He can not die, in his last world at least. Can this new nonsensical world prove to be a challenge to that? Or will death still be his bitch? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me. (By Stanley Artgerm)
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[33 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]
Chapter 160: So Much Charity!? I'm Blushing IV
"Hahh," Ian let out a long breath, taking him more than a split second! Before vanishing again, right away. The hunt has begun.
He found out the entity of fear's location, so next came the others. Fortunately for him, he didn't have to cut off the arms of the violet lanterns as they were handed to him on a silver platter.
Amidst the chaotic battle, a red lantern cut off not only one of a violet lantern's arms but also her legs. In a battle on such a large scale, such a thing was bound to happen.
And it happened at such an opportunistic time as Ian suddenly stood right amidst the scene. He could see the violet lantern's arm, hell, even a part of her stood; still in the air, seemingly frozen in time.
Her blood was the same, stuck in the air while everyone around him looked the same.
There are some lantern members capable of moving at unimaginable speeds, even the speed of light, but those are so rare even across all of time.
So naturally, none of the lower brackets of the lanterns were able to perceive him, let alone do something against him.
What's even rarer were lanterns who could use their respective emotional force without the ring, basically summoning the required energy without needing a medium.
Due to that, Ian didn't need to worry about being countered by lantern corps members who could only destroy like just cities.
The violet lantern of love could only stay there frozen as her memories were read like an open book.
That was soon followed by her assailant, the one who cut off her hand, having his hand cut off before Ian read his memories also.
Violet lanterns. Red lanterns. Yellow lanterns. Those were done, only three more to go.
Next came hope, a wonderful thing. Ian appreciates it a lot. It's something he has deep within him, keeping it hidden.
He hopes he can find the answers he seeks. He hopes he won't hate what he finds. He hopes to never die despite how against common sense that concept is.
He hopes to discover what he seeks without losing his life. He can not die, but he can lose his life simply by losing his freedom or losing himself.
He has many hopes, so he went easy on the blue lanterns as he cut off only one finger, the one with the ring.
Then came indigo, the light of compassion. The indigo light can be wielded by one with great compassion for other beings and can manipulate the other energies of the emotional spectrum.
Unfortunately, it's basically brainwashing because aside from the indigo lantern corps' leader, everyone else is completely submissive to the rings' power, a side effect of sorts, just like Red lanterns are lost in their rage.
It, however, has great power as it allows one to manipulate all emotional spectrum, albeit at a limited scale.
Just like the other rings, Ian got it over with without any trouble, but this is where things start to get harder. There is only one ring to go, that of greed.
The orange light of Avarice. This one is very special for one simple reason, there exists only one member in the orange lantern corps.
Now that is odd considering around him many creatures in orange uniforms were fighting all around. That's however where the light of greed's oddness comes from.
Those aren't living creatures, but merely constructs and creatures killed by Larfleeze.
You see, wielders of the orange light have been shown to become twisted by their greed, and obsessively guard their property and steal possessions from others.
Larfleeze considers the entirety of the Avarice to be his, so he couldn't simply allow others to have it for themselves even if they're under his rule.
That's why His Orange Lanterns were composed of the identities of individuals killed by the Orange Light.
But those orange lanterns also have rings. It's a necessity, but those are just not the rings that matter because they're already dead.
Ian even went ahead and tried it on one of them, but he could read nothing from their mind because the moment they lose their connection with their rings, they become dead cold bodies with no soul.
As such, he had no choice but to target Larfleeze. The problem was that he was a host of the entity of Avarice, Ophidian, one of the strongest entities in all of the emotional spectrum.
Even Ian's unimaginable speed wouldn't do much against such a thing because to a certain extent, those entities are ignorant of time and speed.
Ophidian will definitely be able to stop him from getting what he wants unless Ian went all out, but that will likely lead to the complete evaporation of Larfleeze, thus losing access to Ophidian's location.
"Guardians, I hope you can hear my voice because if not, things will be quite bad. You know my goal, and you should know what I'm doing at the moment... You should also know what I want next."
His voice didn't come out of his mouth but from his mind. He used the energy of The psychic to deliver his words to the guardians as a clear plan emerged in his mind.
"So care to help me for free? By the way, Oa can no longer be your home after what'll do... It's for the better though, isn't it?"
It almost sounded like a threat, but it was not. He was simply asking for a charity, and their positive response almost had him blushing.
Too much charity for him, so much, in fact, he became even more suspicious of the guardians' plans.
These are all minds that lived for eternity. They went through a lot. They saw a lot, and they certainly know more than him, so Ian was cautious of them despite his lightning speed mind.
Not to say Ian doesn't know much because he does. He had read the book of eternity, a book written by Belial, son of Trigon.
The book contains much of the demon's knowledge, recording the history of the universe, but even that wasn't enough.
The guardians of the universe started acting right away, seemingly escaping the battle. All of them suddenly found themselves surrounding Ion with their hands in the air.
It was like a demonic ritual, albeit it was for the good of their people and allies. Ion had already overworked itself, but they sought to do it again on a much larger scale.
The universe glowed green once more with such force, not one being in the entirety of the universe missed it.
Neither Sinestro, Atrocitus, nor Larfleeze were able to stop them. The guardians all acting at the same time was simply too much, something they're able to handle in battle, but this was no battle but a tactical retreat.
A spark of will glowed on all green lanterns and their allies. A second later, Oa became a dead silent planet.
Every one of them vanished from the planet, seemingly teleporting somewhere else.
The only ones left on the planet were the yellow lanterns, red lanterns, orange lanterns, and even white Martians. All were stunned, uncertain of what happened.
Sinestro, however, understood that they escaped which is odd because, in his eyes, they were winning. In fact, he was seeking to escape himself with his lantern corps.
So he was understandably cautious in stark contrast to all the red lanterns whose rage rose to such an extent they lose their mind entirely.
They hate the green lanterns and the guardians more than anyone else, but they can't get them.
Even when they got so close, they still failed, so they redirected their rage on the planet Oa and all that is around them, including the other lanterns around them.
Not just that, Larfleeze was even more lost to his greed, seeking to bring every lantern left on the planet to his side. To turn them into a puppet of Avarice.
And thus started another war as the enemy easily turned on themselves much to Ian's dismay. I mean, it wasn't far-fetched, but it happened so easily.
Still, he didn't dwell on those thoughts as he teleported back to space. His posture changed instantly as if he was about to throw something, a Trident.
"Trident Of Neptune. If you behave and worked with me on what I'm about to do next, I'll let you go. I swear by name as the god of charity."
His muscles tightened, brimming with such a force they threatened to break space around them. He switched from the Rose of magic to that of Kryptonian energy, Platinium energy, his newest find.
3rd place in the rankings= 1 extra chapter!
2nd place in the rankings= 2 extra chapters!!
1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!
I don't think it's possible but here it is...