
Ethan Morningstar

Hello readers, many people told me that Ethan is very nerfed to be the son of Lucifer and the truth is that yes, in Lucifer the series saw a concept called self-perception, how they perceive themselves, which is why Michael limped, Lucifer explains it as a chip , like Amenadiel who believed himself impure and his wings withered

But Ethan, he has Lucifer's powers but he doesn't use them out of fear and he only uses a few, chronokinesis, his creation ability is chaos manipulation and Lucifer only gets to use it when Michael dies and he creates his own universe, his punishment weapon has fear manipulation, he can revive the dead at will, manipulate both heavenly and infernal fire, he is a type 5 in Transcendence Causality something that few beings are like Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) (Characters with this type of Acausality they transcend the normal limits of cause and effect, existing outside the causality of a system. Even interacting with them normally can be virtually impossible.)

Now I'm writing how he gets mad at Batman for allowing the Joker to leave metropolis, to teach him not to mess with him he wraps Gotham in a bubble that he holds with his hands while he's at a type 11 size (Characters whose size can't be reached "stacking" infinites progressively on top of each other.)

As I said, his wife is from the DCeased Universe, the zombie universe, allowing him to go freely to other universes, but he is too lazy to go, bringing his wife and manipulating Fate.

The source did not kill him and it is made clear that Kyle reigned the green lantern, he only touched the wall, Ethan was submerged in the epicenter of it.

But let's say this Ethan if he wants or I write it he would just have to look for Darkside and blow to kill him or just see him, so if he is fucking dominated

List of Power Lucifer: https://featteca.fandom.com/es/wiki/Lucifer_Morningstar_(DC_C%C3%B3mics) Believe me when I say it has many powers