After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
I haven't experimented with the spontaneous transformation of the Rasengan yet. I only increased the level of conventional technology. Rather, I tried to do it, but there was little experience, and therefore the technique scattered and wounded me myself.
As for the wounds and bruises that I received in training, I healed myself. Thus, improving their skills of Irienin. Pam still helped me with the study of biology, and after my progress, Lucifer sent me an assistant that she spent three weeks in Gotham, she explained a lot to me and showed me on experimental frogs, dogs, bears, in general, all the animals that I collected in the forest and even a couple of corpses that were kindly delivered to us. So, that business went by leaps and bounds.
On the basis of fuinjutsu, I did not go so far, but nevertheless I reached the smoke seal myself. Learning the correct application of kanji and knowing Japanese, which I can now speak fluently, helped me in this. Even in dreams of the near future, I have to get Hiraishin, as it will greatly simplify my life. Although I can buy it myself with "free glasses", but I have 125 so on. other plans that I am going to implement right now.
A technique that I hardly ever would have "invented" myself is called: the Body Division Technique. This is the miracle used by the Second Tsuchikage Muu in Naruto. You split into two parts of blood and flesh, which cuts in half your chakra supply, while according to the descriptions, neither control nor other characteristics are affected. That is, you have not one, but two bodies. At least in theory, but that's why I did it. I can safely use this technique, and send my doppelganger under the guise of Mousman, or someone else on business. Or while he or I are on duty, the other will be somewhere in a secluded place, doing his business or training.
Therefore, as soon as a hundred glasses were removed from me, I used this technique. The sensations of dividing me in two are comparable to ... but actually it is difficult for me to compare. But I will say that it is neither painful nor pleasant. It's just a strange feeling that there are two of you now. And I don't have a split consciousness in two bodies at once. I am in one body, and in the second "I" there is a cast of my consciousness, which was formed at the moment of separation.
- Greetings! he waved at me. It reminds me of something.
At that moment, Pamela entered the basement.
- Dear you will be ... Hmm. Again this clone of yours. Which one of you is real?
She knows about clones, but cannot distinguish the original or a copy just by eye without her abilities, which she has not used for a long time.
- Both are real! - and we smile.
- Good. She looked at me and the other me a little more and applied her power, which is a mixture of empathy and echolocation. I hardly understand her, but she herself combined these two abilities during our acquaintance. - What?!
It seems she realized that this way she will not achieve anything. Therefore, we almost simultaneously took out the knives and made incisions on our hands, which healed in a few seconds. There was no sense to "hold" the wound, because I was not in the station and not in front of the eyes of my other acquaintances. Although I could only manage my regeneration ... It was difficult. Migraines, pain in places of injury, and so on. But as a result, it is difficult for me to suspect that I am a "meta", "magician" or some other freak. Although, if the regeneration is not held back, it works much better than before, this is due to the increase in the level of this skill.
- But how?!
- A special technique for dividing the body. I have two bodies now. - I answered.
- Two real human bodies with blood, bones, needs and more. True, we will need to study this moment a little more. But this opens up great opportunities for us! - my clone brother said with a breath.
- Fuh! As with you ... with you ... with you ... damn it! I'll go have a drink! - it looks like we brought our flower.
- You need to be gentler with her. - I said.
- I agree. It is necessary to "apologize" - added my "evil" double with a vulgar grin.
My doppelganger went upstairs to prepare the bedroom, and once again looked at the stats and skill level.
During this month, I raised them quite well:
Name: Isaac Dinklage / Mouseman
Life: 710
Level Granted: 47
Exp: 180000/200000
Title: Tough cop, Russian hitman (ordinary), Nice guy, Philosopher, Chakrouzer, Latent Super-hero
Class: Assassin.
1 Subclass: Master BI.
2 Subclass: Spy Thief.
- Chakra reserve: 5300
- Chakra Control: 500
- Strength: 123
- Dexterity: 85
- Stamina: 114
- Intelligence: 142
- Intuition: 89
- Luck: 69
- Charisma: 35
- Leadership: 9
- Paphos: 15
- Will: 46
- Strategist: 10
- Free points: 25
Special skills: "Cooking - Level 37", "Musician - Level 35", "Problem Finding - Level 44", "Human Solder - Level 25", "Casanova - Level 43", "Chuck Noris's Leg 30 lvl. "," Possession of melee weapons - 33 lvl. "," Troll 27 lvl. "," Shooter - 28 lvl. " "Sharpie lvl 40", "Naruto therapy lvl 59", "Stealth - lvl 19", "Hand-to-hand combat - lvl 56", "Regeneration - lvl 42", "Berserker mode - 7 lvl.", "Carpenter - Level 11 "," Polyglot - Level 25 "," Dinklage Style - Level 20 "," The Way of the BI Master - Level 20 "," Masochist - Level 7 "," Aura of Fear - Level 18 "