

Markus and Cir-El sat aboard their flagship as it traveled through space.

Markus stared out the window in his quarters.

As he sat there, Cir-EL walked over to him and placed her arms around his shoulder. " What's the matter, Markus?"

Markus grabbed Cir-El's hand and kissed the back of it. " Sorry for worrying you. I'm just thinking about earth." Markus told the woman.

" What about it?"

" I'm just thinking about how different it is compared Valdar. The people are so much smaller and the vehicles they use, they're so weird. There's still so much I don't know about the planet. I hope I get the chance to go back someday."

Cir-El smiled. The child like smile on Markus' face brought a smile to her own. She leaned in close and kissed the man right on his cheek. " I'm sure we will. But for now, let's just focus on getting home. I'm sure your people are happily awaiting the return of their king."

" Yeah. I guess it's not all bad. But sometimes.... Sometimes I do wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't ended up on Valdar. But then I think, well if I didn't then I'd never have met you. And then that doubt begins to vanish. Still, finding out almost my entire family are well.... You saw them. It makes me feel glad to have not been raised around them. I feel like I would have turned out a monster if my father would allow it."

" But you know that'll never happen, right."

" Of course. Heh! Never mind me love. Just rambling, I guess."

Cir-El rubbed Markus' head and then grabbed his arm. " Come to bed, love. You've had a long trip. You need to sleep."

Markus stood up from his chair and followed the woman to their bed. Markus shed the little clothing he had and laid down with Cir-El, naked, in his arms. " I'll never get over how amazing your skin feels on mine. I could stay like this for days."

" Then why don't we?" Cir-El swung her hips over Markus' lap and straddled his hips.

" Because I don't think the ship can handle it." Cir-El let out a groan of disapproval before laying herself on Markus' chest. Markus laughed and rubbed the woman's head. " Rest love. We'll have plenty of time for that when we get home. For now, I think I'd like to just rest."

The lights in the cabin went dim and for the rest of the ride home.


As the voyager entered Valdar air space, the ship slowed down to appropriate breaking speed.

Cir-El and Markus awoke from their slumber and prepared themselves for descent.

" Would you look at that, everything is just fine. Looks like the world didn't go to hell while we were gone after all." Markus muttered.

" Yeah. And it looks like the city is as lively as ever. Just look." Cir-El pointed to the crowd of people outside, awaiting the return of the king.

" Oh boy." Markus muttered.

The people of Valdar gathered together to welcome the return of the royal family. Yes, the few weeks they were gone, they were missed greatly.

Despite the advances made in protecting the planet, the people of Valdar just did not feel the same kind of safety and protection Markus and Cir-El provided without them.

Markus and Cir-El descended from the ship together, the shouting and cheers of the citizens growing louder and louder as they approached.

" People of Valdar! Your king has returned!" Cir-El shouted.

The people of Valdar erupted even louder than before as Cir-El raised his arm up.

" Now! We know you have missed us greatly. But our trip has been one of great stress and we still have much to do. Please excuse us, for the moment. We will address our new acquittances in the coming days. Until then all of you rest your nerves. " Cir-El spoke. She grabbed Markus' arm and led him from the waiting people.

" Cir-El, where are we going?" Markus asked the woman.

" We still have much to do, husband. Many people to contact. And we still must be debriefed by Grog and the others. There is much to do."

" Very well. Let's get to work."


Far out in space, on the sinister world of Ranx, Home world of the Sinestro Corps.

" Lord Sinestro. I have come to report."

" What is it?"

" The Lanterns that we loaned to Mongul, they have not returned. In fact, they have been slain. The rings have returned to Ranx to be reassigned."

" Killed? By who? By what?"

" We do not know sir. But reports from scouts say the Green Lanterns have been seen in the area in recent weeks. I do not think it is unreasonable to believe that they are the ones responsible. What would you have us do?"

" Go to Valdar and speak with Mongul, discuss with him what has happened. I want a full report upon your return. Take Arkillo with you, just in case."

" As you command lord Sinestro. So, it shall be."

The yellow lantern grunt took a bow before leaving Sinestro's presence.

" What do you think Sinestro?" The woman speaking had blue skin and long black hair, and within her hands was a book. This woman was Lyssa Drak, keeper of the book of Parallax.

" I think nothing, Lyssa. Whatever the problem is, Arkillo will handle it. If it is the Green Lanterns they will die, and if it is something else then I will handle it when the time comes. For now, I'd prefer to keep focused on the present. Right? Mr. Rayner?"

" Nggh! Aghhh! Damn you Sinestro! You won't get away with this! Hal! John! Guy! The Whole corps will come crashing down on you for this."

" My dear boy. By the time the Greens realize you're gone. It'll be too late. Trust me, I know how complacent the guardians can be, especially with their lanterns. Or have you forgotten I was once one of you. Trust me, Kyle. Surrender to the fear. Join us. You will have a power like you've never seen before." Sinestro told the man.

" NghH! AHHHHHHH!!!!"

Kyle was placed in the center of the Yellow Lantern power battery, being fueled by its raw energy. Being feed on by the creature behind the battery. Despite the strength of his will, Kyle was slowly becoming one with the entity of fear itself. Just like Jordan had been so long ago, Kyle was becoming Parallax.