
DC: Strongest Gamer

After my death, I was reborn in the great DC world and got the system! The hour has come to become the strongest! This is a translation, with the approval of the author! More chapters: https://www.pat reon.com/astral331

DaoistC3PZue · Anime & Comics
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178 Chs

Chapter 165

However, I am inclined to agree to this proposal now. The main reasons are that Argus is an opportunity to be closer to the "authorities" of this country. And also keep abreast of developments within the country in which I live. And there will be an additional "roof". And yet, as I understand it, New York has not become an easy, random choice of a meeting place. It was here that I saw Louise Lincoln's mark on the Map. She was motionless in one private mansion (the clone had already checked and reported to me). So Argus caught her for the squad. And on the one hand, this is not bad, on the other hand, I don't really want her to take part in "missions" as a member of a combat group. Although, if I talk to Waller, I might be able to get her transferred to the rear.

There is also a great chance to meet different personalities, such as Savage's daughter, "Killer No. 1 world", that is, Slade, Dadshot, Katana and a number of other interesting personalities. Which I already want to win over to my side. Although the problem will arise with Slade. He has a pretty funny philosophy of life. He does not need money, a quiet life, US dominance in the world, and so on. He needs reputation and fame. He does everything for her. His vanity and passion can be a problem. And so you have to think twice ... amendment ten times before you start recruiting him. Although it is necessary to "work" on him so that he does not take orders for me if something happens.

So I think the question of my leaving the police and moving under Amanda's wing is almost settled. Although it will be necessary to weigh everything again, think it over before putting your head in the mouth of one black lady.

Although she appeals to me. She, if you believe the information that I read about her in the past world, went into big politics and began to engage in this crap because of the murder of her husband and two children. And, in order to save and prevent their death in the future, she became much tougher than she was even during the years of her operational service in the government. She, I think, is even very similar to me, and we have a lot in common. But this also strains me. I am capable of much for the sake of "my own", and she, as they say, is my female counterpart without my strength and with everyday experience.

Eh! Wherever you go, there is a trap everywhere. However, with my regeneration, I myself will be able to grow my leg again ...


After talking with Amanda and analyzing our conversation, I moved to Temiskira, taking my dear ladies to Gotham. Artemis remained, in her position one should not wander somewhere, especially with my technique. And she will be safer on the island, besides, even after the birth of our son, she will be there for some time because of the "promises" to the goddess. And only then will he move to us.

We went through tears, snot, kisses and stifling goodbyes, or rather girls, and I was still able to return them to Gotham. Although it was my will, they would have stayed there. Just for now, the situation requires them to be in Gotham for now, although I agreed with Ippolita that when the invasion begins, I will ferry them to Paradise Island. In addition, Pamela became "one of them" after accepting the power of Demeter. And all the Amazons fell in love with the little ones, I feel they woke up at the sight of Jade and Artemis maternal feelings.

Renee called and asked for the latest news after my battle with Ares and absence. In an agitated voice she asked her to wait a couple of hours when she returned from service and came to me.

I left a clone with the girls so that he could cook something for them, and he hit the road to our base with Nigma. He was just there.

"Welcome to the revamped Alliance base, Mr. Head. - jokingly bowed to me and smiled. - Will there be new instructions?

- In honor of what such a reception?

- Well, the man who won, albeit with the help of one very belligerent, pretty person of the whole God of War, I think deserves a little pathos and flattery.

- And it's straight to you, Ed, it was itching to say that. Do not be mischievous, I actually kind of "burned", I would sympathize. - I chuckled and looked around our base.

More chapters:

https://www.pat reon.com/astral331

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