
Dc: Start Female Superman

In the vast universe, there is a planet called Krypton facing collapse. As the end of the world approaches, two cousins from the 'Al' family on Krypton tacitly send their children to Earth in a spaceship. The son of Jor-El was named Kal-El, who later became Superman. The other is Jor-El's niece, named Kara Zor-El, Kal-El's cousin, and ten years older than him. Just as Krypton was about to be destroyed, the two cousins had to board a spaceship to escape to a planet called Earth. But on the way, Kara Zor-El's spaceship encountered a meteor, and just when Kara Zor-El was injured and about to die, a soul occupied her body.

Jose_Figuer · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 10

After Clark experienced that growth, it seemed like life had returned to its normal course and routine.

That afternoon, after school, at Jennifer and Lana's invitation, the three girls went for a walk together around Smallville.

Kara had been living in this town for more than five years and was also familiar with the village.

The town was small in size but had everything one might need in every way.

First, they went to the movies to watch a film, and then they went to a fast food restaurant to grab some snacks and drinks. By the time it started to get dark, they had already had a fun and entertaining time.

However, they lost track of time because they were too absorbed in the fun, and when they finally realized it, it was already late.

As they left the fast food restaurant, the three girls quickly called their families to let them know they'd be home soon.

In fact, only Kara lived on a farm outside the town, while Jennifer and Lana lived within the village.

Since Jennifer had promised that her father would drive Kara home, they dropped Lana off first.

Only Kara and Jennifer remained, standing by the side of the street, waiting for Jennifer's father to arrive. They chatted about various things, talking for a while about school and then about the movie they'd seen earlier. They didn't notice that three men, clearly drunk, were approaching them from a short distance.

"Hey, little girl, come play with the uncle," one of the drunken men suddenly grabbed Jennifer by the shoulder.

The young woman was startled and screamed, trying to break free.

But the drunken man held her tightly, and it wasn't clear if Jennifer's scream was from fear or pain.

Kara quickly turned around, and her incredibly beautiful face dazzled the three men.

Even the drunken man holding Jennifer let her go, and the three surrounded Kara.

Jennifer had a complex expression on her face. She didn't know whether to be grateful to Kara for saving her or to feel jealous of her stunning beauty.

Now wasn't the time to think about those things, so Jennifer quickly shouted, "Kara, be careful!"

"Kara?" The three drunks were puzzled and stared at each other as if they had heard that name before.

Although Kara was surrounded by three big men, she wasn't afraid at all. She only felt that the smell of alcohol was unpleasant, so she wrinkled her nose.

"You'd better wash off that smell when you get home," Kara said without hesitation and immediately sprang into action.

She was surrounded, and that was something she was not willing to accept.

Kara quickly stepped forward, choosing the man right in front of her. She lifted her right foot and kicked him in the chest.

However, Kara didn't use too much force, fearing that she might kill the man with her kick.

The man flew several meters and hit the ground, where he remained still for a while, though his life was not in danger.

The other two drunken men froze, stunned by how fast Kara had acted.

They looked at each other, and one of them stammered, "I think I've heard that name before. They say there's a strong girl at the high school who's called 'the tyrant.' Even though she always acts like a nice girl, she's incredibly powerful and shows no mercy to bullies. A lot of people in town have suffered at her hands."

Kara had gained quite a reputation over the years, but...

Kara frowned at the two men. "Who do you think 'little Dalí' is?"

Her forehead pulsed with veins, but she still managed to keep an elegant smile, making her seem even more intimidating.

Jennifer, for her part, couldn't help but laugh, covering her mouth to stop herself from bursting into uncontrollable laughter. She wasn't mocking Kara, but she found it amusing that Kara was frustrated.

Kara had no idea which bully had spread that nickname, but now she knew.

"Run!" The two drunks, now somewhat sober, remembered the rumors about Kara and immediately turned around and fled.

But they had offended Kara, and she wasn't about to let them escape so easily.

While Jennifer laughed unintentionally, Kara's figure blurred. Like a ghost, she caught up with the two drunks from behind.

Originally, the three men had surrounded Kara in a triangular formation, but Kara had first taken care of the drunk in front of her. The other two were already planning their escape.

Even so, Kara quickly grabbed them by their necks, knocking their heads together with a loud "bang," instantly knocking them unconscious.

After doing this, Kara clapped her hands in satisfaction and turned to tell Jennifer to stop laughing.

But suddenly, Kara noticed that the first drunk man, the one she had kicked earlier, had gotten up and was pulling something black out of his jacket.

Kara had sharp eyesight, and when she saw what it was, her expression immediately changed: it was a gun, a pistol.

"Damn it," Kara muttered to herself. She should have checked if they had weapons.

But it was too late to regret. The only thing that gave Kara a bit of relief was that the man was aiming the gun at her and not at Jennifer.

"That's better," she whispered to herself, then rushed toward the man.


The gunshot echoed in the street, and the bullet flew directly toward Kara's face, aimed straight at her eyes.

The drunk's aim was slow to Kara. She could see every movement, but she couldn't give him a chance to fire again.

The bullet flew toward her face, but Kara didn't try to dodge it. She simply kept moving forward.

There was a soft "pop" as the bullet struck Kara, but it didn't harm her. It couldn't even penetrate her eyes. The bullet crashed against her skin without causing any damage.

Before the drunken man could fire a second shot, Kara grabbed his arm firmly.


The man let out a chilling scream as the bones in his arm shattered into small fragments.

Then Kara moved behind him, grabbing the man by the hair with her left hand while forming a knife-hand strike with her right.

Was she going to kill him?