
Chapter 52: The Final Game 2



"Ghost Rider Voice"

<Mental Voice>



Lian Yu, August 29, 12:25, 2016 (3 days before the final fight)

"We must do something, Batman!"

At this moment, Lian Yu's boardroom was totally tense, and not to be outdone, for they had just been given the ultimatum that in three days they had to report to none other than the radioactive city of Chernobyl.

All the heroes were gathered as they gave their opinions to fight in three days. Time was pressing and strategies were varied, but none were concise.

"I say we do another combined attack at different strategic points," Hawkman said to the assembled group. To him, what they had done on the rescue mission was ideal, but on a larger scale.

"We don't have the soldiers, Hawkman" Vixen replied to the winged superhero, cutting off his ideas.

"But we already have the Atlanteans. We have to take advantage of that"

"I won't put my people on a risky, poorly planned mission. Besides, mobilizing so many troops at many points would take too much planning time. Three days is not enough" Arthur cut off the winged hero's aspirations. These were his people, and he had to see to them.

"But- " the winged superhero wanted to continue arguing, but was cut off sharply by Batman.

"THAT'S ENOUGH. Stop arguing. Aquaman is right. Time is not enough to plan a mission at different points. Besides, I'm sure they already planned to avoid that. There's no choice but to go to Chernobyl"

"But it's a trap, Batman. Clearly they'll have their best forces there"

"I know" Batman concluded. Then he turned to Cyborg and said.

"Cyborg, put up the map of Ukraine, and mark main roads leading to Chernobyl. I also want to know sea routes"

"On that" Cyborg said as he projected with his eye a three dimensional hologram showing the Eastern European country.

"Look, they outnumber and outgun us. A long battle at different points like last time would only wear us down and we would lose. The best thing is a battle at one focal point, i.e., Chernobyl. They will wait for us with their best troops, YES. But that also gives us an advantage of avoiding long battles and unnecessary civilian casualties"

Batman's thoughts were racing in his head at a speed that didn't seem human, searching for the best strategies for this situation.

"Cyborg, technologically, what could await us?"

The young hero put his hands to his chin and began to calculate what was the best The Light had at his disposal. Calculating the odds, and having concluded his thoughts, he said.

"Motion sensors, high spectrum heat sensors, tanks with plasma cannons, guided missiles, high caliber weapons, and I would put up electromagnetic barriers to prevent invading missile attacks"

"I concur" Batman agreed to Cyborg's proposal, as he felt the same way. "However, those barriers take up a lot of energy. They clearly activated the nuclear plant and are using it as an energy source"

"Most likely. Or some variant of nuclear power. Perhaps fusion power. However, maintaining the barriers are not direct. There must be high voltage generators to maintain them. At least a couple, minimum"

Batman nodded. Then he turned to the wizards in the room. Zatara, Doctor Fate who had removed his helmet, revealing the jolly old man who didn't look so happy at the moment, and Constantine, who also had a lot of knowledge of magic.

"Magically speaking, what should we expect?"

"Anti-teleportation barriers, that's for sure. From there on, and knowing Mordru, he wouldn't do anything else. If he did anything else, it would limit his power and that's something he doesn't want. He likes everyone to watch him defeat me in an evenly matched battle. That's his style"

"However, the barriers have a base. A magic seal somewhere. It can be forcibly undone" Constantine interrupted the conversation. Magic seals were powerful, but they were not unbreakable. There were many ways to undo it.

"Also the more extension the barrier has, the less effective it is against powerful beings. For the great power of Mordru I would say about 100 m2, which is quite a lot, but it is not complete" Zatara concluded by saying.

Batman nodded again. He already had a strategy in his mind. One that would bring great advantages to the group, the problem was that his logic was also telling him that something else was going on, and he didn't like what was in his head.

"Okay, so here's what we'll do-" However, he couldn't finish when the orange portal, derived from Edgar's power, materialized in the room. From there, out came Diana and Edgar with a defeated look on his face. Clearly whatever had happened did not bode well.

"Guys, we have a problem. A serious one" Diana said. Then Edgar continued.

"I need your help, Batman"

Edgar began to relate in detail what had happened at the orphanage. Diana contributed her perspective as well. Every word they said chilled the heroes to the bone. They couldn't believe that The Light had stooped so low as to use innocent children. Well, now that they thought about it, maybe it wasn't so far fetched considering everything they did before.

"This changes everything" Batman said as he put his hand to his chin in thought. "The truth is, in my initial plan, you were the wild card. But I see your hands have been tied, how long ago was it?"

"This very day" Kent said. He was the one who had felt the disruption of the place. 

"Mmm, I see" Batman moved and picked up a blueprint of the United States. "Then they didn't move far. It wouldn't suit them for the short time. Also if they want to safeguard children they would have to put them in safe houses or centers of value. I don't think they would put them in places with drugs or weapons. So, if we rule that out, we have 805 places remaining across the country. I'm sure the kids are in one of these places"

'Impressive reasoning skills' thought Edgar.

Frankly he was impressed by Batman's very quick analysis. Not even one minute had passed and he had already calculated everything in his head. What impressed him most about the Bat was that he got into the heads of the people he was investigating, their motivations and their circumstances, and that made him the great detective that he was.

Maybe there was a bit of discord between the two, but Edgar understood why Batman commanded the respect he did. For a mere human, Bruce was amazing.

"Then I'll go now"

"Wait" Batman stopped him. "Don't go. That's what they want"


"You came to me because you thought I was the best for this, didn't you, now trust what I tell you. If I were Vandal, I'd want you to go find the kids and wear yourself out doing it. That's a lot of places, and each one is heavily guarded. I'm not saying you won't do it, but it will take you a long time to do it alone" Batman looked seriously at Edgar and, in a surprising gesture, he reached over and held out his hand.

That same gesture he didn't make when Edgar arrived at the first meeting. Everyone was surprised since, in the eyes of the others, they didn't get along.

"Look, Edgar. I don't like your methods. But I respect you. I respect your power. And just as you need me for this, I need you for what's coming. We need your strength to win, and we need you at your best" Bruce finally concluded. Edgar finally sighed, and accepted Batman's proposal by shaking his hand.

Batman was right. The longer he lasted searching for the children, the more physical and mental strain he would put on his body. Being a Rider doesn't come for free. All power comes at a cost. And although his training now allowed him to control his power very well, he had no illusions that he wouldn't tire. Besides, Mordru, Black Adam and other powerful members could defeat him if he wasn't at his best.

"Well then, who will you send?"

"Teen Titans. They are highly trained by us and are very good at tracking and rescue. And if we incorporate Raven and Blue Beetle we have a better chance of success. Besides, they won't be involved in the final fight at Chernobyl"

When Batman said this last, all the young heroes, who stood on the sidelines listening, stood up to protest. 


"That's not fair!"

"We're adults now!"

" I said YOU will NOT be in the battle" however, Batman cut off all protest with his firm tone that gave no room for retort.

"It's true, guys. It pains me to admit it, but people will die in this war. And we will probably lose. You are our successors. The torchbearers of the future. You are our hope" Black Canary told the young heroes in a calmer but firm tone, trying to calm them all down.

Some were already 18 years old, adults in some respects for all, but still this mission would be suicidal. They did not want to see these young men die.

Edgar nodded at this. He agreed not to send the young people. He even agreed to send Jaime (Blue Beetle) with them, as he was too much of a rookie and his mind was not up to a more mature group like The Outsiders.

His power was amazing, as his technology, most likely alien, gave him powers similar to Cyborg. But his youthful mentality limited him in his power.

"Okay, so what shall we do?" Green Arrow finally asked. He was already losing the thread of the conversation, and they still hadn't decided what to do about the attack on Chernobyl.

"We have an advantage they don't know about" Batman pointed at the Outsiders. "Them. They will be our wild card while Edgar prepares to act"

Everyone nodded at this. It was logical what Batman was saying.

"Hey, I understand this is the final battle for us, but what about the rest of the world. Even if we finish The Light, there will still be thousands of centers, thousands of warehouses and soldiers. Practically the world is against us" Hawkgirl cut through the good cheer. She was right. The world would still be in chaos. However, who answered her was Superman, who rose from his seat.

"No, the world is not against us. On the contrary, inequality has grown because of this. The world is against them, but they've held onto that resentment. It's time to uncover that. It's time for them to act for their salvation"

"Are you saying..."

"Yes. Let the world fight for its freedom. We must appeal to the good of the world. That good for which I decided to become a hero"

"It's risky, Superman"

"I wouldn't propose it if I didn't think it would work"

Batman looked at the superhero for a couple of seconds, and finally nodded.

"Well, then what we should do is..."

Batman began to relate his entire plan. The others chimed in with ideas to speed up or suggest an attack more likely to succeed. After 10 minutes of planning, they finally managed to agree. They could even attack before the three days, and that gave them more leverage.

"Hey, there's just one problem. We need new equipment. The bullets they have practically cut through metal like butter, we're just sitting ducks for them" said Green Arrow. Their weaponry was good, but compared to The Light's, it was like using cardboard against metal bullets.

"About that...I think I have the solution" said Atom as he ran to the lab. After a minute he arrived and brought a small metal stone with him.

"This is Light Promethium. A synthetic alloy created by me and the other collaborators on the island. Never was as good at chemistry as the other subjects, but, well, here it is"

"Did you synthesize it from scratch?"

"No, well. I used the confiscated Promethium weapons for reference. The theory was easy, but the practice was harder to do. This has the same properties as normal Promethium, but less resistant. However, the advantage is that it is more malleable. It can be combined with the other metals easily"

"Awesome, Atom"

"This levels the game"

"Great, Atom"

Atom was embarrassed by all the compliments. Scratching his head in embarrassment he said.

"It was nothing guys. Really"

"Atom, how much of this do you have on hand?" Batman asked.

"Enough for everyone"

"Good. We've got a day to get ready. Let's go"

With that, The League and The Outsiders were ready. They wouldn't go down without a fight. They would prove to The Light that they messed with the wrong opponent.


Bridgeport, Connecticut, September 1, while the fight goes on, 2016

At a Center of Value in Connecticut, hundreds of soldiers were guarding 22 children of all ages. The children were scared and crying, seeing these armed soldiers walking around the warehouse.

Some of the younger children were crying inconsolably, but one little girl who was 6 years old, was showing a brave demeanor in the face of this situation, and was comforting all these children who were scared. She was Lissy who, even though she was scared, knew that her older brother (Edgar) would come to her rescue.

"Calm down, don't cry. We'll be rescued soon, I'm sure" Lissy told a 7-year-old boy named Javier.

"Sniff, sniif, are you sure?"

"I promise. For the pinky" they both gave each other the pinky as a sign of promise and finally that made Javier calm down.

"SHUT UP YOU BRATS. Or I'll put a bullet in your heads"

Finally, a soldier came and threatened them all, which made the kids, who had calmed down, freak out again. Even the older children were crying, and didn't have the throat to say anything.

However, Lissy just looked menacingly at this soldier and raised her little tiny body and said resolutely.

"We are not afraid of you. You can't scare us"

"Oh, I see a brave one in the group, and a rather lovely one" the soldier reached over and grabbed Lissy, then pointed a gun at her head. "Don't you know that the brave die faster. You should learn from your elders and keep quiet"

"NO. I will not keep quiet!"

"Well, I guess one less kid won't hurt anyone" the soldier kept pointing, but suddenly....

"SHUUU" a shadow materialized right on the ground and a spike came out of it piercing his chest.

From there, a large shadow appeared and Raven materialized. Then, a couple of green arrows fell and generated a lot of smoke that clouded the vision of all the soldiers. Obviously, with this they had already warned of the presence of invaders.

"The heroes!"



A hail of bullets began to run all over the place, even some bullets had ricocheted to where the children were and would have hurt them if it wasn't that Raven was there generating a giant shield with her shadow power.

However, Raven instead of worrying about this, she turned to look at the little girl behind her and said.

"You must be Lissy. You were very brave" Raven told her as she protected everyone. There was a slight smile on her ever serious face.

"You know me, big sister?" asked a puzzled Lissy with wide eyes.

"Ed sent me to save you. Don't worry, you're safe now"

These words brought joy to the little girl. She knew. Her big brother had not forgotten them.

Raven looked at the hundreds of soldiers still firing. Then she looked at each young hero who was defending himself from this hail of bullets. 

Nightwing and Batgirl were knocking everyone out with their guns.

Blue Beetle was flying and throwing powerful energy blasts.

Miss Martian was using her mental powers to knock out as many as she could, while dodging bullets with her intangibility.

Zatanna was chanting powerful spells with her wand.

Beast Boy had transformed into a green rhino and was knocking everyone out with his powerful stampede.

Static was covering everyone with electric shields and Aqualad had transformed his weapons into electric whips that trapped several opponents.

The problem was that the soldiers were many, and their powerful weapons cut through anyone's skin like butter. The young heroes had to move carefully. Raven saw that they were in a stalemate and were losing a lot of time, so she decided to move. Finally, building up her power, she began to float and said.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos" 

This was Azar's and the order's favorite spell. Naturally it was done with white magic, but Raven had studied it and modified it with his power. A large raven's shadow materialized and began to attack all the soldiers and their rear. With that, she managed to unbalance the enemy forces and quickly the young heroes began to gain ground.

Most had been knocked out, but there were a few impaled with Raven's shadows. Most of the young heroes were still not used to killing like Raven and felt a little weird seeing this 14 year old girl killing so easily, but they said nothing to her. She was powerful and without her they would have struggled more.

Finally, before long, all the forces were decimated by this group of heroes.

"Check the children for injuries and open the portal to Lian Yu"

"On it!"

Nightwing commanded the group, who moved to check the children. When they saw that none were hurt and that they were just scared, they opened the portal to Lian Yu. One by one passed through this portal on their way to their salvation.

"Thank you, big sister" said Lissy, as she hugged Raven, taking her by surprise. But she didn't dislike the hug. Raven just smiled and nodded her head as she watched the little girl walk through the portal. She had been very brave.

When all the children had crossed the portal, Miss Martian spoke into the communicator.

"Edgar, all children found and safe, we made it!"

"Thank you all" Edgar replied back in a tone of thanks. These young heroes had proven to be impressive as in less than a day they had found and rescued the children. Edgar promised to thank them properly when this was all over.

The Teen Titans were happy when the mission was over, and were checking the warehouse for anything suspicious, however, Beast Boy noticed something odd about the place.

"Hey... where are the others?"

There they could see that some Teen Titans were not there. They had split up and searched all over the country, but when they tested positive at this warehouse, they all agreed to attack. They were all supposed to be together before they went in, but at this point some members were missing.

Those missing were Kid Flash, Red Arrow, Supergirl and Shazam.

"Their trackers don't give an image of where they are. That means they're in a pretty far radius…" Batgirl said as she checked their monitors to see where they were. It marked error on their signal, and that indicated they were far enough away to get their signal. The realization hit them.

"Don't tell me that..."

"Damn it!"

The missing ones had turned around and gone to fight at Chernobyl.


Chernobyl, in the fight

Chernobyl was a complete slaughter. In the outer zone, Atlanteans and Amazons fought together to decimate the thousands of enemy troops threatening against them. Something that had not happened since the age of heroes.

Queen Hippolyta and the Amazons were fighting with every tooth and nail. Their improved strength and speed was noticeable as each one decimated 10 enemy soldiers. However, the further they went into the inner zone they noticed the difference in these enemies.

"My queen, these soldiers are no ordinary" said Artemis, one of the fiercest Amazons and one of the strongest as well. She, besides Diana, was one of the youngest Amazons at only a few hundred years old, but that did not make her any less lethal. Her strength was to be feared, even in her sisters.

"These soldiers are elites, and from what my daughter warned me, the enemies endowed them with a special drug that gives them more strength. Do not be overconfident, my sisters"

The Light endowed the elite soldiers with the Venom 2.0 drug. It was not as destructive as the original Venom used by Bane, but it did give enhanced abilities to these well-trained soldiers. Almost bordering on the superhuman.

The Amazons and Atlanteans began to battle with such soldiers. The advantage they had because of their improved abilities was no longer seen as much due to this improvement in the enemies.

Hippolyta was going to command the Amazons, but she could not say anything when a missile came straight to their position. Everyone ran for cover, but the missile took out a couple of Amazons and Atlanteans with its blast.

"Damn" cursed Artemis, who had dived to lower ground to avoid being carried away by the blast.

However, Queen Hippolyta saw it. Another missile was coming right in their direction accompanying the one that had just exploded. She no longer hesitated.

"Artemis. Special maneuver"

"On it"

Artemis knelt down and set her shield as leverage. The Queen, with divine grace, took momentum and jumped as high as she could. Then she took her lasso, a lasso similar to the one her daughter had, and took to the sky the missile, lashing it down. Then with all the strength she could muster, this woman spun it with a somersault through the air toward the enemy ranks. All that was in a split second.

"BOOOOOOOOM" the explosion caused several tanks to flip over with the power it carried. Hippolyta simply landed and quickly went back to slashing at the soldiers with her sword as if she hadn't done something amazing.

However, she never noticed that a soldier was about to fire his weapon very close to her. But it didn't happen when a spear pierced right through the soldier's head. It was Vulko. The queen nodded in appreciation for the gesture and they continued to battle. A long fight awaited them all.


In the inner zone it was no better. The soldiers and villains that were here wanted a slice of the pie that was the heroes. The heroes, if they didn't have their synthetic Promethium enhancements, frankly they would be hurt enough...or dead.

On the ground, all the heroes were being overwhelmed by numbers, but were fighting back as best they could.

In the air, the Red Tornado edition robots, were fighting the winged heroes Hawkman and Hawkwoman, and others like Fire, Doctor Light and Firestorm.

In this same heaven, a battle of epic proportions was brewing between Doctor Fate versus Mordru, and Black Adam and Superman. Superman began by helping Doctor Fate, but was quickly intercepted by the villain with the power of the gods.

Superman threw a strong punch, which Adam dodged by the skin of his teeth. If someone were to watch in slow motion, they could see that Superman's hand almost grazed Adam's nose.

Adam took advantage of the momentum and threw a punch right into the Kryptonian's ribs. He then delivered a kick to the ribs, knocking the air out of him and generated powerful yellow lightning bolts that he launched all over the Man of Steel's humanity, which made him grunt in pain. Since his power was derived from magic, these were quite damaging to Superman.

"You're strong, Kryptonian. I admit it. But your power is not enough to defeat me"

"We shall see about that"

Black Adam charged his power again and was about to launch another powerful lightning from his hands, but Superman also moved and with all the power he had, this one intercepted the lightning with his heat vision.

A mowing light was seen in the sky as lightnings and lasers struggled to gain the upper hand against the enemy. Neither attack gave any quarter.

Then, when the two stopped attacking each other from a distance, they moved. Fist to fist they clashed, generating powerful blasts of air and a loud clap of thunder.

A battle of biblical proportions was brewing, and at this moment the scales were not tipping to either side.


On the ground, Ras walked around as if none of this fight mattered to him. He walked calmly, while dodging with agile movements the different soldiers who were impaled by a man who looked completely monstrous, composed of various materials such as plaster, cement, and earth. It was Metamorpho who was using his powers to the maximum to change the terrain in his favor and impale the different soldiers with spikes.

But Ras never cared about this. He just kept walking with his hands behind his back.

From time to time he looked at the terrain and saw how two spots were running all over the place, they were Flash and Reverse Flash. Or how in the sky, green and pink constructions were fighting to gain ground. Carol was defending herself with her power against the two Lanterns, but she was quickly being overcome.

In the distance he could see how carnivorous plants threatened to attack the Atlanteans and Amazons derived from Ivy, who watched everything calmly from a giant carnivorous plant. And further to the shore were the gorilla soldiers following Ultra-Humanite commands. Everything was in chaos.

Ras was still walking with a smile when he had to stop, as his instincts warned him of danger. Raising his hand, he was able to intercept an arrow that was coming aimed right at his head. This arrow was of normal point (triangle) and because of its material, it was quite sharp. This only indicated one thing... this arrow had been shot to kill him.

In the distance he saw Green Arrow pointing at him. Ras just smiled.

"I see you got better, young hero"

"You made me see that people like you don't deserve forgiveness. You are a monster, Ra's Al Ghul"

"Hahahaha, oh young hero. You don't know real monsters. But if you want to end my life you have to do more than just a simple arrow to my head" 

"I already did"



Ras there he realized. The arrow had a timer on it. He quickly launched it before the timer reached 0 and it exploded sending several soldiers flying nearby.

Green Arrow was about to launch another, but was intercepted by a black arrow. It was Merlyn's.

"The rematch, Green. Let's see who's the better archer"

'You're in for a surprise, bitch' thought Oliver.

The two began the second round of the duel of bows they did in the previous time, as they ran all over the battle zone. The deflected arrows impaled the soldiers there. But that didn't matter to them. They were totally focused and if they were distracted, it could be their undoing.


While all this was going on, on the battlefield itself Batman was decimating everyone he came across with his gadgets and fighting skills.

Three soldiers had approached him, but he, with momentum, grabbed his grappling hook and using one as leverage, moved to give a strong kick to a couple that were nearby, knocking them out.

Then, he spun in the air and positioned himself behind other soldiers and gave them a combination, with two punches to the lower knee and then knocked them out with a powerful punch to the cheek. 

He was about to continue, but couldn't go on when his communicator beeped.

"Batman, that's a lot of robots. And more are coming out of the area. We must do something"

"Roger that. Cyborg, try to get to the control panel, and disable all these machines"

"I'm on it"

He then continued to pound away at the approaching soldiers, but had to move fast when a couple of high caliber bullets almost got him. However, the soldiers were not so lucky and were penetrated by these bullets, dropping dead.






They both stared at each other for a couple of seconds. At that momento, it seemed like the war was gone and it was just the two of them on the battlefield.

"Why are you doing this, Slade, you're a mercenary, but this is too much, even for you"

"Ha, You're right, Batman. This even exceeds my paycheck and by far. However, Lex takes care of my children quite well. He is the only one who has shown interest in helping them. And for that I give him my loyalty. Besides, what kind of elite mercenary would I be if I quit the job at this point"

"This isn't the right way to go, Slade"

"Oh, shut up you fucking Bat. You're such a hypocrite. Don't even think I didn't notice your devices planted in my ex-wife's house. You were clearly watching my children and my former family. And even though you were, what did you do for them?, that's right, NOTHING. You and the whole League are a bunch of hypocrites. The Light too, but at least they are more honest with their interests, and that's why I choose to be here"

"Then you'll regret it, Slade"

With that, the chatter died and they both moved. Sword against spike they clashed again generating sparks. Deathstroke threw a kick, but Batman rolled to dodge. Batman went for a sweep, but Deathstroke jumped in time and avoided it.

Batman threw a combo to the mercenary's face, but Slade parried it and with momentum tried to smash his forearm into Batman's face, but Batman parried it. However, this was a feint and he quickly pulled out the gun and fired.


Batman narrowly dodged the shot, using his hand to move the gun slightly. Slade continued, however, and fired again at close range.




Batman had to move to avoid being inserted by the bullets. A tough fight was brewing between this mercenary and the world's greatest detective.

As if this wasn't bad enough, a mental communication from Martian Manhunter came just at this moment.

<Batman, I read the minds of several locals and your suspicions were correct. They are buying time for Project Cadmus.. And worst part is... Vandal is in machine>

'Shit' thought Bruce. He had to get rid of Deathstroke quickly. But the mercenary wouldn't even let him breathe. His thoughts were interrupted by another pair of bullets.

A tough fight was looming for the Bat and time was pressing. He had to get to Project Cadmus before it was too late.


While this was going on, two people were sneaking through the west wing of the lower area, right where a tracker was leading them. They were Constantine and Katana, whose mission was to break through the magical barrier protecting the place.

They finally reached the longed-for wall, where the heptagram was painted, but a person was already waiting for them.

"My Master foresaw this. He is so wise and powerful"

A melodious voice coming from a beautiful woman with green leather hair and suit spoke, as said woman waited with folded arms for these two to arrive.

"Lazy looking, aimless and a total loser...you must be John Constantine. Your reputation precedes you. And you, I guess you didn't get enough the first time. But why do you think you alone can take me on?"

"俺の剣がお前の魂を欲しがっている" (My sword wants your soul)

"Yes. What she said... bitch" Constantine said after Katana spoke. He didn't know Japanese, but what the ninja woman said, sounded pretty scary.




Katana just stared at him, however, Constantine just gave him a thumbs up in support. Emerald Empress, just looked at him like he was an idiot and just said.

"Just die"

Ekron's eye materialized just at that momento, launching a powerful green beam, which made them move and dodge. If they wanted to accomplish their task, they would have to get past this powerful sorceress.


In the outer zone, the Amazons were having a hard time, and not just with the elite troops who were stronger and more capable than the previous soldiers, but with a monster that could only be described as a force of nature.

Solomon Grundy had arrived and was slaughtering left and right every person in sight. His giant, muscular body was impaled by numerous arrows, but to him, who felt no pain, this was nothing.

Out of nowhere, an amazon, who was riding a horse, arrived just where he was, and wanted to impale him with a big spear, but Grundy showed that he was not only big, but also, when he wanted to, he could be quite fast and, in a quick movement, he took the horse and lifted it as if it weighed nothing and crashed it on the ground with everything and the amazon. The amazon could do nothing but try to move, but her leg was stuck.

Solomon, who reached where the trapped Amazon was, grabbed her by the head with his big hand and lifted her with a quick movement....

"SPLASH!" the head of this warrior was destroyed like a simple watermelon in the hand of this giant monster.

"ALANA!" shouted Hippolyta at the sight of her fallen sister. That completely angered her and she went to meet this monster.

With her sword in hand, she moved with expert moves and began to make numerous slashes on both Grundy's torso and knee, bringing him to his knees.

Hippolyta saw red and wanted revenge for the death of her beloved sister, so she took the sword and swung it to pierce the giant's head, but Grundy moved first and delivered a powerful blow to her legs that made her fall like a domino.

Hippolyta tried to roll over and get up, but Grundy wasn't going to let his prey escape him. So he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up with a jerk, preventing her from escaping. The force was such that the Amazon Queen had practically dislocated her shoulder, causing her to grunt in pain.

Grundy grabbed her, and in swift movements, threw her hard to the ground. Left to right, Queen Hippolyta ended up lowered to a rag doll as she was shaken all over the place. Each blow so powerful that it produced small tremors on the floor.

 The other Amazons wanted to do something, but a missile just detonated in the area that prevented them from moving.

Hippolyta's face was bleeding from the numerous blows she had received. Her mind was numb, and her vision was beginning to distort. If she were a normal person, she would have already succumbed to the force of this monster.

Finally, her martyrdom ended and Grundy released her. She lay there, on the floor, at the mercy of the giant gray zombie. 

Grundy held her there, staring at her. Finally he made up his mind. This one gained momentum and raised his big hand, making it into a fist. He was about to bring it down quickly and completely crush this Amazon, when....


Grundy couldn't even react when his big hand... was simply gone.

Where his hand should have been, now only a large, rotting, bleeding skin wound remained. However, this didn't stop him so he raised the other hand. He was about to try again to strike when again it happened.

"BANG!" another powerful shot destroyed his other hand.


There they all heard it. A powerful noise of a motorcycle engine that made the whole battlefield stop for a brief moment. For the heroes this sound was beautiful, but for the villains... it brought them only despair.

However, this noise did not affect Grundy, who was trying to explain what was happening. He could not understand anything. He wanted to crush this woman, but his hands... they were gone.

However, his zombie mind couldn't work anymore when a chain with fire embedded itself right into his neck. As if that wasn't bad enough, his large body was unable to put up any resistance as it was pulled completely all over the ground, destroying the pavement in its path. 

Like a missile, an orange blur passed all over the outer area where the Amazons were, which carried this monster dragging it all over the battlefield. 

But Hippolyta saw it as if in slow motion. A man with a flaming skull-shaped face passed by at a speed faster than sound. She could even swear that, as this being passed, he nodded his head at her.

Only one thought came into the Amazon Queen's head.

'Is this man… my future son-in-law?'



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (12 chapters ahead). Finished this arc on chapter 64 in P@treon.