
Nightmare #89

Nestled amidst the pristine expanse of the Greenland Ice Sheet, an unforgiving landscape untouched by human hands, lay Ras Al Ghul's clandestine stronghold—the final bastion housing his Lazarus Pit. Guarded by the stark white peaks of two snow-capped mountains, the base remained concealed from prying eyes, a fortress shrouded in secrecy within the icy wilderness.

Ras Al Ghul had summoned all remaining members of the League of Assassins to defend this pivotal location, a command that brought forth a majority of survivors to heed his call. Yet, conspicuous by their absence were the Sensei of the League and Ras's immediate family, their notable nonappearance casting a shadow of uncertainty over the gathering.

Amidst the vigilant patrols of Ras's loyal assassins, who tirelessly patrolled the perimeter of the base, tense anticipation hung heavy in the frigid air. They knew today would not pass without an unwelcome intrusion. And as if on cue, a rift tore open in the fabric of the heavens, a spatial tear that heralded the arrival of an unexpected guest.

From within the shimmering tear, a young man materialized, clad in a casual black suit and accompanied by a regally attired rat perched upon his shoulder. Hovering above the base, he surveyed his surroundings with a measured gaze, a silent harbinger of imminent upheaval.

As soon as the young man materialized, a storm of projectiles hurled towards him from within the confines of the base—arrows, crossbow bolts, bullets, and all manner of heavy projectiles.

Without missing a beat, Micah raised his hand, conjuring a shadowy gate that enveloped the base, devouring all incoming projectiles. There was a brief pause before the projectiles reappeared, hurtling back toward their source.

Explosions rocked the base, mingling with anguished screams.

Unfazed by the chaos, Micah descended into the heart of the base, landing squarely in what appeared to be a training ground. No sooner had he touched down than a horde of assassins swarmed towards him, led by a man in a dark, tight-fitting bodysuit with short white hair.

This man, David Cane, was the first to close the distance, swinging his katana sword with lethal intent at Micah's head.

Micah met Cane's attack with an impassive gaze as shadows coalesced around him, morphing into tendrils that shot forth toward the white-haired assailant.

But before the tendrils could reach their mark, the snow behind Micah began to shift, and a figure clad in a white camouflage suit emerged from the snowy cover, wielding a tanto aimed squarely at Micah's side.

Walking amidst the swirling chaos of the base, Micah seized White Ghost without hesitation, his grip firm and unyielding. "White Ghost, isn't it?" Micah's voice was calm, almost conversational, as he stared into the assassin's eyes, the tendrils of darkness swirling around them both.

As David Cane was sent hurtling away by the shadow tendrils, his katana shattering upon impact, White Ghost attempted a desperate maneuver, spitting out a lethal needle aimed at Micah's eyes. To his bewilderment, the needle vanished mid-air, only to reappear before him, driving into his eye with lethal precision.

Mcah cast White Ghost's body aside as it went limp in his hand, indifferent to his fate.

The fray around Micah escalated as more figures closed in, some familiar faces, others merely pawns in a grander game. Yet, Micah stood undeterred, his focus unbroken amidst the onslaught.

However, before he could enact his next move, a dull ache pulsed through his mind, a telepathic assault testing his mental fortitude. Amidst the clamor, a primal roar reverberated through the base as Gorilla Grodd emerged, a hulking figure charging towards Micah, pounding his chest in a display of dominance.

Micah's lips curled into a wry smile at the sight. "So, the dumb gorilla fancies himself a telepath..." His tone was laced with amusement as he addressed Rattigan, perched upon his shoulder. "He's all yours, rat... go as wild as you'd like..."

With a series of excited squeaks, Rattigan leaped from Micah's shoulder, a sinister smirk playing across his features as he darted towards Gorilla Grodd, eager to engage him head-on.

Gorilla Grodd's scowl deepened, his pride stung by the audacity of a mere rodent standing against him. With a thunderous beat on his chest and a primal roar, he unleashed waves of telepathic energy toward the rat, seeking to crush its fragile psyche.

Yet, to his astonishment, the rat's body erupted in a sudden explosion, catching even Grodd off guard. He didn't dwell on it, his psychic might knew no limits, forever evolving.

Grodd then swiftly dispatched the rat's owner, a young man named Micah, and reaped great rewards for his triumph.

The thought amused him; he had merely feigned the development of space anchoring devices and expended minimal effort to eliminate a mere human, yet he received a device capable of tripling his mental powers. Unlike Ras Al Ghul, who suffered significant losses, Grodd's cunning manipulation had granted him immense power with minimum effort.

Acknowledged by all villains in the secret society, Grodd's prowess commanded respect, but for the ambitious ape, it was insufficient. His exploits continued as he triumphed over the Flash, his long-standing adversary, and even confronted the Justice League, vanquishing the heroes in a battle that shook the entire world.

Satisfied with his conquests on Earth, Gorilla Grodd turned his gaze to the stars, his mind ablaze with visions of dominion over the entire universe. But before he could embark on his cosmic ambitions, there was one final, crucial task he had to fulfill.

Returning to the majestic confines of Gorilla City, Grodd sought out Solova, the intelligent and enchanting female gorilla who had captured his heart long ago.

Once, he had resorted to using a nefarious device to manipulate his pheromones, ensuring her affection. But when the device met its demise, so did their bond. Now, standing before her as a conquering hero, he offered his heart once more, proposing marriage with a newfound sincerity.

To his elation, Solova accepted without hesitation, her eyes sparkling with a mix of joy and relief. Together, they embarked on a year-long journey of preparation, with the entire city buzzing with excitement at the prospect of their union.

From selecting the perfect venue to crafting intricate decorations, every detail was meticulously attended to, ensuring that their wedding would be nothing short of spectacular.

As the momentous day finally arrived, Gorilla City was transformed into a veritable paradise of celebration. The streets echoed with the jubilant sounds of music and laughter, as gorillas from far and wide gathered to witness the union of their beloved leader and his cherished mate.

Amidst a breathtaking display of floral arrangements and radiant decorations, Grodd and Solova stood before the Gorilla priest, ready to exchange their vows in the cherished tradition of humanity.

With trembling voices and hearts full of emotion, they pledged their eternal love and devotion to one another, their words ringing out like a beautiful symphony of affection and commitment.

And then, as the Gorilla priest posed the most crucial question of all, Gorilla Grodd's voice rang out with unwavering determination. "I do," he declared, his gaze locked with Solova's, a silent promise etched in his eyes.

With a warm smile, the priest bestowed his blessing upon the couple, granting them permission to seal their union with a kiss.

Grodd eagerly moved forward, his heart pounding with anticipation, ready to embrace his beloved and begin their new life together.

But before their lips could meet in a tender caress, tragedy struck with startling swiftness.

The once serene atmosphere was shattered by the deafening crash of collapsing structures as a monstrous paw descended from the heavens, wrenching Solova from Grodd's grasp and plunging the joyous occasion into chaos and despair.

Gorilla Grodd's confusion instantly gave way to a raging fury, his primal instincts driving him to beat his chest ferociously as he leaped into the sky, ready to confront whoever dared to intrude upon his joyous occasion. After all, he was the mightiest being on Earth! How dare anyone assault his beloved?

Such thoughts roared through Grodd's mind as he ascended, but what he beheld in the heavens above brought him to an abrupt halt, his heart gripped with horror.

Before him loomed a colossal rat, its towering form casting a dark shadow over Gorilla City. In its grasp was Solova, held aloft like a mere plaything. Grodd's eyes widened in disbelief as the rat met his gaze, a sinister glint in its eyes that sent shivers down his spine. Without warning, it cruelly dropped Solova into its gaping maw, swallowing her whole before Grodd's horrified gaze.

Enraged beyond measure, Grodd charged toward the monstrous creature, his fury fueling every stride. The rat, unperturbed by his advance, regarded him with an air of mocking amusement, emitting a series of chitters that sounded like twisted, vicious laughter.

With a swift motion, it extended its massive paw toward Grodd, crushing him against the unforgiving earth with a force that left him gasping for breath, his very soul writhing in despair.

As he lay there, battered and broken, Grodd's mind raced with unanswerable questions. How had it come to this? Why had fate dealt him such a cruel hand? And most hauntingly of all, where had this monstrous creature come from, and what dark purpose drove it to sow chaos and destruction in Gorilla City?

With each passing moment, Grodd's vision began to dim, the weight of his despair threatening to consume him entirely as darkness closed in around him.

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