
DC: The Enchanter

Previously hailed as the mastermind, The Godfather, behind the world's most significant organization, now reduced to blend into the nameless multitude. Jasper Hughes is about to unleash a seismic shift, rocking the world of heroes and villains, as he ushers in a fresh era of power struggles, organized crime, faction formation, and corruption. "Greedy and corrupt, yet not harming the kind and helpful." "Unforgiving towards those who betray, lie and steal..." These mottos once propelled him to establish the world's most prominent organization and will undoubtedly guide him to triumph once more. This time, he possesses not only unparalleled knowledge and skills but also wields an incomprehensible power – The power of Enchantment. A power that will not make him the Godfather; but THE GOD. TAGS: Selfish Protagonist, Corrupt Protagonist, Superiority Complex, Smut, DC, Empire Building, Corruption, Hypocritical MC https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

The Beginning After The End

[[Abstract Dimensional Rift]]

It is said that enduring through countless trials can transform even the bleakest of nights into the most radiant of days.

And while it wasn't the brightest, after an enduring wait that blurred my sense of time, I finally caught a glimpse of light.

A dim light coming from a chamber that definitely wasn't there a while back.

Yet being stranded in the dark for an unknown amount of time, I had no better choice than to walk inside.

And as I stepped into that dimly lit chamber, the air became all cozy and tranquil. The darkness wasn't suffocating at all; it was more like a warm, velvety hug. My eyes adjusted to the low light, and suddenly, I noticed all the little details around me.

The space was decked out with carefully placed stuff that added to its unique vibe. There were plush, velvety curtains hanging from the walls, soaking up any trace of light from outside –which was non-existent. And the floor, heavens, was covered in these soft carpets that felt like walking on clouds. They even made a gentle whispering sound as I walked on them. Fancy, huh?

You know what else? 

There were flickering candles all over the place, casting dancing shadows on the walls. It was like an otherworldly painting, with a warm, golden glow filling the room. Instant cozy vibes, right there.

Not to mention the massive cushions and armchairs spread out all over. They practically begged you to plop down and get lost in their softness. The upholstery was some dark, moody color—maybe deep blue or velvety black. I couldn't help but sink in and completely lose myself in the comforting embrace of that space.

Now, the air carried these subtle scents that mixed with the darkness. It was like a captivating blend of smoky incense, old leather, and maybe even a hint of vanilla. It filled the room and my senses, creating an atmosphere that was both mysterious and strangely familiar, like a memory from way back when.

That dark but comfy spot made everything outside just fade away. Time lost its grip, and all my worries and stresses melted into thin air. It was like my own personal hideaway, where I could relax, reflect, and find peace in the midst of the shadows.

I finally settled into one of those cushioned havens, and the darkness wrapped around me like a snuggly cloak. It brought a sense of security and tranquility. It was a place where I could kick back, be alone with my thoughts, and dive deep into the wild realms of my imagination.

Yeah, those were the thoughts that started drifting through my mind as I soaked up the atmosphere in that dark, cozy haven. It was quite a special place, I must say.

But as I started adjusting to the place, I finally noticed a shadowy figure sitting a few feet across me. 

The sudden realization spooked me a little, uneasy at the fact that there was someone in front of me whom I didn't even sense.

"So, you finally noticed me, huh?" The figure said, slowly pushing himself to the front of the sofa as his features started to manifest in front of my eyes.

Seemingly in his thirties, the handsome man with black hair and a well-groomed beard had an allure. His black hair shone with health and vitality, framing a face that was both rugged and refined. The beard, carefully maintained, added an air of sophistication, accentuating his strong jawline and enhancing his masculine features.

His piercing eyes were filled with depth and intelligence. His physique reflected a balance of strength and fitness, exuding confidence and vitality.

This handsome man embodied a perfect blend of maturity, confidence, and undeniable attractiveness.

Even as a fully heterosexual male, the man's attractiveness and charm were undeniable.

"I am glad that you think of me in such a way," the man smiled, shocking me.

I was certain that I hadn't said those words out loud. How did he hear me?

Mind reading?

But how?

He smiled as he answered again without me asking out loud.

"You dropped from an eighty-storied apartment and landed in a dark room," He said, "And you are worried about how I am able to read your mind?"

I froze, the shock and confusion nearly made me forget that I was supposed to be dead.

And the fact that I was here meant that I wasn't in heaven or hell yet.

This place was nothing like the depictions of heaven or hell, which meant I might be at the place of judgment.

The man shook his head, "Quite the dreamer, but I'm afraid it's not what you think it is."

I was taken aback once again.

It made no sense to have survived such a fall, and it made even less sense that it was neither hell, nor heaven, and not even the place of judgment.

"For you to be judged, you have to die, but fortunately for you, Jasper, you are very much alive."

My eyes widened at the statement, at which he raised an eyebrow.

"If you go by the textbook depictions of the afterlife, you're not supposed to feel pain before being judged. So, why don't you try to pinch yourself?"

He was treating me like a child, but who knows how old he was? If there was anything one should not do, it was not to judge supernatural beings by the logic of us humans.

Seeing his smile, I knew I was correct.

But I still followed his suggestion and pinched my arm, and as expected, I felt pain.

I felt a bit nervous, unsure of why or what I was here for. But surprisingly, a cool breeze that was blowing kept me calm.

The man walked a little forward, "This place is a little special. My friend… Kento and I built this place, and because of that, the breeze that you're feeling is a mystical element known for its calming properties."


It made sense, considering everything that was happening around me couldn't be explained by science.

"But to explain the very first question that you asked, I will tell you about where you are." He said, "To start off, this is a place that none of your scientists have been able to discover. And trust me, they will never be able to discover it either."

That was a bold claim, but if the man was able to teleport me here and save me from being squashed to death…

Anything was possible for him.

"It is a place that me and Kento created to act as a resting spot for when we decide to travel to different dimensions."

For now, I ignored the name Kento but the way he casually said 'dimensional travel' was concerning. But it gave me an idea of what he was capable of.

And given how easy he made it sound, he was capable of a lot more… 

"It's a safe haven that we very much needed. And since it is situated inside of the crack in space and time called the dimensional rift, not everyone is able to find it. And even if someone finds it, it is bound by my authority and thus no one can access it."

I didn't interrupt and continued listening to what he had to say.

"To be quite honest, I was tired of the same stuff I did everyday. The same routine every day was driving me towards insanity. So, I decided to spice things up and explore different dimensions like an interdimensional tourist. And guess what? Fate brought me straight to your world, just in time to see you falling from that building. Talk about perfect timing!" He said with a sarcastic chuckle, "It got me curious, so I dug into your past to figure out why you were in that perilous situation. And color me impressed, you truly lived an interesting life- And that interest made me save you." He shrugged nonchalantly, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Of course, my boredom was a major contributor."

I knew that it wasn't that fast of a process for me as I felt being trapped in the darkness for ages.

The concept of time must be different for him.

"What now?" I asked, "Will I be sent back?"

"I can do that." He shrugged, "But to make up for it, for keeping you here for so long… I have an offer for you."

Such offers never ended well.

He laughed, "At least, listen to the offer first?"

I was a bit uneasy but he was also the one that saved me. And considering what he was capable of, if he wanted he could have forced me to do his bidding as well.

Yet he was giving me an offer.

So, I could at least listen.

"Thank you for the consideration," He said, "And I can promise you that it will interest you as well."

This got me curious, "Okay?"

"I am someone that is capable of messing with the dimensions but since the dimensions are playing out exactly as they are supposed to… it makes life a bit… boring. So, I wanted to find some entertainment in it."

He continued, "And that's where you come into play." He grinned, "I want you to mess a little with the things that are going on. Now, I don't mean go and destroy the balance but just you know… mess it up a little. And you can do it while having fun."

I wasn't sure what exactly he meant.

"What I mean is that I want to give you the chance to live your life in a new dimension which is not mundane like your previous one. And to make things easier and entertaining for you as well, I will grant you abilities that you have seen in movies or books. Power that is seen only in fantasy."


Was a tempting offer. 

"What is the power?" I asked.

At the question, he smiled.

"You must have seen movies, cartoons or even read books where people are able to change the properties of someone or something," He said, "From what they are made of to what they were originally meant to do… everything can be changed."

I raised an eyebrow, "Property manipulation?"

He smiled, "Enchantment."

Enchantment in fantasy refers to the magical or mystical powers bestowed upon objects, locations, or individuals. It involves imbuing something or someone with supernatural qualities, often for the purpose of enhancing their abilities, granting them magical protection, or altering their nature.

That was a ridiculously strong ability.

"Of course, I won't be giving you all those abilities right off the bat. You will have to earn them."

Of course…

"But for the start, I can grant you the ability to change the elemental composition of things and even living beings, including yourself. And do not worry, changing the composition won't kill you. I will make sure it does not happen."

Changing the heart to let's say metal will make it impossible for it to continue pumping, which means I will die. So, him taking that into consideration is great.

"Even if the composition changes, without altering the properties, it will continue to function normally," he explained. "For example, if you were to replace your heart with metal, it would still beat, albeit with the strength and resilience of metal. Unless you intentionally modify it to mimic the immobility of metal, it won't cease its rhythmic pulsation." He paused before adding, "Do remember that you can only change the properties of elements that you have come across either in your previous life or this one at least once before trying to fiddle with them."

What he meant was that while the heart will be sturdy, it won't lose its functionality unless I want it to. And that I cannot change the properties of something like let's say a fictional metal like Vibranium.

Since I have never come across it.

"And to make you be more creative, I will also grant you the ability of timed enchantment." He slouched a little, "Which means you can decide at what rate the composition might change or properties are imbued. Of course, you can reverse it back as well."

That was seriously an amazing ability.

But he wasn't done.

"And finally… the ability to disenchant. Not just the enchantments made by you, but to disenchant the powers and abilities that others already possess."

Just as I was about to have my mouth dropped at how overpowered it was, he added the condition.

"But do keep in mind that it will only work if the person you want to disenchant is willing to lose his or her abilities, powers or that specific property." He explained, "Even that for a limited amount of time. At least, for the time being."

And with that, he made the scope of the ability very limited.

But at least, it was better than nothing.

"You will be able to gain a lot more powers, and abilities. But for now… You start with these abilities, what do you say?" He chuckled, "I mean I already changed a few things about you."

I paused and frowned at him, "What… Did you change?"

"Oh, well don't worry. It is nothing much, just your mental maturity." He casually shrugged, "You must have noticed the change in the way you talk after entering this chamber."

He did not!

"Now, don't get worried. I did not take away your intelligence, I simply reverted your mind to when it was young, energetic and willing to take risks. The cocky, womanizing personality that you had." He grinned, "I kept your memories, your experience and knowledge intact but just brought out the wild, disrespectful and unapologetic personality that you did your best to change over the years."

I was shaken by the news, there was a reason I decided to change.

My former, younger self was much more eccentric, untamed and emotionally driven as compared to the later years of my life.

I would pick fights at the smallest of things, beat random thugs up and hook up with any women that caught my eye.

I was not an ideal role model or a gentleman in any way.

And this man just undid all the hard work I did over the years to change those things about me.

"Now now, don't be so disheartened. Considering you are about to live a new life, having that old man like personality will only dampen the experience. Besides I kept your wisdom and intellect the same, the only change is the loss of formality that you usually follow."

It wasn't the most promising beginning, particularly with him pulling this shit… but it wasn't the worst either. Especially when I could  think of the countless ways I can use these powers. 

And maybe, in a way by getting me back to my youthful mind, he increased my creative thinking which might be a great idea to use these new powers.

Even so, I was a little worried.

I wasn't sure if the place he will send me will be safe for me.

"It won't be safe-safe," He smiled, "If it was… it won't be interesting, will it?"

And that was cue for me to reject his proposal, until…

"But it won't be interesting to see you die immediately either, now would it?"

I paused as he continued. 

"So, worry not. As long as you are able to use your brain and think straight… I can promise you that you will enjoy this even more than me."

That was a bit assuring, and honestly… Was there anything that I wanted in my previous world?

Absolutely nothing.

I had already lost everything.

So, why am I even being this worried?

So, what am I waiting for?

"Do you accept this proposal?"

At the question, I made up my mind and nodded, possibly being dragged by my impatient mind.

"I do."

This made him smile joyfully, "Excellent!"

He immediately placed his hand on my chest and announced, revealing his name for the first time.

"I, Marcellus Hanley, the wielder of the Heart of the Universe, hereby declare that on this momentous occasion, I have summoned the universes' powers to bestow upon Jasper Hughes the wondrous gift of enchantment."




With the declaration, I felt my body getting stung by a million needles, boring deep into my skin.

The pain was too much for me to handle which made my vision turn blurry as I drifted into an even deeper darkness.

Unaware that I was about to wake up in hell disguised as heaven.

"Good luck, Jasper." I heard his voice, "You will need it."

Unaware that, this won't be the last time I will be seeing the man named Marcellus.

Unaware of the reason he sent me to the other realm.

And unaware of the trails designed by the beings sitting at the peak of existence- Marcellus Hanley and Kento Yamazaki.

The Conqueror and the Plunderer.


[[A/N: Read 25+ Chapters ahead on Pat reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord Note: This chapter was edited by Lily and not Shiro, hence the difference in the style. It feels a bit feminine, idk if you guys noticed.

A/N: As for MC's personality, he will not keep his gentlemanly persona and will be using that young and adventurous one. In his youth, he was wild and sometimes borderline psychotic (we will discover that later). The persona that showed itself the moment he stepped foot into Marcellus' room. Plus it was also the reason he accepted going to another world. If it was his older persona, he would have just asked to be sent to heaven or hell.

And as MC will try to adjust to this new/older personality we will see him change in the way he talks, feels and sees things.]]