
Bad sensations in the air

"Oh, look at the time, 8:00 p.m.," I said, looking at the clock on the wall, although it wasn't that late.

"Seriously, thank you very much, Ethan, for everything, for my mother, and for not judging me," Artemisa said as she walked me to the door. She still had tears falling from her eyes.

"You're welcome, Artemis. We'll see you tomorrow," I said as I went down the stairs.

I don't know why, as I walked, I felt an unsettling feeling from the world, as if too much Mana was condensed at a fixed point, but it was murky and stagnating, becoming more and more turbid, which caused me to panic. I spread my wings and traveled to the Tower of Destiny.

When I arrived, I saw the tower, which I approached and touched the door that opened as I entered the main room where Nelson and Inza were alarmed.

"I see you felt it, a stagnant and dark amount of Mana," Kent Nelson said seriously.

"Yes, and malevolent, but where?" I said, with Nelson looking at me seriously.

"It's concerning, but we can't locate the source until it's concentrated," Nelson said as he picked up a communicator.

"We called the League," I said, staring at him as he contacted someone.

"Yes, it is a worrying issue, whatever it is. I will call Zatara, and the three of us will look for the source of what is causing this," Nelson said. After half an hour, Zatara arrived, and Zatanna accompanied him, although she was wearing pink pajamas.

"Nelson, are you sure about this?" Zatara said, looking at us seriously.

"If Nabu felt the dark mana running through the world like a focus," Kent Nelson said as we all walked to an empty room.

"I felt it. I was in Gotham, and that city is contaminated, like something running slowly through the telluric currents," I said seriously.

"Then it's serious. We contacted the League," Zatanna said with fear.

"Yes, but the League can't do anything about this," Nelson said, to which Zatanna was shocked.

"Zatanna, of the entire League, the only ones who understand the mystical are Nelson and your father, maybe Constantine. Of the team, it's me," I said with her nodding.

"Well, if we unite powers, we can trace the origin," Nelson said, opening a blank space in the tower into which the four of us entered.

"Zatara, your turn, your equal child," Nelson said, to which he created a replica of the planet Earth in the room. Zatara then pointed to the world.

"Notional eht laever," Zatara said, and North America lit up.

Nelson moved his hands, and a golden Ankh formed and illuminated the American Midwest.

"It is not enough. In my Name, Ethan Morningstar, I order you to reveal the origin of that darkness," I said, with Zatanna looking at me with fear when she knew my last name.

A golden dot appeared on the map. "Midway City," Zatara said seriously.

"Now we inform the League," Nelson said, calling Red Tornado and explaining the situation.

Zatanna looked at me with fear, and I shook my head. "So I'm afraid because I'm the son of Lucifer," I said, looking at her seriously.

"I had my suspicions that there are only two Demiurges: Samael or Lucifer and Michael. Added to the fact that only 1 of those two is known to be on Earth, and, well, let's say that his fame, as you know, precedes him," Zatanna said reasonably.

"You're scared," I said, looking at her with some amusement.

"A little, but everyone has a right to their secrets, and I doubt you're the same as your father," Zatanna said, with me nodding.

"The League is waiting for us in the Watchtower," Nelson said, to which we all went, including Zatanna. Nelson transported us, and several of the members were there, except Aquaman.

"Nelson, we investigated what they found. Something is indeed happening in Midway City," Batman said, showing satellite images of how metal gathered in a circle.

"That's bad, very, very bad," I said, looking at the circle, knowing that that thing was a magic weapon.

"Yes, boy, that is a great magic weapon," Nelson said, looking more at the image.

"But who can do something like that?" said Giovanni Zatara.

"If the three of you don't mind, tell us what this is," Green Arrow said, to which the three of us looked at each other.

"A magic weapon, or rather, a construct to channel magic power," Nelson said.

"Primitive and crude, but lethal. It could erase half of the United States. The magic particles gather in the ring and are used as a magic cannon. Is there an image or report of the city?" I said, looking at the magic weapon.

"Several," Batman said, showing images of monsters full of eyes attacking civilians and dragging them away.

"Those are Eyes of the Adversary," Nelson said, watching the videos.

"Who was the monster to do that?" I said, trembling with fury.

The League was surprised. Zatara said, "Those creatures were human. Someone used magic to transform their body and soul into something grotesque," the man said.

"They were denied entry to Heaven and Hell; they are not going anywhere; they will simply cease to exist," I said, closing my eyes.

Batman was on the computer. "I found the cause. A few hours ago, Amanda Waller's squad, Special Force "Enchantress," freed a being that started all this in the Midway Center subway. You will deploy your group to contain the disaster," Batman said.

"That group made up of villains that we locked up," Superman said, a little worried.

"Yes, among them Deadshot, Harley Quinn, El Diablo, Slipknot, Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang, led by Colonel Richard Flag Jr., along with Katana," Batman said, projecting the photos.

"It's not the idiots who shot me in my house," I said, looking at the images.

"Yes, it was Deadshot, Harley Quinn, along with Flag and Bronze Tiger," Batman said, to which I nodded, remembering them.

"I'll call the team and tell them to get ready," I said to Batman.

"Yes, but we have other problems. Atlantis was attacked a few hours ago by Black Manta. There is a lot of destruction and injuries," Batman said.

"Wasn't Kaldur in Atlantis?" I said, to which Batman nodded.

"Ethan, go to Mount Justice and gather the team. They will be the support of the League and will evacuate every living thing they find in Midway City," Batman said.

To which I nodded and left for Mount Justice. When I arrived, I saw Tornado.

"Ethan, Batman authorizes your mission permission," Tornado said, showing one of the screens.

"Authorize Mission, B06 Archangel, Magic Invasion priority 1, Team Alarm," I said, as the base went into alarm mode.

Conner came running with Megan. "Ethan, what the hell is going on?" Conner said, looking at me seriously.

"Trouble. Midway City has fallen into invasion," I said, with Conner and Megan watching me.

"Oh no, that's a horrible thing," Megan said, looking at me in shock.

"Let's wait for the rest of the team, so as not to explain more times," I said while I created a table and began to create objects from nothing: arrows for Artemis in large quantities in a special quiver, medical liquid, and sacred barriers to defend people if we saw ourselves surrounded.

After 10 minutes, everyone came through the boom tube.

"Dude, since when do we have a code called End 03?" Wally said disheveled.

"Since Batman created the codes, End 03 is an invasion of a city by supernatural forces," Robin said.

"Yes, now everyone, at 8:00 p.m., I felt a magical disturbance in the air of the Earth. I went with Kent Nelson and Giovanni Zatara, and between the three of us, we managed to locate the disturbance in Midway City. At first, it was slight, and it increased rapidly, so we communicated it to the League," I said while showing the pictures and videos.

"At 9:00 p.m., these images and videos were detected running through the Internet. A being began to attack the Midway subway, transforming people into these beings called Eyes of the Adversary. They were humans who, by mystical means, were transformed into flesh and soul. They act like a hive mind," I said while showing the videos.

"The report says that Waller sent his Special Force X, composed of villains, who captured the League," Robin said, raising an eyebrow.

"That woman is crazy, using villains and not just anyone; this is Harley Quinn and Killer Croc," Wally said, looking at the names.

"The problem comes later, Wally. One of their members called Enchantress revealed herself and is the one who caused all this," I said, showing Batman's reports.

"So what mission do we have?" Conner said, looking at the images.

"Save as many civilians as we can. These things are Magic, so we will need special means. Artemis takes the new quiver, which has arrows that can disintegrate the Eyes of the Adversary. Conner, brass knuckles that have the same effect; Robin, a new staff; Wally, also brass knuckles and a bag full of energy food," I said, with everyone taking the golden weapons I had bathed in holy water.

"What about Kaldur?" Wally said.

"That's another report. Atlantis was attacked by Black Manta. Kaldur will stay home for now to help," I said, with everyone shocked.

"Too many coincidences for one night," Robin said seriously as he looked at me.

"Yes, too many," I said seriously, while everyone got ready, and we climbed into the Bio-Ship.