After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat
Attention! You have increased the level of the "Narototherapy" skill.
- So I'm still crazy? - she smiled, but somehow strained. "Do you think I don't know? I am aware of my condition. But I'm not going to discuss it with anyone. The fact that you turned into a personal psychologist and a call boy at Ivy's does not mean that you can read me morality!
- I do not read you moral. I'm just saying that I understand you, because ...
The front door to this room exploded just as I was about to start the second round of Killer-Frost treatment. The remnants of the wall rained down on me, fortunately it took not so much of my life. But Killer-Frost was crushed by a boulder, or a door is difficult to understand in such dust.
- Hee-hee-hee ... how interesting ...
Come on! This voice?
- Hi Isaac! The Joker exclaimed happily.
- D-joker? How did you end up here? What are you doing here? I asked him.
- Like what? I save you of course! - and began to cut the straps.
In the meantime, I had a cognitive dissonance. It was not Batman and his family who came to save me, not the police, not Argus, not Superman, Flash or any other "super". And the one whom I, as it were, have to put behind bars. The logic of this world amazes me even more. I have no words.
And now I am free, and Louise has already regained consciousness and with eyes full of horror looks at how the Joker aims at her.
- Well, it's time to shoot a little at the snow woman hee-hee-hee ...
- Stop Joker! - I stopped him, and fortunately he obeyed me.
- What ?!
- Don't kill her. She must stay alive.
- What for? - and scratched his temple with the muzzle. "She tried to kill you. And besides, I don't like her. She's too cold for humor. Boredom. - and again pointed the barrel at her.
- I'll tell you just not here. It is important!
Joker again measured me, and then Frost with his piercing gaze and holstered the barrel.
- Okay, especially since I need to talk to you in any case. Let's go. Doggy has probably been waiting for me there for an hour. Until I found the right room, I ran through all the levels of this base ...
+ 2% chance of the Joker not wanting to kill you.
+ 500 to relationship with Killer-Frost / Louise Lincoln
Attention! You have increased the level of the Naruto Therapy skill.
You have completed a hidden mission.
"Survive and save another"
Congratulations! You have accomplished the almost impossible. You not only survived after meeting the man-hater Killer-Frost, but also after meeting the Joker. At the same time, persuading the madman to a peaceful outcome of the situation.
+ 2000 experience,
+ 2% chance that you will survive in any conditions,
+ 10 free points.
After that, I followed the Joker. I hope the Batman doesn't find out about this, otherwise I feel he will organize a cardinal brain test for me, and in the worst case, probably a ticket to Arkham.
Once again, somewhere, no one knows where.
The God of Games nervously looked at his assistant, who was now actively typing at the computer.
- Well, how? Already?
- Not!
- And now?
- Not!
Another minute passed.
- And now?
- NOT! Pancake. I'm going to fix what we have done here, and you are interfering with me. And so it turned out that we cannot fix everything that happened after the failure, so you are also dripping on my brains.
- Yes, he got nothing in all ... or rather he will get it in the future.
- Yeah. We can fix almost everything. Except for the four turning points of the multiverse. And if the first two event-tasks are rather unusual in terms of their amusement. But the last two cannot be changed at all. And one trenchant than the other. Just think he will have to fight that whole kagala of degenerates pretty soon. And then the last one. - from the fact that the boy looked at the screen again, he twitched - ... this "task" will change him. And I don't even know which way. There are 63 options for events after him. And most of them depress me. These buns that he got and his brains will make him imboy.
- Well, why worry so much. - the gray-haired man waved his hands - I will definitely think of something. I am the God of Games, it was I who developed the whole system.
- Yes, only now it is not you who feed her with your divine energy, but Death, Fortune and Yahweh.
- Eh! Okay. Let's work on it. I'll probably go and think about how I can help the player ... Just think, I am God! - I help a simple man ... a shame. And what would my mom tell me? But I don't help other players like that ...
To be continued…