
Return to Base and new mission

Team Status Report," Batman said on the screen, to which I was told, "We investigated the Venom Factory. The factory had been taken over by the Cobra Cult. In the infiltration, Robin and Kid Flash got information on the drug. They had managed to combine the Venom with the Blockbuster formula, creating a dangerous and permanent drug."

"Seeing the effects of the drug changed the mission parameters. We couldn't allow that substance to reach the streets or the hands of villains from the League. Since the buyer was Sportmaster and there was enough to build an army, let alone continue producing it, I made the decision to blow up the factory and all the samples to put the operation out of service," I explained.

"It will be discussed in the cave," Batman said seriously, ending the call.

"Old man is angry," Wally said somewhat scared.

After an hour's journey, we arrived at Mount Justice and met with Batman. It was August 4th at 6 in the morning. We all stood with Batman staring at us.

"A simple reconnaissance mission: observe and report," he said, looking closely at me and moving in front of the six. "Each of you will receive a detailed evaluation of all your mistakes in writing. Until then, good job," he said, surprising us.

"No combat plan survives the first contact with the enemy as we adjust to the unforeseen. It is what determines success and who is chosen as the leader by character," he continued, leaving us to catch our breath.

We finally relaxed. "Well, how about we all have something to eat to celebrate the first official mission?" I suggested to lighten the mood.

"Come on, I'm starving," Wally said.

"You live with hunger," Robin replied.

Meanwhile, Sportmaster was giving a report to various people on distorted white screens. "I was only able to recover a single cobra venom blister," Sportmaster said.

"Drugs can be reverse-engineered, but what about our young heroes? First CADMUS, then Monsieur Tornado, now Santa Prisca," said a voice with a French accent.

"Once is coincidence, twice is coincidence, and three times is enemy action. The enemies of the Light will not be tolerated," said another voice.

"Gentlemen, we have to pay attention to this new hero called Archangel. There are no records of him anywhere. Our allies have no record of his weapons or powers," said another voice.

"No one will touch him. The Light is forbidden to touch him because he is a being that we cannot offend," said yet another voice.

"What could make you not want to deal with him?" asked a man.

"Something terrible. An Angel, one of the children of God. I only encountered one in my long life: Lucifer, the first of the Fallen. Meeting them is not good; they never come down to Earth and stay in their city," said the man.

"Yes, this child is an Angel. What is he doing here, and what are the chances we have to bring him to the Light?" said a female voice.

"No chance, and what he is doing on Earth, only his father knows the reason," said the voice.

"What weaknesses do they have, and how strong are they?" asked another voice.

"Very few weaknesses. I only know of one: they are killed by a dagger forged in hell. But they are impossible to obtain. Powerful – the weakest of them can kill us without effort," said the man.

The next day, Superboy had gone to Metropolis to see if he could learn about limits with Superman.

"Conner, remember you are not him. You are yourself, and we are all here to help you understand the limits that you have and that you put on yourself," I told him at the breakfast table.

He agreed and left for Metropolis. "He'll be fine," Megan said worriedly.

"No, Conner is like a child, Megan. He seeks Superman's approval, but the good guy is a bit stubborn. We'll all be there when the time is right," I said, looking at Megan as she had breakfast. Megan nodded, along with Kaldur.

Then Robin and Wally arrived, devouring all the food Megan had prepared. "Seriously, Wally, how much can you eat?" I said, surprised.

"Too much for more than I'm never satisfied," he said, finishing the last cookie.

"Well, what are we doing today? Batman is out, and so is Tornado and Canary," Robin said.

"Let's use the recreation room. Uncle Barry told me they added several games to pass the time," Wally suggested. In the end, we played for a few hours with Table Hockey.

"Recognized: Superboy B04." The entrance alarm sounded; it was Conner, and he looked angry.

"Hello, Conner. You're fine," Megan said, to which Conner advanced annoyed. She looked at him, patted his shoulder, and shook her head. From the control room, Black Canary and the Martian Detective entered.

Megan was happy and went to hug him. "Uncle J'onn, what are you doing here?" she said happily.

"Hello, M'gann. I was passing through the neighborhood and came to see how you've adapted," J'onn said. Conner saw this as I approached and hit him in the back.

"We are a team, Conner, a family. No matter what happens, we will always be there to help you," I said to reassure Conner, with Black Canary listening.

"Well, today we have class. I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I will teach you a lot about everything I learned from my mentors and my own bruises," Black Canary said, activating the room's floor, despite showing clear pain in her shoulder.

"What happened?" Megan said, worriedly.

"The job. Now, the fight is about controlling the conflict, having the fight on their terms. They must always act, never react. I'll need someone to train," Black Canary said.

Wally hurriedly raised his hand. "Here I am," he said, finishing his banana.

As he finished it, "After this, I'll show you my moves," Wally said confidently. However, Black Canary knocked him down in two moves—a blow to the head that Wally blocked and a quick sweep.

"3, 2, 1... Ding, ding. Kid Flash out cold," I said amused, with Robin holding back a laugh, just like Megan and Kaldur.

"Shut up, it hurts, it's too good," Wally said from the floor.

"Nice try, but someone knows what I did wrong," Canary said, lifting Wally up.

"I tried to flirt with the teacher, and they rejected it," Robin said humorously.

"He trusted himself, and you dictated the parameters of the combat with your experience. Flash Boy couldn't defend himself," I said seriously. Wally had no sense of combat.

"Exactly, he allowed me to set my terms," Canary said.

"Please, with some of our powers, no matter the terms, we are weapons of destruction," Conner said annoyed.

"Then try it," Canary said, with Conner stepping forward and assuming a fighting stance. He landed the first punch quite angrily, but Canary swiftly slammed him to the ground, sending him flying.

"You're full of anger. Channel it, don't let it go. Just like

that," Canary said, as Conner got up and attacked again. However, Canary once again swept the floor with a kick and knocked him down, with Conner snarling.

"It's over," Conner said. But Canary offered him her hand to help him up, which he ignored as he stood up.

"Training is mandatory," Black Canary said worriedly. But a giant screen showing Batman appeared and called us to a meeting. He played a video of the fight against a duplicate robot.

"Batman to the Team, 5 hours ago a new threat attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary. The attacker was able to study and duplicate the powers of his opponents. Arrow called for reinforcements, but it resulted in a disaster. The enemy gained power with each new fighter," Batman said, pausing the video of the beating they gave the League.

"That's bad enough," I said, seeing the seriousness of this matter.

"They saw that the guy had the powers of the entire League," Wally said.

"In the end, we needed 8 members of the League and four hours to defeat him and dismantle the android," Batman continued.

"An android. Who built it? T.O. Morrow?" Robin said, worried.

"Good thinking, Robin, but Red Tornado doesn't think so," Batman said.

"The technology bears the signature of Professor Ivo," the Martian Detective said.

"Wait, Ivo? The name sounds familiar to me. I think I saw it on one of my Aunt Azrael's lists," I said, trying to remember why.

"Maybe because Ivo is dead, that's why your aunt has him on the list," Kaldur said seriously.

"So he's alive, and that's not a short list, but how?" Robin said, surprised.

"I don't know that anymore. I only saw it once, and I didn't ask. Magic, technology, some kind of divinity, demonic pact, or all together are the ways to cheat death," I said, with everyone looking surprised.

"To neutralize this threat, the parts of the robot will be sent to two STAR Labs in Boston and New York. The League has taken all precautions. We have 4 fake trucks as decoys, in case Ivo or someone else wants to recover the remains. They will separate into undercover teams to escort the trucks," Batman said seriously.

"So now we take out your trash," Conner said annoyed.

"Do you have something better to do?" Batman said, patting Conner on the arm.

"Conner, breathe and let out the anger," I said, looking at the team's PDA.

"Coordinates obtained, on the way," I said, and everyone changed and went to the bio ship.

"Well, we are 6, and according to the data, Batman prepared motorcycles for us as transportation. We will divide into 2 teams: Robin, Conner, and me; Kaldur, Megan, and Wally will be the other team," I said.

"Old one doubt, we couldn't use the special bags and transport the parts?" Wally said.

We all looked at Wally. "That's an excellent idea. We'll discuss it with Batman. I'm only worried about one thing," I said.

"What could you worry about, Ethan?" Kaldur said.

"That droid has fragments of a soul. Robin said that Ivo was a scientist, so he could have digitized his soul. That's why he's on the evaders list," I said, remembering.

"Is that even possible? I mean, you can create an artificial consciousness, but that's impossible," Wally said seriously.

"Wally, I know you don't believe in magic, God, or demons. Luckily, you believe I exist. But if it's possible, Red Tornado has a soul because he earned it by doing good deeds. But this robot, I have no idea. I could only tell you if I see it in person," I said. Everything was possible somehow and another.

"What would be the probability?" Robin said, worried.

"You go down, but sometimes it happens," I said, looking at the PDA.

"I always wondered, weren't they all-knowing all-powerful?" Wally said sarcastically.

Ethan looked at him and sighed, "Look, this is between the 6 of us. We are not omniscient. Only my grandfather and grandmother have that gift. The others are semi-omniscient, but they do not know certain things, like sarcasm and others that my grandfather prefers to ignore right now. He is ignoring and he is surely playing solitaire or some board game. My uncles have a lot of information because they lived for eons and the demons because they torture the human souls of hell," I said, surprising everyone.

"Wait, Grandma? The Bible only talks about God," Robin said curiously.

"Private and family matter. They don't like to talk about it," I said, and they all nodded.

"In other matters, do you know how to ride a motorcycle? I mean, we never saw you drive or fly with your wings, always walking," Wally said.

"Conner taught me in the simulator. I almost killed myself a dozen times," I said seriously, the truth being that I learned from him.

"Almost? You crashed into a house three times. It took us a whole 8 hours for you to get up to speed," he said, almost laughing, with the whole team joining in.

"Okay, we're at the meeting point," I said, giving a small smile.

Upon arrival, we saw the League loading the parts. "I hate myself and my mouth. The droid has a spark of a soul, and it's pretty disgusting," I said, causing the team to cringe.


As I said before in a comment to the reader Bijou_Shneider, I was going to give you a preview of what Ethan can do when he's semi-angry, since many told me that he wasn't an OP being, and this isn't even OP.

I began to grow to an almost infinite size, while with my hand, I ripped away the Wayne mansion, exposing everyone. They looked at me in surprise, raising their heads almost looking into infinity.

"You don't understand, right? My grandfather is the creator of this universe. He was the first thing that existed. Just by thinking about it, I can create whatever I want. If I want, I can create galaxies, stars, star systems, planets, and even forms of life," I said while creating crowds of them. Some had animals already emerging from the ground. I even took a sun between my fingers. Tim, Barbara, and Alfred looked surprised to see this.

"But if I want, I can do this," I said, using a serious and dark tone of voice. I destroyed everything to nothing. I squeezed the sun in my hand, extinguishing it. The galaxies consumed themselves, just like the worlds. I blew gently into one of them, and it was reduced to nothing. Even the air I blew was like a destructive nova. The animals fell dead, turned to dust, just like the vegetation that was quickly dying, which frightened them.

"Your games are nothing to me, Bruce, but you put my wife and daughter at risk. Understand this, Bruce. You dare to lay a finger on my family, and you will pay dearly for it," I said as I stared at them.

"I had

the situation under control, and you failed the test. You compromised your integrity," he said, and seeing how angry I was and those words, that alone was enough for me to decide to punish him. I was going to show him for twenty thousand years all the deaths that the Joker caused. His pain, suffering, and last thoughts. The deaths of all the universes, and he would live them in his own flesh.

"Don't you understand, Bruce? I don't follow your rules. I do what's right. You just repeat the cycle over and over again," I said, showing all the universes where the Joker always did the same thing. He was locked up and escaped. I showed one where what happened to Barbara. She fell to the ground and vomited when she saw the Joker doing that to her. Then she shot him in the back. The Joker's unbridled laughter could be heard throughout the void due to the act. He had wrapped Bruce in chains and hung him in the infinity of the multiverse to show him that he was nothing.