
DC: The Absolute

In the DC Universe, Ken finds himself grappling with the reality of his new surroundings. As he navigates this unfamiliar world, he encounters Batman. Through their meeting, Ken begins to grasp the magnitude of his situation and the potential impact he could have in this alternate reality. Together with Batman, Ken embarks on a journey of self-discovery and heroism, determined to make a difference in a world unlike any he's ever known.

Black_Jesus_Christ · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Batman

The man before me was more than just a man. He was a legend in human flesh that went by multiple aliases: The Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight of Gotham, The World's Greatest Detective. All names that perfectly fit his description.

He was the person who I used to dress up as when I was a toddler. He was the person who I dreamed of becoming. He was the person responsible for me becoming a psychology major. To say that his existence crafted a portion of who I was as a man was a fair statement.

"How did you find me?" I voiced, standing straight up, looking him in the eyes as he towered over me.

"Answer my question first. I'll answer yours in a more suitable environment after you decide the path in life you want to take," he said assertively, standing his ground. He was Batman, so his response was to be expected.

"I… I pick the second option. I'd rather not go through the hassle of the first."

"Good." He then turned around, reaching for a grappling hook latched onto his belt which he aimed and shot at the ceiling.


The sound of his device was relatively quiet, unlike how it was presented in the media from my past world. In fact, I was pretty sure that it would have been barely audible without the aid of my super hearing.

He was propelled upwards rather quickly, climbing through an air vent and leaving me confused and left behind.

"Follow," he whispered, throwing me off for a second. Just how much information did he know about me?

'He shouldn't know that I'm able to hear him from here.' Part of me wanted to pretend like I couldn't hear him, but I decided that there was no point. The fact that a person as careful and decisive as him came to the conclusion he arrived at meant that he most likely had reason to assume.

Slightly perplexed, I decided to do as he asked and transformed into a hummingbird, grabbing my belongings with my feet and proceeding to follow the man.

When I arrived inside the vent, he was gone. He magically vanished. Luckily, I had the evolutionary advantages of my Hell Hummingbird and was able to follow the slight trail he left behind.

I began to move towards the only direction available, encountering twists and turns while flying through the vent.

After what felt like 2 minutes of exploring what felt like a labyrinth, I finally reached the end of the maze, arriving at a vent that led to the outside world.

Before transforming back, I made sure to dress myself all over again, slightly frustrated that I would have to continuously repeat this process over and over again until I found magic clothes.

Poking my head out of the vent hatch, I saw Batman leaning on a slick matte black aerodynamic armor vehicle with his arms crossed. It was a version of the Batmobile that I didn't recognize.

It had slash marks all over it as if it had been keyed by a vindictive ex-girlfriend many times over, but I knew better. What I was seeing was the traces of bullets and markings from various different weapons.

Although there weren't any dents or divots in the car… tank… tank-car, I knew that it had been through a lot. During it all, it held through, proving to be incredibly reliable and durable.

"How did you get here so—" Before I could ask my question, the roof to the Batmobile opened up, revealing its crimson and black leather interior.

Batman vaulted over, landing in the driver's seat, motioning with his hand to follow.

"Get in."


Walking to the other side of the car, I hopped over just like he did into the passenger seat.

"Um… nice car," I said with wondering eyes as the roof automatically began to seal us inside.

The infrastructure of the car had so many holographic screens, manual switches, and touchpads. Just by observing the car's features, I confirmed that technology in this universe was far more superior to my last. I had never seen anything like the Batmobile in my life outside of fiction. In truth, I was dumbfounded.

While I was lost in thought, Batman then turned his head to me, frowning.




"Yes?" I voiced, confused by his glare.

"Seat belt."


"Your seatbelt. It's not on."

"Ah…" I mumbled, squeezing my lips together in slight embarrassment.

As I buckled myself in, I was a little surprised at how everything inside the tank-car was futuristic and years beyond any other vehicle, yet the seatbelts were still mechanical. But, I just tossed those critiques to the back of my mind.

Before I could admire the tank-car more, my entire body jolted back as the car had gone from 0 to 60 in less than a second.

"Jesus!" I shouted, taken by surprise at the sudden increase in G-forces.

It wasn't hard for me to adapt to the speed of the car; in fact, it only took me a second. I had accelerated much faster than what any land vehicle had ever gone before in my Hell-Falcon form. It was just, I hadn't expected to experience such speeds in my human form.

As Batman drove, he navigated precisely and perfectly on the Gotham streets, following a strange holographic GPS that emitted from his steering wheel.

He turned corners so gracefully that I wouldn't have been surprised if his tires were bathed in butter. He had weaved so easily through traffic that it started to look like we were phasing through cars.

"Hold on," he mumbled, as we entered a congested tunnel full of people.

"Uh… ok."

His car then started making weird noises, then, all of a sudden, as we reached the bumper of a stationary truck, a jolt shot us up in the air avoiding impact. As it did, I felt like time stopped for a moment.

Seeing in 360° allowed me to see everything in my peripherals. I saw the shocked faces of drivers as they saw the Batmobile in real life. I saw Batman nonchalantly staring forward as if this was just a normal day to him. Lastly, I experienced the weight of gravity shifting as jets on the side of his car flipped us sideways, causing the wheels to grip onto the walls with a loud thud.

My eyes were wide open, taking note of his each and every movement until we reached a secret passage which looked to be an unfinished construction site.

The car then jumped and flipped once more as we continued to drive through a dark cave to which he still somehow managed to drive through masterfully.

Finally breaking his silence, the man opened his mouth to converse.

"You left a trail."

"Um…What? What are you talking about?" I scowled in confusion.

"You asked me how I knew of you. I'm telling you that you left a trail. A messy one; One that led from West Africa to Gotham. That's how I found you."

I tried my hardest to hide my expression, but I knew for a fact that I wasn't doing a good job as I immediately started to nervously bite my bottom lip.

"E-excuse me?" I questioned, but received nothing but stoic silence in turn, which unnerved me even more.

"What do you know about me?" I asked, averting eye contact.

"A better question to ask would be, what do I not know?" Batman's voice resonated with a mixture of gravity and curiosity, causing a chill to run down my spine.


"You seem confused, so I'll start from the beginning." His words carried weight as we emerged from the cave, back onto the street.

"On July 1st, I just so happened to be handling a personal matter in Egypt. On that day, NASA satellites detected a small meteorite on a collision course with Earth."

"…" Heat prickled at my skin for the first time since my transformation.

"On that same day, world renowned astronomer, Theodore Knight, calculated the foreign object's trajectory and predicted it to land somewhere within the region of New Guinea, specifically in the Southeastern Papuan rainforest between the hours of 12 noon to 4pm."


"Curious in my free time, I decided to travel there. Upon my arrival, the presumed meteorite had already crashed, but there was no celestial object in sight like predicted, despite there being a crater in the earth equivalent to the size of Robinson pond. A crater that vaporized a variety of plant life, which piqued my interest even further. And so, I began to investigate," Batman explained, his gaze piercing through my composure.

"About a mile southeast from the landing site, I discovered the tracks of what appeared to be an African Savanna Elephant and the mangled carcass of a Scrub Python. I would have overlooked the situation, but two things stuck out to me like a sore thumb… One; Geographically, that species of Elephant shouldn't have been anywhere near where I found its tracks. Two; Its tracks were 5.4 times larger than any other member of its species."

"… And where do I come into this?" I asked, feigning ignorance terribly.

"I'm getting to that," he assured, making a swift turn.

"The snake and the Elephant footprints weren't the only things that I found. I also found human footprints. Specifically, ones belonging to a child which was what initially led me to the path that I was going down. And after a while, the child's tracks went cold, momentarily making me consider that I had lost my lead, but I continued to move forward with my investigation, finally arriving at the outskirts of the forest."

"Upon exiting, It didn't take me long to find more of these elephant tracks. And when I did, what laid on the dirt next to them were the shredded clothes of a toddler, a map of Gotham city, a map of Metropolis, and a map of the globe, making 3 maps in total and one missing child… admittedly, I was confused and thought the trail went cold once more…that was until I found an emotionally unstable man who went by the name of Mark Logan."

When that name escaped his mouth, I felt mine becoming a lot more dry. Never had I ever wanted a cup of water so badly in my life before.

"I asked this man about a child that he may have recently interacted with, and without hesitation, he went on to tell me about a lost African American boy with mysterious blue eyes, and blue streaks in his wavy hair. I'm sure you can guess what his name was," Batman stated, his scrutiny unwavering as I struggled to meet his gaze, feeling trapped in my own guilt.


"It was Ken. A 10-year-old boy who, and I quote, 'had a good head on his shoulders. The same Ken who ended up asking for 3 maps and was quite interested in computers. A boy who had an interest in not only Batman and Wonder Woman, but Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, and many others. Or, at least, that's what his deleted internet history which I recovered told me."

For a moment, I contemplated the unthinkable out of sheer self-preservation. The horror of my actions weighed heavily on me, causing my legs to bounce and my hands to shake uncontrollably.

What would he do if he found out what I was? Would he try to kill me? Arrest me? The thought of being subjected to government experiments chilled me to the core.

I-I had to do something to protect myself… but the mere idea of transformation in order to kill Batman felt like a betrayal of my humanity. I had to find another alternative to slip out of my current situation, but how?

"Along with searching up various different people and businesses, you began researching animals. One of them being an Orca and a Falcon… specifically, the world's fastest falcon."

"After I got all the information I needed out of the computer, coincidentally, news articles everywhere started raging about a biblical event that was transpiring in the Atlantic Ocean. Turns out, while I was looking for you, a sea of blood that went on for miles was discovered by fishermen in the Northern Atlantic. After analyzing a sample, I couldn't find what creature it belonged to, so I decided to come back to Gotham… and when I did, I found out a store had been broken into by a subterranean beast of some sort that tunneled its way through the ground and into the store, causing parts of the building to collapse in on itself."


"Whatever the creature was, it was apparently hyper-intelligent and crafted its own underground staircase for easy entry and escape… apparently, it was so smart that it actually destroyed all security footage that recorded it, but not smart enough to find the inventory logs of the actual store so that I wouldn't be able to know what it stole, or should I say, what you stole, Kenneth."


"It doesn't matter now. The damage has already been done," Batman's voice was cold, cutting through the silence like a knife.


"After you left and felt comfortable enough to appear on street cameras, I tracked your every movement. Including when you went down to the sewer where you met a very angry man with a skin condition."


"After he was sent to jail, I had my own little conversation with him where he kindly gave me information about the events that had occurred… After that, I followed you a little more and noticed that you hadn't caused more mischief."


"For a while, I left you alone because I had a more pressing matter to attend to involving a case that I had been working on for the past year… I had finally gotten a lead which led me to the Crime Convention; The first I had attended… and I was disgusted by what I saw."


"If you're wondering, it wasn't you that made me feel that way."

"W-what?" When he said those words, I felt like a cold bucket of water poured on top of my head.

"Your actions… Although I don't agree with your methods, they were justified. Cruel, repulsive, barbaric, but justified."

"But… I killed all those people."

"And how did it make you feel?" Batman's eyes bore into mine, stopping the car and forcing me to confront the reality of my actions.

"Wrong… I felt dirty. I felt that with every kill, I was losing a part of myself… it hurt in a way that I can't explain in words."

"Why did you do it?" he asked, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity and concern.



"Because I wanted to avenge somebody… they raped and killed someone's sister. They tortured her. And they did the same to a lot of other people… I-I couldn't let them get away with it. After they kidnapped me, I felt like I had to stop it from ever happening again."

"And how did killing help your problem?" he inquired, his expression complex and unreadable, reflecting a myriad of emotions I couldn't decipher.

In that moment, as I bared my soul to him, I couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't intervened sooner. If he had witnessed my descent into darkness at the Crime Convention, why hadn't he tried to stop me?

"It… I don't know. I killed the people that were responsible for selling me. I ended up freeing all the people who were locked up…I ended up getting revenge… but I didn't feel right."

"Then remember that feeling and never forget it as long as you live."

"I don't think I can, even if I wanted to," I admitted, grappling with the weight of my actions.

"You said you wanted change earlier, correct?" Batman's voice was steady, yet tinged with a hint of hope.

"Yeah, I did."

"Then how about this… you train under me. I'll teach you restraint. I'll give you the resilience you need in order to not fall back on your words."

"You wanna train me? Why? After I just slaughtered dozens of people? That goes against your ethics as a whole. I know you, and you don't kill. I did. And a lot at that."

"You don't know me as well as you think."

He remarked, glancing at me.

"The reason I want to train you is because I have a general idea of who you are… Don't get me wrong, I do see an evil grotesque monster dwelling within you. I see a darkness that has the capability of harming not just others, but yourself as well."

"…" His words were crude, blunt, and harmful, but I didn't feel any malicious intent behind them. He truly believed in what he was saying… but for some reason unknown to me, I could also sense empathy in his voice.

"If left to your own devices, there's a possibility that you could end up being a problem for not only Gotham, but the entirety of the world… but here's the thing, I could say the same about myself. Currently, you have no control over that darkness you're harboring. You're rash, hotheaded, emotionally unstable, and lack purpose… But unlike me, I believe that there's a light that's veiled by that darkness; A light that I think with proper guidance can eradicate that darkness."


"I saw it in your eyes… I heard it in your voice. you're not a bad person. I know this for a fact, which is why you're sitting in the seat next to me."

For a moment, he allowed me to ponder deeply on his words in silence. And overall, the few seconds that he gave me allowed me to reevaluate my morality.

I wanted to be like Bruce, a force for good. But every life I took, even if they deserved it, weighed heavily on me. I feared the ripple effect of my actions, the harm they might cause innocent people. It scared me, the thought of leading others down the wrong path, of showing them an easier, darker way. Despite my intentions, I couldn't shake the guilt and doubt that consumed me, leaving me feeling lost and vulnerable, yet determined to change my course.

"Are you willing to allow me to show you?"

In that fleeting moment, as his words pierced through the void that had momentarily consumed me, I felt a stirring deep within, a flicker of something resembling hope amidst the emptiness. His offer, laden with the promise of guidance and redemption, seemed to resonate with a part of me that I realized that I was still holding onto strongly.

With each breath I took, I processed the enormity of his proposition. It was a chance to rewrite my way of life, to deviate from the preordained path the monster who created me was on. I could forge a new course. The weight of his trust settled upon my being, both mesmerizing and challenging to comprehend.

And so, with a willful surge of resolution and a silent declaration, I accepted the challenge, prepared to embark on this journey of adaptation under the watchful eye of the Dark Knight.

And as the Batmobile surged forward, carrying us into the night, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of yearning amidst the darkness that had temporarily consumed me.

After about five minutes, The Batmobile rumbled to a halt as Batman had expertly navigated to an unassuming shrubbery amidst an empty rugged terrain.

Pressing a few buttons, lights flashed on revealing two gigantic black metallic doors that began to part, leading us to the inside of a mysterious cave.

I could do nothing but gawk in silence with a mix of trepidation and excitement as the car was parked.

I hesitate at the threshold of the car, my heightened senses picking up the subtle vibrations of the cavernous expanse before me. Stepping forward cautiously, I follow Batman into the depths, my senses overwhelmed by the sights and sounds that surround me.

The air was cool and musty, carrying with it the faint hum of machinery and the echo of our footsteps reverberating off the rugged stone walls. Fluorescent lights flicker to life overhead, casting eerie shadows that dance across the cavernous expanse. As we move deeper into the cave, I feel the subtle shifts in electromagnetic fields, detecting the subtle energy signatures of the high-tech equipment and computer consoles that line the walls.

As my eyes wandered, I saw 10 different kinds of Batsuits varying in designs that I had seen in my past world, yet there was no Robin. There was no Nightwing. There was no one else but him. He was doing this alone.

With each step, I felt a sense of anticipation building within me, a feeling that I was on the cusp of something extraordinary. This was the beginning of my journey, a journey that would test my abilities and challenge my beliefs. And as I ventured further into the depths of the Batcave, I knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

As Batman settled into the swiveling chair in front of the massive computer monitor.

"You've been busy, Ken."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over me. His grumbled voice cut through the silence of the Batcave, his words hanging heavy in the air.

"Yeah... I have," I replied, my tone cautious. I shifted uncomfortably under his penetrating gaze, the weight of his scrutiny almost tangible.

His next words sent a shiver down my spine. "There's still a lot you're hiding from me... I know this for a fact."

I swallowed hard, unable to meet his gaze. "I-I'm pretty sure you know everything already," I stammered, my voice betraying my nerves.

But Batman wasn't fooled. His next words were like a warning, a reminder of the deduction prowess he held. "But know this, all secrets reveal themselves with time, including my own, as you've already discovered."

Before I could react, he unlatched his helmet, revealing his face to me for the first time. My breath caught in my throat, my eyes widening in shock as the truth hit me like a freight train.

I froze as Bruce's face was revealed, his identity laid bare before me. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't help but wonder if he was capable of uncovering every secret I harbored, leaving me exposed and vulnerable.


I couldn't muster the pretense of surprise at Bruce's true identity. In my fragile state, it didn't take a detective to see through my facade. All I could do was hope he wouldn't push me into a corner where lying was my only option.

"Nice to meet you, Bruce," I said, extending my hand for a handshake.

"Likewise," he replied, his grip firm yet reassuring.

"How did you know that I knew who you were?" I asked, trying to gauge his reaction.

Bruce leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable as he contemplated my question.

"Aside from the sequence of your searches, what led me to believe you knew my identity was your avoidance of anything related to the Waynes or Wayne Enterprises during your stay in Gotham. Your caution only fueled my suspicions," he explained, his hands resting calmly in his lap.

"Ah... I suppose I did make it obvious, when you put it like that." I conceded with a slight shrug.

"So, from what I heard from Jones, it seems you don't have parents and no close ties to anyone... With me being your mentor, it would make sense for you to stay here in Wayne Manor. This will be the place where you'll train, learn, and grow intellectually, physically, and emotionally. What are your thoughts?"

"Well... it's not a simple decision," I admitted, feeling the weight of uncertainty settle over me. "But given my circumstances, I don't have much choice. If you're willing to take me under your wing, then... I'll give it a try."

Bruce nodded thoughtfully, a hint of determination in his gaze. "Then we're off to a good start."

"Now, before I introduce you to the other two, I wanna see more of what you're capable of. Transform into an animal."

'Other two?'

I thought confused, raising my brow. Could he have been talking about Robin? If that was the case, shouldn't his suit have been on one of the empty mantles I saw earlier?

When I had researched Batman, I found nothing relating to him having a sidekick. Before I could ponder more on my internal thoughts, Bruce began to stare holes into my head.

"Right. My bad. I got distracted. Is there something in particular you want me to transform into?"

"How many species can you transform aside from the 8 that I'm already aware of?"

"From my understanding, all of them. I'm pretty sure that there's no limit. The only problem is my size." I replied.

Bruce then raised an eyebrow, a subtle indication of his intrigue, but his expression remained unreadable.

"What do you mean by any animal?" He asked, his voice steady and measured.

"I mean literally. I just have to see it, then I can transform into it." I gave an assuring nod.

To my supervisor, he returned the same gesture, as if not surprised by what I said. In fact, I could feel his demeanor softening ever so slightly. It was a subtle but comforting gesture, one that made me feel more at ease in his presence.

"That's quite the power," he remarked, his tone now tinged with genuine curiosity. "But with great power comes great responsibility."

Surprised that he just pulled an Uncle Ben on me, I began rubbing the back of my neck.

"I get it. I'm willing to take that responsibility."

"I appreciate the eagerness, but that's easier said than done." He voiced, crossing his arms.

"Right…" I mumbled.

"I guess I'll turn into a bird first." I announced, prompting him to nod.

As I began to visualize a pigeon, my body began to gruesomely twist and contort with each passing moment, reshaping itself to my ideal image.


My clothes shredded off my body while my insides shifted and realigned with a series of soft clicks, with my tentacles rippling beneath my skin as they adjusted to their new form. Black feathers sprouted from my flesh with a gentle rustle, their soft downy texture a stark contrast to the solid mass they would soon become.

In the blink of an eye, it was done. I stood before Batman, my form that of a sleek, agile abyssal pigeon, my wings outstretched in silent testament to the electricity that pulsed through my feathers.

Batman's gaze was unwavering, his expression one of quiet approval. I had of course grown larger than what I had anticipated. Now, the top of my head lined up with his belly button.


(Shit! I forgot to take my clothes off again!)

I voiced in pigeon.

Catching on to my predicament, Batman slightly smirked at my frustration.

"I'll personally look into the clothes problem you seem to be having later on. For now, I want you to transform into something smaller. Try turning into a red-eyed tree frog."

And like he requested, I did just that, turning into a black frog about 10 inches tall which made Bruce caress his chin with his fingers in ponderance.


(What now)

"Now, if you would, jump as high as you can for me."

He requested, as if understanding my froggy vernacular.

'Simple enough.'I thought.

Putting all of my energy into my legs and jumping up as high as I could, I launched off the ground while Batman's eyes locked on to me.

"Now, transform back into the pigeon." He whispered, just like how he had done at the crime convention.

Although slightly confused by his sudden outburst, I did as he asked, shifting into my Hell-Pigeon form before gravity began to take effect on me.


Descending down, I landed, awaiting his next request, but to my surprise, he didn't have one.

"Interesting," He mumbled.

"You can turn back now."

And in 2 seconds, I did just that, now in the nude.

"Yeah… as you can see, the naked thing has been a real problem for me. I appreciate you taking the time to look into it."

He then reached under his computer, grabbing a box that contained a gray sweat suit inside. As I began to put it on, I realized that it fit me perfectly.


"No worries. I'm curious to know, how does it feel transforming? Do you experience any pain or discomfort during the process?"

"No… it's not like that. I just kinda feel my entire body vibrating one moment, and in the next, I'm an animal."

"And the super hearing, does that come with your power set?"

"Uh… it's complicated, but yeah."

"What else are you capable of? What other senses of yours are enhanced?"

"I think…I think I might be a little more durable and stronger than normal people. I also have an enhanced sense of smell. Lastly, I have the ability to sense different waves on the Electromagnetic Spectrum."

"Hence why you were able to evade Wayne Tech surveillance? You were able to sense the infrared waves that cameras emit, correct?"

"In a way, yeah."

"And what about the tentacles? Croc told me that you had the ability to eject extra limbs from your body, is that true? If so, how many?"

"Ah… I can do that as well."

"I sense there's a but in that statement."

"Because there is. I've only been able to do it in situations where I've been angry… but I haven't really gotten the chance to use them outside of that."

"Well, how about you try?" He voiced.

"I mean, I can. Not promising that anything will actually happen though." I sighed, taking my sweater off, not wanting to repeat the same mistake.

I then focused my mind, delving deep into the reservoir of power that lurked within me. With Batman standing before me, I visualized the tendrils, imagining them snaking out from my back with ferocity and hunger, ready to demonstrate my ability for not only him, but myself as well.

At first, there was nothing but silence, the stillness broken only by the rhythmic rise and fall of my heavy breaths. But then, slowly, almost imperceptibly, I felt a shift, a stirring deep within my body. Something was moving.

With a surge of determination, I pushed harder, feeling a tickling sensation underneath my skin. It was a faint tingling sensation that grew stronger with each passing moment.

"You're doing great, Ken," he encouraged, his words instilling me with newfound confidence. "Keep focusing. You're almost there."

With a gasp of surprise, I felt the first tendril burst out of my back, sawing back and forth with a sinuous coil of energy that writhed and twisted in the air. And then, before I could fully comprehend what was happening, another followed, and then another, until a veritable forest of tentacles sprouted from my flesh, reaching out into the world with a hunger all their own.

With his encouragement spurring me on, I pushed myself even further, channeling all of my energy into controlling the tentacles, directing their movements with precision and purpose. And as I did, I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me, knowing that with Batman's guidance, I had achieved what I didn't know I was capable of.

'I-I did it?' I thought, surprised at my accomplishment.

I turned to Bruce, a mixture of pride and excitement coursing through me as I displayed my limbs.

"I did it."

Taking a few steps forward, Bruce placed his hand on my shoulder gently.

"You did. And you'll be able to do even more in the future. For now, try to draw them back inside of you."

As he requested, my extra limbs retracted one by one until they had all vanished.

"This concludes your first day of training. Now, it's time for you to meet the others." He voiced, walking over to one of his mantels and removing his armor, piece by piece, putting on a pair of sweats that matched my own.

He then led me to a wall that I discovered wasn't really a wall.

With his voice activation, elevator doors slid open, revealing the dimly lit expanse of an entirely new part of the Batcave that I hadn't explored. I then followed Batman out into a secret chamber.

As we elevated, a sense of awe washed over me at the sight of the imposing stalactites and stalagmites that loomed overhead. We then arrived at yet another portion of the lair.

Silently, we made our way across the second floor of the cave with the only sound that echoed being our footsteps against the stone.

As we drew near a nondescript section of yet another cavern wall, Bruce reached out and pressed a hidden switch, causing a hidden door to swing open, revealing a hidden passageway beyond.

With a nod from Bruce, I followed him into the narrow corridor, the walls lined with shelves upon shelves of ancient tomes and leather-bound volumes. As we walked, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer magnitude of Batman's personal library, the wealth of knowledge contained within its walls a testament to his dedication to his crusade against crime.

Finally, we reached the end of the passageway, emerging into a vast chamber bathed in soft light. Before us stood row upon row of bookcases, each one filled, overflowing with books of every shape and size. And at the center of it all stood a massive oak desk, its surface cluttered with papers and assorted gadgets.

"This is my personal library," Bruce said, his voice echoing in the quiet chamber. "Here, you'll find everything you need to know from the history of Gotham City to the latest advances in forensic science."

I nodded, taking in the sight of the sprawling collection with a mixture of reverence and excitement. For the first time since arriving in Gotham, I felt a sense of belonging, as if I had finally found my place in the world.

"Welcome back, Master Bruce," Alfred's voice echoed from behind a bookshelf, accompanied by the rhythmic tapping of footsteps. Emerging from around the corner into the library, Alfred appeared, bearing a platter of refreshments. Walking alongside him was a young boy, dressed in black and white checkered pajama top and bottoms, his demeanor exuding a mix of curiosity and mischief. As he locked eyes with me, I could see … a pain in the boy's eyes that he masked with an artificial smile.

Alfred, ever the gentleman, gently chided the boy. "Manners, Master Dick. It is quite rude to stare at an individual without introducing yourself."

"Uh… right. I'm sorry. I just didn't expect the guest to be someone my age," the boy named Dick quipped, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he scratched the back of his head.

"Hey, I'm Dick. Richard if you wanna be formal, but nobody's got time for that," he added with a grin, extending his hand in greeting.

I could see bags underneath his eyes, his skin was pale, and his posture slightly hunched. It looked like he hadn't slept for days and had instead been crying. I already figured that he hadn't adorned the mantle of Robin yet, but just where in the timeline was I?

"I'm Kenneth. Ken for short. Nice to meet you," I replied, reciprocating his handshake with a smile of my own.

Alfred then stepped forward, his presence commanding yet warm as he introduced himself. "Good morning, sir," he began, his refined British accent adding a touch of sophistication to his words. "I am Alfred Pennyworth, butler and loyal servant to the Wayne family."

Returning his smile, I shook Alfred's hand firmly. "Nice to meet you, Alfred," I replied, grateful for his welcoming demeanor.

As Dick nervously approached Bruce, Alfred, standing nearby with a welcoming smile, observed the interaction with interest. Dick cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Um, Bruce, I was just wondering if maybe I could show Ken around the manor? You know, since he's new here and all?"

Bruce glanced at Alfred briefly, who nodded encouragingly in response. "Of course, Dick. Just be careful and make sure to stick to the areas that are safe."

Dick turned to Alfred, his expression brightening. "Thanks, Bruce. I'll make sure Ken gets the grand tour."

Alfred chimed in, his voice warm and reassuring. "An excellent idea, Master Dick. I'm sure Master Ken will appreciate the opportunity to familiarize himself with the manor."

Bruce remained stoic, his eyes reflecting a hint of approval as he watched the interaction unfold. "Take your time, but don't wander off too far," he advised, his tone firm yet caring.

"Then, you ready?" He asked me.

Looking at Alfred and Bruce, they both gave nods of approval. My answer was the decision.

"Yeah… let's go." With tha, we began making our way out of the library.

As we walked through the halls of Wayne Manor, Dick's voice echoed with a hint of curiosity, guiding me through the labyrinth of rooms and corridors.

"Hey, Ken," Dick's voice broke the silence, his tone less enthusiastic and more measured. "So, what's your story? I mean, you just kind of popped up out of nowhere, and Bruce seems to trust you, so you must be pretty interesting or something, right?" He tilted his head, his gaze steady and perceptive.

I glanced at Dick, appreciating his curiosity but hesitant to reveal too much. After all, my true story was far too complicated to bother explaining to a ten-year-old.

"Not much to tell, really," I replied casually, deciding to stick with the narrative of being a child for now. "Just trying to find my way in the world, you know?"

Dick nodded, seeming to accept my vague answer. "Yeah, I get that," he said, his expression thoughtful. "It can be tough, especially when you're still figuring things out."

I nodded in agreement, grateful for his understanding. Mentally, I was thirty, but my body remained that of a ten-year-old, a fact I had concealed from everyone, including Dick. It was a lie I maintained to protect myself, to fit into the narrative of being a child in Bruce's care.

Dick glanced at me, a curious expression crossing his face. "Wait, how old are you anyway?" he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

I hesitated for a moment, considering how to respond. "Old enough," I replied cryptically, not wanting to delve into the complexities of my situation.

Dick raised an eyebrow, seemingly unconvinced. "Really? You seem... different, somehow," he observed, his intuition sharpened by his time spent with Bruce.

I shrugged, unwilling to elaborate further. "Guess I've had some experiences that make me seem that way," I said vaguely, hoping to deflect his questions.

Dick seemed to accept my explanation, albeit with a lingering sense of curiosity. "Well, anyway, let's keep exploring. There's still a ton of stuff to see around here!" With that, he turned and continued down the hallway, his youthful energy tempered by a mature sense of responsibility.

As Dick led me through the expansive Wayne Manor, I couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer grandeur of each room we passed through. The first stop was the luxurious garden, with its meticulously manicured lawns and vibrant array of flowers. It was like stepping into a botanical paradise, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Gotham City outside.

Next, we made our way to the kitchen, where the gleaming stainless steel appliances and marble countertops hinted at the culinary delights that could be created within its walls. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and savory dishes wafted through the air, making my mouth water in anticipation.

From there, we moved on to the opulent ballroom, with its towering ceilings and glittering chandeliers. The room was filled with elegant furnishings and intricate tapestries, evoking a sense of timeless grace and sophistication.

After exploring the ballroom, Dick led me to the private movie theater, complete with plush leather recliners and a state-of-the-art sound system. It was the perfect place to escape reality and lose myself in the magic of cinema.

Finally, we reached the top floor of the manor, where my new bedroom awaited. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by a sight that took my breath away. The room was like something out of a five-star hotel, with its lavish furnishings and elegant décor.

Expensive-looking paintings adorned the walls, their intricate details and vibrant colors adding an air of sophistication to the space. Mahogany-framed windows stretched from floor to ceiling, providing an excellent view of the moonlit garden outside. Beyond the garden, I could see the sprawling expanse of a wine vineyard, bathed in the soft glow of the moon.

Large windows bathed the room in silvery moonlight, offering stunning views of the surrounding grounds. The moonlight streamed in, casting an ethereal glow over the luxurious furnishings.

In one corner of the room, a sleek and modern PC sat atop a stylish desk, beckoning me to sit down and explore its capabilities. The desk was adorned with a few carefully chosen books, hinting at the intellectual pursuits that awaited me in this new chapter of my life.

Opposite the desk, a massive bed dominated the room, its plush pillows and soft blankets promising a restful night's sleep. The bed itself was a work of art, crafted from the finest materials and designed for maximum comfort.

A large TV hung on the wall nearby, perfect for cozying up and watching a movie or playing video games. In another corner of the room, a gaming console awaited, its controllers poised and ready for action.

It was clear that no expense had been spared in creating this luxurious sanctuary for me to call home.

"Wow," I breathed, taking in the sight before me. "This is fuckin incredible." I uttered.

Dick chuckled proudly, clearly pleased with my reaction. "I'm glad you like it, Ken," he said warmly. "Welcome home."