I replied joyfully and snapped my fingers in front of me. The black-and-white world faded, and the collar instantly activated. An electrical film enveloped my entire body. It was as if thousands or millions of heated needles were piercing your body. With all my might, I touched the collar with my hands and, finding the necessary skill upgrade branch, spent one point on "Temporal Rewind" for "Inanimate Objects."


Temporal Rewind. Applicable only to inorganic objects. The consumption of SP will depend on the complexity of the construction and its size. This skill can rewind the time of a particular object, returning it either to its original form or to its final state.

I didn't have much time to contemplate the possibilities, and, "wisely" weighing my options, I rewound the collar's time, returning it to its original form. In just a few seconds, the collar fell apart into its components and clattered on the floor of my quiet world. I understood that if I spent my precious time in this space for a few more seconds, I would be left completely powerless, even though I would be free, against two experienced soldiers. Before resetting time to its previous state, I drew a pistol from the holster of one of the accompanying soldiers—a trusty old TT-33 from which I had fired at so many targets, and...

Time returned to its usual course.

"What?" It was his last foolish phrase to escape the disgusting mouth of that stupid idiot, as the gunshot that echoed throughout the level blew part of his brains out of his head. The second soldier was already starting to come to, but it was too late. My element of surprise didn't give him a chance to react in time to the series of shots that he caught in his chest. The alarm wailed. I raised two submachine guns and stashed them both in my inventory. One of them had a military knife, which I casually twirled in my left hand and tossed into the air, humming to the tune of the German anthem, before playfully catching it with a reverse grip. I allocate another skill point to the "Stealth" skill, which I had slightly underestimated given my Time abilities.

On the first level, there were only five guards. Two on the left, and two on the right. One guarding the elevator. Using Stealth, I practically dissolved into thin air. They stared in astonishment at the two corpses in my cell and tried to find any clue as to where I had disappeared.

"Boom!" I mimicked a gunshot before pulling the trigger for real.

A shot from the TT pistol blew another fanatic's brains out, and simultaneously, I delivered a knife strike to the throat of the second guard. A shot to the eye took down the third, and the fourth managed to aim his weapon at me before the next shot sent him to the afterlife. The MP-40 submachine gun's burst reached the ceiling, and only one bullet pierced through my palm. I stopped the bleeding using a medical bandage I found in one of the dead guards' pockets, and I replenished the lost health and stamina with apples and a carton of milk.

As I headed towards the elevator, sipping milk through a straw, I remembered something important.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot!"

Carl Stone's cell was nearby, and the lock on his cell wasn't very secure. A couple of shots from the pistol were enough to break him out.

"Why did you do that?! Now, because of you, they can punish or kill us at any moment! We had an agreement that you..."

How quickly you revealed your true colors, but not entirely. Still foolishly believing you could use me.

"Yeah, yeah, I changed my plans," I said casually, hugging him. "Thanks. Thanks to you, I realized what I need to do. You've taught me a very important lesson."


"Never trust strangers with a kind smile," I said, and a shot to the knee sent Carl crashing to the cold floor. He screamed in pain, clutching his injured knee. The 7.62x25 cartridge had weak stopping power. He wouldn't die quickly.

"Always rely solely on yourself, because only victory matters," three more shots finished the job. Only when he lay motionless in his own blood, and I was still trying to squeeze a couple more shots from the empty pistol, did I turn away and add indifferently to the void:

"You're to blame for this, you disgusting parasite. Alright, it's time to get out of here."

"88th! I command you to drop your weapon and surrender! In case of disobedience, all prisoners will be subjected to a painful death via the collars!" I glanced at the surveillance camera and simply showed him the middle finger while reloading the pistol with a new magazine.

"Do you think I care about their fate? You're an idiot."

By the elevator, a somewhat frightened German man with round glasses awaited me. He was trembling like a leaf and held his submachine gun as if afraid of dropping it.

"Drop the weapon, or else—! Who am I kidding..." He lowered the weapon with a doomed expression, tears welling up, and begged, "Please?"

It seemed he had witnessed what happened to his colleagues and was already convinced of his defeat. Well, a sensible choice, but...

In the blink of real-time and two seconds of my time, I approached him almost closely, pressed the pistol against his temple, and pulled the trigger. The elevator kindly began its descent towards me, and the prisoners' collars made themselves heard. The level was filled with cries of pain, suffering, and pleas for help, but I couldn't care less. I entered the inviting elevator doors and shot the surveillance camera. They would surely try to stop me on the second level.

View from the other side.

Heinrich Faust II looked thoughtfully at the surveillance cameras and tried to analyze the actions of Inmate No. 88, who had suddenly, for some reason, decided to openly attack his personnel.

"Did he somehow figure it out...?" he thought to himself.

"It's a shame we could only develop one prototype."

Why did he choose this particular day to act? Heinrich was very cautious and always planned his moves ahead. The scientific department, while studying the Chronos Watch and simultaneously looking for ways to disassemble and integrate them into other people, also sought ways to counteract them. There was one simple reason for this. After integrating the watches, Subject 88 showed a desire for freedom. If their main plan didn't work, then in the worst-case scenario, they would have to kill him using that device, something that looked more like a gramophone. One of the scientists found a way to block their influence with special magnetic waves it would emit. However, he was somewhat concerned that at times, the subject displayed inhuman physical parameters and used incomprehensible "magic," which could create or take away objects from the air. "Invisibility"...?

"Where, when, and how did he learn this?!" - he angrily hit his desk, then immediately calmed down, realizing that giving in to emotions now was pointless.

"88" was a threat that needed to be eliminated at any cost.

I took cover behind the corner of one of the hallways on the level. Beneath my feet lay the corpse of "Boom," who had decided to confront me with just a knife when he realized I had gotten too close. It all happened in an instant. The clashing of knives, a moment of real-time, and a second of my time, and I was already shooting him in the back of the head.

"Klyk! 'Strelok'! My dear teachers! I would be very pleased if you allowed me to pass to the control room and leave this snake pit! It so happens that with my power, I can see the future! And if you don't join me, a dire fate awaits you. What's more important to you: money or life?"

You attempted "Diplomacy" with your enemy! Thanks to your positive relationship with the soldiers, the attempt turned out "Successful"!

As I emerged from my cover, I saw Klyk and Strelok turn against the Germans, and I was with them. When it was all over, and there were no more enemy combatants on the level, Klyk calmly addressed me, replacing the magazine in his modified Kalashnikov rifle.

"Life is more valuable than money. When it's all over, we'll go our separate ways, 'Lisenok.'"

He liked to call me that during training sessions because my slit eyes often reminded him of a cunning fox. He also had a fetish for Japanese quirks and carried a "tanto" instead of a regular combat knife.

I took cover behind the corner of one of the hallways on the level. Beneath my feet lay the corpse of "Boom," who had decided to confront me with just a knife when he realized I had gotten too close. It all happened in an instant. The clashing of knives, a moment of real-time, and a second of my time, and I was already shooting him in the back of the head.

"Fang! 'Shooter'! My dear teachers! I would be very pleased if you allowed me to pass to the control room and leave this snake pit! It so happens that with my power, I can see the future! And if you don't join me, a dire fate awaits you. What's more important to you: money or life?"

You attempted "Diplomacy" with your enemy! Thanks to your positive relationship with the soldiers, the attempt turned out "Successful"!

As I emerged from my cover, I saw Fang and Shooter turn against the Germans, and I was with them. When it was all over, and there were no more enemy combatants on the level, Fang calmly addressed me, replacing the magazine in his modified Kalashnikov rifle.

"Life is more valuable than money. When it's all over, we'll go our separate ways, 'Fox.'"

He liked to call me that during training sessions because my slit eyes often reminded him of a cunning fox. He also had a fetish for Japanese quirks and carried a "tanto" instead of a regular combat knife.

"I'm counting on that. However, you'll be going ahead because I'm not foolish enough to trust my back to you."

"Caution, huh? Don't forget about that quality. It will save your life more than once."

We successfully reached the control room. Along the way, we encountered scientists who were either afraid for their lives or fanatically tried to stand in our way. Their efforts were desperate and foolish. It would have been strange to encounter "normal" scientists on a "Nazi Military Base." With the elevator control panel, we dealt quite swiftly. Shooter simply sprayed it with a burst of bullets. We calmly returned to the elevator and realized that we would also be expected on the third floor. Before we began, I shamelessly emptied the remaining milk cartons and a couple of apples to replenish my precious OD. Their expressions were telling – no one would eat right now, given the situation.

We pressed the button for the third floor and opened the ceiling ventilation duct, climbing up.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, a hail of bullets rained down on it. Shooter pulled out a flashbang grenade and tossed it on the floor. After that, it all turned into a rapidly unfolding chaos. Stop time, shoot the first, second, third, throw a knife at the fourth, and kick open the door to Magnus Traska's office. Outside, a battle was in full swing, bullets whizzing and thundering, and I... raised my hands in surrender, stupidly smiled at Magnus, who had me in the sights of his Luger. He didn't look very pleasant. He had a stout build, a round face, mustaches reminiscent of the French, and a uniform adorned with medals.

"You! This is all because of you! And I warned Faust that you would only bring trouble! So many resources and time wasted."

"Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to? Will that calm you down? I really didn't want all of this!"

"Are you an idiot!? You should just die!"

Stop Time. Fire. Step aside slightly to let the bullet pass, and silently watch with satisfaction as Magnus falls into his office chair with an extra hole in his forehead.

"Left Hand of the Reich," Magnus Traska – Dead!

To complete the main quest, it is necessary for all three leaders of the organization to be killed, as only with their deaths will you become free. Two out of three targets remain!

Well, I still had no desire to leave this trio alive.

Attention! Your Time Control ability has been blocked!

It seems that Geidrich Faust really has something that can block my ability. However, who said I'm powerless without it? My... "partners" were getting crowded, and if I delay a bit longer, they might just start throwing grenades.

I decided to allocate another skill point to the supported ability "Acceleration," which speeds up my body and thinking. As soon as I activated it, my body was covered in a barely noticeable blue film, as if a gentle breeze was blowing over me. Simultaneously, I used Stealth. My OD points were running out soon. I needed to finish them off quickly. As soon as I stepped outside, I found myself behind enemy lines and opened fire on the entire enemy squad. I threw my submachine gun to the side and, deciding not to be polite with my "director," took a couple of grenades from the dead bodies. I slightly opened the door and threw the grenades right into his office. An explosion rang out, and I received another satisfying notification.

"Right Hand of the Reich," Arthur Schultz – Dead!

Entering the room, I saw him lying under piles of wooden debris from his cabinet. The one who turned my life into hell. And next to him lay the disfigured corpse of Arthur, whose face had turned into a bloody mess from the explosion.

"You... you don't understand. All these... vile creatures will turn the world into a pile of shit. We could have changed this world, but you... you only think about yourself. Heh-heh!" - judging by his wounds, he didn't have much time left.

"And what would you do first?! Would you seek revenge on an entire nation for your defeat?! Would you orchestrate another genocide of innocent people?! Force your way of life onto others and send dissenters to the ovens like pigs?! Do you think I learned nothing from your history, 'Mein Führer'?" I spat out angrily.

"Ha-ha-ha... Have you ever heard such a saying? It's not evil if you're fighting for what you love."

"The most absurd thing I've ever heard," I replied.

"I lived for my dream," he continued, "and I'll die for my dream," pressing a button on a device with a red button in his right hand.

"Self-destruction system activated! Five minutes remaining!"

"Damn it! Why so little time?!" I thought, not wanting any survivors.

"Congratulations! Your main mission..."

"Not now!" I shouted, swiping my hand through the air to close the interface window. "Shooter, Fang!"

"We heard you. It's time to go."

After the announcement, panic and chaos engulfed the Nazis. Few wanted to remain at the base, which was about to be blown to hell. However, there were those who stood in our way simply because... "Fanatics," that's the only way I can explain why they lacked self-preservation instincts and the desire to survive. The most repulsive kind of people.

Miraculously, we managed to pass through the gates of the military base just in time. The shockwave threw us to the side. I was concussed, fatigue gripped my body, and blood was streaming from my nose. As I focused my gaze, I noticed Fang extending his hand to help me stand. I accepted it, and in the silence of the burning base, I looked at these two mercenaries whose faces were securely hidden behind black masks with a white skull motif. Their blue eyes didn't emit that disgusting fanatic gleam but instead seemed... respectful?

"You did well, Fox. Here, take this," he handed me his favorite tanto, "my last gift to you before we part ways. Do you have any questions for us before we go?"

"Yes. Where are we?"

"Somewhere on the Canada-U.S. border, more precisely, in the eastern forest. There's a city nearby called Oshawa, so I suggest you head there."

"And where will you go?"

"Sorry, but we can't say. After all, we're mercenaries, and we have a certain, let's say, 'code.' We don't disclose information about our clients, and in return, we get good money and a reputation."

"Wait, so you weren't originally working for Geidrich Faust?"

"We had a 'double' job. We were passing on critical information to important people. It was beneficial until you showed up and messed up the entire game. It's a shame about 'Boom,' but he understood that he had to play his part even if it led to his death. Don't worry, I'm not angry that you killed him. We all knew what we were getting into when we agreed to this. Sacrifices are inevitable, and it would be foolish to expect otherwise. Some people are lucky, and some aren't Luck was on our side, mine and Shooter's, for example."

"Then I can't take any chances," I raised two TT pistols at them, prompting the silent Shooter to react immediately, pointing his rifle at me.

"Fox, I'm sure you'll come out on top in this duel, but can you trust us one last time? I promise you won't see us again, and no one will come after you."

"What guarantees do I have? What do I gain from your lives?"

"Well, we have our connections and a reputation in interesting circles. If that piques your interest, you could even become a 'mercenary' like us. Contracts would bring in money, influence, and challenges. But if you're not interested in that and all you care about is a quiet, peaceful farmer's life, then you might as well shoot me right now. Although, our deaths would only buy you a small head start before they track you down."

"What would you do in my place?"

"Honestly? I don't know. I've never been a test subject with supernatural powers. All I know is how to fight well against other people. Against someone like you or monsters, I don't stand much of a chance," he smirked as if remembering something funny, "although Batman would probably come up with something. He's like a legend among mercenaries and villains. The kind of scary bedtime story for all the bad guys."

"What did you just say?"

"Um... that I have no idea what to do with you?"

"No! The other thing!"


"Yes, isn't he... a Comic Book hero?!"

"Well, I haven't heard of anyone starting to draw comics about his exploits, but if you want to see the real deal, you should just visit Gotham and try to stumble upon some serious and loud trouble."

"So this is the world of DC Comics? Well, now it makes sense why I had such a 'dark' beginning," I muttered to myself.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. Never mind," I lowered my guns and sighed deeply, "I won't be able to hide my existence anyway. Can you leave me something like a 'business card'?"

"Haha, sure, buddy," he pulled a white card with just a number handwritten on it from an external pocket, "His temperament is crappy, but he pays cleanly, no complaints. Name, your bank account code, and your location."

"And that's it?"

"Yes, as silly and easy as it may sound, that's really all there is to it. They'll check you in five to ten minutes, and if they don't find anything strange, they'll call and give you a contract. Most often related to either assassinations or security."


"That's what I thought. It's a 'One-time' number, so think twice before calling. Law enforcement is trying to track it down, but they're getting nowhere. Their hackers are too good. By the way, if you ever decide to meet the legendary Slade Wilson, tell him he was right."

"What about?"

"About not getting involved with fanatics. He has a good memory, and he'll probably remember."

"What year is it now?"

"2002, June 3rd."

"Alright, I have no more questions. Thank you and goodbye."

In a brief moment of stopped time, I walked away towards the city and checked if they would follow me. Turns out, they didn't. Well, it's good that some people stick to their principles and code.

"So, I've finally made it to freedom. Now I'm not just some weapon, not '88,' but a full-fledged individual. Let's celebrate my birthday by coming up with a new name. How about... 'Alex T. Keeper'?

It sounds pretty good. First, I need to sort out my rewards and perks, then head into the city, and what's next? I don't know; we'll see."