
DC: Son of Hermes

Lonelytune · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Gift of Hermes

Ben supported Hermes as they walked slowly through the alley, the weight of the god's injuries apparent in every step. Despite the absurdity of the situation, Ben couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. A god had chosen him, of all people, to inherit divine powers.

"You mentioned powers," Ben said, his voice a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "What kind of powers are we talking about?"

Hermes glanced at Ben, a faint smile playing on his lips. "The powers I bestow upon you are those of speed and agility, unmatched by any mortal. You will move with the swiftness of the wind, traverse great distances in mere moments, and even defy gravity itself. In addition, you will possess the gift of languages and communication, allowing you to understand and speak any tongue."

Ben's eyes widened. "That's... incredible," he breathed. "But why me?"

Hermes paused, leaning against a brick wall for support. "Your heart is pure, Ben. You have the courage and kindness that many lack. The world needs someone like you, someone who can use these powers for good."

Ben felt a swell of pride and responsibility. "I'll do my best," he promised. "But how do I actually get these powers?"

Hermes straightened, summoning the last of his strength. "Hold out your hands," he instructed. Ben obeyed, and Hermes placed his hands over Ben's, a golden light enveloping them both.

"You are now my successor, Ben Colburn. Use these gifts wisely," Hermes said, his voice growing fainter. "I must return to the divine realm to heal. Remember, your heart will guide you."

With that, Hermes began to fade, his form dissolving into the same golden light. Ben watched in awe as the god disappeared, leaving him alone in the alley.

For a moment, Ben stood there, unsure if anything had changed. He looked at his hands, expecting to see some sign of power, but they looked the same. A flicker of doubt crept into his mind. Had it all been a dream? Had Hermes truly given him these incredible abilities?

He made his way home, his mind racing with questions. When he arrived, the small apartment was quiet. His mother was asleep, her frail form illuminated by the soft glow of the bedside lamp. Ben sighed, the familiar weight of worry settling back onto his shoulders. He needed to focus on the practical, the immediate, like making sure his mom had everything she needed.

Ben changed into his pajamas and sat on his bed, replaying the events of the evening. He reached for his phone to check the time, but as he did, something strange happened. The second hand on the clock had stopped moving. The world around him was completely still.

Ben's heart pounded in his chest as he looked around. Time itself had frozen. He stood up, testing his movements, and found that he could move freely while everything else remained suspended. A wide grin spread across his face as realization dawned.

Hermes had kept his promise. Ben had received the powers of a god.

The chapter ended with Ben standing in his room, the possibilities of his newfound abilities stretching out before him like an endless horizon.