
Chapter 57 (edited)

The so-called "Injustice Superman" refers to the events of Injustice: Gods Among Us, encompassing both the video game and the adapted comic series.

The tragedy began with one of Joker's cruelest schemes. Using illusions and manipulation, he tricked Superman into killing his pregnant wife, Lois Lane. Not stopping there, the Joker also rigged a bomb to explode in Metropolis, obliterating half the city and claiming thousands of innocent lives.

This time, the Joker didn't target Batman; instead, he focused on Superman, aiming to corrupt the Man of Steel himself. He pushed every boundary, even sacrificing his own life, knowing Superman would kill him.

Joker's plan succeeded. Superman, overwhelmed by grief and rage, abandoned his restraint and began acting as judge, jury, and executioner.

For a time, nearly the entire Justice League sided with him, except for Batman and a few others. Heroes such as Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Cyborg, and Shazam stood by Superman's cause. Even Lex Luthor, Superman's long-time nemesis, joined him, as did characters from other realms of power like Mister Mxyzptlk. Even Aquaman, initially resistant, eventually compromised and aligned with the regime.

Superman pursued a new form of justice: eliminating threats before they could harm others. But over time, his team's methods grew more severe. What began as a mission to prevent harm spiraled into a campaign of fear and control.

The line between justice and tyranny blurred. Under Superman's regime, the world was subjected to threats and intimidation, and people began living in fear. After all, if criminals were punished for crimes they hadn't yet committed, who was truly safe?

While Superman's intent may have been noble, his methods were extreme. Punishing someone before they committed a crime crossed a dangerous line.

"Are we wrong?" Kara finally asked, breaking the tense silence. Her tone wasn't questioning her own actions but challenging Bruce's. "So, are we wrong, Bruce? Should we have waited? Should we have let Luthor kill millions before acting? Should we have put him in a prison he could escape from, only to arrest him again after he caused more destruction?"

She took a step closer to Bruce, her voice rising. "Should we stand by and watch as countless lives are lost, then clean up the mess afterward? Is that what heroes do?"

Bruce gazed at Kara, a flicker of understanding crossing his face.

If Bruce knew of the Injustice Superman, he would have seen the warning signs in Kara. Her words hinted at the same dangerous path Superman had taken, the same justification for extreme measures.

"You're too extreme," Bruce said finally, pulling his cowl back over his head. There was disappointment in his voice.

"And you're too weak," Kara snapped back, her eyes narrowing. "Have you ever seen the cruelty of nature, Bruce? Do you know what hyenas do when they hunt buffalo? They attack the most vulnerable spots. And male lions? When they take over a pride, the first thing they do is kill all the cubs from the previous leader."

Kara let out a cold, humorless laugh.

"Maybe you think humans are different because we don't have to act like animals to survive. But deep down, we're part of nature, too. Violence is in our blood, whether we like it or not. And pretending otherwise? That's just naive."

Bruce said nothing, his jaw tightening.

"People like us are supposed to protect the innocent," Kara continued. "Not shield monsters who thrive on others' suffering. If you can't even stomach that, Bruce, then maybe you don't deserve the title of 'superhero.'"

Her words hit hard, but Bruce remained silent.

"I respect what you stand for," Kara said, her tone softening slightly. "You believe in justice, even after everything you've endured. But me? I'd rather sacrifice one life to save millions. I won't become like Superman because I don't target the innocent. But if I had to make the choice again? I'd stop Luthor every time. And if that makes me a monster, so be it."

Bruce's concern deepened. He worried Kara was heading down a dangerous road. Her belief in preemptive justice could easily lead her to the same tyranny Superman once embraced.

But for now, the immediate crisis was averted. They had stopped Ra's Al Ghul, and Gotham was safe—for now.

The tension between Bruce and Kara lingered, though. They each knew their philosophies were at odds, creating a rift that couldn't easily be mended.

"You really believe throwing them in prison is the right choice, Bruce?" Kara asked bitterly. "The man who killed your parents served only fourteen years. Fourteen years for two lives. That's what the law calls justice?"

Bruce's silence spoke volumes.

"I'm not saying this because of your pain," Kara continued. "I'm saying this because the system is broken. Murderers walk free after a few years, while their victims never come back. That's not justice, Bruce. It's a mockery of it."

Bruce sighed heavily, looking down for a moment before meeting her gaze. "Kara—"

"Don't, Bruce," Kara interrupted. "I've already made my choice."

Bruce hesitated but then shifted the subject. "Speaking of choices, did you tell Gordon to cancel the demolition order on the viaduct?"

Kara froze, her expression sheepish. "Uh… judging by the speed of the train, I'd say no."

Bruce groaned, pulling out his communicator. "You never change, do you?"

Kara smirked faintly. "Wouldn't want to get too predictable."

Despite their differences, there was still a grudging respect between them. For now, at least.