He can not die, in his last world at least. Can this new nonsensical world prove to be a challenge to that? Or will death still be his bitch? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me. (By Stanley Artgerm)
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Chapter 4: Rise Of The Petty Thieves
Ian on the other hand covered himself with a dirty brown coat after spraying a bit of dark chocolate on his face and dirtying his hair a bit. He then slept next to the old man, "Well, good night old Ralf."
Ian didn't really think about his plans much. He's the adventurous type, the one who turns off his brain most of the time to make things more exciting.
His gift allowed for him to have that luxury, or more like, his gift is what drove him to be how he is.
However, his plan ended up working out just fine. The police did end up searching the alleyway and ended up coming across the duo.
They were only two officers and they had their guns out, "They're just two lowly beggars."
The other officer nodded before yelling, "Hi!! Wake up!!" However, they got little to no response, Ralf just move a bit, getting into a more comfortable position.
One of the officers used his radio to ask, "Hi, Marty ask the store manager if any of the robbers had a beard." "I know they had a mask, but I'm asking if any had a large beard, trust me, it would be noticeable even under a mask."
He was talking with his fellow officers on the radio for about a minute. He really didn't think it'd be the beggars, but he at least made sure, "Yeah, it's not them."
The other officer walked to the shopping cart which was covered by a grey dirty cloth, he moved it a bit before letting go.
It was extremely dirty and wet making him frown. He also noticed just more garbage beneath it, so they just moved on.
As for Barney and Mike, they were lost in the crowd of people in the city.
It wasn't long before Ian and Ralf 'Woke up', They pushed the shopping cart with them and made their way to an alleyway near the warehouse.
There they found Barney and Mike waiting for them, "We fucking did it!!!! How much made did weee????"
They both were extremely excited that they even forgot how to speak. Ian allowed them to have their moment and even let out a laugh of his own.
"Unfortunately, there isn't much to make from stores, we only scored about 80 bucks, a watch, and all the things you guys took."
"Wait, 80 bucks??? Holy fuck, that can feed us for like a few months. Moreover, we also took all that extra shit with us, so much food."
They were in the life of homelessness for a long time, so they learned the craft, the ways of min-maxing are in their blood. Eighty bucks could even feed them for a year.
"It's really not much, I think we just got to our homeless life, so we see it as a lot. Imagine going to jail for years just for 80 bucks. Jail isn't a forgiving place, I can tell you that especially in this shithole of a city."
Ralf started sharing his experience though he couldn't hide the smile on his face. It really has been a long time since he felt like he's achieved something.
"Indeed, it's not much for the risk, but we have to start somewhere." Ian agreed.
Barney's eyes started shining with brilliance as if he had just discovered the solution to immortality, and to existence, "How about we take over an entire store!? Right? We can have all the food inside, holy fuck, right?"
Mike next to him couldn't help but smack his head, "What nonsense are you saying? Won't cops just shoot us down? Like, how do you expect us to take everything in the store?"
However, Ian heard this and saw an opportunity as his light brown eyes shone under the darkness of the moonlight.
"No that's actually a brilliant idea. Do you know what's the fastest way to make money?"
The trio of Ralf, Mike, and even Barney was confused, "It is?"
"I don't know? I guess by stealing banks?"
"Nah, it's probably by having a big company or something?"
Ian let out a chuckle, "It's actually quite simple. All you have to do is to get people to make money for you.
Let's take drug dealers as an example. The ones who make the most money are the ones who distribute drugs to lower dealers. The latter do most of the work while the former reap most of the benefits.
Stealing from banks will attract way more attention from the cops and in-depth investigation while they won't pay as much attention to store robberies as long as we keep it clean."
"I still don't get it?" Mike said though Ralf on the side seemed to have understood something.
Ian explained further, "First, we'll have to rob a few more stores then but ourselves phones not just to communicate, but also to keep pictures and information of the people who'll work for us.
Also, if someone working for us lost the 'products' two times, they'll be fired no questions asked. This is to make sure no one fucks us over.
We'll also give them the same exact products and a certain amount of money they have to bring back, they can keep the rest. It all depends on how good they are in selling things, but the products would obviously have to be much cheaper than they were in stores.
We'll also have to be careful lest a bat comes knocking on our doors. We need a front, a scapegoat."
"D-do you really not have experience?" Ralf couldn't help but question. He himself had a bit of experience but before he had any chance to gain anything, he ended up behind bars.
"I guess I kind of do have experience from movies and books I have watched and read, and it all worked out fine." Ian started stroking his chin, seemingly thoughtful, but when he responded...
The trio's face couldn't help but twitch as Barney questioned, sometimes he can say the smartest thing, most other times he speaks the language of nonsense.
"Wait? Your ideas came from movies and books? Then why do they make so much sense?"
"Don't mind that. Let's start, but we first need a base where we will store things. Any ideas."
"I have an idea... In the sewers not far from the warehouse, we just have to clean the place and guard it." Ralf spoke his mind.
That started the legend of the petty thieves, they leave absolutely nothing behind even if it's worthless, it's worth something in their strange mind, an absolute menace to society though not that worthy of attention in contrast to the numerous crimes happening every day in Gotham.
However, at one point it got so ridiculous that even some influential figures had to interfere.
Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/voidness75
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